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[1.12.x] ResearchBodies V1.13.0 (15th May 2022)


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13 hours ago, JPLRepo said:

As they say... The Solar System wasn't discovered in a day.
Correct. With just this mod installed. You have to do the contracts.
You have to research the bodies you have initiated research on.
There are two different contracts. One is via the Observatory itself... and yes these take time.
The second is to do the same research but via the telescope. Which are faster.

This is a mild simulation of the effects of conducting this research from within the atmosphere as apposed to not in an atmosphere.

So, if I want to research bodies faster, either I need to install TST or just travel to that planet and discover everything at once? I am confused... how is research being conducted from within the atmosphere on an orbital telescope? How much percentage do the pictures add to the research total? I need to figure out how long in Gaelan time this is going to take, and if it is at all FEASIBLE! I feel like I may have painted myself into a corner unfortunately :(


Edit: I have now installed TST and cheated a deep space telescope into Gael orbit for testing. Boy is it tough to actually locate and zoom in on the body you want! I am thrilled with the mod, however, as it adds something I didn't know I wanted to the discovery aspect of KSP :)   OK, so I want to go to Icarus, and research was at 20%. I was finally able to locate it in the view window and zoom in enough to fill it and take a picture which raised the research to 40% after transmission. That did very little in map view or the tracking station. When I click the Track Bodies button, I am met with the message that I need a better telescope and was under the assumption that I was using the best one, right?  Am I missing something @JPLRepo?


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3 hours ago, zanie420 said:

Edit: I have now installed TST and cheated a deep space telescope into Gael orbit for testing. Boy is it tough to actually locate and zoom in on the body you want! I am thrilled with the mod, however, as it adds something I didn't know I wanted to the discovery aspect of KSP :)   OK, so I want to go to Icarus, and research was at 20%. I was finally able to locate it in the view window and zoom in enough to fill it and take a picture which raised the research to 40% after transmission. That did very little in map view or the tracking station. When I click the Track Bodies button, I am met with the message that I need a better telescope and was under the assumption that I was using the best one, right?  Am I missing something @JPLRepo?

I have found, in my limited experience, that multiple pictures over time increases the research percentage on a particular planet.  Take a pictures, send it to the KSC to get the science.  Do something else, then return to the telescope and take more pictures and repeat.  I don't know if the time factor is important or not.  My apologies to @JPLRepofor not understanding his mod better :(.

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17 minutes ago, Brigadier said:

I have found, in my limited experience, that multiple pictures over time increases the research percentage on a particular planet.  Take a pictures, send it to the KSC to get the science.  Do something else, then return to the telescope and take more pictures and repeat.  I don't know if the time factor is important or not.  My apologies to @JPLRepofor not understanding his mod better :(.

Ok, so I just decided to craft a vessel that had ALL the telescopes and plenty of resources and cheated it into orbit. I did more testing and found that multiple pictures taken increase the research percentage by  20%, even with the same telescope and back to back transmissions. I just got Thalia to 100% by sending the same pic 4 times over and over. So I guess I have found my answer @JPLRepo, and should have just installed TST and done some more research before posting. Thanks for a great mod that will be fully utilized in my challenge

Also a shout out to @Galileo, who is just plain fantastic

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@JPLRepo  so you did indeed fix the shiny issue, but it looks like Scatterer, when run next to RB, brings the issue out again. Not sure what can be done here. Ill let the dev know, but having just talked to him, I know he is taking a break from modding.  Here is a sceenshot:




Also, can I be nit-picky? :P It seems for stars, that RB reads the body name as opposed to the displayName in some instances which can result in something like this:


Disregard the localization tag, I'm fairly certain that's my issue to iron out. :) 

According to RB, Gael is orbiting the Sun, but the name of the star should be Ciro. Not a big deal, I just happened to notice it.



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13 hours ago, Kwikik said:

HI GUYS .I have a probleme with this mod :

when i go to the tracking station,my game crash (I install it properly)

Welcome to the forums.  I suggest you read this thread and provide some more information.  There is little to go on in what you posted.  At a minimum, the KSP and RB versions you're using and your log file (uploaded to something such as Dropbox with the link posted here).

