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[1.4.x-1.8.x] Airplane Plus - R26.4 (Fixed issues/Github is up to date) (Dec 21, 2019)


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5 minutes ago, blackheart612 said:

But before all that, was doing something on the sidelines, @qromodynmc :P 


Experimental adjustable tilt-rotor using stock. It's less than what any plug-in can do but at least I didn't need another plug-in other than FS. :P (Sped up twice because of low FPS)


Not bad. Most of my VTOL experiments end up at ground level (or below) shortly after take-off. :wink:

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Hello Black, I like this mod especially for the long nose'd helo cockpit, some of the other cockpits but especially the Mk1 cargo bays. thay allow em to make proper looking helicopters. But I have a problem. AirPlanePlus loads perfectly on 1.2.2   But on 1.1.3 it gets stuck on all the 'payload' parts  (AKA the Cargo bay door parts that have  little doors which slide outwards and then along the side.)   Why does 1.1.3  want to load everything except for them?  (Oh, and  1.1.3 gets stuck on the F16 {Falcon_Cockpit}  Aswell).

Hope you know a answer :D.   


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20 hours ago, Akira_R said:

Kerbal Foundries - Continued has some adjustable landing gear that deploy exactly like that



I think you got the one I was talking about confused with this:


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Side request: can we get a faster small turboprop? Something that maxes at about 200m/s? The Predator maxes at 136m/s, the Titan at 166m/s, and there's a big gap to the Bear at 257m/s. I need it because reasons :cool:

Edited by kiwinanday
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8 hours ago, SSgt Baloo said:

Not bad. Most of my VTOL experiments end up at ground level (or below) shortly after take-off. :wink:


8 hours ago, qromodynmc said:

@blackheart612 aha! looks great! btw i want to ask something, doesnt your helicopter rotors have steering ability? I mean i was working on several helicopters but they're damn hard to control, it's odd. Maybe other rotor mod had reactions wheels in their rotors, cant remember.


8 hours ago, kiwinanday said:

Throw some reaction wheels on that B

I should consider adding RW to them indeed. :P 

By the way, unlike most engines, this one is based off AW/Bell 609 thanks to @qromodynmc's pic. Didn't know the plane existed in the first place but now we the engine is made. I had to watch some videos as some parts are in blueprints aren't complete.
Also, there are some mirroring parts in the SPH. There is only a specific way they can mirror correctly at the moment. And that's like this, when it's point forward and can deploy upward. When deployed, the deployment can be adjusted from 0 to 100 percent manually.

Here's my final test plane, I made it look nicer. The engine itself is still a prototype. It will have to be textured properly.



@ColDelta At 1.1.3 era, there is no Payload category. They are supposed to be under Utility. If you are keen on editing configs, you can change the world Payload on the config to Utility. Similarly, falconcockpit has been made past the 1.1 patch so it contains Loud and Clear antennas. All the folder of cockpits before it have no module for transmitter so they load fine. Again, this could be fixed by removing ModuleDataTransmitter{} in the modules. But note that it only stopped loading there because it's the first folder to have it. Consecutive command parts may have it as well, but just after the falconcockpit.


I'll take a look at landing gears again, see what I can find. I'm eager to launch an update but all I have are experimental parts. I may look at the landing gear first, tweak the nosecone, fix the configs and hopefully, that's enough material for release. It feels like there's a lot of new content with the upcoming stuff, even I'm excited :D 

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On 23.03.2017 at 1:35 AM, Murican_Jeb said:

If you ever figure out the wheel code, could you make sideways retracting gear like this?


There is a new ALG part, that functions quite like what you want.



2 hours ago, blackheart612 said:

Here's my final test plane, I made it look nicer.


Sorry, wanted to ask if you know a way to make those internal hatches function, so that kerbal could really get inside and outside through the ramp. My experience shows, that if you try use the hatch in this configuration, you will get message "hatch is obstructed".

Edited by Shnyrik
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@Shnyrik The hatch is too compact in length for the game to recognize that it's a valid place to put a kerbal in even though nothing is actually obstructing it. I stated it on one of my changelogs before but unless the length of the hollow hull is twice what I'm using here, it won't be possible to eva out of it. Although the cockpit has its own hatch where a kerbal can get out of. The cabin won't be able to eva on its own though.
I hate this feature but I guess the a fuselage that short would be pushing it enough in KSP... You can still get in through the hatches in that length though. That's why I have it open. I don't have ladders from the cockpit hatch so I get in through it.

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1 hour ago, blackheart612 said:

The hatch is too compact in length for the game to recognize that it's a valid place to put a kerbal in even though nothing is actually obstructing it.

That is unfortunate.

1 hour ago, blackheart612 said:

The hatch is too compact in length for the game to recognize that it's a valid place to put a kerbal in even though nothing is actually obstructing it.

Although, I believe, the mechanism is not quite like that. I believe, KSP checks not the length of the part, but rather what is connected to the other end.

I mean, if you delete the Mk1 cabin and leave nothing on the end of the ramp part, KSP will let kerbal out through the hatch on the crew cabin. If you add some "empty" structural fuselages, it will still let you through. But if in the end you add, for example, a fuel tank, it will again begin considering the hatch obstructed. But if instead of fuel tank you add, for example, a scaled Mk3 Cargo Ramp, you will still be able to get out through that internal hatch.

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@blackheart612 I've indeed tried the folder moving thing, especially with the Payload parts,  I switched them to utility.  But  it still freezes on them.  Instead of freezing on   KSP/GameData/AirPlanePlus/Payloads/ { Insert any of the Payload Parts}  

It went To KSP/GameData/AirPlanePlus/Utility / { Insert any of the Payload that we're switched to utility Parts}  

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I'd like to be burning only .15–.2u/s at 200m/s—would give me a 1100–840km range, as opposed to 600km (the latter numbers seem low for a twin-engined fighter; both the BF110 and DeHavilland Mosquito could fly over 1,200km on internal fuel). Aside, the Bumblebee seems to now be the only propeller engine that isn't grossly underpowered—did something happen to the Whirlwind, Tornado, and Marlin engines? None of them are capable of maintaining airspeed and altitude.


NOTE: I guess these are max speed calculations, which aren't the most efficient (except with the turboprops (hence the request)), so I'll run some other speed through the calculator when I get home.

Edited by kiwinanday
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Hi, love this mod!

I have a recommendation, please consider upping the thrust of the Beluga to 90, and the Hawk to 70. They're a little under-powered even for reasonably sized aircraft. Also, what's the advantage of using FSEngine compared to ModuleEngine? 

Here's craft I've been working on, can hover with full internal fuel at 3400 meters and has pretty good range as well.


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@ColDelta Like I already said, there are .cfg files which you need to edit. If you look back, it should be changing the Payload to Utility in the configs of the payload. And removing the moduletransmitter in configs of cockpits that have it (not falconcockpit alone)

@martinezfg11 I don't have anything to scale turboshafts power with so if there are people thinking those are underpowered, it might mean they really are. The FSEngine provides the slower startup and RPM that makes the uniquely long startup for turboshaft engines of Airplane Plus.

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