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[1.4.x-1.8.x] Airplane Plus - R26.4 (Fixed issues/Github is up to date) (Dec 21, 2019)


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I'm waiting for my config maker. Giving him a few days before I start fiddling on my own. I know how to make configs but I would trust him more. I'm also waiting for Firespitter update now because of 1.2.2. So either of those are the limitations. At least, I only wait for one plugin to update...

Though I probably wouldn't be able to fix Helicopter NREs sadly, because I just realized that FSEngines are a foundation for Helicopter parts for me. But I don't know if the whole mod is affected or only when people use Rotor parts. I don't even realize any game breaking bugs with FSEngines. That's one less thing to waste time on. I'll just keep adding parts but not yet cockpits it's for the release after this.

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1 hour ago, qromodynmc said:

Hello! i was wondering if you have any plans to do twin seat mk1 cockpit in the future, I was feeling the need of this for a while and decided to ask you since you're really active with these business. hornet_hero_lrg_02_1280x720.jpg

Super hornet has really nice and universal looking cockpit, im pretty sure it'd be really useful in ksp. (Putting two mk1 cockpit together looks absurdly ugly, i dont even want to mention..)

Not to take away from blackheart's mod here but there are already a few f-18-type cockpits out there. AoA Tech works in 1.2.1 and the cockpit has its own radar and gun if you use BDA.

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4 minutes ago, XOC2008 said:

Not to take away from blackheart's mod here but there are already a few f-18-type cockpits out there. AoA Tech works in 1.2.1 and the cockpit has its own radar and gun if you use BDA.

Yeah, some of them are good but i kinda like Blackheart's way of modding more, it's more close to stock type.

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17 hours ago, qromodynmc said:

Yeah, some of them are good but i kinda like Blackheart's way of modding more, it's more close to stock type.

I appreciate the positive feedback :) 

I've tested on 1.2.2 with FS's latest 1.2.1 version and it worked. So this still works if you use FS 7.4.2 I think was it. Props work at least. I haven't tested the Helicopters yet but I'd suspect they work. Additional part for now (again). Mk1 Drone.


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Release 7.0

Fixes for stuff and balancing, (Reverting on Zero cockpit, Increased stationary thrust a bit, weight and price tweaks) as well as a lot of stuff added! Pics and albums on OP as well as the changelog but here it is anyway:


Added RR K56 "Titan" Turboprop Engine based on C-130 Hercules

Added K76 "Predator" Turboprop Engine based on MQ-9 Predator B/Reaper as well as its tractor variant (OV-10 Bronco)*

Added L K55 "Gemini" Turboshaft Engine** based on CH-47 Chinook

Added K700 "Hawk" Turboshaft Engine based on UH-60 Black Hawk

*still needs the thrust to be reversed

**meshswitch capable to remove engines


Added Mk1 Cargo Bay CRG-50-1, a sliding door cargo bay

Added Mk1 Nose Trunk CRG-NT, cargo bay based off the front hull of Drones such as Predator, Reaper, Global Hawk etc.

Added MK1 Drone Core, almost similar function with stock MK2 Drone Core

Added FAT-T3R Aeroplane Main Wing, a non-swept aeroplane main wing based off C-130

Added Anti-Roll Landing Skids


Added Mk2/H Liquid Fuel Fuselage, a halved Mk2 fuselage.

Added Mk2/H to 1.25m Adapter, adapter from half Mk2 to 1.25

Added Mk2/H Flat Boom, a tail boom for Mk2/H

Added Mk2/H to Mk2 Adapter, adapter to regular Mk2 size


Fixed price similarities and inconsistencies

Fixed weight and rebalanced

Fixed MK1/0 Caged Inline Cockpit navball orientation change on revert


Increased a bit of stationary thrust for all engines.



I've also updated the issues list, make sure you look at it before telling an issue. And don't forget to vote at the poll if you haven't yet.

POLL on what part you want next


Enjoy :) 


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Just now, Eskandare said:

Funny, I had already made a hawk engine for my next release.

Don't worry, I made sure it isn't a replica of Black Hawk if you based off it. I based mine off of GTA V's Annihilator which has a different swash plate design (very different compared to Black Hawk). I just crossed it with a bit of UH-60.

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29 minutes ago, blackheart612 said:

Don't worry, I made sure it isn't a replica of Black Hawk if you based off it. I based mine off of GTA V's Annihilator which has a different swash plate design (very different compared to Black Hawk). I just crossed it with a bit of UH-60.

Nice :) I may just add an 'ier' at the end to make it Hawkier :P 

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10 minutes ago, blackheart612 said:

Piston Prop limitations. Real life Griffon performance is maxed @ ~165m/s

And from personal experience one can make one heck of a plane with a Kraken, and do alot of damage within it's 175 m/s rating.

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What other mods are known to interfere with this? Also, does it work in 1.2.2 or not? There are a few different opinions. Curse says it works in 1.2. Spacedock says 1.2.2. It's not on CKAN for 1.2.2, but it was for 1.2.1. Just a little confused.

EDIT: I re-ran 1.2.2 and all the parts are there... I think. I've got the C-130 parts.

Edited by EVA_Reentry
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