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What is your most usefull mod?

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5 hours ago, Jeb-head-mug kerman said:

what does module manager do anyway?

I don't know how it works, but I gather it is responsible for us easily being able to modify part files without changing any files.

So you can have a part, and in its file it might say, eg: mass=1

You can put a little MM config into gamedata that says "see that part? make it mass=2" [this is not representative of the correct wording]

The MM config will override the original entry in the part file.

The original part file is untouched so you can easily reverse the change, or alter it.

It also makes it easy to make wide-sweeping changes to many parts, ie "you know all parts that are command modules? make mass=2"

That sort of thing. Its like a mini programming language which enables easy (+reversible) modification of existing files.


Technically, we could do almost as much without it, except that the effort involved would be many orders of magnitude higher, and the risk of catastrophic error increased a similar amount.

Edited by p1t1o
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10 minutes ago, p1t1o said:

The MM config will override the original entry in the part file.

The original part file is untouched so you can easily reverse the change, or alter it.

More importantly:  it won't get wiped out when the original config file changes (e.g. when KSP updates, or you install an updated version of a mod).

This is really important for enabling mods that patch other mods, and also if you have put effort into tweaking things by making your own changes, your work won't be wiped out when you update things.

The key takeaway for ModuleManager depends on what sort of KSP player you are:

  • If you're a tweaker/tinkerer/programmer type (i.e. you like to pop the hood on your car and mess around with the engine):  ModuleManager gives you an enormously powerful tool that lets you alter the game in all sorts of ways with a simple text config file, no code required.
  • If you're "just a player" and not tweaker/tinkerer (i.e. you like to just get into your automatic-transmission car and drive):  then ModuleManager's existence is completely irrelevant to you, for the most part.  It happens to be required and used by a high percentage of the mods out there, but since most MM-dependent mods just install a copy of ModuleManager when you get them, you never have to install it yourself (or even be aware of existence).  It's just part of the internal technical plumbing that lets your favorite mods do what they do.


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I absolutely have to have MechJeb, KJR, and Kerbal Alarm Clock, and I'm rarely happy without Interstellar Fuel Switch or Editor Extensions Redux. On top of that, I love every mod by both Nertea and NecroBones, as well as DMagic Orbital Science and most spaceplane mods. But, less in the realm of usefulness and more towards enjoyability, my favourite thing to do is explore new planets and moons added by the ever-growing selection of planet packs (of which it's impossible for me to choose favourites, but notable mentions would be Outer Planets, Xen's Planet Collection, and Asclepius because I've become very accustomed to having them).

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Its a tuff call between Kerbal Engineer and Kerbal Alarm Clock. But it all goes together with the Dv chart, Optimal rocket calculator and launch window planner. Its hard to live without any of those. That being said, I dont always go strictly with the info I get from any of them with the exception of Kerbal Alarm clock. After all, in real life, they have lots of info well before they actually put something on the pad and send it.

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1. MechJeb - Call me a cheater if you will, but I really can't express how much I don't want to actually fly the ascent anymore, or fiddle with the maneuver nodes to change planes or circularize an orbit. Or actually do the math for a planetary transfer. One kerbal's fun is another's tedium.

2. DMagic Orbital Science - Once science and tech came out it's what this game became to me. I no longer had to roleplay a science mission.

3. ScanSat - See #2. I just love watching the maps get uncovered, even though I've seen them a million times.

4. Kerbal Alarm Clock

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1. KER (should urgently be stock)
2. RCS Building Aid (should be stock)
3. Precise Node or Precise Maneuver (should be stock)
4. Action Groups Extended (should be stock)
5. Docking Port Alignment Indicator (should be stock)
6. RemoteTech (because it adds realism and challenge to the game)
7. Kerbal Alarm Clock (should be stock)
8. Transfer Window Calculator (should be stock)
9. Interstellar Fuel Switch (with custom config for all fuel tanks - very handy)
10. kOS - nifty automation for making ones life easier

Would have mentioned MechJeb here, but since KSP 1.1, it's kind of broken for me.
Ascent guidance does weird stuff. It used to do perfect gravity turns. Now it's wonky as hell and unreliable for some odd reason.
Maybe it has problems with the FAR aero model? It worked earlier however...

