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[Minimum KSP version - 1.11] Kerbal Attachment System (KAS) v1.12


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  On 5/2/2020 at 3:38 PM, Micascisto said:

Stock parts (a decoupler instead of the winch) works fine!


What @IgorZ meant was build your skycrane with only KAS and stock parts.  He doesn't want to chase down problems other mods may be introducing. If there's a problem with the winch it makes no sense to troubleshoot a problem by leaving it out of the build. From the picture of your craft it's using at least ReStock and Dmagic science instruments.

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  On 5/2/2020 at 3:38 PM, Micascisto said:

Stock parts (a decoupler instead of the winch) works fine!



I was able to build a simple skycrane with a winch. To test I launched strait up 2500 ft, separated the payload fairing and then decoupled the skycrane and lander.  I think these are all stock parts reskinned with ReStock.  Once the chute on the skycrane inflated, I spooled out the lander.  If I didn't let the chute open first, unspooling the winch usually led to the cable breaking when the chute decelerated the whole mess. 

One bug that I think I did find was if I used launch clamps.  Staging the launch clamps was executing all stages and shut off the running engine.  If I take the winch and JS1 out of the build the staging behaved normally. This is in a heavily modded install and I'm done with KSP for the day, so further troubleshooting will have to wait.

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Hi all,

I am playing KSP 1.8.1, and it's pretty heavily modded. Everything seems to be working great so far, except the KAS pipes. This seems to be the only thing that doesn't work for me. The Kerbalnaut I'm using is a maxed out engineer, and is equipped with the electric drill. I am able to pull items from inventory and attach them to surfaces with no problem. However, as seen in the attached pic, when I right click on the JS1 ports I get no menu options for linking to others. This is the first time I've tried this, so given that everything else seems to work fine, I'm inclined to believe the problem is my lack of experience.


 I'm not sure what logs are required for this, so here is  is a link to everything that seemed relevant. (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1FOwSR03z7Ke8i9Z7W5hgIjitdHa1x82w)

All help is much appreciated. This is a show stopper.



Edited by Omar X
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@Omar X You get no menu because the JS-1 is the target other things connect to.  You can't connect two JS-1 sockets to each other.  You need the RTS-1, Winch or one of the TJ struts to connect to a JS-1. Check out some of the Demo videos in the first post of this thread or look back a page or two where someone else had the same issue.

(Also from the first post) These are the valid connections use the different parts in KAS:


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I'm having the same issues with the transfer station.

When I click on the transfer station to grab the connector, nothing happens. I just get a text notification to drop the connector with the Y key (pressing the Y key does nothing). Also no options to connect when trying to connect it to a JS1.

If I try to grab the connector again from the RTS, I get an error beep.

Mod was installed with CKAN and has all required additional mods.

Any ideas?

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  On 5/11/2020 at 5:18 AM, IgorZ said:

@Shish-Kebab-O-Tron Hey, could you please get this kind of logs instead. Sorry, for pinging you back and forth. And if you could record a short video, it would be the best!


No problem, the quick response is appreciated.

For the record, I'm having the same issues connecting with the HW-80 and W-50, along with the RTS.

Joints and tow bars will connect.

The PCB and CH-1 also work fine.





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  On 5/11/2020 at 7:27 AM, Shish-Kebab-O-Tron said:

No problem, the quick response is appreciated.

For the record, I'm having the same issues connecting with the HW-80 and W-50, along with the RTS.

Joints and tow bars will connect.

The PCB and CH-1 also work fine.






Thanks for the video, but the log is wrong. Please, read the link to get the right one. From the video I can only tell that the KAS link parts module fails. Also, could you please enable "verbose logging" option in the game when capturing the log?

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  On 5/11/2020 at 10:53 PM, IgorZ said:

Thanks for the video, but the log is wrong. Please, read the link to get the right one. From the video I can only tell that the KAS link parts module fails. Also, could you please enable "verbose logging" option in the game when capturing the log?


The last link should have been the log file from the instructions (KSP.log). I turned on verbose logging and obtained a new log file (as shown in the instruction link).

For the record, I did try to use the components on a vehicle only utilizing stock parts and still had the issue.


Edited by Shish-Kebab-O-Tron
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@Shish-Kebab-O-Tron The only thing I see is that you should install Zero MiniAVC to clean out miniAVC.dlls.  This can create problems in 1.8+.  There's a thread around here somewhere that discusses that.  You might also get rid of the tweakscale patch for KAS.  I don't think it should create problems if you don't try to rescale anything, but the KAS parts shouldn't really need to be rescaled.

