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Realtime Career Mode Speedrun

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   Start a new file in Career Mode, 
               plant flags on every landable body
                              and return safely as fast as possible.


   It's tricky, but boy it's fun! The careful planning of KSP mixed with the frenetic action of speed running is a match made in heaven. I've enjoyed quite a number of KSP challenges, and can say there's nothing that tests and rewards your KSP mettle quite like a real-time speedrun.

   This takes a huge amount of planning so please have fun posting works in progress. For example, see how far you can make it in an hour!


These rules were chosen to make the run as entertaining and accessible as possible. If something gets in the way of your enjoyment, just ignore it and make a note in your post.

0. Put a flag on every body (except Kerbin, Jool and the Sun), and return all Kerbals home safe in a single segment of normal difficulty career mode. You're welcome to quicksave and quickload as much as you'd like, but it's all on the clock. If you do this in multiple sittings, just add 3% (added linear) to your time for each sitting to make up for getting to show up fresh.

1. 255 part limit on ships. This allows people with all varieties of computers to run in stride with minimally laggy time losses. The specific number '255' is convenient due to it being the maximum part count of the level 2 VAB. Though this rule may seem limiting, it encourages interesting and careful ship design.

2. No gross clipping. This is unfortunately not a hard-and-fast rule, so I'll detail the broad strokes. Rotating fuel tanks into eachother or using symmetry to clone tanks within eachother is not allowed. However, many parts are intended to work with a bit of clipping, such as the aerodynamic parts, structural parts and several utilities. These are ok! Just use your judgement (famous last words).

3. No phantom force drives. It changes the feel of the game too much. If they're your jam, you should totally do it anyway! I look forward to seeing it.

4. Consistent glitches only. Some glitches can be great for speeding up your run, but glitches can add a huge random element to your run. Please avoid using glitches that add more than a few minutes of random variability, If it's super sweet, exceptions can be made. :) This rule can either mean that a glitch should be highly consistent, or quick to retry.

5. If the game crashes, reload. This challenge goes to every available SOI often in a single sitting. It's yummy tasty Kraken bait! If the game happens to crash, just pause your clock and reload KSP. Start the clock again when you start loading your save file. We'll just do this by the honor system.


Computer disparities could be an issue, though it's mitigated by the 255 part rule. If you want to play but think your computer will hold you back, just tell us your load times, and we can take it into account.

Proof is not a big deal. It's all on honor system, really, but this is a forum so find some way to share your valiant triumphs and crushing defeats! A nice finishing shot is to show all the flags in the tracking station and the happy Kerbals in the astronaut complex.

Versions of all sort are accepted after (naturally) v0.24.

Mods just need to be noted in your posts. Please avoid physics rebalances, unbalanced parts or autopilot mods. The ultimate goal is to run this in vanilla KSP, though- it's much more exciting when you need to time your suicide burns by eye.



Works in progress are hugely encouraged. The joy's in the journey, share it!


   Best Regards,
   - Cunjo Carl




Leader Board

@JonnyOThan Fastest time yet at 6h 37m

@Ultimate Steve  in 7h 50m 49s   (Stock  v1.4.3)

@Cunjo Carl  in 8h 6m 50s  (Stock v1.0.5)


(stock trophy pics incoming in the near future)

Edited by Cunjo Carl
Sounded like fun to try it out again, updated heavily.
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Sounds interesting, a few questions here.

Mods? Particularly ones like KER, informational, etc?

Career is in Normal difficulty? Edit reread OP and I see this is answered already as yes

Some of us don't have the CPU to record video and play KSP at the same time, perhaps a way to score with screenshots?

Also, I'm assuming you would prebuild ships so you don't spend a lot of time in the VAB?  From the video it looks like maybe you aren't counting VAB time towards your speedrun.  

I'm going to do a starter attempt here just for personal interest.  I don't have 6 hours, but interested to see how far I get in the 3 hours I have.  I'll be building the ships as I go, so I don't expect great things.  But then I'll have the ships for my real run :)


Edited by Jetski
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  On 4/18/2016 at 11:17 PM, Jetski said:

Starting now (timestamp forum post?)

