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[1.4.x-1.8.x] Airplane Plus - R26.4 (Fixed issues/Github is up to date) (Dec 21, 2019)


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Loving this mod, but I don't get any engine sounds at all. Also are the cockpits supposed to be part of the mod pack? If so, they're missing for me as well. Fairly new to modding, would appreciate direction on whether I've downloaded the correct(or latest) version, and how to troubleshoot any bugs.

Thank you :)

Edited by Emily King
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@Emily King Be sure that you have downloaded everything properly. It should have Airplane Plus and Firespitter Folders along with a ModuleManager dll as said in the disclaimer. The sounds wouldn't happen if you don't have Firespitter. It seems like you have downloaded a broken archive. As you don't have the cockpits as well as you just said, unless it's an old version. The latest version is 6.0 and AirplanePlus' contents are in Part Deleter's Guide txt on the zip.

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There doesn't seem to be many different engines for modern... Well, it doesn't matter, the next release will finish my mod and I'll be jumping from era to era :P 

Updated regarding the new engines. Two more for next update. I've worked on the engine of the Reaper. As I've said it's also the engine of OV-10 which is its tractor version.


But that's not all, the other engine is C-130H's engine:


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On 11/22/2016 at 11:20 AM, blackheart612 said:

@Emily King Be sure that you have downloaded everything properly. It should have Airplane Plus and Firespitter Folders along with a ModuleManager dll as said in the disclaimer. The sounds wouldn't happen if you don't have Firespitter. It seems like you have downloaded a broken archive. As you don't have the cockpits as well as you just said, unless it's an old version. The latest version is 6.0 and AirplanePlus' contents are in Part Deleter's Guide txt on the zip.

i double checked, downloaded the zip from 2 different locations, both don't seem to have the cockpits. weird because the landing skid is in there.

And oh I didn't know firespitter was a mod that needed to be downloaded as well. As I said, new to this all. I'll get firespitter and report back! Thanks!

Update: Installed firespitter 7.4.2. Firespitter parts show up, still no cockpits or sound. Checked the folder, the parts show up in the folder itself. Downloaded zip from a different location, reinstalled the mod downloaded from a different location, still no sound, no cockpits either. Not sure if related but the moment I try to place a firespitter part my game crashes.

Edited by Emily King
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BUG:  Load up the caged Mk1 pod, nav ball looks normal.  Revert to lauch, Nav ball goes all blue, like the reference rotated 90 towards the sky.  I had a look at the cfg, nothing obvious there.

|   Transform - Mark2Cockpit
|   Part - Mark2Cockpit
|   Highlighter - Mark2Cockpit
|   ModuleCommand - Mark2Cockpit
|   ModuleReactionWheel - Mark2Cockpit
|   ModuleScienceExperiment - Mark2Cockpit
|   ModuleScienceContainer - Mark2Cockpit
|   FlagDecal - Mark2Cockpit
|   ModuleAnimateGeneric - Mark2Cockpit
|   ModuleDataTransmitter - Mark2Cockpit
|   MechJebCore - Mark2Cockpit
|   ModuleTripLogger - Mark2Cockpit
|   AudioSource - Mark2Cockpit
|   Rigidbody - Mark2Cockpit
 --+model T:Untagged L:0 (Default)
   |   Transform - model
   |--+Squad/Parts/Command/mk1Cockpits/CockpitInline(Clone) T:Untagged L:0 (Default)
   |  |   Transform - Squad/Parts/Command/mk1Cockpits/CockpitInline(Clone)
   |  | 
   |   --+Cockpit T:Untagged L:0 (Default)
   |     |   Transform - Cockpit
   |     |   MeshFilter - Cockpit
   |     |   MeshRenderer - Cockpit
   |     |   Animation - Cockpit
   |     | 
   |     |---Airlock T:Airlock L:21 (Part Triggers)
   |     |      Transform - Airlock
   |     |      CapsuleCollider - Airlock
   |     |    
   |     |---Airlock2 T:Airlock L:21 (Part Triggers)
   |     |      Transform - Airlock2
   |     |      SphereCollider - Airlock2
   |     |    
   |     |---Airlock3 T:Airlock L:21 (Part Triggers)
   |     |      Transform - Airlock3
   |     |      SphereCollider - Airlock3
   |     |    
   |     |---Point light T:Untagged L:0 (Default)
   |     |      Transform - Point light
   |     |      Light - Point light
   |     |    
   |     |---COL T:Untagged L:0 (Default)
   |     |      Transform - COL
   |     |      MeshCollider - COL
   |     |      MeshFilter - COL
   |     |    
   |     |---FLAG T:Icon_Hidden L:0 (Default)
   |     |      Transform - FLAG
   |     |      MeshFilter - FLAG
   |     |      MeshRenderer - FLAG
   |     |    
   |     |---Ladder_Top T:Ladder L:21 (Part Triggers)
   |     |      Transform - Ladder_Top
   |     |      CapsuleCollider - Ladder_Top
   |     |    
   |      ---Ladder_Bot T:Ladder L:21 (Part Triggers)
   |            Transform - Ladder_Bot
   |            CapsuleCollider - Ladder_Bot
    ---Surface Attach Collider T:Untagged L:0 (Default)
          Transform - Surface Attach Collider
          SphereCollider - Surface Attach Collider

