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(4/9/2017) [1.2.x] v0.6: Revamped Stock Solar System

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  On 8/15/2016 at 1:41 AM, GregroxMun said:

(Full Album)

This new Duna is based upon the 0.17-0.20 Duna project from RejuvenatedDuna. It has been modifed significantly and includes some aspects of the more recent Duna as well as the revamped Duna from RevSSS 0.2-0.4. Overall, a drastic improvement in my opinion over the previous Revamp of Duna. I definitely need to redo Ike now. And biomes.


It looks great!

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  On 8/16/2016 at 2:05 AM, Rory Yammomoto said:

erm, can there be a slightly bigger gravity well for the red moon of jool (cannot remember name)? I know it is supposed to be a challenge, but can it be, say, 9 km higher?


(I just slapped a probe into it because I did not catch it at exactly the right moment. I am a little salty)


If you want to change the sphere of influence, find the config file: RevampedStockSystem/KopernicusFiles/JoolSystem/Ameli.cfg and change the sphere of influence number. Note that this is from planetary center, not from surface.

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  On 8/16/2016 at 2:10 PM, Rory Yammomoto said:

@GregroxMun I know. that is exactly the reason I slapped a probe into it. the gravity well is too small - smaller than the planet in some directions. it shouldn't even be able to hold itself together with that.


It's not smaller than the planet. I ensured that it's larger than the highest point. I don't remember if it was by 5 or 10 km. But I did make sure you could enter an equatorial orbit.

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  On 8/16/2016 at 2:17 PM, GregroxMun said:

It's not smaller than the planet. I ensured that it's larger than the highest point. I don't remember if it was by 5 or 10 km. But I did make sure you could enter an equatorial orbit.


hmm.... (I'm chalking it up to the fact that I couldn't get anything that wasn't a collision course to the planet and stable)\


Speaking of which... Has anyone tried to fly past all of jool's moons with this mod? 

Edited by Rory Yammomoto
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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's a few questions I'd like all y'all's feedback on:

Which Optional Features do you have activated in RevSSS? [StrawPoll]

What should the Big Giant Storm on Jool look like? [StrawPoll] EDIT: Do NOT vote blue/green. It looks awful. EDIT2: Seriously guys I'm going to take your blue votes and launch them into the sun.

Should Duna and Mun be rescaled to more closely match their real world analogues? (1/10 scale analogues, of course. Keep in mind I did do this to Jool) [StrawPoll]

What do you feel Revamped Stock System absolutely needs the most? [StrawPoll]

What do you want for extra gas giants? [StrawPoll]


Edited by GregroxMun
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OK, so I've been thinking, at I have a lot of work to do before I can release RevSSS 0.5. So instead, I'm splitting RevSSS 0.5 into two and a half updates: 0.5, 0.5.5, and 0.6.


What's in 0.5

  • Jool's algae-filled atmosphere given an oxygen content.
    • This should make Jool datum-level ascents possible.
    • This can be toggled off in the settings.cfg.
  • Much better, totally new Jool texture.
  • Redone Jool Moon orbits.
  • Revamped Vall (For the third time).
  • Duna Revamp 3.

What will be in 0.5

  • New Biomes for Duna and Jool.
  • Optional config to change Mun and Duna sizes to more closely match Luna and Mars. (Mun is too big, Duna is too small)
  • Asteroid configs.
    • Less common near-Kerbin objects.
    • Remove Dresteroids.
    • Add an asteroid belt at the approximate semi-major-axis of Dres.
    • Irregular Jool Satellites in eccentric, inclined, and distant orbits.
  • Small Asteroid Moon for Duna and Ike.
    • Named Rimos
      • From the ancient Kerbal god of the third wheel.
    • Orbital parameters informed by the orbits of the Plutocharonian moons, rather far out.
  • Modify Science Multipliers for Jool Moons.

What will be in 0.5.5

  • Will not be separate from 0.5 if Kopernicus 1.1.3-2 is released soon.
  • Duna Revamp 4.
    • Requires a fix for a PQSMod in an upcoming version of Kopernicus.
  • Ike Revamp 3.
  • New Biomes for Duna and Ike.

