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Flying wing challenge

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Hello, I tried many times build some flying wing that really fly, but I've never force it to fly for long time without some emergency parachutes before big crash into ground. All my flying wing desings ended with some sort of big yaw rudder. So I decided to make this challenge for you! I'm looking foward to your amazing flying wings that can really fly. :D 

I searched challenge part of forum long time and haven't found and flying wings, so I decided to make this. It's my first challenge so don't be bad at me for problems/incomplete informations in topic. :D


You can submit any plane within parameters! don't be afraid! It will be for sure still better than mine. :D




BDArmory (you can have any of BDA addon)






B9 Procedural Wings or Procedural Wings (I prefer B9)


Adjustable Landing Gear

BD Mk22 Cockpits or AoA cockpits

Bahamuto Dynamics Vectoring Engines






Rules? Who want rules...you can build whatever you want!  Except...

- It must be in 1.0.x version of game.

- It must fly with FAR.

- It must be flying wing....1 lifting body, tailness, no yaw rudders/wings(vertical stabilizers).

- It must be able to take off and land again (safely :D).

- It can be drone.

- It can't have rocket engine, except R.A.P.I.E.R.S and SABRE(which isn't really rocket engines..)

- Maximal number of parts are 100.

- After submit of your plane, you can't change your submissions/plane.

- You can build your plane with your friends, so it's not needed to build it on your own.

- It must stay in air for 2 minutes without big stalls or spinning.


There is pointing system, you get points for different areas of your plane. The best plane win! 

Categories are this:

Speed(For max speed at 1km, 10km and 22km) 

Meneuverability(For max-G force, turning rate and )

Payload(For weight and size)

Distance(Max flight duration, max distance)

Stability(For no stalls, spinning, big sideslip)

Military part - Additional points is for shooting down enemy plane and enemy ground radar.

After I'll see first plane, I'll decide if for every subcategory and category will be 100 or 10 points....I plan to have 10 points for every subcategory...


- The end of submission is April 30th

- Your flying wing must be available to download on Dropbox, Google Drive or KerbalX

- You can't submit more than 2 planes, but you must submit it in one post for clarity.


Will add as soon asi possible.



Good luck and be patient with crashing! :D Take it easy.



Edited by Toonu
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I did a plane like this in stock. Actually a lot of planes.


  • vertical stabilizers (aka tails) are overrated. 
  • Rear horizontal stabilizers are overrated.
  • wings are cool.

sorry no pics, but I suppose it is highly unstable so I might work on it tonight.

Edited by max_creative
Also the creator also needs to make a submission to prove the challenge is do able and not that hard.
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Great! Thank you! Did you do it with FAR? Because if not, it will be so unstable :D. Good luck to you! I like flying wings too, but I still had few problems:

1. it won't take off even with soo much lift :D 2. after take of it go just up because it have soo much lift :huh: 3. After good take off it go sideslip and soon crash :rolleyes: But when I flew, it was always higly unstable, so it spins when turning a lot and etc. So I always at the end put some yaw control...

So...I m looking forward to your good (maybe :D) work!



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I've built flying wings. The biggest problem is that BDA assumes stability in yaw under some situations, so the AI can't fly them well. I previously had a plane that flew consistently over its minimum altitude, but would sideslip and explode within less than a second of dipping below that altitude. It was really annoying since, otherwise, it was an good fighter and was highly effective at dodging missiles. Then came BDA 0.10. The amount of stability it now assumes in yaw is even worse during takeoff, and flying wings do not work, period, with the AI.

But as long as we have human pilots, this should work.

Edited by Pds314
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My building tips:

Your CoM should be set far forward. No seriously, it needs to be set ahead of the CoL, which is at the quarter chord. Pitch stability is actually somewhat difficult.

Use thrust vectoring and brakerudders. Brakerudders can also be thin dedicated flaps tucked into the top or bottom of the wing, since they only go one direction. Keep in mind that Brakerudders maintain stability by DRAG, not LIFT. As such, it's probably best they be low aspect ratio like an airbrake, so as not to generate undesired lift, inducing roll. Thrust vector can also help, although not necessarily if the engines are close to the CoM.

