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[1.2.X] [Kopernicus] Planet Cyran

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  On 12/26/2016 at 7:37 PM, JadeOfMaar said:

@The White Guardian Distant Object and Planetshine please? :) 


Already included! Check the OP! :D You'll find a surprise there!

Kerbals from around the globe, Cyran 3.0 is officially out! :D


Let me know if you find and issues that I overlooked, I'll fix them ASAP.

Edited by The White Guardian
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Anticipate requests for Kerbalism support. One of its contributors recently visited GPP and may soon come here.

I will produce resource configs soon (sooner than Protorin's science defs honestly :/ resources are a breeze to write) to make this pack agreeable to resource-intensive mods like Kerbalism, Near Future Propulsion, Extraplanetary Launchpads and Karbonite (all of USI).

Also, scale down your Spacedock cover pic so that it fits. :P Those things only tile. They don't scale, stretch or center.

Edited by JadeOfMaar
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  On 12/26/2016 at 11:57 PM, JadeOfMaar said:

@The White Guardian I think your GPP patch is missing Cyran's change to orbit Ciro. I've had a busy afternoon and hadn't gotten around to opening KSP. But I figure this automatically works as is by whatever logic.

Eh... disregard this post? ^^;


@Galileo made a clever move when creating Ciro, it is renamed with cbNameLater but the gameobject is still called 'Sun'. Therefore planet packs can still find the object 'Sun' before it is renamed to Ciro. That's why it'll work just fine! :D

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@The White Guardian Huge problem. Everything I have landed on Gael has moved to Iltan and objects around Gael's moons have changed to Cyran and Crysalis orbits. Please do something about flight globals index. GPP's range is 60 ~ 86.

I also wonder what I've done wrong. Strangely I don't have an MM cache to delete. :confused:

Edited by JadeOfMaar
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  On 12/27/2016 at 12:29 AM, JadeOfMaar said:

@The White Guardian Huge problem. Everything I have landed on Gael has moved to Iltan and objects around Gael's moons have changed to Cyran and Crysalis orbits. Please do something about flight globals index. GPP's range is 60 ~ 86.


This change will likely have to be on GPPs part. It will cause a headache for everyone playing a career with GPP but I don't expect every planet pack to build their flight global index around GPP. Unfortunately GPP is the odd man out in this case

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@Galileo Ehhh...One more horror for everyone, eh? :( Hopefully it's just my KSP being weird. Just as you saw my comment I added that strangely I don't have an MM cache to delete. Furthermore, Cyran's orbit is hugging Gratian's. :huh: But the code says it should appear much farther out.

More testing shall be done.

Edited by JadeOfMaar
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@Galileo @The White Guardian Something with Cyran's presence causes MM not to generate a cache file...and EVE stops working in the Tracking Station. (Your EVEs are colliding?) Also, hilariously, my SSTO that was sitting on Argo is now landed on Nero, a gas giant. :D I have not gone to it as Jeb is on it and I want him very much to not die.


I have to start removing mods now, perhaps. :/ Can someone else try these planet packs together, see if the same thing happens?

Edited by JadeOfMaar
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  On 12/27/2016 at 1:45 AM, JadeOfMaar said:

@Galileo @The White Guardian Something with Cyran's presence causes MM not to generate a cache file...and EVE stops working in the Tracking Station. (Your EVEs are colliding?) Also, hilariously, my SSTO that was sitting on Argo is now landed on Nero, a gas giant. :D I have not gone to it as Jeb is on it and I want him very much to not die.


I have to start removing mods now, perhaps. :/ Can someone else try these planet packs together, see if the same thing happens?


How strange, what mods are you running? I got it to work with GPP + Cyran only. Seems the problem lies within the compatibility patch though which has no connection to EVE or any other mod but Kopernicus. I'll look into it.

Regaring the FGI, it's a 'damned-if-you-do-damned-if-you-don't' scenario. Anchoring down a mod to a specific FGI means that crafts won't move when installing new planets, but if we all keep anchoring down mods with the FGI I forsee a future where people are bickering about unused FlightGlobalsIndexes and where mods are barely compatible anymore due to overlapping FGI's. Without a proper list of used FGI's chaos will follow eventually.

Nevertheless, I'll add the following to the OP.



If you have any save files in progress, add a config file anywhere in the PlanetCyran folder with the following:

		flightGlobalsIndex = 671
		flightGlobalsIndex = 672
		flightGlobalsIndex = 674
		flightGlobalsIndex = 675
		flightGlobalsIndex = 676
		flightGlobalsIndex = 677
		flightGlobalsIndex = 678
		flightGlobalsIndex = 679
		flightGlobalsIndex = 680

This will ensure that no crafts move. This patch will be included in the next release of Cyran (3.0+).

