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[1.1] StrutFinder 0.2, Updated April 19, 2016


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StrutFinder highlights all of the struts and fuel lines on your vessel in your VAB and SPH. 1.1 ONLY



Still WIP

"Bad" Fuel lines and struts are either (1) not connected on two sides or (2) are connected to the same part with both sides

Controlled by GUI on the applauncher.


0.2 Update: Added a GUI window (thanks to @linuxgurugamer). Hold Mod + Click on the app launcher (Alt + Mouse Click on Windows,  Option + Mouse Click on Mac) to open. You can remove broken struts in the GUI.
Added a config file so you can customize your strut colors.



GitHub page https://github.com/kujuman/StrutFinder

D/L Download at SpaceDock


Unzip, and put the folder "StrutFinder" into GameData

(c) 2016. All Rights Reserved.

Special thanks to @linuxgurugamer for working on the GUI and part deletion code!


Planned Changes

Better handling of adding new struts.
Connected Fuel Tank highlighting when click on fuel line

Edited by kujuman
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auto delete would be pretty easy to add, but I want it to have a separate button/control. sometimes KSP doesn't link struts symmetrically, and it's nice to see where there was a problem. It's something I'm considering though :-)

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Please post in the following forum to get this listed in the available mods:  


2 hours ago, kujuman said:

auto delete would be pretty easy to add, but I want it to have a separate button/control. sometimes KSP doesn't link struts symmetrically, and it's nice to see where there was a problem. It's something I'm considering though :-)

Please add, it would be extremely helpful.  Possibly a "Delete All Bad Struts" button, and a button on each line to delete an individual strut (good or bad)

Another thing to consider, may be a bit harder:  In flight, show unconnected (bad?) struts, and add ability to delete them in flight to help save on partcount.

Love the mod, please keep up the good work.


Edit:  Just realized that the only display you have is the debug log.  So please add a window to show good/bad struts, if possible.  Let me know if you'd like help (although I would doubt that, your skills appear to be pretty good)

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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I had some time, and really wanted to be able to have this delete struts.

So I forked it and added a window to list all the struts, and by clicking a button, to select a single strut.

The link is here, I'd be very happy to push it back to Kujuman.  

Even though there is a "Delete" button in the window, it isn't working yet.

@kujumanI hope you don't mind.  There wasn't a license in the github repo.  I haven't yet done a pull request, let me know if  you want me to.  This repo also includes files used by Xamarin (including the csproj file).  If you ask, I will take it down.



4 hours ago, kujuman said:

auto delete would be pretty easy to add, but I want it to have a separate button/control. sometimes KSP doesn't link struts symmetrically, and it's nice to see where there was a problem. It's something I'm considering though :-)

My addition will do that.

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6 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Another thing to consider, may be a bit harder:  In flight, show unconnected (bad?) struts, and add ability to delete them in flight to help save on partcount.


3 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

I had some time, and really wanted to be able to have this delete struts.

So I forked it and added a window to list all the struts, and by clicking a button, to select a single strut.

The link is here, I'd be very happy to push it back to Kujuman.  

Even though there is a "Delete" button in the window, it isn't working yet.

@kujumanI hope you don't mind.  There wasn't a license in the github repo.  I haven't yet done a pull request, let me know if  you want me to.  This repo also includes files used by Xamarin (including the csproj file).  If you ask, I will take it down.

Adding the ability to view/interact w/ struts in Flight is nice and easy :-) (Of course, I did break it in the editors...now to fix that, XD )


Go ahead and send me a pull request. I have some ideas to try for deleting parts, and I'll try them out.

The license currently is All rights reserved, but I'll make that more open soon; just going through the different license options isn't the most fun. In the time being, you have permission to modify the source code for personal use.

Thanks for your work on this! I'm surprised how much interest this has gotten.

Edited by kujuman
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20 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

I'll do the pull in a few minutes, I just got the ability to delete parts working

I just did the pull.  I added the following functionality to it: A new window was added to show all the struts & fuel lines

  1. Struts/fuel lines are listed as buttons
  2. Initially good parts are shown first, there is a button to reverse the order
  3. Clicking on a single button will highlight it, and then you can click the button to delete selected part
  4. Button at bottom to delete all bad parts at once.
  5. Only usable buttons are shown, ie: if no bad struts, then you won't be able to delete all bad struts.

This was a quick n dirty job, but I tried to keep the code clean.  The UI could definitely use some work, but it does work

Hope this helps, looking forward to future updates


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1 hour ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Hope this helps, looking forward to future updates


Thanks for your work! I'll keep working on the GUI, but right now it's functional, and that's key.

It now works in the flight scene! You can delete struts & fuelLines in flight as well as in the editor. Still working some issues, so the d/l is not updated yet


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12 hours ago, kujuman said:

StrutFinder highlights all of the struts and fuel lines on your vessel in your VAB and SPH. 1.1 ONLY

OMG! Where have you've been all this years?! Thx comrade! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/3/2016 at 0:47 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

I just saw that you didn't merge my pull on Github, are you going to be doing that?


The code was pulled, but I had to do it in the git console (which I admit I don't really understand) so it might not have said, "yes, it was pulled", because I kept smacking it until it worked...

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16 minutes ago, kujuman said:

The code was pulled, but I had to do it in the git console (which I admit I don't really understand) so it might not have said, "yes, it was pulled", because I kept smacking it until it worked...

Ok.  Then I'll close the pull request.


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  • 1 month later...
On 5/19/2016 at 3:54 PM, GoldenGonzo said:

linuxgurugamer, Kerbal Extentions Redux's author recommended me to this mod.  Looks great!  Seems you're one version behind so CKAN won't let me install it.  Any news on an update?  Thanks.

This isn't my mod, I only contributed some code to it.

I've contacted the author to see if he is going to continue, if not, I may take it over

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For anyone interested, I have a beta of this here:  https://www.dropbox.com/s/zotide19h90pur7/strutfinder-linuxgurugamer-beta.zip?dl=0

It's essentially the same, except that I've moved some of the files around into a more organized directory layout.

While he mentions  an "all rights reserved" in the OP, there is no license in the  Github repo at all, so this tends to violate the forum rules.

From a legal point of view, it's a grey area.  I'm still waiting to hear from him.

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On 7/7/2016 at 9:10 AM, linuxgurugamer said:

For anyone interested, I have a beta of this here:  https://www.dropbox.com/s/zotide19h90pur7/strutfinder-linuxgurugamer-beta.zip?dl=0

It's essentially the same, except that I've moved some of the files around into a more organized directory layout.

While he mentions  an "all rights reserved" in the OP, there is no license in the  Github repo at all, so this tends to violate the forum rules.

From a legal point of view, it's a grey area.  I'm still waiting to hear from him.

Ok, after talking to the moderators, it turns out that the license listed in the OP is also the default license on github, meaning that it is an "All Rights Reserved", and I can't take it over without permission.

So, until  I hear and get permission, I can't do anything about this.  I'll leave the beta there, but won't be doing an official release

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  • 7 months later...
6 hours ago, Drew Kerman said:

Beta link is no longer working

Yup.  I added the functionality to PartWizard when I took that over.  I offered to adopt the mod,  @kujuman replied once and then totally disappeared. 

It was rather annoying, I had contributed some code to this, and when he disappeared, it was essentially lost.  It is the main reason I'm not contributing code to any project which doesn't allow forking and releasing.  I don't mind the no-commercial and the attribution-required, but ARR is just plain rude.

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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