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Unhelpful Life Hacks


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Insomnia? Baseball bat delivered swiftly to your noggin will knock you right out!

Diarrhea? Put a cork in it!

Constipation? A game of Russian Roulette will loosen everything up!

Existential crisis forcing you to confront and question the nature of your own reality? Don't stop. Nothing is what it seems, you've been right all along. Don't ignore this, it's meant for you specifically. Don't trust the full moon, this will all make sense at the end, or nothing will. They're watching you.

Stubbed your toe? Punching the nearest person in the face will help take your mind off the pain!

Don't like doing laundry? Then don't! Just buy new clothes every week!


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As the colder months approach in the northern hemisphere, many are dreading the long, dark evenings, the icy cold frost and the biting winds that seem to cut right through the skin. If emmigration to Australia isn't a realistic possibility in your circumstances, here's a neat life hack that is sure to work and bring you some relief from all those shivering nights: wait for summer.

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15 hours ago, Deddly said:

As the colder months approach in the northern hemisphere, many are dreading the long, dark evenings, the icy cold frost and the biting winds that seem to cut right through the skin. If emmigration to Australia isn't a realistic possibility in your circumstances, here's a neat life hack that is sure to work and bring you some relief from all those shivering nights: wait for summer.

i TRied IT, aNd it DidMN't work!!!!!! HeLP!?!

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Want to drive however you want but are always worried about getting speeding fines or losing your license for driving along railway tracks or on the wrong side of the road? There's an easy way to relieve your anxiety: don't get a driving license in the first place! They can't take something from you that you don't have!

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