Awesome! Good luck, I can't wait to hear how it goes.



  On 4/18/2016 at 10:43 AM, Jetski said:

Sounds interesting, a few questions here.

Mods? Particularly ones like KER, informational, etc?
Go for it! Just make a note if you happen to use them because they provide some nice advantages (suicide burn times, deltaV remaining, etc.) At this point, merely completing the run in a single sitting will be a triumph, even with informational mods. I'm personally interested in vanilla because I like the challenge of eyeballing things, and it's inline with speed runs for other games. I'd say we should avoid physics-changing mods, because I hope people will be able to borrow ships and strategies from eachother.

Career is in Normal difficulty? Edit reread OP and I see this is answered already as yes
You could try hard mode, too :D. Just kidding of course, if it didn't come across.

Some of us don't have the CPU to record video and play KSP at the same time, perhaps a way to score with screenshots?
Honor system is sufficient for me. I'm excited to hear about what happens in text, photo, or otherwise. As another idea, during a run it's convenient to make ludicrous numbers of quick saves (with alt+F5) so you can undo mistakes, so I think a .zip of the save file might be another nice way to go.

Also, I'm assuming you would prebuild ships so you don't spend a lot of time in the VAB?  From the video it looks like maybe you aren't counting VAB time towards your speedrun.  
Ship building is on the clock. Making your ships quickly and correctly is the hardest challenge of the run. My hopefully 6-8hr route has about 1hr in the VAB, I think. That said, If it gets in the way of your enjoyment, just use saved ships and mention it along with the time. There's plenty of challenge and plenty we can learn from eachother even if we use slightly different protocols. I personally like keeping VAB time on the clock because it feels cool to start with a completely bare file, and it provides an interesting additional engineering concern to your ships- how quick can it be put together.

I'm going to do a starter attempt here just for personal interest.  I don't have 6 hours, but interested to see how far I get in the 3 hours I have.  I'll be building the ships as I go, so I don't expect great things.  But then I'll have the ships for my real run :)
Go for it! If the contract system gets you down, let me know and I can tell you how to force it into giving you the contracts you want when you want them. The six hours isn't a time limit by the way, just my own personal goal. If you don't have any long chunks of free time (I know I don't), you can also consider doing it in multiple segments and (honor system) adding the times between them. It's what I've been doing up to now. The challenge is much easier this way, but again, if the single sitting gets in the way of your enjoyment, do it how it works for you! The knowledge you gain will be useful in making the run shorter so we can do it in a single convenient sitting later on. I'm again personally interested in running it all at once because I find marathon style speed runs like at AGDQ very exciting.




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OK, had to stop and answer a phone call at 9:15, stopping the clock there.  2 hours down (this includes VAB time).  Tech tree has everything I want, so more sci needed really unless I want to fill it out for completeness.  I figure I'll do that with transmitted sci as I go, but I have enough to do every planet.  Minmus/Mun/Duna done, and Ike will fall next easily.  I have enough cash for 2 more missions, thinking Dres and maybe a run to Gilly.  A little more tech before I tackle Eve, but the World First cash keeps me from having to grind contracts.

Build order was pod, sci roller, ballistic to leave atmosphere, orbiter for high orbit sci, sci rover for quick KSC sci, Mun shot (3 biomes) and return, Minmus (1 biome, still there in case I need quick science), Duna shot.  Transmit everything since Mun return, gets the sci quicker back home for upgrades, can't be bothered with the infrastructure and tedious warp/transmit cycle for the MPL.

Only 1 major revert, lost a few mins when I forgot fuel lines on a Minmus lander.  Also I used both my Mun and Minmus manned mission to fill satellite contracts (EVA and switch back to ship to make it "unmanned").  Using KER and Transfer Window Planner

I think I like the VAB time counting on the clock, makes it fun to build quick and precise.  I'll likely start this over when I have more time, maybe on the weekend.




Edited by Jetski
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I'm impressed with your progress! Especially given you did it without fore-planning. Trying to EVA kerbals on the clock is a different experience, huh? :) I'm familiar with the mun canyon you chose, it's quite nice for quick science, isn't it? Also, I like your technique for getting more thrust out of the NERVs: just add more! Thanks for putting together the slide show, it was a good way to get a feel for progress. I'd love to see which tech nodes you choose next time you run through.

