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The Grand KSP 1.1 Discussion Thread


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4 hours ago, Jacke said:

@adsii1970, can you confirm that the Aviation Lights version you used was @MOARdV's recompile he posted in the Aviation Lights topic here.

Or was it an older version of Aviation Lights?

I went and *attempted* to look up the version number and well, within any of the three sub-folders, I cannot find any CKAN data; then I discovered the author line in the part config file for the amber beacon light: Part

Part author = RPGprayer, BigNose, Why485, GROOV3ST3R, JDP, Deadweasel

So, apparently it is an older version, just not sure how old. I will download and install the new release as updated by @MOARdV  and report back after extended investigation.

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41 minutes ago, SelectHalfling0 said:

So has anyone found a fix/explanation for bouncy airplane wheels? My planes just bounce around before tipping onto one wing.

Review discussion starting around page 31. The post before yours talks about the new wheel suspension, which can seem to amplify any flex already present in parts wheels are attached to. You can attach struts from fuselage to wheels, although that is not ideal b/c it will add drag.  Other things that may help stability:


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The fix is to wait for another patch because introducing game breaking bugs in a patch now that the game is no longer in beta is unacceptable... And I love KSP but it is what it is. 

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I'm sure at least some of you have complaints about the game in its current state that you'd like to express/vent about, so here's a thread to put them in.

I'll start (heh):



-Text is unreadable if the ui isn't cranked up to 120%

-the navball takes up 1/6 of the screen, and all the other flight instruments take up the other 5/6, unless the UI is cranked down to 80%

-all the editor and menu tools are too small unless the UI is at 100% at least

-the scroll menus in the editor are too long. I preferred the "page" system better

-the new buttons for the facilities in the space center menu are absolutely useless

-overall almost everything is unbalanced



-the micro landing gears are basically useless and shatter under a feather. Even my 3.4 ton ultralight plane could barely use them. Not only that, but their impact tolerances are completely wrong. 325m/s my exhaust vent!

-rover wheels are basically too glitchy to use. They become inoperable for no reason, they flip out way too easily, and explode your rover with any use of physics warp


Game Stability

-My game's crashed eight times in the past four days. It mostly happens when i tab out of the game. I almost never use mods and i never bog down my system, so this ruthless instability is completely unwarranted.



Your turn. 

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Okay, I did some playing with the stock SQUAD landing gear and bumping up the dampening in the .cfg file helps alot with the bouncing wheels.

I don't precisely know how the Windows version's file structure is like, but in Mac OS X it's here:


Then you have the following .cfg files:





Now, open those files individually in a Text Editor application (program) and scroll down until you hit the section:

        name = ModuleWheelSuspension
        baseModuleIndex = 0
        suspensionTransformName = SuspensionPivot
        suspensionColliderName = DamperCollider
        suspensionDistance = 0.5
        targetPosition = 0.8        
        springRatio = 18
        damperRatio = 5.0

On my game damperRatio was for the most part between 1.8 and 2.0. 
I bumped it up to 5.0 just to see what happens. Don't forget to save your changes.
The bouncing stopped.

Give it a shot folks. You have nothing to lose, and if it doesn't work, you know how to put it back.

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Little nit picks:

The quit popup on main screen should be confirm over cancel, right now it is cancel (cancel) over confirm (quit).

Esc should switch you back out of IVA view.

Esc should switch your focus back to your default focus (vessel) in map view.

Esc should exit every building.

Building status windows should popup with left click, and the window should list your current unlocks, and below that what the next upgrade will unlock. Right now you need to know to right click on a building and hover over the upgrade button. That type of behavior in UI design is used approximately nowhere ever. Double left clicking or single right clicking a building should enter that building.

Oh, and the first landing gear are nigh unusable for anything other than absolutely perfect landings on a perfect runway. I had to resort to parachutes for my survey missions.

You still have to do the crew/eva/sample dance with the command pod. I don't know why this is still a thing. They all have unlimited science storage on themselves.

Note: I still love you squad. Warts and all. :)

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There is a mod called MakeItSmall that will let you reduce the size of the nav ball. It works well but it doesn't change the gauge thing that follows the burn indicator. I don't mind that.

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Navball doesn't bug me too much. I'm more irked that it's in the center than that it's so big. In fact, I like it that size, but off center.

I have no problem with any of the other UI elements at 100%, including the font quality.

Agreed on editor scrolling. It should do what QuickScroll did/does, and scroll by page with the mouse wheel.

The space center buttons are not for us. We know where everything is and - more importantly - the fact that those buildings are clickable. The buttons are for new people who might not even know that Mission Control is a thing.

