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why did you start playing KSP?

The Thyroid Man

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i saw it on steam a few times and made a mental note to check back on it when it comes out of "early access" (i usually avoid early access games even if they look interesting). at some point later, i stumbled over it again when it was on sale (i think it was the steam christmas sale), so i bought it. instantly fell in love with it :wink: .

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A workmate told me about the game (I think it was on the day when there was a partial eclipse in germany and we were naturally talking about astronomic stuff). My first thought was something like "Omg, finally a space game that's just about peaceful exploration/science/technology instead of being focussed on PvP-combat like all the other space games out there! I've been looking for something like this for years!" Back then it was only 20€ (because still 0.90), so there was not really anything I could have done wrong with the purchase, so I bought it instantly - and did not regret it (actually the playtime I got out of the game thus far, for that price, makes the purchase feel a bit like theft :wink:)

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I had heard about KSP in general terms from friends and coworkers, but never got around to actually looking into it.  Then my wife made the mistake of buying it for my birthday.

She had been warned it would cost her a lot of time with me, but she did not have any better ideas and got it anyway.  

I try to be a little more attentive and talk about KSP less when she talks about regretting her purchase...

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I also saw it on xkcd, and since that kind of geeky/science stuff has always appealed, I downloaded the demo version. Bought the full version (0.23 ?) as soon as I got into orbit. 

Spoiled other games for me, but I've learned a good bit about orbital mechanics. (As have my friends, willingly or not. :) )

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I was listening to the Rebel FM podcast, and when asked what he had been playing, Anthony Gallegos said something like, "I've been killing a whole lot of aliens."   His enthusiastic description inspired me to check it out.  I purchased it April, 2012.  Played 1194 hours since it migrated to Steam, and I'm still not very good at it.

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Actually, I'd been looking for this sort of game for a long time, the one where you can build rockets yourself. I looked and looked and looked, and I eventually stumbled upon this, a Scott Manley video. Instantly, I wanted to know more about this game, and researched and researched and researched. I bought it right after 0.19 came out. It almost didn't happen, though, because it was late when I found that video and almost forgot the name of the game the next day. "Something space program."

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Always wanted an improved version of Lunar Lander from my TRS-80 days, this seemed to be it.  Found it on steam while actually looking for space 4x games and while I'm not a big fan of early-access it looked worth while and has proven itself since.

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I had watched hours of KSP on Youtube. It was February 13, 2014. My mom got her tax refund and she said she could buy me any Steam game under 50$. I obviously chose KSP. I played it the whole day. I got a station into orbit, and after a few days I stranded Langby Kerman on the Mun. I had already killed all the orange suits. It obviously took off from there and now I have 1018 hours on Steam.

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Scott Manley's video response to the "wrong end pointing towards space" video, followed by various "rocket science is dificult" videos around youtube, followed by a Steam sale.  Around .18 if I recall correctly.

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I was heavy into flight sims like DCS and BMS and I'd seen some clips of the game. I remember how cool it looked and I especially loved the navball (it stood out to me), and I watched a couple tutorials to see what it was about. Bought the game several weeks later and here I am a little over a year later, playing hours and hours of RP-0/RO/RSS daily, reading about self-impinging doublet type bipropellant rocket injectors and drooling over every SpaceX launch video. Can safely say I'm thoroughly addicted to spaceflight.

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Steam sale, 0.90, but before that, well I'm VERY careful with my money so I didn't know if I would like the game or not.  I fell into that trap when I wanted a replacement for Sim City.  Cities: Skylines was a massive dissapointment...


Anyway, I Googled KSP because I wanted to know more about it, and played the demo.  I've played the demo for a long while until the aformentioned Steam sale came along, and I dogpiled it.  a game that lets you be creative is a dream come true, especially for me...I think every one of my builds is a look inside my squishy organ I have in my head.  hehe

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As i remember, i read an AMA about StarCitizen... where some guy asked about if there will be orbital mechanics like in Kerbal Space Program.

Looked it up, (it was like KSP0.17 back then) after 10 mins in demo, i bought it. Still playing it, must be something like 2000h+ now :D 

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I was searching for an old game - Tachyon: The Fringe -  and, i dont know why, youtube suggested a video about KSP... 

Next day, i searched Tachyon and KSP in piratebay,  downloaded both.
I played KSP for a week, exploded a lot of rockets, crashed some spaceplanes, crashed my computer too...... Because KSP is such a amazing game (one of the best and funniest space simulators ever made), i bought on Steam. I play KSP since 0.24.2 (PirateBay), and 0.25 (Steam). I stop playing in the 1.1.2, because the game crashes every few minutes. Now i'm waiting for 1.1.3 to resume my space program, and send jebediah to eve surface, and back to kerbin!! :)

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e3 last year someone posted in a small forum community im on that it was coming to ps4.  i dont really play pc games so havent really been following what was coming out for them so i had no idea ksp existed.    just seeing the game i felt i couldnt wait for it to come to ps4 and that i had to play it..  so i bought it.

now i play countless hours of it, and plan to double dip when the ps4 version hits lol  im kind of a sucker for trophies too so i cant wait to platinum it lol

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