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[ASC-III] Air Superiority Challenge - King of the Hill (BDArmory 4v4 AI Duels: WW1 Theme) - Now Concluded!

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  On 5/19/2016 at 5:45 PM, inigma said:

Actually, they only help stabilize the gunfire spread. They don't help dodge missiles. VulcaRaptor uses two, so I caved in and added two to the 4th generation Battle Dove.  It made a lethal distance at long range gunfighting but I had also tweaked the Dove's wings to give more V shape to force the AI into naturally occuring pull-ups and tuned the AI pilot to not be so aggressive. To be honest, I think the Battle Dove 4 is a thing of beauty. Can't wait for it to eat the Raptors.  The Battle Dove's strength is in getting rid of is smaller missile count early, and a high minimum combat speed, to force the AI to bring the craft within gun range far sooner than the VulcaRaptors can accomodate while they are still firing off their missiles.  Of course, the Battle Doves can dodge like champs, so their advantage is in getting in fast and hitting hard with guns first if they can.  Sometimes luck is on the Raptor's side and they manage to evenly attack all three Battle Doves which somewhat nullifies their early game rush advantage, but overall, the improvements made to the Battle Dove in version 4 should make mid game wins possible too.  The only disadvantage to the Doves is that they are not redundant, in that all it takes is one wing hit, and they are dead, whereas the freakin' VulcaRaptors can take a few hits, lose a wing here, and aileron there, and keep on ticking as if nothing happened. That is why the Doves have to be fast and maneuverable in order to dodge the slower Raptors, hopefully long enough until a team mate can rescue them.

What I've noticed though that if at any point the Doves score a lucky Aim120 hit on any of the Raptors, it's game over for the Raptors.  I've never seen them recover from a 1 man deficit (caused by a 120 hit) vs the Doves yet in any configuration. Sometimes I've seen them rush a Dove into the raptor pile long enough to distract while the other Doves lob off their remaining missiles, which also usually winds up as a double kill streak for the Dove in the pile. I've run over 20 hours of matches trying to beat those darned VulcaRaptors.  Using an innovative vertical stack triple canon config (which I call the buzz saw) to maximize the up-turning dogfighting advantage it has, and focus its hits on the hardened parts of the VulcaRaptors, the Battle Dove 4 will be my last attempt to re-claim the ASC-II throne.



My last shot too...WE SHALL PREVAIL!!!  The Raptor is going down in flames, wether it's against this thing, Battlewing Duo, or one of the other contenders left.

My biplane is ready for ASC III too heh.  Using a KAX helicopter tail rotor for a prop even.  would make for a slow battle but it's ASC III, :)

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Can I update my craft once submitted?  I never thought to use reaction wheels in my planes...and I'm testing the Battlewing right now with two of them.  the first 3v3 they DECIMATED the raptors.  This one...I think one was forced to dunk in the ocean so far, the next one got two wings shot off and landed in the ocean as well.  Third one got vulcan fire and also landed in the ocean. 

My kerbals are all wet apparently...lol

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  On 5/19/2016 at 7:38 PM, Draconiator said:

Can I update my craft once submitted?  I never thought to use reaction wheels in my planes...and I'm testing the Battlewing right now with two of them.  the first 3v3 they DECIMATED the raptors.  This one...I think one was forced to dunk in the ocean so far, the next one got two wings shot off and landed in the ocean as well.  Third one got vulcan fire and also landed in the ocean. 

My kerbals are all wet apparently...lol


As long as it hasn't competed yet, you can make as much change, up to and including completely replacing it with another craft.

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@jrodriguez I don't mean to rain on your parade, but in the first round, your only manned craft went down at about 2min 30 seconds. Match rules state a surviving craft must:

  • have a Kerbal in your craft
  • have at least one engine remaining (out of fuel ok)
  • have at least one weapon attached (empty ok)
  • still appear on the VS list in the BDA GUI (your weapons module hasn't been shot off)

I'd consider round 2 to be fine, because the manned craft went down without killing the pilot.

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  On 5/19/2016 at 8:32 PM, JollyGreenGI said:

@jrodriguez I don't mean to rain on your parade, but in the first round, your only manned craft went down at about 2min 30 seconds. Match rules state a surviving craft must:

  • have a Kerbal in your craft
  • have at least one engine remaining (out of fuel ok)
  • have at least one weapon attached (empty ok)
  • still appear on the VS list in the BDA GUI (your weapons module hasn't been shot off)

I'd consider round 2 to be fine, because the manned craft went down without killing the pilot.