I won't speak on game balance. I'm not a game dev and this game is about as balanced as it's always been and I'm therefore by now used to it :)

I can't speak much on the wheels either. I've only used the LY-01 and LY-05s (the first two you unlock in career) and I've never had them explode. They used to jitter around like crazy until the plane flipped over, but they only do that now when connected to the Science Jr. So, I don't connect them to the Science Jr. And I filed a bug report for it.

My game has never crashed, even in prerelease. I alt-tab away a lot and leave it running in the background too. That part has been rock solid for me.

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1 hour ago, WaveFunctionP said:


Esc should switch you back out of IVA view.

Esc should switch your focus back to your default focus (vessel) in map view.

What's wrong with Esc just activating that little Esc menu?


(For the record II, haven't played 1.1 yet due to computer problems,)

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44 minutes ago, Tw1 said:

What's wrong with Esc just activating that little Esc menu?


(For the record II, haven't played 1.1 yet due to computer problems,)

Esc "means" close/cancel in UI language. Nothing wrong with it bring up a main esc menu when there's no other immediate context, the problem is that it ignores the most immediately obvious ones.

You can get to the IVA view from them kerbal window, it is not immediately obvious that you need to press c to get back out. You first attempt will probably be to press esc, which is why that should be the button.

Same can be said for focusing objects in the map. The default assumption to get back is not backspace, it is esc.

Think about playing another game, you have window you've opened or a npc you talked to....to get out, you usually press esc. Not a random context specific button like backspace or c.

I forgot another big one.

F should put you on the ladder on the command pod, but the next press of f, not a separate button b, should enter the command pod. I know they separated the use verb from the board verb, but I think context makes it clear. I don't think the climb out if really needed. I know its different, but space already gives us the ability to leave a climb. And lets face it, uncontrolled animations feel bad. You never want to feel like you can't control your character, and IMO the dismount animation goes a bit too far over that line. The animation are part of why kerbals don't feel very unresponsive.

Also the camera speed for "double click to mouse look" is what it should be for right click and hold to mouse look.

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Enough with the merging already! ack!!!  the whole forum is for KSP not just this one single thread. KSP = KSP 1.1. Constantly merging thread after thread into one megathread is anti community and just plain stupid.

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On 4/23/2016 at 11:49 AM, Captain Cornhole said:

I've only got 211 hours in and I'm still just learning! Best game ever!

This is one of the things that I love about KSP. You can spend an absolutely absurd amount of time on it and yet never feel like you've completed it, or even completely explored what it can do.

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Hi Squad,

Played 1.1 for a total of 15 minutes before I had to stop because of the UI while flying crafts.

The navball is too large in comparison to everything else. Scaling down the UI makes some buttons difficult to click and text difficult to read in some cases.

It would be best to allow us to scale every piece individually with the navball being smaller by default.

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My 1.1 bugs so far:

- With 1.1 all my flags from the old 1.0.5 save game are "unstable". When I "fly" one of those flags or come close them they fall to the floor and bounces around. None of the old flags is actually fixed to the ground anymore.

- The reaction wheel of the Mk1 Command Pod is soemhow too strong. Simply just pick the Mk1 Command Pod with Jeb and proceed to the Launching Pad. There you can speed up the pod with W, A, S, D to kind of insane speeds running over Kerbin ...

- When you edit a craft inside fairings In the VAB the green hightlightes parts behind visible fairings are disappearing instead of being shown green.

- The Gigantor XL Solar Array is not compatible with old 1.0.5 saved crafts. Loading any such craft with these Solar Arrays will show the arrays not correctly attached to the craft and being visible through the craft even when on the other side.

- The UI is not well balanced in size. I fully agree with Tainted_wolf: the Navball and other graphical UI things are way to large, while at the same time the menu font is way too small. scaling the UI does not make any sense, because scaling to 80% where the nav ball is kind of "ok" (still larger than all the years before), the menu font is unreadable tiny. Scaling larger than 100% is also useless because the nav balls is getting way to big then.

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I'm starting to think the mods are trying to shuffle off all negative comments into one thread so it doesn't look so bad. Forum looks less dissatisfied, the actual complaining looks like an incoherent mess. Assuming they don't read as far as the complaining about the thread merging. Very common with indie devs.

I don't see any other logical explanation for it.

Made it bloody impossible for us to understand the new physics, and find workarounds for bugs or things we don't like. Just irritating your existing customers.

I do really like the increased performance, better graphics, I even like the UI now that I'm more used to it. The wheel physics aren't so bad that I understand them better, but they're still kinda buggy (on T1 everything slides sideways at 0.1m/s, steerable gear clips through the ground often). I would had figured them out a lot faster were there a thread called "new wheel physics" that wasn't stuffed into this one.

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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