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Female Veteran Kerbals

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On 5/16/2016 at 6:12 PM, Nothalogh said:

If I wanted to play Gender Studies, i wouldn't be playing a game about flight and orbital mechanics.

 tumblr pls go

What do "female" astronauts have to do with gender studies? You seem to be implying that orbital mechanics and flight are somehow exclusive?





To get back on topic, I'd love to see multi-role astronauts, and basic Kharacter creation customization. By no means do I want Elderscrolls-scale customization—just some basic trait customization, and of course, traits that have some real influence in-game. Courage and stupidity are meaningless as far as I know, and real astronauts are all multi-discipline/specialty.

Edited by blorgon
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4 hours ago, blorgon said:

To get back on topic, I'd love to see multi-role astronauts, and basic Kharacter creation. By no means do I want Elderscrolls-scale customization—just some basic trait customization, and of course, traits that have some real influence in-game. Courage and stupidity are meaningless as far as I know, and real astronauts are all multi-discipline/specialty.

God help us no. Kerbals are not characters, they are payload. Somewhat useful payload, but payload nonetheless. I want 100% random applicants to my space program. A way to drill them into shape and train them in particular abilities perhaps, but don't let me define what their basic stats are because then they'll all just be Albert Einstein crossed with Superman Jeb.

Courage and stupidity affect their facial expressions in given situations (i.e. stupid kerbals take longer to realise they're falling to their deaths, courageous kerbals take longer to be frightened by falling to their death).

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3 hours ago, The_Rocketeer said:

God help us no. Kerbals are not characters, they are payload. Somewhat useful payload, but payload nonetheless. I want 100% random applicants to my space program. A way to drill them into shape and train them in particular abilities perhaps, but don't let me define what their basic stats are because then they'll all just be Albert Einstein crossed with Superman Jeb.

Courage and stupidity affect their facial expressions in given situations (i.e. stupid kerbals take longer to realise they're falling to their deaths, courageous kerbals take longer to be frightened by falling to their death).

I don't mean character creation—that'd be silly. I mean more like using experience from previous missions to improve traits. I also disagree with the sentiment that Kerbals are just a payload. I care about my recruits. I usually hire three or four Kerbals total and fly them for all my missions. I get attached to them, and write mission log entries for them, and I think about future missions I want them to fly.

I know their facial expressions are a result of courage and stupidity—I was talking about real influence on the game, not just aesthetic/comedic.


EDIT: I realize I actually said the word "creation" originally. My bad.

Edited by blorgon
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15 hours ago, Red Iron Crown said:

Just this once can we have a discussion about female kerbals that doesn't devolve into accusations of SJWing and such? Please?

Probably not, it looks like Lewis's Law applies to this sort of discussion.

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21 hours ago, GregroxMun said:

That said, I would still welcome an extra two female Kerbals, perhaps named Svetlana Kerman and either Mae Kerman or Sally Kerman. I don't feel that they would be necessary.

Stella and Luna would be two great names for female astronauts, if you for some reason didn't want to honor IRL astronauts.  Since Jeb, Bill, and Bob don't (to my knowledge), there's no reason a second and third female would have to, either.

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Just now, Barefoot Friar said:

Stella and Luna would be two great names for female astronauts, if you for some reason didn't want to honor IRL astronauts.  Since Jeb, Bill, and Bob don't (to my knowledge), there's no reason a second and third female would have to, either.

Luna is a name that comes from mythology in relation to the moon. The equivalent name would be Muna or just Mun for Kerbals. Stella Kerman could work though. Stel for short.

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31 minutes ago, GregroxMun said:

Luna is a name that comes from mythology in relation to the moon. The equivalent name would be Muna or just Mun for Kerbals. Stella Kerman could work though. Stel for short.

Plus when she (read: you) screws up a docking or crashes into a moon, you can yell "STELLA!"

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I'm not sure there's a 'need' for additional orange suits, but I'd certainly have no issue if a couple more were introduced, and if so making them female would (to me) make sense from both a public perception and giving players a choice point of view.

As for having some female 'ground crew' wandering about and in some of the more 'senior' admin positions, then yes I would be in favour of that too.  The suggestion of a pool of 'admin staff' of both genders, that are selected randomly and/or work in shifts I do quite like.

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We could solve this and make the Transgendered aerospace engineers happy by renaming Bill to Belle.

Besides, I always mix up which one of them is the engineer....

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Some people want more diverse Kerbals, other people don't want it, still other people don't care. Now that the point's been made, since this is one of those subjects that ALWAYS turns bad on the forum, let's move on. 

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