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Am I doing this correctly?


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I started a KSP channel not to long ago and I post various KSP things on it




However I have seen many other great KSP youtubers and I am beginning to wonder if I am doing it correctly or if there is something I can improve on. So I was curious what a hive of other KSP players would say about the channel using constructive criticism like on other parts of the forum. 

So I was wondering

- Am I doing things good so far?

- How can I improve?

- Video idea suggestions?

- Any other things you noticed also..


Thanks to all those who reply

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In my experience, YouTube KSP videos need one of two things:

1. Entertainment, this usually means something hilarious, or an interesting person streaming (you typically have to talk)

2. Education.  This can take many forms but the most obvious is education in how to play the game.  I looked at the beginning of your Ore Refinery video and watched you do a launch that was beyond beginner.  I don't mean for you to take offense at that, but most people can play the game better than that.  So education is kind of out in that case.

Those two points are inclusive or exclusive, you can be terrible at the game and be incredibly entertaining or you can be great at the game and maybe a little less entertaining.  I guess what I'm saying is I see videos of you playing KSP but, without you discussing your projects or teaching something, what draw is there for me to watch?  You need to find a niche that brings viewers to your channel.

Aside from that, YouTube is a cutthroat world and growing a channel is a slow and arduous task.  Don't expect a million subscribers overnight.

Also, I don't make a lot of videos, but I use OBS too.

1 hour ago, MrMeeb said:

Or Nvidia Shadowplay if you have a compatible Nvidia GPU :)

I really need to look into that one, I just upgraded my GPU to a 950. My old 560Ti couldn't do shadowplay.

Edited by Alshain
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@Andersenman I kid you not, up until last week I have been doing that since 1.0 launched. Recently I have been able to do far more efficient launches and have even gone as far as SSTOs. I assure you my next video will show far more efficiency. I also now have a bandicam alternative thanks to @CobaltWolf. My next video will likely be a Jool 5 mission without bandicam or an SSTO video. 

@CobaltWolf I have been looking for a bandicam alternative forever. Thanks alot!

@MrMeeb I tried that once... only to remember I play KSP on a surprisingly cooperative laptop.

@Alshain Thanks for such feedback, many people have been telling me to voice my videos now and I will take into account your 2 points. You will be pleased to hear I am taking what you said into account and plan on producing more humorous videos and commentating more. Regarding the education one, I am actually in the process of working on a video about the space race. I started last week so when it is finished I will post it, and it too will have commentary. 

Thanks again

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Up until seeing your video I was puzzled how Squad expected people to create legitimate ground bases. "Legitimate" in the sense of "not just two dumb parts that happen to have a docking port connection in the middle, and then trying to shimmy them about to exploit docking as station building", especially since roving wheels, even the lightest, come rather late in the stock tree. That was very helpful, so if you were asking me what to show, I'd say "how to fulfill certain contracts without exploiting the contract system's limited robustness against shenanigans".

Edited by Andersenman
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I like the fact that you are doing some interesting content which includes some challenge type stuff (mini craft are cool) as well as practical things, and keeping it short is a plus.

I'm a big fan of crazy loud music but when it comes to content like this it's a bit much, I prefer more light hearted or mellow music, if I hear heavy rock or techno I mute it. I would edit the text down a bit to the key important parts if you decide to keep including it. Also, shrink your navball! 

To me you have a good start happening and I'm sure you will find your rhythm and voice (by voice I mean style, I don't think you need to talk unless you want to) after a few more videos :) I look forward to more space adventures!


Edited by Waxing_Kibbous
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