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  On 5/12/2020 at 4:07 AM, Tonka Crash said:

@Shish-Kebab-O-Tron The only thing I see is that you should install Zero MiniAVC to clean out miniAVC.dlls.  This can create problems in 1.8+.  There's a thread around here somewhere that discusses that.  You might also get rid of the tweakscale patch for KAS.  I don't think it should create problems if you don't try to rescale anything, but the KAS parts shouldn't really need to be rescaled.


Thanks for looking into it Tonka.

I installed Zero MiniAVC and couldn't figure out how to remove just the patch from KAS from Tweakscale, so I just uninstalled tweak entirely. Still no dice.

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  On 5/12/2020 at 1:08 AM, Shish-Kebab-O-Tron said:

The last link should have been the log file from the instructions (KSP.log). I turned on verbose logging and obtained a new log file (as shown in the instruction link).

For the record, I did try to use the components on a vehicle only utilizing stock parts and still had the issue.



Hmm. The logs ends before loading into the scene. These are the list lines I see in the log:

[LOG 20:58:47.151] [TweakScale] WARNING: Removing TweakScale support for Tube2 (T-25 Structural Tube).
[LOG 20:58:47.151] [TweakScale] ERROR: Part Tube2 (T-25 Structural Tube) didn't passed the sanity check due having a ModulePartVariants with Mass - see issue [#13]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/13 ). at error:0
[LOG 20:58:47.151] [TweakScale] WARNING: Removing TweakScale support for Tube3 (T-37 Structural Tube).

It's a loading stage, not a gaming scene.

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  On 5/18/2020 at 6:22 PM, I-iz-Zed said:

New problem, I can't seem to find the KAS strut connectors anywhere in 1.9.1. Do they exist in this version?


You probably refer to the old KAS functionality (more than a year old, to be specific). In the today's KAS all "struts" are specific parts. Like TJ-1 and JT-2. They all connect to JS-1 port. You cannot connect two JS-1 ports together unless you've enabled the legacy mode (read MM-LegacyKASPipesPart.txt in Patches folder).

  On 5/21/2020 at 8:53 PM, jaunco325 said:

There is a rare bug: every time I set the link mode to "docked" the ship begins to jump as if it were on a trampoline.


Which part are you using for docking? Could you please record a short video?

Edited by IgorZ
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  On 5/21/2020 at 11:27 PM, IgorZ said:

You probably refer to the old KAS functionality (more than a year old, to be specific). In the today's KAS all "struts" are specific parts. Like JS-1 and JS-2. They all connect to JS-1 port. You cannot connect two JS-1 ports together unless you've enabled the legacy mode (read MM-LegacyKASPipesPart.txt in Patches folder).


What I'm looking for specifically is a way of adding structure to ships in the field. I saw an old video of someone connecting struts using a KAS function and wanted to know if that feature still exists in some form. Do cables perform like this in the new versions?

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@jaunco325 That's normal behavior due to KSP physics.  When you are docked the game treats the rover and trailer as one vehicle rigidly attached together for calculating ground forces. Center of gravity of the total vehicle will be forward of the trailer wheels, so part of the mass of the trailer is now supported by the rover.  This extra weight on the rover is loading it's suspension more than it should if the rover and trailer were treated as two vehicles each with their own suspension.  When you undock this extra mass is instantly removed from the rover causing the bouncing from the rebound.  You could try the TB-60 trailer hitch instead or even a normal docking port.  With two very different weights I don't think much will help.  I see this all the time switching to/from docked mode with landers and large bases.  You can also search this forum for USI Inertial Dampener.

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  On 5/22/2020 at 4:23 PM, jaunco325 said:

I already tried the traditional coupling, it doesn't work either. What I need is to be able to easily control the docked ship. Could you make this possible without resorting to "docked" mode?


Why do you need docking in the first place? From the video I've figured you're towing stuff, so just don't dock and you'll be good :)  As @Tonka Crash mentioned, KSP has issues with physics when there are parts that are not rigidly attached. Unless your vessels rigidly staying on the ground, you'll see issues like this. Landing legs (in unlocked state) and wheels are dynamic parts, they work in scope of the whole vessel. If there is a flexible joint between two dynamic parts, they cannot behave as they are designed to. It's a limitation of the game, nothing can be done here. Squad team did a lot of work and implemented hacks to make wheeled vessels stable, these optimizations don't play well with the flexible joints.

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