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"Debunker" says Falcon 9 does not go into space.


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  On 8/13/2016 at 12:42 AM, The Raging Sandwich said:

I like how these sort of people disable the comments because they are afraid of someone disagreeing and "offending" them.


Disabling of the comments was previously a telltale sigh of crackpottery and tinfoil-hattedness, but just the other day I realized that one channel that I considered rational and usually open for constructive criticism and dialogue disabled their comment section on all their videos. While I, most certainly, don't agree with the practice of blocking comments, I understand the motive. 

The comment section of Youtube is filled with toxic bile, regardless of the content of the video, so it's hard to find and conduct intelligent conversation there.

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  On 8/13/2016 at 6:10 AM, Shpaget said:

Disabling of the comments was previously a telltale sigh of crackpottery and tinfoil-hattedness, but just the other day I realized that one channel that I considered rational and usually open for constructive criticism and dialogue disabled their comment section on all their videos. While I, most certainly, don't agree with the practice of blocking comments, I understand the motive. 

The comment section of Youtube is filled with toxic bile, regardless of the content of the video, so it's hard to find and conduct intelligent conversation there.


But which is better: conversation filled with vitriol or no conversation at all? Internet is all about communication. If this communication is one - sided we have something not much better than a paper magazine or TV news program.

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  On 8/13/2016 at 8:44 AM, Scotius said:

But which is better: conversation filled with vitriol or no conversation at all? Internet is all about communication. If this communication is one - sided we have something not much better than a paper magazine or TV news program.


Exactly, that's why I said that I don't agree with the practice of blocking comments. I, personally, can cope with unbased and low level insults and provocation. They don't hurt me at all, and when I get bored of them I can always leave. Some people don't want to tread in that cesspool and as content creators, the owners of the channel can't just leave and not respond without giving another, different, approach to attack.

In their defense, they have another website (that is linked to on every video) where you can and are invited to comment, but that is just not as straightforward as direct comments under the video.

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  On 8/12/2016 at 3:00 PM, Firemetal said:

I have two words for you. It's a joke.


Joke and / or trolling, some pole enjoy making stuff like this. Saw one there I girl was playing very stupid, she was so happy as sharging fixed her broken mobile phone, and she was afraid we would run out of gravity if we kept taking advantage of it. 
However they tend to leave the comments on too see how many falls for it

On the other hand its plenty of people who believe the Apollo landing was fake. Doing so would be way harder than actually landing on the Moon.
And yes somehow covering up falcon9 launches would be harder, too many sources, how about all the them who had satellites launched with falcon9? 
More fun it should be pretty easy to spot an dragon in orbit from release to dock with ISS. 
In short, if you want an conspiracy make one who is hard to disprove, 

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  On 8/12/2016 at 9:30 AM, Scotius said:

Watch and weep. Or laugh hysterically. This guy had me in stitches at: "Look at this! This rocket flies parallel to the ground. It's not going to space". Someone does not know how ascent and orbital mechanics work :) Also there is a "model" of Falcon 9 that you must see for yourself. Of course comments are disabled, so there is no way to tell this guy how dumb it is. So, yeah - just pure entertainment.


Talk is cheap. Its just the demeanor of the individual is, well lets just say like people I have run into to the past that have social problems (tend not to hold jobs well, etc).

Edited by PB666
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  On 8/12/2016 at 10:31 AM, Elthy said:

Lol, who would pay for that? All the flat earth guys and those saying mankind never traveled to space are just insane, something is wrong in their heads. Simply ignore them, except they somehow get power, then fight them at any means...


some powerful groups want the general population to remain stupid and clueless, so paying conspiracy theorists to create these hoaxes works great for them. Don't even have to pay them much, far cheaper than setting up your own propaganda machine with paid employees, studios, props departments, etc. (though they have Hollywood to fill that role of course, "ancient aliens" anyone?).


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  On 8/18/2016 at 6:45 AM, jwenting said:

some powerful groups want the general population to remain stupid and clueless, so paying conspiracy theorists to create these hoaxes works great for them. Don't even have to pay them much, far cheaper than setting up your own propaganda machine with paid employees, studios, props departments, etc. (though they have Hollywood to fill that role of course, "ancient aliens" anyone?).


How fantastically meta. Conspiracy theorists are all in the pay of .... a conspiracy.

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