What will be in 0.6

  • Fix Moho's AtmosphereFromGround
    • I need to fix the atmosphere shader, as I unswapped templates from 0.3 to 0.4.
  • Biomes for Kev, Ameli, Gilly, Bop, and Vall.
  • Mun art pass:
    • Slightly browner coloration.
    • Fix or Remove the Judy Crater (the big white one) MapDecal.
  • Tiny Blob moon for Eeloo.
    • Named Mix
      • From the modern Kerbal mythological present-giving fairy of snow.
    • Eccentric, high orbit. It's a captured Transjoolian object.

What will be in 1.0

  • Revamp Science Definitions
    • These should be more actually scientific. They should expose some of the nature of the planet, how it formed, and other mysteries of the Kerbal's solar system.
    • Minmus isn't pudding.
    • Crew and EVA reports made in first person, not second person.
    • Sensor reports (thermometer, barometer, seismometer, and gravimeter) written in third person.
    • Surface samples, Mystery Goo reports, and Material Lab reports remain in second person.
  • More advanced settings to toggle in the settings.cfg.
    • Taking suggestions for this.
  • DDS texture conversion, re-enable Kopernicus' OnDemand feature.
    • This will save a lot of memory.
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I want less pixelly Kerbin, mainly. it looks like it came from a minecraft mod currently.


Also, I accidentally clicked the wrong thing on the OPM poll, what I meant to say was add moar moons for the Outer Planets.

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My comments/votes for your polls:

I haven't played much with RVSS.  I worked on getting it set up once, spent a lot of time on it, but kinda gave up on it, waiting for it to be more complete.  Once it is complete, I plan to do a youtube series playing in it.

I would love both the Mun and Duna to be scaled more closely to their real-world counterparts.  However, it can be optional, or maybe make it default with an option to switch back.  Not a big deal either way.

I'm intrigued by a dark green/blue spot on Jool.  I'm not certain how it would look, and I'm having trouble picturing it, so a mock-up might be in order.  I also really like the orange spot with the banded green and white.

My biggest request also coincides with the outer planets.  I'm fine with OPM.  I think it is a great mod.  Maybe ultimately you can do another expansion as part of your revisit config, but I wouldn't worry about making a whole bunch of new planets, unless you want to.  If you're passionate about it, go for it.  However, what I would really like is for RVSS to be fully compatible with Principia, including an OPM RVSS config that is also fully compatible with Principia.  To me, that seems like a gold-standard.  If you don't have or don't want to use Principia, no worries, it isn't required.  But if you want to, the orbits will all work and allow you to explore with it.

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  On 8/31/2016 at 12:13 AM, Cetera said:

My comments/votes for your polls:

I haven't played much with RVSS.  I worked on getting it set up once, spent a lot of time on it, but kinda gave up on it, waiting for it to be more complete.  Once it is complete, I plan to do a youtube series playing in it.

I would love both the Mun and Duna to be scaled more closely to their real-world counterparts.  However, it can be optional, or maybe make it default with an option to switch back.  Not a big deal either way.

I'm intrigued by a dark green/blue spot on Jool.  I'm not certain how it would look, and I'm having trouble picturing it, so a mock-up might be in order.  I also really like the orange spot with the banded green and white.

My biggest request also coincides with the outer planets.  I'm fine with OPM.  I think it is a great mod.  Maybe ultimately you can do another expansion as part of your revisit config, but I wouldn't worry about making a whole bunch of new planets, unless you want to.  If you're passionate about it, go for it.  However, what I would really like is for RVSS to be fully compatible with Principia, including an OPM RVSS config that is also fully compatible with Principia.  To me, that seems like a gold-standard.  If you don't have or don't want to use Principia, no worries, it isn't required.  But if you want to, the orbits will all work and allow you to explore with it.


I've actually tried to do a blue/green spot, and I have found that it looks awful.