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Hi guys, I'm new to this mod (I discovered it while investigating Kerbal Star Systems Mod) but I love it - don't know why I hadn't found it earlier. I've only just installed it along with KSS and I'm finding I'm in need of a wiki or tutorial to know exactly how I'm supposed to progress with discovering objects and increasing research % of discovered objects. Questions like "does it matter where I point the telescope?" (it doesn't seem to). Is there a tutorial anywhere? All I've found are some old videos on youtube which are quite out of date.


Also - since installing the mod I've noticed the Tracking Station takes nearly a minute to load whereas previously it was instant. Do you think this is due to Research Bodies or (as I suspect) KSS which I installed at the same time?

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9 hours ago, Badlywrapdkebab said:

Hi guys, I'm new to this mod (I discovered it while investigating Kerbal Star Systems Mod) but I love it - don't know why I hadn't found it earlier. I've only just installed it along with KSS and I'm finding I'm in need of a wiki or tutorial to know exactly how I'm supposed to progress with discovering objects and increasing research % of discovered objects. Questions like "does it matter where I point the telescope?" (it doesn't seem to). Is there a tutorial anywhere? All I've found are some old videos on youtube which are quite out of date.

Also - since installing the mod I've noticed the Tracking Station takes nearly a minute to load whereas previously it was instant. Do you think this is due to Research Bodies or (as I suspect) KSS which I installed at the same time?

Welcome to the forums.

I found that the body research percentage increases when I take pictures of the body with telescopes but I also have Tarsier Space Telescopes installed, which provides a nice UI for taking pictures of planets/moons with some nice 'scopes.  Have you seen and accepted the Search the Sky contracts?  These take a while (~200 days) but produce research advances.

I can't speak to KSS and the Tracking Station other than to say that I don't have appreciable lag entering the TS with my 88 mods.  Make a backup of your game directory and remove KSS to see what happens.  If that doesn't change the performance, try readding KSS and removing RB.  Best way forward is to determine on a clean install with only KSS and RB if that suffers from the same problem.  If neither alters the lag, the answer lies elsewhere.

How have you installed your mods, CKAN or manually?

Generally, when posting you should supply the versions of KSP and the mods you're using.  This helps to rule out simple version mismatches and outdated mods.  Read this as well for future reference.


Edited by Brigadier
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Thanks for the reply BrigadierI have installed the TST Telescopes mod (all my mods are installed manually by the way) but don't think I've unlocked them in the tech tree yet. I'll give them a try when I get to them but as of now all the discovered bodies I have seem to be stuck on 10% research at most.

Perhaps if I explain the steps I've taken it will help explain my confusion about what I'm supposed to do; I have launched a TB-75M telescope into an orbit above 200,000m and clicked away finding bodies (seemingly at random). For a few of the bodies I have discovered I have started a research plan in the observatory and they are on 10%, the rest on are 0%. I have also started contracts for "Search the skies", "Search the skies with a telescope", "Research a celestial body" and "Research a celestial body with a telescope" but as far as I can tell they just take a chunk of my budget and start a count down timer on the contract. What purpose do these contracts serve because the description just shows a reward of -75,000 as an advance and it seems I can research the bodies in the observatory without the contract by clicking on the Launch Research Plan button? Likewise I can do the same with the telescope so why would I take out a contract to do this that costs me 75,000 and gives no apparent reward? I have run missions that have taken over a year since starting my research plans in the observatory and the only body to change % was Gilly but this was because I encountered it with a satellite I purposefully left in an orbit likely to interecept the moon.

What steps am I supposed to take to increase the research % of my already discovered bodies?


With regards to my question about loading time when entering the Tracking Station I think its just my PC struggling. I did a fresh install of KSP and slowly loaded more mods and watched the performance change. KSS causes most of the issue but Research Bodies also causes a significant hit on load times. I do however have a bigger issue with my Windows install which I should sort before I do anything else - I installed some bad RAM recently which blue screened my PC on boot up and seems to have corrupted part of Windows!

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9 hours ago, Badlywrapdkebab said:

Thanks for the reply BrigadierI have installed the TST Telescopes mod (all my mods are installed manually by the way) but don't think I've unlocked them in the tech tree yet. I'll give them a try when I get to them but as of now all the discovered bodies I have seem to be stuck on 10% research at most.

Perhaps if I explain the steps I've taken it will help explain my confusion about what I'm supposed to do; I have launched a TB-75M telescope into an orbit above 200,000m and clicked away finding bodies (seemingly at random).


