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[DEV HALTED][1.3] CxAerospace: Stations Parts Pack v1.6.2 [2017-5-24]


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This mod is my all time favorite mod for building space stations currently. The docking ports alone only locking at 90 degree angles has helped my OCD when docking station or mothership parts an absolute dream since everything aligns properly. Well done and I can't wait to see what comes next!

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This is a great mod. I sent you an email with some support too since this is really neat. I'm having a brain fart and maybe someone can point me in the right direction. I got the CBM ports to dock ok since it's only at 90 degrees and you need the flanges to line up. But i'm having issues docking my shuttle to the PMA with a passive apas. My shuttle has an Active Apas and I have the flanges lined up right. I tried coming in with Active apas extended for a soft landing then retracting them to see if i'd dock and nothing. 

Both objects just site and hover near each other without making a dock. I'm sure it's something stupid I'm overlooking. Any help would be appreciated.

Again great mod, this reminds me of the oldschool Fustek pieces in a lot of ways. Which was one of my favorite old school parts packs.


Thanks for the effort.

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@bwheatley Thanks!

The alignment tolerance is pretty tight, so when it just hovers, you need to give the craft a slight twist/jiggle. Though now that I think about it, doing the twist/jiggle action w/ a shuttle might be a bit trickier since the CoG isnt on the same axis as the APAS, but give it a try.

If its cause more trouble than its worth, go into your KSP directory on your computer and modify the APAS .CFG files as shown below for both active and passive:


        name = ModuleDockingNode
        referenceAttachNode = top
        nodeType = APAS_CXG
        gendered = true
        genderFemale = false
        acquireTorque = 0.5
        acquireForce = 0.5
        captureMinRollDot = 0.99999  <------ modify this parameter for both ports. change it to 0.99 or 0.9 and it should give it some more tolerance with docking.
        snapRotation = true
        snapOffset = 120



In one of the next releases I'll be making colliders on the APAS fins so it should help relieve some of the issues with angle-limited docking.

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Release Version 1.1 is Available on SpaceDock


Change Log:



New Parts:

  • APAS - Active - L04F (flows with Tantares 0.9375m size standard)
  • Manual Berthing Mechanism (Ring docking port made specifically for the Z1 Truss. And yes you can pass through it)
  • Z1 Truss (Probe unit, reaction wheel, hollow internal for surface attaching parts)
  • KU-Band Antenna

Mod Support:

  • Connected Living Spaces MM configuration files.



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  On 5/19/2016 at 4:26 AM, cxg2827 said:
  On 5/23/2016 at 3:20 AM, cxg2827 said:


  On 5/23/2016 at 3:20 AM, cxg2827 said:

Mod Support:

  • Connected Living Spaces MM configuration files.

Just downloaded from SpaceDock, and it didn't look like the CLS MM file was in there.  Everything looks pretty awesome, though.





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  On 5/23/2016 at 3:53 AM, VenomousRequiem said:

Tweakscale! Basic compatibility given to any part with you as the author, so you don't even have to keep it up to date


Sweet, I'll add this to the next release.


@panarchist whoops, here is a dropbox link. I'll have this listed in the OP for now since I dont think its worth pushing a hotfix for it.


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  On 5/23/2016 at 4:45 AM, cxg2827 said:


Sweet, I'll add this to the next release.


@panarchist whoops, here is a dropbox link. I'll have this listed in the OP for now since I dont think its worth pushing a hotfix for it.



Thanks!  You'll need to edit it, though - looks like it's missing the closing parenthesis on each Part definition.

This is one of my favorite mods because the IVAs are so phenomenal.  SleepHabs work awesome with the crew transfer tubes in UKS and the rotating hub from DSEV - all it needs now is a USI-LS MM patch. (which I've been playing around with but haven't finished for all the parts yet)

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  On 5/23/2016 at 2:34 PM, Delta_8930 said:

So do the new docking ports include parachutes or are they still WIP?


I got the parachute variants listed in the Roadmap, under 2.X.

Depending how easy the Solar Array Wings and radiators go, I might push the parachute ones to an earlier release.

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First off, this has to be one of the best mods out there right now! 

Secondly, I seem to be having some serious issues with both the Common Berthing Mechanism, and the APAS.  If I have them connected while in the VAB or SPH they stay connected perfectly and work fine, but when I try to dock, they both behave in the same way.  If I try to dock, the ports get attracted to each other, make contact, but refuse to dock/connect properly.  I have tried using every combination of passive and active objects just to ensure that it was not my fault, but I don't seem to be the issue.  

Thanks once again for your great mod, and I look forward to hearing back from you about fixing this flaw.


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  On 5/23/2016 at 11:21 PM, Gangus said:

First off, this has to be one of the best mods out there right now! 

Secondly, I seem to be having some serious issues with both the Common Berthing Mechanism, and the APAS.  If I have them connected while in the VAB or SPH they stay connected perfectly and work fine, but when I try to dock, they both behave in the same way.  If I try to dock, the ports get attracted to each other, make contact, but refuse to dock/connect properly.  I have tried using every combination of passive and active objects just to ensure that it was not my fault, but I don't seem to be the issue.  

Thanks once again for your great mod, and I look forward to hearing back from you about fixing this flaw.



They have specific docking alignments. You'll have to place the APAS ports together so the outer bars connect (the inner flaps align without colliding, too, but that's harder to see once the dock is in place). CBMs connect the little prongs inside the big prongs.

If you have the Docking Alignment mod, or another one similar, you can help yourself by checking your rotation angle. The ports will never dock at an angle not divisible by 90 (there's some wiggle room, so 359.8 is close enough I've found). You can sometimes visually align the CBMs so the prongs will mate as soon as you connect, the APAS is a little harder and takes some rotating back and forth to get it to click. Make sure to extent the APAS' Active docking mechanism, soft-touch it and then retract it so that you're locked in. Then you can rotate a little around those outer bars until they line up just right.

You can also follow the instructions in this post to tweak the alignment angle tightness.

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@jordanjay29 covered it pretty well. The forced docking angles are a bit of a double-edged sword since they can be a bit of an annoyance sometimes but they allow you to get the immersion or precise docking angle from the feature.

Further info on the docking ports are covered in the FAQ at the end of the first post in this thread (with pictures as well).


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Yea, I confused myself with having my KSP Gamedata folder and my Mod release Gamedata folder open at the same time. So I thought it was included.

QA/QC fail.

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