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What are some good semi-realistic scifi films/movies?

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I would suggest Sunshine, but I don't know if it would really qualify. I mean then entire movie is set up on a space ship designed modularly like the ISS, but there is gravity on it. As well, the whole "nuke the sun to get it started" thing was a little rediculous. Other than that it was a pretty good film and fits the "current" technology sci-fi that I like.

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43 minutes ago, Robotengineer said:

On a serious note, The Martian and Moon are good.

Seconded. Moon is one of my all-time favorites.

The Martian is pretty good, too.

Just found this last night. Looks interesting enough. Except for Luke Wilson. That and the trailer is going pretty well up until he's suddenly in a nebula or something. Then everything goes downhill. Not sure how I feel about it.


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9 hours ago, blorgon said:

Seconded. Moon is one of my all-time favorites.

The Martian is pretty good, too.

Just found this last night. Looks interesting enough. Except for Luke Wilson. That and the trailer is going pretty well up until he's suddenly in a nebula or something. Then everything goes downhill. Not sure how I feel about it.


An astronaut would never be like that, they are trained to be calm and psychologically relaxed in all sitiuations. the movie feels bad.  

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1 hour ago, RenegadeRad said:

An astronaut would never be like that, they are trained to be calm and psychologically relaxed in all sitiuations. the movie feels bad.  

Agreed. It looked promising up until that point. Shame.

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17 hours ago, RenegadeRad said:

An astronaut would never be like that, they are trained to be calm and psychologically relaxed in all sitiuations. the movie feels bad.  

Training isn't infallible.

I would recommend "Moon" as well. 

Some of Disney's 1950s stuff is pretty good. And there's a strange picture of a planet that looks al too much like Pluto... 

"Marooned" is good, too.

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Nah. Gravity was silly action and did that well. Interstellar went all deep and philosophical and… nothing.

BTW you moved me to finally go through Europa Report, and it IS pretty good if you can stand the "found footage" style. I can't.

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I outright refuse to watch the second half of Gravity. Good god it was terrible.

Probably the best space movie I have ever seen is Apollo 13. It's spot on in virtually every way and doesn't require (many) explosions to remind you how serious the situation is. It's simply an excellent movie, I'm going to go watch that again and delete Gravity.

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So the bottom line is:

Don't see gravity, interstellar unless you are going out of your mind with boredom and just need to use your Amazon Prime.

See the Martian, maybe, but then close your eyes when certain unrealistic effects are about to happen. And the story-line not very professional.

Approaching the unknown, some kind of space rebel movie about a guy who's ships runs through a strange brown cloud.

I haven't seen any of these movies. The last space movie I bought was HHGTTG. I still watch it.

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19 hours ago, Raideur Ng said:

Probably the best space movie I have ever seen is Apollo 13.

This. The only major gripe I have with the movie is the sound design during the launch. There are a few scenes during the days leading up to the launch when the film goes to great lengths to show to sheer scale of the Saturn V, and then when it actually launches, its this sort of fizzling hissy utterly underwhelming noise. Somebody ought to do a fan edit with some HD shuttle launch audio to at least approximate the sheer power of that unbelievably beautiful machine.

17 hours ago, PB666 said:

So the bottom line is:

Don't see gravity, interstellar unless you are going out of your mind with boredom and just need to use your Amazon Prime.

I wholeheartedly agree about Gravity. It was completely awful in every way. But I have to disagree on Interstellar. Hear me out: the writing and dialogue is excrements. The acting is awful. The plot is idiotic. BUT! The soundtrack and the space scenes MORE than make up for those things, provided you watch it in HD on a big screen, with a very powerful sound system.

Again, I'm hoping somebody eventually does a fan edit of that too, sort of like the Jar-Jar-less Prequel Trilogy fan remake. Interstellar has the potential to be a really great short film.

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OK so avoided to comment as I thought my favourites were going to come up fast.... 

  • 2001 A Space Odyssey - has this one been purposely left out due to the fact that it is obviously the best sci-fi movie of all times? :P
  • Contact 
  • Solaris - 1972 original by Tarkovsky might be a bit slow for the common audience but the 00's remake with George Clooney is not bad at all imho

Still sci-fi but not space related:

  • Primer - please see this one if you haven't already, hard sci-fi as hard as it gets
  • 12 Monkeys - classic movie, intro track from Argentina's Astor Piazolla 'Suite Punta del Este' is one of the most beautiful Tango pieces in music's history
  • Dark City
  • Children of Men
  • A Scanner Darkly

Special mention:

  • Cowboy Bebop - anime, 100% must see; the music by Yoko Kanno & The Seatbelts is absolutely brilliant in this one also please don't miss it

Special mention II:

  • La Jetée - still movie that inspired 12 Monkeys

Special mention III:

  • American Astronaut - weird, just weird...




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I haven't seen it mentioned, and some will probably disagree, but I'm going to add Firefly and Serenity.  Yes, one is a series, but the other a movie.  As for being unknown.... I'm a fanatical browncoat and I hope they never reach the unknown status...  :wink:

The reason I add them isn't so much the science behind the ships, but the culture.  I really liked the idea of us colonizing only one other solar system, and not just zipping around the galaxy in a star ship.  And the "cowboy" appearance of the so-called outer planets?  Dirty, dingy, little settlement towns where a herd of cattle is worth 10 times their weight in platinum. Yup, to me, this seemed a much more realistic approach to how us humans might settle other planets, and how they might end up looking.

Edited by Just Jim
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On 5/25/2016 at 0:15 AM, drhay53 said:

I was very disappointed with the Martian compared to the book. They really didn't capture the character or the wonder of the situation very well IMO.

Yep. The film was pretty bad.

And what the heck, guys? How is Interstellar not good? I rewatched it recently and read about that poem by Dylan Thomas and the film made way more sense after doing so. 

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15 hours ago, hypervelocity said:

Special mention III:

  • American Astronaut - weird, just weird...

Ha! I saw that, yes weird, but weird-good. A little avant-garde, kinda like pi in space but a little less...hardcore?


I second all mentions of "Moon".

Gravity might have screwed up a bit, but I enjoyed it at least. Had to suspend disbelief in a few places.

How I wish Interstellar wasn't just "The notebook" in space. I don't know what happens in a black hole but I'm betting you die and you don't get a chance to communicate through time and space with your loved ones.


Running out of obvious choices (especially with the realism) so here's my contribution:




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