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29 minutes ago, KAL 9000 said:

The iron farm is coming along BOODIFULLY! All we need now are the doors in place and some villagers! And also a grinder mechanism and some hoppers to grab the iron, but whatever :wink: We are on :targetpro: for finishing the iron farm in a couple of days.

YES!!! DIAMONDS TO YOU AS SOON AS I GET DIAMONDS! Do you want help? I never get anything useful done because I only play 1 hour of Minecraft every day.

50 minutes ago, SparkyFox said:

how deep do you need to dig?


49 minutes ago, MK3424 said:

Untill you find the joke...

Ok, I'm going to go find it! Time to start digging! I'm going to go blow up a big hole and start searching for it! 


Oh wait... I just blew the joke up!

*runs off to build a Mumbo Jumbo Spoon counter* 

24 minutes ago, Firemetal said:

How about 10 diamonds for 8 obsidian and 1 diamond for an ender pearl? :wink: C'mon your trades are horrible!

How about we set up a trade shop? If someone can get me a few TNT to mine faster and a good amount of redstone I can get it done by Saturday. We can buy and sell items and armor! 

29 minutes ago, KAL 9000 said:

All we need now are the doors in place and some villagers!

Can I have 2 villagers? You must have a villager breeder right? 

Edit: page 10!

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48 minutes ago, KAL 9000 said:

The iron farm is coming along BOODIFULLY! All we need now are the doors in place and some villagers! And also a grinder mechanism and some hoppers to grab the iron, but whatever :wink: We are on :targetpro: for finishing the iron farm in a couple of days.

New request: I will give 16 iron for 8 obsidian, and 5 iron for an ender pearl (Ender Chest Security FTW)

I have an entire Ender eye and I have a villager near the farm for you. He's in a boat and he loves yotojoe's house. I'll get you the ender eye after school it's almost over too :)

no I haven't been foruming in class... maybe

EDIT: villager is in the cobble box

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I need permission to build a tower. Our rules say that you must get permission for everyone in direct line of sight or within 100 blocks of it. It's a 64 block tall tower, so it's about as the other tower. Because of its size almost everyone will be able to see it. Also, most of it will be hidden by the mountain. 

If anyone has ink sacs they don't need can I please have them? And does anyone want to go mining with me tomorrow? 

@KAL 9000, the iron farm looks amazing! I didn't get a very good look at it though because I was kinda busy not dieing and stuff. Which SparkyFox and Dfthu will tell you I wasn't very good at.

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Before anyone gets mad at me for double posting, I want to show you this: 


this is a map of biomes on the server. Chunkbase is awesome! Somethings are probably pretty obvious. White is a snow plains, orange-ish is desert, green is forest, blue is water. But here are some of the cool less obvious things. Red is a Mesa. Aquamarine is a swamp. Pink and purple are a mushroom island! If anyone's looking for me tomorrow and Friday I'll be at (0, 2752) mining hardened clay. 

Ok, now that I said that now you can get mad at me for double posting. 

Edited by max_creative
Cool map right?
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6 hours ago, max_creative said:

Before anyone gets mad at me for double posting, I want to show you this: 


this is a map of biomes on the server. Chunkbase is awesome! Somethings are probably pretty obvious. White is a snow plains, orange-ish is desert, green is forest, blue is water. But here are some of the cool less obvious things. Red is a Mesa. Aquamarine is a swamp. Pink and purple are a mushroom island! If anyone's looking for me tomorrow and Friday I'll be at (0, 2752) mining hardened clay. 

Ok, now that I said that now you can get mad at me for double posting. 

I'll get nether portals set up after school! :D Also finally the swamp cords! no more of sparky and dfthu trolling me with cords XD 

EDIT: also I found a key for the biome map


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6 hours ago, max_creative said:

Before anyone gets mad at me for double posting, I want to show you this: 


this is a map of biomes on the server. Chunkbase is awesome! Somethings are probably pretty obvious. White is a snow plains, orange-ish is desert, green is forest, blue is water. But here are some of the cool less obvious things. Red is a Mesa. Aquamarine is a swamp. Pink and purple are a mushroom island! If anyone's looking for me tomorrow and Friday I'll be at (0, 2752) mining hardened clay. 

Ok, now that I said that now you can get mad at me for double posting. 

Are those pink things in the sea mushroom islands?

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5 hours ago, Kepler68 said:

I'll get nether portals set up after school! :D Also finally the swamp cords! no more of sparky and dfthu trolling me with cords XD 

EDIT: also I found a key for the biome map


Awesome! Can I help set up the nether portal transportation system? I want to make something in the Mesa biome. Something with iron, power beams, and giant floating rings. As soon as we get the materials we should set up minecart tracks or something.

I'll check the nether fortress map when I get home. 

5 hours ago, Findthepin1 said:

Are those pink things in the sea mushroom islands?


Edited by max_creative
I still need approval for the tower.
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2 hours ago, max_creative said:

Awesome! Can I help set up the nether portal transportation system? I want to make something in the Mesa biome. Something with iron, power beams, and giant floating rings. As soon as we get the materials we should set up minecart tracks or something.

I'll check the nether fortress map when I get home. 


I See No problem with you helping. I'm trying to get the portals themselves up right now and the chunk map will help a lot. But I probably won't be on a lot for the next 2 days because the 1.3 stellaris patch came out. I'll get the mesa portal up and one on the mushroom island today. You can set up on the nether side if you divide the over world cords by 8 ignoring the y axis. 

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I found a stronghold!

Co-ords are: (X) -1860 (Z) -60 I also put this on the bulletin board. I'll be going back to loot it.