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Yay! I got it. All flags and returns in just over 8 hours. It had plenty of mistakes, so I like to think of it as a proof-of-concept or a benchmark to build from. I'll edit this post with the actual time once I re-watch it and remove the Kraken attack times, probably late today. That was fun! Nerve wracking, but fun.

Video: https://youtu.be/kz19G9B2zRU
Final time, excluding Krakens, was 8:00:54.

Much later edit: I also made an SDA post which included details on when/what happens in the run.

Edited by Cunjo Carl
enterring final time
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  • 1 month later...
  • 7 months later...

Moved my run out of the topic header and put it here!

Commentated partial speed run (the beginning is talk, run starts at 19:50)

Full, silent speed run

Video notes from full speed run (has timestamps of various milestones, missteps and krakens)

My cheatsheet (includes launch windows, pilot training roster and encounter notes)

Also, I'm running again for version 1.2! I should have a new post with a demo of the first quarter of the run some time next week.


Edited by Cunjo Carl
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  • 4 months later...

Hey! So I've actually been running this challenge again for a while now. I didn't want to spam the challenge board with updates while I'm the only entrant, so I've been making my incremental updates off in Mission Reports. That said, I've recently hit some major milestones in progress, so I'm bringing along the highlights.

1. How do you earn enough science to make a Mun launcher in 8 minutes?

A: Be very picky about which science you collect. Take only the juiciest bits and rocket on!


2. How do you get 1.5M funds for your interplanetary extravaganza with a single flight?

A: Figure out the World's Firsts contract system.


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3. How do you gather 3000 science in 20 minutes when you only started the game 20 minutes ago?

Make a very fast biome hopper (pictures link to lander video)

Also, if you fly like me, crash once or twice!


4. All together now!


5. What are the limits of practical low-part/low-cost launchers and low-mass aerobraking return craft?

A: Clusters of kickbacks and twinboars work a treat, and nearly-ablatorless-heatshields make for some wonderfully efficient returns. (pictures link to craft video)

craft_min.jpg design_mini_thumb.jpg


6. Where to go next?

The whole solar system's our oyster. I've routed it so each craft can visit 3 bodies on a trip (eg. Laythe, Bop, Eeloo), so the speedrun can be finished out by 4 of them plus a special one for Eve. Of course there's a lot of work left! The next big question is how to setup interplanetary transfers quickly? Time spent twiddling maneuver nodes adds up fast... Welp, thanks for reading. See you in a couple more months!


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  • 11 months later...

Sorry for the necro (1 year, almost to the day), but I believe this is still somewhat relevant, and given that it's summer now (and I have 4-5 days before the next exciting thing starts) this is looking like something I want to try.

Is KER considered a mod that doesn't change gameplay?

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So... I did my run, but I'm afraid it doesn't count, both for the speedrun.com entry and for this thread.

This thread's issue: I did not plant a flag on Laythe. I splashed, went EVA, swam around, and got back in, but I did not plant a flag.

The speedrun issue: 2 things, the Laythe thing. Quoted from the rules, "Land at least one Kerbal on the surface of every celestial body with a solid surface and return them safely to Kerbin." The key phrases being "land" and "on the surface." Land can be taken as "MUST BE LAND" or "Water landings are a thing," and on the surface can mean "Solid surfaces only" or "liquids have a surface as well." I reached 0m ASL and returned to orbit and swam, but did not touch anything solid.

The second issue is:  "-Time ends upon recovering the last Kerbal from the surface of Kerbin." I thought it was just landing back on Kerbin, and that's when I stopped the timer. It was another minute or two before I actually recovered Jeb, and I stopped recording for that part. Which means, I have no proof I ever recovered Jeb, and it's impossible to prove my time with any accuracy. It's also impossible to prove I planted a flag on Kerbin, but I did, and that's a thread only thing, the official table doesn't take flags into account.

So it probably doesn't count officially, but I'll check with the moderators of the KSP entry on speedrun.com first, once I have the videos edited.