@JadeOfMaar try the following: open PlanetCyran/Configs/CompatibilityPatches/Cyran_GPPCONFIG.cfg and replace the contents with this:

			%eccentricity = 0.0676109965737205
			%semiMajorAxis = 92759394433.7613
		name = CyranDres
		cbNameLater = Dres
		flightGlobalsIndex = 681
			update = true
			exportBin = true
		cacheFile = PlanetCyran/Cache/Patch/GPP_Dres.bin
			name = Dres
			removeAllPQSMods = true
			referenceBody = Cyran
			semiMajorAxis = 26457637.7435685
			eccentricity = 0
			color = 0.2865168,0.4269663,0.4157303,1
			description = Dres is a breautiful blue moon orbiting Cyran. When it was first spotted, Kerbal Astronomers thought that it was an icy world but in reality Dres is rocky. It's steep cliffs have been the subject of many sci-fi movies.
			tidallyLocked = true
				landedDataValue = 9
				splashedDataValue = 1
				flyingLowDataValue = 1
				flyingHighDataValue = 1
				inSpaceLowDataValue = 8
				inSpaceHighDataValue = 7
				recoveryValue = 6.75
			biomeMap = PlanetCyran/PluginData/NewDres_biome.dds
					name = Major Mountain Range
					value = 1
					color = #ff9000
					name = Minor Mountains
					value = 1
					color = #ffffff
					name = Fields of Karl
					value = 1
					color = #00ffff
					name = Azure Plains
					value = 1
					color = #ff0000
					name = Poles
					value = 1
					color = #00909d
					name = Sapphire Lowlands
					value = 1
					color = #0000ff
					name = Blue Wastelands
					value = 1
					color = #ff00ff
					name = Craters
					value = 1
					color = #00ff00
			type = Vacuum
			fadeStart = 0
			fadeEnd = 0
				texture = PlanetCyran/PluginData/NewDres_scaled.png
				normals = PlanetCyran/PluginData/NewDres_normal.png
				deepTex = CTTP/Textures/gravel
				deepMultiTex = CTTP/Textures/gravel
				mainTex = CTTP/Textures/rock
				mainMultiTex = CTTP/Textures/gravel
				highTex = CTTP/Textures/ice
				highMultiTex = CTTP/Textures/gravel
				snowTex = CTTP/Textures/ice
				snowMultiTex = CTTP/Textures/gravel
				steepTex = CTTP/Textures/cliff
					deformity = 500
					frequency = 2
					octaves = 5
					persistence = 0.2
					seed = 3528
					order = 50
					enabled = True
					deformity = 2500
					frequency = 7
					octaves = 6
					persistence = 0.4
					seed = 89325
					noiseType = Perlin
					mode = Low
					lacunarity = 2.5
					order = 100
					enabled = True
					deformity = 500
					frequency = 24
					octaves = 12
					persistence = 0.2
					seed = 53289
					order = 101
					enabled = True
					colorOpacity = 0.7
					DebugColorMapping = False
					deformation = 2500
					jitter = 0.1
					jitterHeight = 2
					rFactor = 1
					rOffset = 1.1
					simplexFrequency = 300
					simplexOctaves = 3
					simplexPersistence = 0.5
					simplexSeed = 123123
					voronoiDisplacement = 0
					voronoiFrequency = 5
					voronoiSeed = 37285
					order = 151
					enabled = True
						key = -0.9982381 -0.7411783 -0.06500059 -0.06500059
						key = -0.9332262 -0.7678316 -0.2176399 -0.2176399
						key = -0.8990405 -0.7433339 -2.560626 -2.560626
						key = -0.7445966 -0.8581167 0.4436148 0.4436148
						key = -0.4499771 -0.1392395 5.289535 5.289535
						key = -0.4015177 0.2551735 9.069458 -2.149609
						key = -0.2297457 0.002857953 -0.4453675 -0.4453675
						key = 0.2724952 0.00423781 -0.01884932 -0.01884932
						key = 0.9998434 -0.004090764 0.01397126 0.01397126
						key = -1.000701 0.4278412 0.1577609 0.1577609
						key = -0.7884969 0.09487452 -0.7739663 -0.7739663
						key = -0.6091803 0.072019 0.123537 0.123537
						key = -0.3930514 0.3903495 3.300831 3.300831
						key = -0.3584836 0.8643304 0.07139917 0.07139917
						key = -0.2988068 0.002564805 -0.01814346 -0.01814346
						key = 0.9970253 0.003401639 0 0
					altitudeBlend = 0.5
					altitudeFrequency = 12
					altitudeOctaves = 2
					altitudePersistance = 0.6
					altitudeSeed = 212121
					createColors = False
					createScatter = True
					latitudeBlend = 0.05
					latitudeFrequency = 4
					latitudeOctaves = 4
					latitudePersistance = 0.6
					latitudeSeed = 47373
					longitudeBlend = 0.05
					longitudeFrequency = 4
					longitudeOctaves = 4
					longitudePersistance = 0.6
					longitudeSeed = 768453
					useHeightMap = False
					vHeightMax = 3500
					order = 9999999
					enabled = True
						frequency = 12
						octaves = 2
						persistence = 0.600000023841858
						frequency = 4
						octaves = 4
						persistence = 0.600000023841858
						frequency = 4
						octaves = 4
						persistence = 0.600000023841858
							alterApparentHeight = 0
							alterRealHeight = 0
							color = 0.6940298,0.1853933,0.1741573,1
							coverageBlend = 1
							coverageFrequency = 2
							coverageOctaves = 4
							coveragePersistance = 0.5
							coverageSeed = 121214
							name = BaseBeach
							latDelta = 1
							latitudeDouble = True
							lonDelta = 1
							minimumRealHeight = 0
							noiseBlend = 0.5
							noiseColor = 0.6044776,0.2752809,0.3258427,1
							noiseFrequency = 8
							noiseOctaves = 4
							noisePersistance = 0.5
							noiseSeed = 453737
							delete = False
								endEnd = 0.0199999995529652
								endStart = 0.00499999988824129
