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You know you played KSP too long when...


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On 5/14/2018 at 9:33 AM, PredawnElk1 said:

When you're bored of waiting for something, so you try to timewarp through it

I wish I could do this with school. So mind numbingly boring.

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On 8/17/2016 at 11:54 PM, TheEpicSquared said:

When you think about quicksaving before doing something risky in real life.


On 8/11/2016 at 6:51 AM, SSgt Baloo said:

You're watching a video of a play-through on Youtube, and start clicking on the screen to bring up information or change the camera angle before you remember that you aren't playing.

So so so true.

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When you are looking at a picture of must... not... say... Kerbin... Earth and wonder What happened to Kerbin's cont.. oh, right.


When you try to timewarp through something.

On 8/13/2016 at 12:21 PM, Avera9eJoe said:

You know you've played too much KSP when you start educating your friends on orbital mechanics :wink:

Ooooooh, yes.


On 8/13/2016 at 5:09 PM, Mycroft said:

You start ranting in the middle of Star Wars about why ships like the super star destroyers can't be ever done, and how space combat doesn't work like that, and how ships don't slow down on their own in space, and how there's no sound in space, and then your friend says: "Shut up, you're ruining the movie!!"

This too. Sooo true.

Oh, another. When you have KSP wallpaper on your computer and try to turn it off.

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This  is  an  old  forum  game  I  haven't  seen  around  here  yet.


You  know  you  play  to  much  ksp  when...

You  try  and  change  the  camera  angle  by  right  clicking  on  a  YouTube  tutorial.

When  you plan  out  a  long  hard  mission  and  it  plays  out  perfectly, so  perfectly  that  you  get  your  friend/brother/mother/lover  over  and  do  it  again... Five  minutes  into  the  flight  they  get  bored  and  leave.

When  you  start  telling  people  directions  by  saying  things  like "burn  prograde  a  quarter  mile" 

Anybody  else  experience  this?

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1 hour ago, putnamto said:

You  try  and  change  the  camera  angle  by  right  clicking  on  a  YouTube  tutorial.

Oh yeah, been doing that for a while.

For other ways to tell I play too much KSP - well, my wife will have plenty to say about that.  Most probably won't be within forum rules though.

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1 hour ago, peteletroll said:

We should start writing a tutorial about  KSP - wife interaction managing techniques.

It is big enough to have its own name in MMO circles: ""wagro".  Google that for hints (knowing MMO players, it probably involves moving to the couch).

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You know you've been playing too much ksp when you want to offset stuff when you're building something IRL.

You know you've been playing too much ksp when you thought you saw the ball go through the net, and instantly think, "ksp physics?!"

You know you've been playing too much ksp when you go in the woods, and think, "Where's my kerbnet connection?"

You know when you've been playing too much ksp when you expect stuff to be destroyed part-by-part in a fiery explosion.

You know you've been playing too much ksp when you call a car a "rover".

You know you've been playing too much ksp when you try to walk into rocks.

kYou know kyou've kbeen kplaying ktoo kmuch ksp kwhen kyou kstart kevery kword kwith a k.

Edited by Ho Lam Kerman
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