Funny you mention Principia though. It's one of the tricky bits for doing Dunaike moon Rimos, because Ike will make the orbit of Rimos subcircular and even less stable. (To see what I mean, turn on keplerian orbit rendering in Universe Sandbox2 while looking at Plutonian Moons.) I'll have to trial and error a working principia compatibility mode I think.


And speaking of Principia, it is going to have axial tilt. I intend to include tilt and KSCswitcher configs for it after 1.0.

  • Moho: 0o
  • Eve: 177o (Retrograde)
  • Kerbin:
    • Axial Tilt of 23 degrees.
    • Launch Site Switcher Support:
      • All space center plateaus will be baked into scaledspace map.
      • 28o: Kerman Space Center at Cape Kerman (Cape Kennedy/Canaveral-like)
      • 34o: Millops Spaceflight Facility at Millops Peninsula (Wallops Flight Facility-like)
      • 46o: Kosmodrom Otnezamour at Otnezamour (Baikonur-like)
      • 0o (stock) Kerbal Space Center at Booster Bay (Kourou-like)
  • Mun: Orbit tilted to 5off the ecliptic, 28o off equatorial. Tidally locked, so true tilt of 0o.
  • Minmus: Orbit tilted to 11o off the ecliptic, 34o off equatorial. Axial tilt relative to Kerbin-centric orbit of 72o.
  • Duna: 2o
  • Ike: 0o
  • (Rimos): 0o
  • Dres: 4o
  • Jool: 3o
  • Jool's major moons: No axial tilt relative to orbit.
  • Kev, Ameli, Bop: No axial tilt relative to orbit.
  • Gobe: 72o
  • Pol: 1o
  • Eeloo: 52o
  • (Mix): 14o


Edited by GregroxMun
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  On 8/30/2016 at 10:43 PM, GregroxMun said:

Here's a few questions I'd like all y'all's feedback on:

Which Optional Features do you have activated in RevSSS? [StrawPoll]

What should the Big Giant Storm on Jool look like? [StrawPoll] EDIT: Do NOT vote blue/green. It looks awful. EDIT2: Seriously guys I'm going to take your blue votes and launch them into the sun.

Should Duna and Mun be rescaled to more closely match their real world analogues? (1/10 scale analogues, of course. Keep in mind I did do this to Jool) [StrawPoll]

What do you feel Revamped Stock System absolutely needs the most? [StrawPoll]

What do you want for extra gas giants? [StrawPoll]



A bit late to the party, but I will offer my 2-cents anyways if you are still interested...


For how I see it, you can approach this in 2 ways:

1- change the stock system to be a better analogue to the solar system

2- change the stock system to be a better kerbalized version of the solar system


the difference might not seem obvious, this is what I mean:

there are some features that make the stock system distinctively different from the solar system, and some of those features have become somewhat a symbol for ksp.

for example, Duna is clearly a mars analogue, but it's bright red instead of dull-orangey like mars, plus it has big polar caps.

some other features of duna (size and mass) are not really influencial so changing them would not ruin the "kerbal feel"


on the contrary the Mun appearance doesn't have many identifying marks, but its position and size are much more important to the general kerbal feel.


this is why I think changing the physical parameters of duna would be fine, while I would rather play on a system that maintains the Stock Kerbin/Mun relationship.


Ironically I never felt like Ike was very important to the kerbal feel of Duna, so to me even losing Ike in favor of 2 asteroid-like moons would be fine


The green color of Jool has been a distinctive feature of ksp as well, I like how you changed the texture and I don't really have any preference on the color of the Great Spot, although I would really love to see what they look like.


For the extra gas giants I only have one suggestion: since jool color is very distant from jupiters, I think it would be fitting to make the other gas giant analogues have a color distant from their counterparts

there are different ways to approach this, but one could be to use the same HUE difference that you see from Jupiter>Jool to select the colors of the new gas giants (as opposed as OPM which basically uses a color scheme very similar to RSS)

this is what it would look like more or less


of course these are just my opinions and you should really do whatever you think is best.

everything turned out pretty good so far so I trust you'll :wink: make the right decision 

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  On 9/5/2016 at 11:05 AM, Sigma88 said:

For how I see it, you can approach this in 2 ways:

1- change the stock system to be a better analogue to the solar system

2- change the stock system to be a better kerbalized version of the solar system


I have always thought of this mod as a way of reconciling the two ideas. The idea being that for any obvious analogues, I try to make them a little closer to their analogues, but for any obvious non-analogues, I try to keep their individual spirit. That's why I threw away the initial idea that I would make Ike brown/grey like Phobos. That's also why I didn't make Laythe into Io, Vall into Europa, or Tylo into Ganymede, or Eve into the size of Venus.