								startEnd = -1
								startStart = -1
								frequency = 2
								octaves = 4
								persistence = 0.5
								endEnd = 1
								endStart = 1
								startEnd = 0
								startStart = 0
								endEnd = 1
								endStart = 1
								startEnd = 0
								startStart = 0
								endEnd = 2
								endStart = 2
								startEnd = -1
								startStart = -1
								frequency = 8
								octaves = 4
								persistence = 0.5
									density = 0.8
									scatterName = Boulder1
							alterApparentHeight = 0
							alterRealHeight = 0
							color = 0.4,0.4,0.4,1
							coverageBlend = 1
							coverageFrequency = 6
							coverageOctaves = 8
							coveragePersistance = 0.5
							coverageSeed = 14554
							name = BaseLand
							latDelta = 1
							latitudeDouble = True
							lonDelta = 1
							minimumRealHeight = 0
							noiseBlend = 0.75
							noiseColor = 0.1511772,0.06179775,0.08524685,1
							noiseFrequency = 14
							noiseOctaves = 3
							noisePersistance = 0.9
							noiseSeed = 44445
							delete = False
								endEnd = 0.800000011920929
								endStart = 0.699999988079071
								startEnd = 0.00999999977648258
								startStart = 0
								frequency = 6
								octaves = 8
								persistence = 0.5
								endEnd = 1
								endStart = 1
								startEnd = 0
								startStart = 0
								endEnd = 1
								endStart = 1
								startEnd = 0
								startStart = 0
								endEnd = 2
								endStart = 2
								startEnd = -1
								startStart = -1
								frequency = 14
								octaves = 3
								persistence = 0.899999976158142
									density = 0.7
									scatterName = Boulder1
							alterApparentHeight = 0
							alterRealHeight = 0
							color = 0.141791,0.141791,0.141791,1
							coverageBlend = 0.7
							coverageFrequency = 2
							coverageOctaves = 4
							coveragePersistance = 0.6
							coverageSeed = 454545
							name = BaseMountains
							latDelta = 1
							latitudeDouble = False
							lonDelta = 1
							minimumRealHeight = 0
							noiseBlend = 1
							noiseColor = 0.1492537,0.14127,0.1278572,1
							noiseFrequency = 12
							noiseOctaves = 4
							noisePersistance = 0.6
							noiseSeed = 1
							delete = False
								endEnd = 25
								endStart = 25
								startEnd = 0.400000005960464
								startStart = 0.0001
								frequency = 2
								octaves = 4
								persistence = 0.600000023841858
								endEnd = 1
								endStart = 1
								startEnd = 0
								startStart = 0
								endEnd = 1
								endStart = 1
								startEnd = 0
								startStart = 0
								endEnd = 2
								endStart = 2
								startEnd = -1
								startStart = -1
								frequency = 12
								octaves = 4
								persistence = 0.600000023841858
									density = 0.3
									scatterName = Boulder1
									density = 0.7
									scatterName = Boulder2
							materialType = BumpedDiffuse
							mesh = BUILTIN/boulder
							castShadows = False
							densityFactor = 1
							maxCache = 512
							maxCacheDelta = 32
							maxLevelOffset = 0
							maxScale = 3
							maxScatter = 20
							maxSpeed = 1000
							minScale = 0.5
							recieveShadows = False
							name = Boulder1
							seed = 231123
							verticalOffset = 0
							delete = False
							collide = False
							science = False
								color = 0.5,0.5,0.5,1
								mainTex = CTTP/Textures/cracked
								mainTexScale = 1,1
								mainTexOffset = 0,0
								bumpMap = CTTP/Textures/cracked_normal
								bumpMapScale = 1,1
								bumpMapOffset = 0,0
							materialType = BumpedDiffuse
							mesh = BUILTIN/boulder
							castShadows = False
							densityFactor = 1
							maxCache = 512
							maxCacheDelta = 32
							maxLevelOffset = 0
							maxScale = 3
							maxScatter = 20
							maxSpeed = 1000
							minScale = 0.5
							recieveShadows = False
							name = Boulder2
							seed = 231123
							verticalOffset = 0
							delete = False
							collide = False
							science = False
								color = 0.6,0.7,0.7,1
								mainTex = CTTP/Textures/sand
								mainTexScale = 1,1
								mainTexOffset = 0,0
								bumpMap = CTTP/Textures/sand_normal
								bumpMapScale = 1,1
								bumpMapOffset = 0,0
					atmosphereDepth = 150000
					cameraAlt = 96821.5283585174
					cameraAtmosAlt = 0.6454769
					DEBUG_SetEveryFrame = True
					globalDensity = -1E-05
					heightDensAtViewer = 0.01281718
					heightFalloff = 6.75
					order = 100
					enabled = True
					blend = 0.7
					order = 100
					enabled = True
							name = Low
							color = 0.1516854,0.2752809,0.2022472,1
							altitudeStart = -4
							altitudeEnd = 0.1
							lerpToNext = True
							delete = False
							name = Mid
							color = 0.2865168,0.4269663,0.4157303,1
							altitudeStart = 0.1
							altitudeEnd = 0.7
							lerpToNext = True
							delete = False
							name = High
							color = 0.6,0.6,0.6,1
							altitudeStart = 0.7
							altitudeEnd = 2
							lerpToNext = False
							delete = False
					deformation = 2000
					displacement = 0.001
					enableDistance = True
					frequency = 15
					seed = 6223
					order = 15
					enabled = True