That being said, time from creation of the savefile until Jeb stopped bouncing on Kerbin was 7 hours, 50 minutes, and 39 seconds, in career, visiting every landable planet and moon. Even if the recovery/flag planting took 5 minutes, that's still 7:55:39, so yay!

Videos coming within the week, hopefully.

Screenshots (I didn't take too many to conserve time):

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Again, videos coming soon-ish, although they might not count for the official leaderboard. With optimization, below 6 hours is definitely possible, although it will probably take a better player than me to pull it off.

Another note, I turned on advanced tweakables, but that's the only real settings I changed.

One last thing, I used one exploit, although it shouldn't break the rules here, and it shouldn't break anything on the official leaderboard.

  On 4/18/2016 at 3:54 AM, Cunjo Carl said:


4. Consistent glitches only. Some glitches can be great for speeding up your run, but glitches can add a huge random element to your run. Please avoid using glitches that add more than a few minutes of random variability, If it's super sweet, exceptions can be made. :) This rule can either mean that a glitch should be highly consistent, or quick to retry.


Unless you have "allow negative funds" checked (it's off by default) then you can accept contracts, launch an expensive ship, cancel contracts, and recover vessel for infinite money at the cost of reputation. I only did it once for about 100k, though, early on because I had been going faster than the explore contracts, so I went almost broke (that and the building upgrades, those aren't cheap).

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 6/7/2018 at 1:11 AM, Ultimate Steve said:

So... I did my run, but I'm afraid it doesn't count, both for the speedrun.com entry and for this thread.   ... *snip*

One last thing, I used one exploit, although it shouldn't break the rules here, and it shouldn't break anything on the official leaderboard.

Unless you have "allow negative funds" checked (it's off by default) then you can accept contracts, launch an expensive ship, cancel contracts, and recover vessel for infinite money at the cost of reputation. I only did it once for about 100k, though, early on because I had been going faster than the explore contracts, so I went almost broke (that and the building upgrades, those aren't cheap).


 This is great!!

My hands are mostly spent today already unfortunately. I look forward to writing more on Thursday for sure!

Don't stress about hitting land on Laythe for the first go. Your run is official. For an expedition quite this big it's natural for little discrepancies to crop up- you made it out there and that's the exciting bit! For future runs, aim for the south pole. It's way easier to hit, and is nice and flat.

Laythe was my demon too! I must have spent a half hour exploding there :D

I'm familiar with the money exploit, and it's A-ok. The only glitch this challenge avoids are the phantom physics ones. In my self imposed 'glitchless' run, I'll be avoiding the infinite money exploit, but it's way within bounds for this.

I'll put you up on the leaderboard for now and look forward to watching your video over the next couple days. I'll doublecheck it fits when I watch it, but assuming it does, would you like me to see about getting your run listed at speedrun.com? You'll get a shiny gold trophy!



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  On 6/26/2018 at 5:08 PM, Cunjo Carl said:

Don't stress about hitting land on Laythe for the first go. Your run is official. For an expedition quite this big it's natural for little discrepancies to crop up- you made it out there and that's the exciting bit! For future runs, aim for the south pole. It's way easier to hit, and is nice and flat.


Ahh, so there's the secret! I usually try to keep Jool as equatorial as possible, I'll try that the next time I do this!

  On 6/26/2018 at 5:08 PM, Cunjo Carl said:

I'm familiar with the money exploit, and it's A-ok. The only glitch this challenge avoids are the phantom physics ones. In my self imposed 'glitchless' run, I'll be avoiding the infinite money exploit, but it's way within bounds for this.


Okay! Also, I recently did some experimenting. It's hard to get the money exploit to work right off the bat, so after the Mun or Minmus is probably the right time to do it. I also attempted to use the admin building for infinite science, but the reputation setup cost is too high to make it practical.

  On 6/26/2018 at 5:08 PM, Cunjo Carl said:

I'll put you up on the leaderboard for now and look forward to watching your video over the next couple days. I'll doublecheck it fits when I watch it, but assuming it does, would you like me to see about getting your run listed at speedrun.com? You'll get a shiny gold trophy!


