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How to Be Evil!


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9/10 Bwahahaha!!

I hack a major news site and plant information about a horrible, undetected virus that will destroy all your electronics from the inside, and say the first sign is that it makes your phone stop receiving texts. Then, (and I actually did this part to a friend) send blank texts to as many people as possible in the guise of there service provider, so they pay for it, and make them think they have this horrible virus on their devices.

Edited by Mycroft
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1.1/10 I dont know what sort of wolf that is, but Im sure it owuld burn up on entry. evil thing to do to a wolf, but not very in the grand scheme of things


I slowly remove all caffine from all coffee and other caffinated drinks world wide over the course of a year, then when eveyone is over their caffine addiction I make all drinks 10 times as  strong then theye were before

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1/10 You realize I can ignore your paradox, right?


I clone Chuck Norris and send them on the next poster with 150% fury level.


Edited by Red Iron Crown
Two clones of Chuck is enough, surely.
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5/10 They will inevitably terrorize Earth for, like, half a day before the Doctor shows up and fixes everything.

I eject the Moon into solar orbit such that it will impact Earth in 10 years, then use the panic created to take over the world. When the Moon comes back I will escape in a giant starship.

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0/10 Necessity is the mother of invention. The invention is a rocket capable of blowing up the Moon with a nuke OR landable boosters that will slow the Moon down to an identical orbit to before the incident.


I kill the Doctor in every timeline he visits.

Edited by TopHeavy11
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3/10 can't he regenerate whenever he dies? Edit: i guess if you mean the newest doctor he can't, but at this point, what does it matter?

I send Matt Damon into space (judging by his last two space movies, it probably won't end well...)

Edited by quasarrgames
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0/10 I live in Rio, that ain't scary, at all

since we can't talk about politics (would have been the most cruel thing ever) I'll go with something more bearable....

I'd force everyone to watch Inês Brasil for the rest of their lives, some might like, but most will prefer to commit honorable seppuku... google for that at your own risk

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  • 3 weeks later...

7/10 i'd rather not...          really...


I swap every rating system with IGN's rating system!

"All online products have 5/5 stars!" *causes consumer havoc*

"I'd give these BB mortgage bundles a 10/10 rating!"  *creates another housing recession*

"The defcon rating is 1/5!" *Starts a nuclear war*

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5/10. Who said they aren't being assigned randomly nowadays?

We put innocent Kerbals into a freaky rocket, watching them bursting. Then repeat again and again, adding random parts here and there.
At last, when something more or less flyable reaches the orbit, we realize that we had forgotten to attach parachutes. Just because they weren't required ever before.

Edited by kerbiloid
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? This "how to be evil" not "how to stamp out the evil that is capitalism"

How about: capture a stony asteriod, an icy one and a metallic one, then use the first two as raw materials to set up a big solar smelter in orbit. Make 10,000ton biconic vaccume sponge metal ignots with a density of about 900kg/m(3). Spin then up to about 10 rpm and use a lfo/coilgun mass relay (coilgun for the giant slug, lfo rockets fueled from the icy asteroid as recoil compensators) to fire them into reentry orbits.

From here you can go a few different ways. The obvious is to drop them on cities with a steep angle.

The slightly less is to drop them on farms and power stations, then watch the people starve and descend into savage anarchy.

My favorite though is to drop them on shallow angles so they plop into the oceans at low speeds (<mach3, but subsonic might be doable) and tell all the countries its free abundant metals in higher quantaties than ever before. Then you can watch as the world economy destabalises and reforms into a post scarcity economy. Many eggs will be broken, but such a tasty omlette.

The same could be done with obital solar power microwaved wherever requested.

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