Edited by Cairol
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13 hours ago, eddiew said:

Kerbal Engineer, Kerbal Joint Reinforcement, Transfer Window Planner, Kerbal Alarm Clock, Celestial Body Science Editor, Tweakscale and Contract Configurator are my 'essential' mods that I simply don't enjoy the game without. Guesswork and bendy planes just aren't my cup of tea.

Next on my list are Kopernicus and the array of planet packs like New Horizons, Kerbol Plus, OPM, etc, to give me new places to visit. No need to farm Duna for science, because my solar system has plenty of other bodies!

After that comes parts packs, where I specifically look for things that add new features, rather than just alternative models for the same function as stock items; Space Y, DMagic Orbital Science, Hooligan Labs Airships, some of the USI packs.

Does celestial body editor allow you to build your planet?

Mech jeb, hmmm.. Mech jeb i will add it too my list! Kerbal joint reinforcement is pretty usefull too.:D

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While I've never used Kerbal Enginier or MechJeb (seriously I've never used either) I love planet packs (thank god I have a decent PC) as well as any sci-fi mod,  especialy any one with warp-drives. I do really like the Farscape mod (link Below)

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4 hours ago, bengee777 said:

While I've never used Kerbal Enginier or MechJeb (seriously I've never used either) I love planet packs (thank god I have a decent PC) as well as any sci-fi mod,  especialy any one with warp-drives. I do really like the Farscape mod (link Below)

Mech jeb helps too control your craft and allows you too see the altitude off your periapsis/apoapsis. But planet pack are good two, i like scifi mods too.:)

Edited by Jeb-head-mug kerman
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  • Real Solar System
  • Realism Overhaul
  • FAR
  • MM
  • Real Fuels
  • RealChute
  • RVE
  • Scatterer
  • Persistant Rotation
  • Ambient Light Adjustment
  • PlanetShine
  • WindowShine
  • TextureReplacer
  • Editor Extentions
  • Kerbal Joint Reinforcement
  • Kerbal Konstructs
  • Near Future Solar
  • Orbital Decay
  • RCS Sounds
  • RealPlume
  • RemoteTech
  • Toolbar
  • Ubiozur Welding
  • My own mods

I need realism in my life. I refuse to play the stock game, use stock parts or have anything to do with those little green weirdos.

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6 hours ago, Jeb-head-mug kerman said:

Does celestial body editor allow you to build your planet?

Celestial Body Science Editor lets you change the science multiplier for each body. I like to nerf Mun and Minmus to 2x so I have to leave Kerbin's SoI :)

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4 hours ago, liquidhype said:
  • Real Solar System
  • Realism Overhaul
  • FAR
  • MM
  • Real Fuels
  • RealChute
  • RVE
  • Scatterer
  • Persistant Rotation
  • Ambient Light Adjustment
  • PlanetShine
  • WindowShine
  • TextureReplacer
  • Editor Extentions
  • Kerbal Joint Reinforcement
  • Kerbal Konstructs
  • Near Future Solar
  • Orbital Decay
  • RCS Sounds
  • RealPlume
  • RemoteTech
  • Toolbar
  • Ubiozur Welding
  • My own mods

I need realism in my life. I refuse to play the stock game, use stock parts or have anything to do with those little green weirdos.

I like realism too it is good in ksp.

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To me, all who bring realism to the game and my favorites are:

ConnectedLivingSpace, DeadlyReentry, CoolRockets, EngineLight, FerramAerospaceResearch, MechJeb2, MedScan, RealFuels, RealPlume, SmokeScreen, StockVisualEnhancements, and all the mods that give us points of science

But there is one thing that is not implemented yet, which is a system of training and promotion of the kerbals. We have a really underutilized astronauts Center!!

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MM, joint re-enforcement, and toolbar extensions redux are absolute necessities, even for stock. As are the sas/trim stock fix modules.

KSPI-E because antimatter is fun!

anything made by @SuicidalInsanity, the god of mk2/3.


TCA; despite its bugs, i have a deep love of VTOL craft and airships

Kerbaloons: you need them in campaign, trust me.

SXT. i uninstalled it once, and realized that every craft i had broke XD you don't realize you need it, but you need it.

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