Actually, that's already been done! Two things though, you don't have to correct it right away, but I ended up not using KER or the DLC, just the game and a list of transfer windows I wrote down.

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@Ultimate Steve

First things first- Congrats on taking the record!!

This is just a curious question- Had you seen that initial craft design from my Mun and Back run, or was it a case of parallel development?

"I take all the science" Boy howdy, I can relate! Remembering to take all the science is definitely the trickiest part of the early run for me.

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The part clipping on your Mun lander was fine by me. It's hard to draw the line between never letting parts touch and rotating tanks into tanks to negate drag, but those sideways radial tanks looked pretty par for course in Kerbal design.

"They're not giving me the money I deserve for this" (After landing on the Mun without a contract) . Yeah, the mission system is pretty obtuse in the latest versions. You can actually trick it into giving you the missions you want with a touch of time, let me know if you'd like details.

I don't know about you, but the hilarity that ensues when trying to maneuver and land at high speed is one of my favorite parts of running. When problems arise and you need to bootstrap things together anyways on the fly, that on-the-spot problem solving is tough but really exciting and rewarding. Anyways, seeing Bob's Minmus and Duna expeditions brought back a lot of my own memories, too. Good thing Kerbals invented quickloading!

Holy cow you cut your fuel close!!

Your ability to do fast mothership rendezvous is quite the superpower for this.

That was a strange little planet you landed on at the 3hr mark... I'd never seen it before. 'Dres' you called it?  :)


        This ship was such a beauty it brought tears to my eyes. ^^

Val values Vall valleys. 'Cause they're so flat for landing, you know?

To be honest I wouldn't consider time in KSP to be too much of a waste. As a career engineer, I can say that KSP is way more direct practice of technical work than my schooling had been! Especially the whole project planning and disaster mitigation parts. If you're looking for something more productive sounding though, maybe consider programming? Especially for javascript, the barrier to entry is extremely low, and it looks snazzy on a resume... Queue 30 people chiming in to say I'm a heathen for suggesting JS first and not C!

I'm definitely 'borrowing' the Eve heatshield design.

What you don't realize about timewarping kerbals is that they've brought along videogames and plenty of snacks.

Holy dang! It was awesome seeing you successfully snagging the record! It may be some months before health permits me to play again, but when I can, I'll be gunning to snag it back for sure. In the meanwhile, it sounds like you may be planning to push down the time- best of luck! As for the rules of the speedrun, I would certainly love if the speedrun.com rules eventually converged more towards the ones here, specifically with respect to the no phantom force rule, the 255part cap, and requiring flags. I wouldn't suggest the latter until after (on the chance you do) you run again to lower time. You deserve that gold! All the same, it's a lot more fun to plant flags than just touch and go.

Did you notice? I noticed. No Hell krakens! Congrats to @SQUAD on finally slaying the beast!

Oh, and have fun on your trip to Europe! Be sure to try all the cheeses. There's so many good ones! And good luck with your ambrochure- don't forget the chapstick.


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  • 1 year later...

I have an entry, but not sure if it strictly adheres to the rules (it was rejected by speedrun.com).  Still I think you'd be interested in checking it out:

A few caveats about this run:

  • I did this over 3 play sessions on 3 consecutive days
  • I occasionally paused the game and the timer because my kid kept getting out of bed
  • At one point I used the debug menu to clear input locks so I could delete a maneuver node



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  • 3 weeks later...

Niiice! I might have to get back into this! The main things stopping me are a lack of free time and the fact that my internet is not good enough for livestreaming, sadly, so there is a bit of editing burden. Congratulations on taking the record!

I did have one 6:something run but I didn't upload it because I didn't want to go through the effort, but IIRC it was closer to 7 hours than 6 hours so you likely have the record, and definitely have the official record. I might need to get back into this sometime!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

I did an all round trips career run in 5:00:29. This was done under the speedrun rules at https://www.speedrun.com/ksp#All_Round_Trips which are a bit different than those in the OP, especially the planting flags rules. So I understand that this doesn't count for the leaderboard in the OP.

The biggest difference from previous submissions in this category were using a pretty low tech level and only doing 4 orbital launches.

Edited by bayesian_acolyte
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  • 6 months later...
This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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