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What is the Earliest massive forum controversy that you remember?


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34 minutes ago, Vanamonde said:

Don't start the Dres thing again. 

The Dres thing is just stupid. Some people think it's a neat planet, some think it's boring. I don't see why this has to be a huge argument.

In my opinion it's a good planet, the canyons can be extremely fun (I just got an idea). Maybe you don't care for canyons, that's fine. There really isn't anything else to say here.

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The Curse thing was the earliest big one that I remember. Then, female kerbals, and now, people saying that 1.1 is broken. Can't we all just get along?

*the audience laughs hysterically, some objects are thrown, unsavory words are said, I am booed off the stage*

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For me my first was when majiir started distributing a statistics tracker in popular mods he maintained at the time like KAS and kethane.

after that I remember the first mod author vs. player war (aka the 64bit fiasco)

then the "1.0 is coming to fast" outcry

followed by the "save the round 8"

then "1.0 is broken you went to fast!" backlash

then black tuesday (the infamous console port devnote)

a few cycles of hype and disappointment with every rushed release and hotfix since that probably aren't worth giving thier own names but compared to when I came in around the NASA update they seemed like big controversies.

I expect the next big one will be the second mod author vs. player war (this time over CKAN)

Edited by passinglurker
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I'm currently involved the Magic Boulder incident (it's not full blown yet). I personally wanted it back in an 80 degree, 15 km orbit somewhere, but I overestimated what SQUAD would actually do to revive it.  I think people will disagree with what I just said but whatever.

I played a small part in the Dres war. Dres is a boring dwarf planet IMO (don't argue with me Max).

RB being shut down made me involved and I got in many flame wars.

I argued about adding the Asteroid Day mod into KSP, that was dumb.

I was a part of the ROUND-8 thing, the ROUND-8s are cool.

1.0 and 1.1 being rushed was a pretty big thing. 1.0 in particular. I defended SQUAD saying that if the update is buggy they'll fix it.

And that's all I can remember.

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What is "The Curse Thing"? When the Kerbal Space Port was basically destroyed and then curse came along?

Also what is ROUND-8?

 Whats RB? Someone please explain!

Just catching up, Someone deleted the forums?! How did I never know about these?

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8 minutes ago, Mr. Quark said:

What is "The Curse Thing"? When the Kerbal Space Port was basically destroyed and then curse came along?

Also what is ROUND-8?

 Whats RB? Someone please explain!

Just catching up, Someone deleted the forums?! How did I never know about these?

ROUND-8 is a circular fuel tank. SQUAD was going to remove it and make it an ION Engine tank, which was a bad move TBH. We stopped them though.

Curse was the mod site that unfortunately replaced Kerbal Space port or whatever it was called.

RB is Rocket Builders. In November 2015 SQUAD updated the forums. Since RB was basically RP without being called RP, they removed it with the update. It made people very angry. zekes is a good example. I got involved in a massive flame war that basically went nowhere the whole time.

The forums were never deleted, but RB was.


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Surprised no-one mentioned this yet: The Barn.

It didn't really become a controversy until it was completely restyled into the KSC as we know it today, but I recall this being a big deal for a lot of people.

Also, female Kerbals.

Also the soupstockosphere vs FAR < probably the earliest I actually remember and just about ongoing.

Also Curse. Nobody wanted it AFAIR.

Edited by The_Rocketeer
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On 6/18/2016 at 6:54 PM, max_creative said:



On 6/19/2016 at 2:07 PM, max_creative said:













On 6/24/2016 at 1:16 PM, Galacticvoyager said:


It's not dead, as you can see above. I am against Dres hate and against Dres love anywhere but in Mission Reports and, if you really have to vent it that much, there's a forum game for it.

Come on, guys. Let's stop making pointless arguments.

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  • 3 months later...

The one that most stands out in my mind was when resources were first cancelled, gosh knows how long ago now. Resources were the tipping point why I bought KSP just after 0.18 was released and this tabling really bummed me out. I remember playing with Kethane and drooling over the resource map Harvester put out with it's complicated resource chains and waiting and hoping it would be added in the next version and then the next. I'm glad mining and refining were brought back eventually in some simplified form. I still want to try modding in the original resources and planetary locations someday.

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