The sun is resized into 1/10 G2V size (sun-size) instead of some other type based upon its actual size, because I know where Kerbin orbits and it's about 1/10 of an AU. Therefore the star needs to be an analogue of the real sun if Kerbin is to remain the way it is.

Some of the changes are for the sake of both Kerbalness and Authenticity. Jool is green in stock, and there wasn't any way I was going to change that fact so extremely as to remove it. But Jool is the Jupiter analogue. So I wanted to make it more Jupitery and still keep its Joolness. So I made green algae infested cloud belts and white algaeless zones, that look much more like Jupiter's banding than Jool's. But I also wanted to keep some of the cloud structures that Jool has for the latest texture. By its physical appearance, stock Jool actually looks more like a Saturn analogue. It is much closer in gravity to Saturn, as well as size. Even its cloud bands resemble Saturn's a little bit more in stock. I changed this for two reasons: 1: makes it more Jupitery like everyoneme wants. 2: makes the moon orbits less wobbly/unstable.

I could go into more detail, but the point is that for almost everything I do that makes things much closer to the stock system, I use toggleable configs.

  On 9/5/2016 at 11:05 AM, Sigma88 said:

For the extra gas giants I only have one suggestion: since jool color is very distant from jupiters, I think it would be fitting to make the other gas giant analogues have a color distant from their counterparts

there are different ways to approach this, but one could be to use the same HUE difference that you see from Jupiter>Jool to select the colors of the new gas giants (as opposed as OPM which basically uses a color scheme very similar to RSS)

this is what it would look like more or less



If I were to make kerbal gas giants as analogues to the solar system, I would have their colors determined realistically. The second gas giant will be somewhere between white and brown, just as the Sudarsky Classification would have it. Any further ice giants would be similar to Neptune and Uranus in color: a similar shade of blue. I might make the Uranus analogue greener or the Neptune analogue purpler. Not sure yet.

I'm sure you have noticed by now that I take Kerbal planet building perhaps a little too seriously.

  On 9/5/2016 at 11:05 AM, Sigma88 said:

Of course these are just my opinions and you should really do whatever you think is best.

everything turned out pretty good so far so I trust you'll :wink: make the right decision 


Always a fan of your input.

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  On 9/5/2016 at 11:05 AM, Sigma88 said:

A bit late to the party, but I will offer my 2-cents anyways if you are still interested...


For how I see it, you can approach this in 2 ways:

1- change the stock system to be a better analogue to the solar system

2- change the stock system to be a better kerbalized version of the solar system

Ironically I never felt like Ike was very important to the kerbal feel of Duna, so to me even losing Ike in favor of 2 asteroid-like moons would be fine


I agree with everything in this post except for the part about Ike. So far, this mod doesn't remove any of the planets. Instead, it revamps them. If this mod were to remove an celestial body it should be an optional config change.

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Great work, Gregox, and thanks for posting detailed updates and pictures on the progress. RevSSS is getting better and better with each step forward. I think it's right that the approach preserves the original character of each body, and even amplifies it - revamped Minmus and Duna are magnificent; maybe a hint more green on the lighter bands of Jool, for my personal preference.

  On 9/5/2016 at 11:05 AM, Sigma88 said:

Ironically I never felt like Ike was very important to the kerbal feel of Duna, so to me even losing Ike in favor of 2 asteroid-like moons would be fine


A doubly-locked planet and moon present a particular challenge for communications, in Remote Tech or potentially KSP 1.2, each having a dark side to the other, so I would be keen to see that particular characteristic preserved.