What steps am I supposed to take to increase the research % of my already discovered bodies?

In my case, I targeted a body with a TST scope in orbit, aimed the telescope at the research target with the AP (controlling from the telescope and not any other part to ensure proper aiming) and took pictures.  Transmitting this data gave me science and increased research on the body.  I needed to do this multiple times to get higher percentages.

If you really wanted to you could save the current progress, go to the Contract cheat menu, force completion of each of those contracts in turn and see what each one does.  Then reload your save and have some idea of what to expect.  I don't really see this as cheating since, in reality, I would have some idea of what contract success would mean (and you're right, they don't tell you much).  Or you could just wait until they complete naturally when the timer runs out and let it surprise you.

Disclaimer: I'm not much further in my career save than you are and I haven't completely figured out RB and TST.  It's a WIP but I'm happy with that.

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11 hours ago, Badlywrapdkebab said:

Thanks for the reply BrigadierI have installed the TST Telescopes mod (all my mods are installed manually by the way) but don't think I've unlocked them in the tech tree yet. I'll give them a try when I get to them but as of now all the discovered bodies I have seem to be stuck on 10% research at most.

Perhaps if I explain the steps I've taken it will help explain my confusion about what I'm supposed to do; I have launched a TB-75M telescope into an orbit above 200,000m and clicked away finding bodies (seemingly at random). For a few of the bodies I have discovered I have started a research plan in the observatory and they are on 10%, the rest on are 0%. I have also started contracts for "Search the skies", "Search the skies with a telescope", "Research a celestial body" and "Research a celestial body with a telescope" but as far as I can tell they just take a chunk of my budget and start a count down timer on the contract. What purpose do these contracts serve because the description just shows a reward of -75,000 as an advance and it seems I can research the bodies in the observatory without the contract by clicking on the Launch Research Plan button? Likewise I can do the same with the telescope so why would I take out a contract to do this that costs me 75,000 and gives no apparent reward? I have run missions that have taken over a year since starting my research plans in the observatory and the only body to change % was Gilly but this was because I encountered it with a satellite I purposefully left in an orbit likely to interecept the moon.

What steps am I supposed to take to increase the research % of my already discovered bodies?


With regards to my question about loading time when entering the Tracking Station I think its just my PC struggling. I did a fresh install of KSP and slowly loaded more mods and watched the performance change. KSS causes most of the issue but Research Bodies also causes a significant hit on load times. I do however have a bigger issue with my Windows install which I should sort before I do anything else - I installed some bad RAM recently which blue screened my PC on boot up and seems to have corrupted part of Windows!

You are doing the right thing... the contracts will take some time... as long as you meet their prerequisites.. such as a TB-75 above 200,000
Once complete they should advanced the research on a planet... if they are not let me know.

[edit]: You DID start the research plan on the bodies you discovered in the Observatory yes?
as far as how my TST mod works with this mod.. The TST telescopes work just like the TB-75, but also, can discover bodies just by taking a photo of them and returning the science.
You can also take additional photos and return the science (once you start the research plan). This will advance the research on the bodies faster than the TB-75 and contracts can.
You can also see through the TST telescopes different levels of detail on the planets as you complete each step of research... the original plans, were to make this a lot more involved... but I haven't got around to doing it yet.

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@JPLRepo, awesome thanks for the clarification. I did start the research plans for some of the bodies discovered but not all of them. I'm finding funds are the restricting factor in my current career whereas science is easily attained. In all my previous careers it has been the opposite but I'm not complaining. So the next thing to find out is if the "research a celestial body" contract increases the research state of just one celestial object at a time (as the name suggests) or all of the ones that have a research plan but that's easy to find out myself.


Gotta say I love this mod and as an amateur astrophotographer the inclusion of TST to take images of the bodies is perfect :)

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4 hours ago, Badlywrapdkebab said:

@JPLRepo, awesome thanks for the clarification. I did start the research plans for some of the bodies discovered but not all of them. I'm finding funds are the restricting factor in my current career whereas science is easily attained. In all my previous careers it has been the opposite but I'm not complaining. So the next thing to find out is if the "research a celestial body" contract increases the research state of just one celestial object at a time (as the name suggests) or all of the ones that have a research plan but that's easy to find out myself.