|   Transform - zerocockpit
|   Part - zerocockpit
|   Highlighter - zerocockpit
|   ModuleCommand - zerocockpit
|   ModuleReactionWheel - zerocockpit
|   ModuleScienceExperiment - zerocockpit
|   ModuleScienceContainer - zerocockpit
|   ModuleAnimateGeneric - zerocockpit
|   MechJebCore - zerocockpit
|   ModuleTripLogger - zerocockpit
|   AudioSource - zerocockpit
|   Rigidbody - zerocockpit
 --+model T:Untagged L:0 (Default)
   |   Transform - model
   |--+AirplanePlus/Parts/Command/zerocockpit/model(Clone) T:Untagged L:0 (Default)
   |  |   Transform - AirplanePlus/Parts/Command/zerocockpit/model(Clone)
   |  |   Animation - AirplanePlus/Parts/Command/zerocockpit/model(Clone)
   |  | 
   |   --+zerocockpit T:Untagged L:0 (Default)
   |     |   Transform - zerocockpit
   |     | 
   |     |---collider T:Untagged L:0 (Default)
   |     |      Transform - collider
   |     |      MeshCollider - collider
   |     |      MeshFilter - collider
   |     |    
   |     |---zero T:Untagged L:0 (Default)
   |     |      Transform - zero
   |     |      MeshFilter - zero
   |     |      MeshRenderer - zero
   |     |    
   |     |---Airlock T:Airlock L:21 (Part Triggers)
   |     |      Transform - Airlock
   |     |      BoxCollider - Airlock
   |     |    
   |     |---collider T:Untagged L:0 (Default)
   |     |      Transform - collider
   |     |      CapsuleCollider - collider
   |     |    
   |      ---Ladder T:Ladder L:21 (Part Triggers)
   |            Transform - Ladder
   |            BoxCollider - Ladder
    ---Surface Attach Collider T:Untagged L:0 (Default)
          Transform - Surface Attach Collider
          SphereCollider - Surface Attach Collider

Part hierarchy as displayed by:


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Yes I tried that, no joy.  I suspect it's going to be some stupid unity thing, like you rotated the wrong transform or some such...  I speak from experience. you do something that looks perfectly legal and KSP borks out about it...

You might want to put that mod in your op.  Once I saw the demo, I was expecting that to be part of your mod.