Play with the control surface settings! You'd be surprised how much of a plane's behavior is due to how the settings are configured! In particular, start by making the brakerudders very twitchy.

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  • 5 months later...
  On 4/1/2016 at 5:27 PM, Toonu said:

Hello, I tried many times build some flying wing that really fly, but I've never force it to fly for long time without some emergency parachutes before big crash into ground. All my flying wing desings ended with some sort of big yaw rudder. So I decided to make this challenge for you! I'm looking foward to your amazing flying wings that can really fly. :D 

I searched challenge part of forum long time and haven't found and flying wings, so I decided to make this. It's my first challenge so don't be bad at me for problems/incomplete informations in topic. :D


You can submit any plane within parameters! don't be afraid! It will be for sure still better than mine. :D




BDArmory (you can have any of BDA addon)






B9 Procedural Wings or Procedural Wings (I prefer B9)


Adjustable Landing Gear

BD Mk22 Cockpits or AoA cockpits

Bahamuto Dynamics Vectoring Engines






Rules? Who want rules...you can build whatever you want!  Except...

- It must be in 1.0.x version of game.

- It must fly with FAR.

- It must be flying wing....1 lifting body, tailness, no yaw rudders/wings(vertical stabilizers).

- It must be able to take off and land again (safely :D).

- It can be drone.

- It can't have rocket engine, except R.A.P.I.E.R.S and SABRE(which isn't really rocket engines..)

- Maximal number of parts are 100.

- After submit of your plane, you can't change your submissions/plane.

- You can build your plane with your friends, so it's not needed to build it on your own.

- It must stay in air for 2 minutes without big stalls or spinning.


There is pointing system, you get points for different areas of your plane. The best plane win! 

Categories are this:

Speed(For max speed at 1km, 10km and 22km) 

Meneuverability(For max-G force, turning rate and )

Payload(For weight and size)

Distance(Max flight duration, max distance)

Stability(For no stalls, spinning, big sideslip)

Military part - Additional points is for shooting down enemy plane and enemy ground radar.

After I'll see first plane, I'll decide if for every subcategory and category will be 100 or 10 points....I plan to have 10 points for every subcategory...


- The end of submission is April 30th

- Your flying wing must be available to download on Dropbox, Google Drive or KerbalX

- You can't submit more than 2 planes, but you must submit it in one post for clarity.


Will add as soon asi possible.



Good luck and be patient with crashing! :D Take it easy.




What I would suggest for control is to put 6 Panther engines on the back, and use an action group to toggle them and another one for afterburners. As they have thrust vectoring, thus makes for a very easy to fly, controllable craft.

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  On 9/15/2016 at 1:46 PM, RedPandaz said:

What I would suggest for control is to put 6 Panther engines on the back, and use an action group to toggle them and another one for afterburners. As they have thrust vectoring, thus makes for a very easy to fly, controllable craft.


WW2 Flying wings* They used drag flaps to stay stable but we cant really do that, and i sure heck cant put 6 anthers on the back lol.

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I know how build a good plane. Just hate the 6 engine design, because it's too big in my opinion. :D That's all. How to make it stable without 6 engines? :D And I've tried drag spoilers on end of wings...

Edited by Toonu
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Here is the first try I built.

Not sure about vectoring or mods.  A flying wing is a "Tailless" aircraft. But you need control surfaces somewhere.

The WW2 flying wings didn't have vectoring. They relied on dihedral and wing incidence changes to stabilize them. I think having a "Flat" wing isn't going to work.

I am not a very good KSP pilot but it handles well enough.


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  On 9/15/2016 at 6:15 PM, Toonu said:

Maybe the problem is, I'm using FAR, because I like realism(or at least a bit of realism :D)


I use FAR too. In fact, with FAR, I've built a working plane that is literally just a mk2 lander can, an observation window as the cockpit, and 6 of the Panther-fuel-intake combo, and it flies around fine

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