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Any way to fix the broken landing gear?


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... have been affected by the Small Landing Gear (the one that can extend/retract) saying Blokced: Yes and then not deploying? I legit am forced to always ditch in the water, because my gear won't extend. Why? And how many of you are in a similar predicament?

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3 hours ago, 5thHorseman said:

Squad has been on vacation since release of 1.1.2. You can debate whether or not that was a good idea* but can't count that time against this problem. It's not been a problem for 3 weeks of development time. It's been a problem for zero of them. And I suspect it'll be pretty high on the list tomorrow (I assume? I don't have their schedule handy. Or at all. But from what I read it seems they're back to work on Monday).

The workarounds with cubic octagonal struts are workarounds. They are not what Squad wants you to have to do and Squad does not think they are the best way to build planes.** They work right now. Use them, find another workaround, or wait for the next build. Or quit and play Space Engineers. Whatever sees you through.

*I think it was, even though I - like you - am not happy with the current state of the game. I've been burned out enough times myself that I suspect this vacation was more a requirement to keep going than a reward for completing the job. If a car runs out of gas on the freeway it does no good to complain to the driver that walking to the gas station is taking a long time.

**I do not speak for Squad and do not actually know their intentions or desires. I do however have what seems to be an excessive amount of common sense and applied it to this situation.

I think the devs are kinda tired of KSP

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2 hours ago, The Optimist said:

I think the devs are kinda tired of KSP

if that's the case, they should surrender the code to open-source and let the community carry it. after all, it's the community who keeps this game going.

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23 minutes ago, Xyphos said:

if that's the case, they should surrender the code to open-source and let the community carry it. after all, it's the community who keeps this game going.

M Is for Money

O is for Onion rings, which you buy with money

N is for Nyquil, my favorite drink

E is for excitement, which is the exact opposite of my life

Y is for you, who's reading this post

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Just now, The Optimist said:

M Is for Money

O is for Onion rings, which you buy with money

N is for Nyquil, my favorite drink

E is for excitement, which is the exact opposite of my life

Y is for you, who's reading this post

You're right, they already got my $10 from the Steam Sale, what do they care about some stupid broken game?

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I've been playing in 1.1 and all my old plane designs work fine, with no trouble on the landing gears. Perhaps it is because I always seem to use ridiculously oversized gears.

Haven't we all been over this? Squad got my $23, took it, and made a great game out of it. Seriously, I'm tired of people complaining about Squad being greedy. If you think the game is broken, ask for a refund. If the game is seriously that bad, whoever sold it will most likely give you one.

But KSP isn't that bad. So stop complaining about Squad, they made a great game and a good update. Stop saying that you won't play KSP because of the wheels. You guys are saying you will play Space Engineers, which is a game about space. If you like space, why not go to space in KSP in a ship that doesn't have the wheels? If planes are broken (which they're not, at least for me) then build a ship. Because you can't build a plane in Space Engineers (you technically can, but the game doesn't really simulate wings in any way).[/rant]

Edited by teag2
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11 hours ago, _Aramchek_ said:

They seem to have tried to fix something that wasn't broken..and broke it in the process.

The old wheel systems were broken after the Unity 5 update, which is why new systems had to be put in place. This was extensively covered in development logs last year.

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9 hours ago, Green Baron said:


@tseitsei89: I know about the "workarounds", they don't solve the problem. I'm not so much into planes in 1.1 seeing the problems wheels caused in other threads and because the aerodynamics make me laugh. Rovers where enough to keep me from trying.




I'm confused.

You gave us a problem: "I can't get my airplanes to takeoff/land safely because I have problems with landing gears"

I gave you a detailed solution in my last post that fixes the problem. (At least it works for me. Have you actually tried my advice?) and now you say it doesn't solve the problem? What?

Well actually it does exactly that. Solves the problem you told you had. If you have any more problems feel free to ask I'll try to help if I can :)

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17 minutes ago, tseitsei89 said:


I'm confused.

You gave us a problem: "I can't get my airplanes to takeoff/land safely because I have problems with landing gears"

I gave you a detailed solution in my last post that fixes the problem. (At least it works for me. Have you actually tried my advice?) and now you say it doesn't solve the problem? What?

Well actually it does exactly that. Solves the problem you told you had. If you have any more problems feel free to ask I'll try to help if I can :)

Your last post has been posted by 1000 people on the forums over the last 3 weeks.  It's just regurgitated bad information that doesn't solve the problem.  I can't speak for him, but I know I've tried it and I know it doesn't work.

OP: The answer to your question is no, there is no way to fix the landing gear.  We just have to wait on Squad to get back and fix the game.  Hopefully it won't be long now.

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4 hours ago, Xyphos said:

You're right, they already got my $10 from the Steam Sale, what do they care about some stupid broken game?

Well, they can get other peoples $10 for one thing. They will keep developing until they can't do that any more.... or at least not as many peoples $10.

6 hours ago, The Optimist said:

I think the devs are kinda tired of KSP

I'm sure they are tired of KSP right now, that's why they are on vacation after all. I don't blame them after, what was it, about a year of work to upgrade Unity.... Dr Turkey had them working hard, and was quite fond of the "pitchfork management". So I'm sure they are tired, although I've seen very little evidence that they are "tired of (developing) KSP". They are still providing updates, there are no rumors of new projects, the usual kind of things you see when a company is about to move on.  