Edited by tg626
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Hey everyone, I'm trying to re make a Weasley engine to perform like a propeller engine (because that right ear only audio glitch has rendered this mod unplayable for me, ;-;) in its configs, but i want it to have more power at lower speeds. How should I set the "Keys" to achieve this? Here's a snippet of what I think i have to change, but not sure how.
key = 0 10500 0 0
// Jet params
atmChangeFlow = True
useVelCurve = True
useAtmCurve = True
flameoutBar = 0.02
flowCapMult = 1.0
machLimit = 0.85
machHeatMult = 25
key = 0 1 0 0
key = 0.53 0.834 0 0
key = 1.3 0.96 0 0
key = 1.674 0.843 -0.876726 -0.876726
key = 2.5 0 0 0
key = 0 0 0 1.186726
key = 0.072 0.092 1.339822 1.339822
key = 0.337 0.4 0.8976688 0.8976688
key = 1 1 0.9127604 0

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7 hours ago, Deizelpunk said:

(because that right ear only audio glitch has rendered this mod unplayable for me, ;-;)

Oh my gosh

Stop complaining about audio

and take off your freaking headphones...

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@tg626 Unity is difficult. :P I can't say anything atm as I haven't touched unity yet. Though thanks for the issue report and link to debugstuff. I also updated OP to contain the plugin link.

@Deizelpunk You should look around Mod Development forum links. But you can take any of our curves and you can probably use it. Edit: and don't redistribute it ofc

Edited by blackheart612
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13 minutes ago, blackheart612 said:

@tg626 Unity is difficult. :P I can't say anything atm as I haven't touched unity yet. Though thanks for the issue report and link to debugstuff. I also updated OP to contain the plugin link.

@Deizelpunk You should look around Mod Development forum links. But you can take any of our curves and you can probably use it. Edit: and don't redistribute it ofc

Wait... How'd you get the parts in game if you haven't used Unity?

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1 hour ago, Murican_Jeb said:

Oh my gosh

Stop complaining about audio

and take off your freaking headphones...

Chill fam. I aint taking off my headphones.


53 minutes ago, GDJ said:

Oh give me a break.

Break from what?


59 minutes ago, blackheart612 said:


@Deizelpunk You should look around Mod Development forum links. But you can take any of our curves and you can probably use it. Edit: and don't redistribute it ofc

Thanks, yeah I did my research and I think i've figured out how to do what I need!

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6 minutes ago, Deizelpunk said:

Chill fam. I aint taking off my headphones.

Well what is the use of saying the audio issues over and ove rwhen the only fix is taking off your headphones?

Listen dude, I don't want to get a warning from a moderator and I don't want to make you feel bad so lets stop this disscusion.

There actually is another fix for this problem. The modder has to ajust some cfg's. The problem is in here the engine start-up sounds are long so both of them playing at the same time would sound weird (Except the Helicopter engines. That's kinda realistic because you here the 'Wupp Wupp' of the blades while it starts up)



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6 minutes ago, Murican_Jeb said:

Well what is the use of saying the audio issues over and ove rwhen the only fix is taking off your headphones?

Listen dude, I don't want to get a warning from a moderator and I don't want to make you feel bad so lets stop this disscusion.

There actually is another fix for this problem. The modder has to ajust some cfg's. The problem is in here the engine start-up sounds are long so both of them playing at the same time would sound weird (Except the Helicopter engines. That's kinda realistic because you here the 'Wupp Wupp' of the blades while it starts up)



Its not blackheart612's fault, its whoever is running firespitter now and I know that. I'm just giving an explanation as to why I'm trying to make my own pseudo props. The reason I wont take off my headphones is because I actually use them for other things besides ksp, while playing ksp. That's just a silly way of trying to shut me up about something you disagree with.

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1 minute ago, Deizelpunk said:

That's just a silly way of trying to shut me up about something you disagree with.

I'm not trying to make you 'shut-up'. I'm just trying to tell you the the problem will stay.

2 minutes ago, Deizelpunk said:

Its not blackheart612's fault, its whoever is running firespitter

It's not the firespitter person's fault either. I'm pretty sure they are trying to fix it but I think it's because of some kind of plugin that changes sound a bit to screw up headphones make headphones only work on one side.

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