The thing is, I'm closer now to an Ender dragon fight than a wither fight. In fact all I need to do is dig up the strong hold, loot it, craft backup tools, weapons and armour in case I lose and then go destroy the ender dragon. However I'll wait if anyone else wants to but doesn't quite have the gear yet. This is also my first time fighting it in survival. (Yes I haven't played minecraft much even though I got it a few years ago) But I think I have a good strat down.

TL:DR Does anyone want to fight the Ender Dragon with me?


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2 hours ago, Findthepin1 said:

We should set up a mine cart track to the sea. There's a sea, though I forget where. It's like two or three kilometres in some direction or other. One of you said you wrote it down. 

Around (688, -688) is the nearest ocean. I'm making a squid farm there. Also there should be an ocean monument somewhere around there in the deep ocean. 

1 hour ago, Dfthu said:

Can you guys please help donate materials to my tower? I only need quartz, sand/glass, ink sacks and stone/stone slabs. I would very appreciate you guys donating to me! Thanks for helping me guys.

I can get ink and glass. Probably. If I don't use it for my stuff. 

1 hour ago, Kepler68 said:

I See No problem with you helping. I'm trying to get the portals themselves up right now and the chunk map will help a lot. But I probably won't be on a lot for the next 2 days because the 1.3 stellaris patch came out. I'll get the mesa portal up and one on the mushroom island today. You can set up on the nether side if you divide the over world cords by 8 ignoring the y axis. 

If I can get obsidian I can start soon. The problem is that obsidian would require diamonds because you can't use water in the nether. I don't even have iron. I should set it up at Mesa at negative X and the mushroom island at approximately (-2048, 512), right? Also the nearby desert, swamp, and ocean are a good idea if I have time. 

14 minutes ago, Firemetal said:

I found a stronghold!

Co-ords are: (X) -1860 (Z) -60 I also put this on the bulletin board. I'll be going back to loot it.

All I need to do is dig up the strong hold, loot it, craft backup tools, weapons and armour in case I lose and then go destroy the ender dragon.

Don't break the silverfish spawner! We can make an xp farm! 

16 minutes ago, Firemetal said:

Does anyone want to fight the Ender Dragon with me?

No thanks. I hate the Ender Dragon... Tell me when it's dead and I'll come to over. 

I still need approval from everyone for my tower. Everyone within 100 blocks of it or has direct line of sight must approve it.

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Just now, max_creative said:

Around (688, -688) is the nearest ocean. I'm making a squid farm there. Also there should be an ocean monument somewhere around there in the deep ocean. 

I can get ink and glass. Probably. If I don't use it for my stuff. 

If I can get obsidian I can start soon. The problem is that obsidian would require diamonds because you can't use water in the nether. I don't even have iron. I should set it up at Mesa at negative X and the mushroom island at approximately (-2048, 512), right? Also the nearby desert, swamp, and ocean are a good idea if I have time. 

Don't break the silverfish spawner! We can make an xp farm! 

No thanks. I hate the Ender Dragon... Tell me when it's dead and I'll come to over. 

I still need approval from everyone for my tower. Everyone within 100 blocks of it or has direct line of sight must approve it.

Alright. But how do I stop em spawning? Already found em in stone down mining and they're pretty darn annoying! Also I have diamonds. I can get you obsidian if you want.


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11 minutes ago, Firemetal said:

Alright. But how do I stop em spawning? Already found em in stone down mining and they're pretty darn annoying! Also I have diamonds. I can get you obsidian if you want.

Block all possible spawning spaces. That what I do with silverfish and blazes, which need high light levels to stop spawning. Zombies and stuff I just use torches.

How many diamonds do you have? All I need is 3 diamonds for a pickaxe. I can trade you lots of stone shovels if you want. 

Edit: Still need approval...

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2 hours ago, max_creative said:

Block all possible spawning spaces. That what I do with silverfish and blazes, which need high light levels to stop spawning. Zombies and stuff I just use torches.

How many diamonds do you have? All I need is 3 diamonds for a pickaxe. I can trade you lots of stone shovels if you want. 

Edit: Still need approval...

Yup I don't care about your tower.

I think I have something like... 14 diamonds? I'll give you 3.

Can't Silverfish spawn anywhere?


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6 hours ago, [ Jeremy ] said:

Oh and @max_creative, You have the GoAhead from me!


4 hours ago, Findthepin1 said:

@max_creativeGo ahead with the tower.


4 hours ago, Pine said:

@max_creative, I say green light on your tower!


3 hours ago, Firemetal said:

Yup I don't care about your tower.

Thanks guys! 

3 hours ago, Firemetal said:

Can't Silverfish spawn anywhere?

Nope. http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Monster_Spawner. It's actually pretty easy to stop them. The one that are already in blocks are the problem. DON'T use wood or cobblestone because wood burns and cobblestone... Well, you know what happens... 

We really need an official police force to stop skeleton horses and stuff... Both UnorthodoxKerbal and me found that out ourselves (stupid skeleton riders). Also, who took some of my ink sacs? I was missing about 14 of them and I had to go get more. Also, thank you to whoever dropped off the bows in my mailbox!

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Just now, max_creative said:




Thanks guys! 

Nope. http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Monster_Spawner. It's actually pretty easy to stop them. The one that are already in blocks are the problem. DON'T use wood or cobblestone because wood burns and cobblestone... Well, you know what happens... 

We really need an official police force to stop skeleton horses and stuff... Both UnorthodoxKerbal and me found that out ourselves (stupid skeleton riders). Also, who took some of my ink sacs? I was missing about 14 of them and I had to go get more. Also, thank you to whoever dropped off the bows in my mailbox!

Yeah. Who spawned the skelehorses in the first place. Keep going in the negative x direction from town and you'll find some. Don't kill them though! I want to bring one back as a potential ride.



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