Yes. I'd like to check this with @inigma. In my opinion the rule about a "Kerbal in your craft" has become a bit ambiguos when unmanned planes are allowed, because in such a case if my drones still flying and there are no enemies...Did I lose?

If the answer is yes, then I will be more than happy to re-run the entire match :)


Edited by jrodriguez
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  On 5/19/2016 at 8:42 PM, jrodriguez said:

Yes. I'd like to check this with @inigma. In my opinion the rule about a "Kerbal in your craft" has become a bit ambiguos when unmanned planes are allowed, because in such a case if my drones still flying and there are no enemies...Did I lose?



I'd think in that round, yes. All your kerbals were killed before all his kerbals were killed. But of course I'd like to hear what @inigma has to say.

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  On 5/19/2016 at 8:43 PM, JollyGreenGI said:

I'd think in that round, yes. All your kerbals were killed before all his kerbals were killed. But of course I'd like to hear what @inigma has to say.


To win a round, at least one surviving (flying) craft must have a Kerbal. If the only survivors are drone craft, the round is considered a draw, requiring another round.


The theory is that your survivor should at least be able to land on the island, and plant a flag to claim it for King and country. Drones can't do this.

Edited by inigma
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  On 5/19/2016 at 8:46 PM, inigma said:

To win a round, at least one surviving (flying) craft must have a Kerbal. If the only survivors are drone craft, the round is considered a draw, requiring another round.


Okay, what if all three survive, but the craft with a kerbal is splashed down and not combat effective?

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  On 5/19/2016 at 8:46 PM, inigma said:

To win a round, at least one surviving (flying) craft must have a Kerbal. If the only survivors are drone craft, the round is considered a draw, requiring another round.


The theory is that your survivor should at least be able to land on the island, and plant a flag to claim it for King and country. Drones can't do this.



  On 5/19/2016 at 8:49 PM, inigma said:

Splashed Kerbals are not survivors. :)


haha ok then. So I will update the video to state that is just round 1 and 2 (two draws) and I will record the rest!

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  On 5/19/2016 at 7:03 PM, jrodriguez said:

KSP: ASC II KOTH jrodriguez vs g00bd0g (Full Match)




Official Score per the OP rules:

Round 1: Draw, Round 2: jrodriguez

Another round is required to be run. Jrod's Kerbal fighter must survive to be able to land on the Island and plant flag. :)  If round loss, then round 3 required.

  On 5/19/2016 at 8:51 PM, jrodriguez said:


haha ok then. So I will update the video to state that is just round 1 and 2 (two draws) and I will record the rest!


Round 1 is a draw (you have no Kerbal surivor), Round 2 is a win for you though. You only need to win Round 3 to claim title. Good luck.

Edited by inigma
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  On 5/19/2016 at 9:03 PM, jrodriguez said:

KSP: ASC II KOTH jrodriguez vs g00bd0g (Round 3 and 4)




Aw man! I was really hoping. Those VulcaRaptors must be taken down. And you had the win in the first two rounds... only no Kerbal to claim it. :( 

And what wicked turn and fire properties your drones have. WOW. Those would kill my Battle Doves easy.

  On 5/19/2016 at 11:28 PM, Draconiator said:

Well, this'll teach ME to not count my chickens too early...




If you have a battle recorded though, go ahead and post it. :)  Just title it Test Battle or something.  Don't want to see good work go down. :)



I clarified OP rules concerning draws:

Essentially, if survivors do not have all the requirements to be counted as a survivor, the round is considered a draw.

- 3 draws in a row will have the match going to the current King of the Hill (to prevent endless battles).

These rules will continue into all future ASC tourneys.

Edited by inigma
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  On 5/19/2016 at 6:18 PM, Triop said:

I see you've set the gun range to 2500, is that legal ?

Would make it easier if you can shoot first...

Nice looking jet b.t.w. :cool:


Ya, its legal. Any AI setting is legal as long as it is made in the editor.

I like the look of the jet too. Just hope it can re-claim the ASC-II throne from the VulcaRaptors. 

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