I think the problem could be one of two things:

1. I used AFTER[Planet_Cyran, GPP] which could've been misunderstood by ModuleManager.

2. I straight up named the re-added Dres 'Dres' which could've conflicted with other mods.

I think the orbit not relocating properly also works now. Give it a try and see what happens.

Edited by The White Guardian
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Just a heads up for everyone, I've started another new project.

This does not mean that any other projects will be abandoned, oh no! I'll still update Cyran and Arkas, I've only added a new project to the list. This time I'm not alone however, as fellow Kopernicus modder and good friend @Agent-Daniel_46, who also won KCM3 with his planet Trin, has found time to help me with this project.

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@The White Guardian Thanks. It did occur to me the the flight globals need only be addressed by starting a new save when Cyran is added after, not with GPP, and that it would still be a horrific matter for either planet pack to change their FGI now. I'm very happy you have a way to keep this kind of thing optional. I spent a good bit of time troubleshooting that gpp patch, noting the missing open Body tag and the "AFTER[X,Y]" bit, and I even tried @ signs where you now put % to change Cyran's orbit.

Personally, I'm going to have to change Cyran's main config to apply its GPP position... I'm still not getting the patch code to work and am nearly done trying. My next thing to do is try to get yours and @Galileo's EVE to run concurrently.

On a positive note, I've written resource configs for Cyran itself and most of its moons so, for example, you won't find Water or Hydrates on Infernas for MKS...but plenty of the same on Glacia. My setup is far from perfect but it's nearly ready to ZIP and link for you.

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Edited by JadeOfMaar
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@The White Guardian. The start of the trailer felt literally like a movie trailer but without the green screen at the start saying not to pirate the movie or something. If you added a little talking, some actors and a Massive kerbal spaceship entering the Cyran system then having problems like crash landing on the green moon then having the trailer end at a cliff hanger and also add Optimus voice into it, You will have a movie trailer XD.

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  On 12/28/2016 at 9:28 AM, SAS123 said:

@The White Guardian. The start of the trailer felt literally like a movie trailer but without the green screen at the start saying not to pirate the movie or something. If you added a little talking, some actors and a Massive kerbal spaceship entering the Cyran system then having problems like crash landing on the green moon then having the trailer end at a cliff hanger and also add Optimus voice into it, You will have a movie trailer XD.


I had actually recorded my own voice to add to the trailer, but in the end I decided against it so that it wouldn't disturb the music. :D

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When I installed I noticed that the clouds showed up on the objects in the Cyran system, but the clouds on every other object vanished (except kerbin). I investigated and found a few problems with the code:

-the EVE cloud layer at the surface of cyran (there was something wrong with the code)

-the hurricane on iltan

when I deleted the two pieces of code, the clouds worked again.

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