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The "You know you're playing a lot of KSP when..." thread

Phenom Anon X

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When you call the process of changing lanes "Speeding up relative velocity and performing a plane change"

when you call u-turning "Turning the orbit retrograde"

when you brake, you call it "burning retrograde" and accelerating "burning prograde"

when your friends call you the "KSPA" (kerbal space program addict)

when you buy KSP merchandise

when you start teaching your freinds quantum mechanics and relativity

when you spend time writing 50-page stories with kerbals on Microsoft word (seriously

when you do your science fair project on wormholes and laugh and jeer at little kids solar system projects when they make Venus blue, call Pluto a planet, put clip art of a rocket that probably has less than 100 m/s dV, and little green aliens that are not kerbals. And when their pictures of black holes are not the interstellar black hole, gargantua.

when you turn into a sci-if geek and watch old movies like Star Trek: the wrath of khan, 2001 a space odyssey, and your favorite movie is interstellar.

when during PE, you have to run the mile, and you need up wishing you had more efficient air intakes. I wish I had a RAM air intake. And a better turbojet.

Edited by Rolanvorxariat
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...you wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to bed until you've tried out that half-baked idea that woke you up in the first place.

...you consider yourself to be "quite skilled" at the game, however you probably are only average in the grand scheme of things.

...you try to devise some sort of "litmus test" in an attempt to accurately gauge a player's skill level.

...your friends try to get you into some totally awesome space combat game, but you spend *all* your time yelling at the screen about how "space doesn't work like that!" or "MOMENTUM, DANG IT!" or "What am I flying in, SOUP?"

...you've modded your game to the point of breaking it.

...you try to add things to the "you know you play too much KSP" list.

...you were "volentold" to be a subject matter expert in a group because you are quick to answer questions (whether you're correct or not is another matter, haha).

...you're finally at the point in which discussing MechJeb, and whether or not to use it, is no longer a "hot button" issue for you.

...you've taken a stab at editing the KSP Wiki.

...you write up "white papers" detailing some facet of your career progression, like a particular craft or details of a series of missions.

...you actually refer to that white paper for ideas on what to do next.

...that white paper has seen extensive editing as your career progresses.

...you get other people to buy you KSP merchandise.

...when your idea of a good date involves getting your wife to sit down with the game and try out a Mun-landing mission (and she totally did it).

...you have no idea what other games are about to release, since you're too busy with KSP in general to notice or care.

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I imagined myself inside a navball while driving my car to work this morning, I could change every vector except normal and anti-normal :(...

It was an awesome moment of thinking though, I am gonna do it tomorrow again :D

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when its 8pm..im on a late running train from work after getting up at 4am for my work train..

and all i can think about is getting home intime to fire up 4408 "Elcano Challenge" my kerbal landliner train to put some ks on the clock :)

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You know you play too much Kerbal space program when you Dream about a gravity slingshot between the Mun Minmus Duna Ike aerobraking at Jool and docking with your Laythe station....

Hmmmm maybe I do need a less time-consuming way to get to laythe...

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Last night I had a rather involved movie-like dream about setting up resource mining operations on Mars. The characters were people, not Kerbals; the planet was Mars, not Dres; but the ships and buildings and such were all KSP!

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When your sugar-induced inspiration seisure ends up in an attempt to land a spaceplane (with no VTOL capabilities) on Tylo... It turned out to have slightly less delta v than needed to get back to orbit... (it's overall performance turned out to be less than satisfactory anyway. Well, I didn't expect too much from something with designation W-13) I'm going to redesign it...

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When you've just spent 10 hours trying to get the PC to accept my 500 part SSTO. I just don't think it can cope. I don't even know if it flies yet. It should. I spent an hour looking at FAR and fuel balancing and Delta-V and I just know it will work!

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When i see videos of rockets crashing into the ground i feel the urge to contact NASA/<Space Agency Here> and consider editing thier part.cfgs.

When i read articles about reentry vehicles, sometimes i wonder why astronauts can't just dive into the atmosphere head first and using his/her head bounce off the ground harmlessly.

When NASA has communications problems, i want to tell them to remove RemoteTech from their RealLife/LifeData directory.

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Was I fixing that spaceplane yesterday? It snapped in half on landing and I was adding the struts and considering another pair of landing gear... But I wasn't playing with spaceplanes yesterday! Wow, that dream was so real.

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