Gotta say I love this mod and as an amateur astrophotographer the inclusion of TST to take images of the bodies is perfect :)

Glad you like it. The idea was to make things a lot more immersive and interesting. I do have more plans.. but finding the time is becoming an issue...
To confirm - the contracts to research only increase the research state on one celestial body at a time.
Feedback is welcome, as far as game balance goes... so if people have ideas and suggestions around the contracts - time they take, etc. Feel free to drop them in here.

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KSP v1.3.1, RB v1.9.6

I've installed the latest RB into my first attempt at upgrading to KSP 1.3.1.  I originally installed it using <ahem> that-other-program-not-to-be-mentioned :cool:, after all, the repository said it was the correct version.  On running KSP, AVC reported that the RB version was out-of-date, so I downloaded and installed RB manually.  Same problem, so I looked at the RB .version file...the RB Patch Version number is still at 5 and the KSP Version is 1.3.0.  Since this is what the source code on github says, is this an oversight and can I update the .version file?  Would you like a PR (it would be my first so it might take some time to learn how to do it)?

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1 minute ago, Brigadier said:

KSP v1.3.1, RB v1.9.6

I've installed the latest RB into my first attempt at upgrading to KSP 1.3.1.  I originally installed it using <ahem> that-other-program-not-to-be-mentioned :cool:, after all, the repository said it was the correct version.  On running KSP, AVC reported that the RB version was out-of-date, so I downloaded and installed RB manually.  Same problem, so I looked at the RB .version file...the RB Patch Version number is still at 5 and the KSP Version is 1.3.0.  Since this is what the source code on github says, is this an oversight and can I update the .version file?  Would you like a PR (it would be my first so it might take some time to learn how to do it)?

I believe someone else reported this to me... Thanks for reminding me. I better get and fix that this weekend. Yes it was an oversight.

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Hi, I'm new to his mod and I have installed it with OPM_Galileo.

I started a game on Hard Difficulty (with revert enabled of course..) and besides the Sun, Kerbin and Mun, Sarnus is already discovered and fully researched.

Here it is my output log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ce93vzu7utjv72w/output_log_2_researchbodies.txt?dl=0

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7 hours ago, Pethos said:

Hi, I'm new to his mod and I have installed it with OPM_Galileo.

I started a game on Hard Difficulty (with revert enabled of course..) and besides the Sun, Kerbin and Mun, Sarnus is already discovered and fully researched.

Here it is my output log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ce93vzu7utjv72w/output_log_2_researchbodies.txt?dl=0

Not sure what you are asking me? You don't like which planets are available at the start of a game with relation to another mod? You will have to take that up with OPM mod, as OPM defines it's own difficulty settings parameters for this mod.. I see nothing wrong with Research Bodies in your log.

55 minutes ago, PyjackMeat said:

It doesn't seem to be working for me.

Sorry but your file requires me to logon.. which I won't. Suggest you make your file public. and a bit more detail and info about exactly what problems you are experiencing might help as well.


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2 hours ago, JPLRepo said:

Not sure what you are asking me? You don't like which planets are available at the start of a game with relation to another mod? You will have to take that up with OPM mod, as OPM defines it's own difficulty settings parameters for this mod.. I see nothing wrong with Research Bodies in your log.


Sorry, I was uncertain if bring this up here or the OPM thread. Yes, there is a problem with the definition of starting planets in hard difficulty and the planets effectively dicovered.
I will expose the problem to @Galileo, then. I started playing your mod (along Tarsier) and I'm enjoying it very much! 

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3 hours ago, Pethos said:

Sorry, I was uncertain if bring this up here or the OPM thread. Yes, there is a problem with the definition of starting planets in hard difficulty and the planets effectively dicovered.
I will expose the problem to @Galileo, then. I started playing your mod (along Tarsier) and I'm enjoying it very much! 

It's not a problem, that is by design. Sarnus is discovered on all difficulty levels. Humans have known Jupiter existed long before they invented the telescope, and OPM used that logic as well. feel free to change it to whatever you want in the OPM_ResearchBodies cfg in the OPM folder, but its not something I will change. 


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@Galileo @JPLRepo I finally figured out that I had a bad practice to stop to get the proper texts showing in the Observatory, and not the the tag name. Fixes have been applied to GPP and OPM. Also, I'm confirming that ResearchBodies does not recognize the Sun's new name (Ciro) for planets directly orbiting it.




I've also written a discovery message for Sarnus and enabled an improved message for Eeloo.



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