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34 minutes ago, Alshain said:

Your last post has been posted by 1000 people on the forums over the last 3 weeks.  It's just regurgitated bad information that doesn't solve the problem.  I can't speak for him, but I know I've tried it and I know it doesn't work.

Oh but it solves the problem (not being able to liftoff and/or land planes) and it works... maybe I need to make a video for you where I takeoff/land with different sized aircrafts using those settings I mentioned in order for you to believe it works...

It certainly isn't bad information. I have tested it myself with several different crafts.

Again I too think that wheels are weird but by following these steps makes them definitely usable for now

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2 minutes ago, tseitsei89 said:

Oh but it solves the problem (not being able to liftoff and/or land planes) and it works... maybe I need to make a video for you where I takeoff/land with different sized aircrafts using those settings I mentioned in order for you to believe it works...

It certainly isn't bad information. I have tested it myself with several different crafts.

Again I too think that wheels are weird but by following these steps makes them definitely usable for now

I'm glad you can make it work but unless you can prove it works on my computer, then no it does not.  Making the changes you suggest does not allow me to lift off or make the wheels usable.

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I remember why I stopped coming here every day, thank you Alshain, for not roundabout trying to blame this on me somehow, also acknowledging there is indeed a problem and that the "workarounds" are less than ideal at best.


There is nothing wrong with my craft files, I have been designing planes in the game for longer than many of you have even known the game existed, the problem is that in "fixing" the landing gear, they added a bunch of broken features..this is not the first time they have done something like that. 

I only hope they actually decide to fix them.

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I find it odd that some people are claiming the wheels are completely useless and borked, while others say they haven't had any issues and are playing normally.

Is this a case of exaggeration on both sides? Or is this bug affecting different platforms/setups differently? Personally I haven't made any changes to the wheels default settings and haven't had any problems operating rovers and large/small planes.

I would definitely describe the new wheel system as more... "finicky" and buggier than before though. Hopefully it gets some tweaks soon.

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17 minutes ago, Rocket In My Pocket said:

I find it odd that some people are claiming the wheels are completely useless and borked, while others say they haven't had any issues and are playing normally.

Is this a case of exaggeration on both sides? Or is this bug affecting different platforms/setups differently? Personally I haven't made any changes to the wheels default settings and haven't had any problems operating rovers and large/small planes.

I would definitely describe the new wheel system as more... "finicky" and buggier than before though. Hopefully it gets some tweaks soon.

Yeah I find it weird too.

And I do think that wheel system needs a repair BUT they definitely aren't "completely broken and unusable at the moment". You can still use them if you just find the right settings for them (we have many new sliders now to play with).

But yes the system itself is quite bad at the moment but still usable

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19 minutes ago, Rocket In My Pocket said:

Is this a case of exaggeration on both sides? Or is this bug affecting different platforms/setups differently? Personally I haven't made any changes to the wheels default settings and haven't had any problems operating rovers and large/small planes.

Ding ding ding! We have a winner!

Personally, I haven't experienced much in the way of problems with landing gear of any sort (unpowered wheels or legs). I've had my wheels explode under me sometimes when claiming they're overstressed, but every example of that has made sense, more or less. (I'd like them to be tweaked a bit. They seem not to take true weight into account, but rather some estimate. I say this because my gear explode on the runway while taking off - the rear ones, because the weight of the plane is on them. But the weight of the plane should be partially supported by the air, no? Anyway...)

That said, while I'm sure that some accounts are initially from people using too-small (or maybe too-large) gear, many seem to be reasonable. So I suspect we're seeing different behaviour on different platforms.

This is bad news, because this means it's most likely a Unity problem. And if it's a Unity problem, it's possible Squad may only be able to mitigate it.

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If you haven't been following @Claw's Stock Bug Fix Modules thread, he again confirmed what he, @Arsonideand @NathanKell have said during the release:


We are looking at the wheels and landing legs. Unfortunately it's looking like a unity upgrade will be needed. There were some fundamental changes to the way PhysX and Unity handle wheels, and the downside is that they are a bit less flexible than they used to be.

The spring and damper strength editor tweakables in 1.1.2 were to help provide a partial workaround for the wheel issues, but it is something that can't be "just fixed", it will require an upgrade to a newer version of Unity (IIRC, KSP is currently using 5.2.4, I believe a 5.3 is out or will soon be, and I saw talk of a 5.4).

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I'm using the Mac version, and all I need to do is bump any of the three landing legs on EVA with a kerbal and they explode. It takes some work at KSC to make that happen, but in orbit, or on the Mun/Minmus no work at all. It happens every single time.

Does this happen on other platforms?

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42 minutes ago, tater said:

I'm using the Mac version, and all I need to do is bump any of the three landing legs on EVA with a kerbal and they explode. It takes some work at KSC to make that happen, but in orbit, or on the Mun/Minmus no work at all. It happens every single time.

Does this happen on other platforms?

Yep (Linux).


Edited by Green Baron
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I can confirm that it doesn't happen on (my) Windows 64-bit install. I can jump up and down on landing legs on Minimus or the Mun all day with no ill effects.

This doesn't surprise me; there are some...interesting differences in the Unity backend for Mac and Linux.

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