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[1.11.1] Hullcam VDS Continued


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6 hours ago, jrodriguez said:

I think it should not be blocker, at the end of the day I just need a camera transform to position properly all the Camera copies. Let me know if at some point you have a branch with Neptune camera thing and I will begin adapting the mod :)

Ok.  I'll review the Neptune Camera code and this code to see if there is any changes in functionality (both for this mod and yours).  Assuming not, then I'll probably do the conversion in the near future

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21 hours ago, jrodriguez said:

And finally this leads to me think that if PRE is fixing the issue when only one vessel is loaded, it has to be related with the default nearClipPlane value that I'm forcing: _initialClippingPlane = 0.21f;

On 3/31/2021 at 6:38 AM, linuxgurugamer said:

I confirmed a problem last night, but not sure what's going on yet

So I've tried PRE and can say this 100% fixes the HullCam flashing problem that I see on my system. Here's what I did:

  1. addded PRE to a 1.11.2 install (noted that PRE is marked as only 1.10.1 compatible)
  2. added the aerocam to the booster of the stock Arianne craft in sandbox mode, launched

PRE is enabled by default, so the launch cam was solid. I reverted a few times and tested that with PRE disabled, the flashing was present, and enabling PRE in the moment causes a pause, but then the image is rock solid with no flashing.

@linuxgurugamerHopefully this pans out to be helpful info for hullcam


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  • 4 weeks later...

Could someone tell me why when using some cameras, in particular the aero cam, once the ship gets to a certain altitude and does a gravity turn, the view from the camera clips inside the vessel as the turn is performed.

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So I installed the mod and it worked fine. Then after a while it didn't work correctly. First every camera disappeared except the Basic Hull Camera Deluxe. Then even that disappeared and i wasn't able to use the Kerbal POV function. I reinstalled the mod but same thing. I did manual installation and CKAN, neither worked.

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I have a problem where every camera disappears from the part list except for the Basic Hull Camera Deluxe, just like the user above. But, I've tried downloading it from every place I can download it from (Spacedock, Github, etc) and there are still no cameras other than the Basic Hull Camera Deluxe. I've made sure that I downloaded the mod correctly, but there are still no cameras other than the BHCD.

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2 hours ago, ShadowMC2 said:

I have a problem where every camera disappears from the part list except for the Basic Hull Camera Deluxe, just like the user above. But, I've tried downloading it from every place I can download it from (Spacedock, Github, etc) and there are still no cameras other than the Basic Hull Camera Deluxe. I've made sure that I downloaded the mod correctly, but there are still no cameras other than the BHCD.

Sounds like you are manually installing.  Try using CKAN.

Other than that, a log file MIGHT be helpfule in seeing what's going on

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2 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Sounds like you are manually installing.  Try using CKAN.

Other than that, a log file MIGHT be helpfule in seeing what's going on

I'll install using CKAN then, if it still doesn't work I'll attach a log file

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19 hours ago, ShadowMC2 said:

Didn't work with CKAN either, here's the log file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/e3831sry3wzdo7v/Player.log?dl=0

First off, please upgrade to 1.11.2, you are still on 1.11.1 

Second, if you are playing a career game, they all won't be available right away, I can't tell that from the log file.  But everything looks ok there

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1 hour ago, ShadowMC2 said:

1. Just updated, didn't work

2. It's not career, it's sandbox

There are problems in the lob file from:


which is RasterPropMonitor

Looks like you have an old version of RPM, according to CKAN, the lastest is 0.31.4, but you seem to have 0.30.5

If you installed all your mods via CKAN, you wouldn't run into problems like this


Edited by linuxgurugamer
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  • 1 month later...

I think it would be cool if when cycling through cameras the vessel could remember the last used one, and then have pressing backspace when it normal flight camera toggle between normal camera and the last used hull/dock cam.

I just find that I spend a lot of time cycling through cameras, when really, I probably want to just do it once per mission.

My guess would be that you'd want to store that in the camera parts rather than the vessel though, so that it persists through docking and undocking.


On another note I often seem to have the target info stuck on the screen even after docking and no longer having a target.

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12 hours ago, shelshok said:

I think it would be cool if when cycling through cameras the vessel could remember the last used one, and then have pressing backspace when it normal flight camera toggle between normal camera and the last used hull/dock cam.

I just find that I spend a lot of time cycling through cameras, when really, I probably want to just do it once per mission.

My guess would be that you'd want to store that in the camera parts rather than the vessel though, so that it persists through docking and undocking.


On another note I often seem to have the target info stuck on the screen even after docking and no longer having a target.

That's a KSP limitation, nothing I can do about it.

Re. target info, that's something to look at

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/9/2016 at 4:06 AM, linuxgurugamer said:

Next camera: - (Minus)

Previous camera: = (Equals)

Exits hullcam view: Backspace

Holding down the modifier key (Alt on Windows) while doing the Next/Previous/Exit will change the control point to the new camera

You can change these keys by editing \Gamedata\HullcameraVDS\Plugin\settings.cfg

Is there actually a reference list for the key bindings? As non native it is quite hard to figure a translation for the keys. And I suppose they are all based on US Englisch layout?

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On 7/25/2021 at 3:18 PM, chris-kerbal said:

Is there actually a reference list for the key bindings? As non native it is quite hard to figure a translation for the keys. And I suppose they are all based on US English layout?

Was that a question to something obvious I missed, or just no one knows?

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1 hour ago, linuxgurugamer said:

I don't know if there is a complete reference list for key bindings, sorry

Uh ok, but how does the programming code actually translate the word written in the config into a key? Is it using some programming language match or something out of KSP?

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