It seems to me that there's a progressive mission/challenge structure in that the stock 'gamey' solar system is laid out to present destinations that tie in with career or science mode advancements (you may well have been thinking along these lines all along), and that it would be good to preserve this too ...

  1. Kerbin's pair of moons offer a very easy flyby with moderately easy landing (Mün) and moderately easy flyby with very easy landing (Minmus)
  2. Then the easier interplanetary targets, one which you can explore now (Duna) and one to flyby and come back to later with improved technology (Eve)
  3. Finally, a hard to reach destination (Moho) and a rich one with a lot to do on arrival (Jool)

Perhaps Dres doesn't get enough love because it doesn't have a good home in this scheme, and while Dres trojans would be nice analogues of Vesta, Pallas, et al, perhaps they would suffer Dres' fate, less interesting than the Jool system and not significantly less challenging to reach.

And so, leaving the outer system to OPM and ruling out orbits that could not easily be made Principia-stable, I think the best thing for RevSSS is even more moons of Jool - just like real life - taking advantage of the Jupiter-heavy Jool's large SOI.


I think it'd be hard to fit another gas giant without a more radical change, and it probably wouldn't be my first preference, but if you have a great one ready to go then my best guess for a stable home for it might exist between the orbits of Duna and Dres, with those two moved to become its greek and trojan satellites. Would that mess with the mission progression too much? I don't know.

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  On 9/6/2016 at 11:03 PM, CSE said:

A doubly-locked planet and moon present a particular challenge for communications, in Remote Tech or potentially KSP 1.2, each having a dark side to the other, so I would be keen to see that particular characteristic preserved.


Oh I am not saying I don't like the feature itself. It's possibly the most interesting in the whole solar system (the real one)

I just don't feel that particular feature has become a symbol for duna. I don't even know why that is :)

Ike could easily be resized to the size of either a phobos or deimos analogue. (so that it's still a revamp)

but the double-lock feature would need to be used somewhere else, otherwise it would be pointless having removed it from the pool of interesting features


of course I'm not even saying this *should* be done, I don't feel Ike is necessary but I don't feel it is out of place either.

if that makes any kind of sense :)

Edited by Sigma88
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  On 9/6/2016 at 11:56 PM, Sigma88 said:

Ike could easily be resized to the size of either a phobos or deimos analogue. (so that it's still a revamp)


I don't think I will be changing the Duna/Ike dynamic. I believe I had said that I have considered making a config that would make the planets perfect 1/10 size analogues of the RSS planets, but that would not be for default, certainly.

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I looked for something new for KSP 1.2 and found this.

Really great, challenging but still fun to play, planetary system. Good work.It would be nice to get one saturnus-like gas giant beyond Jool and two or three permanent asteroids with interesting orbits like Icarus analogue or something with very eccentric / inclined orbit. But still this is my choice for new 1.2 campaign.

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  • 1 month later...



  • Re-Revamped Duna based on pre0.21 Duna map, with the original PQSmods.
  • Re-Revamped Mun. A bit browner and fixed.
  • Re-Revamped Ike. No longer a piece of absolute garbage.
  • Re-Revamped Eve. Red Terrain + Blue Atmosphere = Purple Planet
  • Biomes for Vall, Duna, and Ike. Removed Mun's Biome Map.
  • Removed broken atmosphere from Moho.
  • Fixed broken MapDecal on Mun (by making it part of the map)


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  On 10/24/2016 at 2:03 AM, legoclone09 said:

Awesome! Can't wait to try it!


That;s the exact same filler response you used for the last update! 

At about 6:00 EDT I'm going to start work on a 0.5.1 that will change Eve's oceans so that they are no longer greenish and awful. Should be out by the end of the day.

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I am so happy that someone is trying to change Duna back to how it was. It was SO MUCH BETTER before. It had proper flat areas, valleys, hills, mountains and not the endless boring undulating mush we have today..

@SQUAD take note! Duna needs to be put back to how it was.

@GregroxMun is your Duna like before with the flat areas and such?

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