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1.2 on console

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2 minutes ago, chimpbone said:

I don't think there is precedent for this. I guess you could compare it to the release of Payday 2 on console, but that release had tons of bad press, and has really tainted the development company Overkill and their reputation. There has been absolutely no bad press for KSP on console, and the only backlash has been here in these forums, which just gets ignored. I can think of a couple media outlets that would tear the broken mess they call KSP on console to pieces. 

I think it is pretty clear at this point that KSP on consoles was a money grab. That's the only reason they plan to release on the Wii U. That's the reason that they hired Flying Tiger instead of hiring a competent company or actually porting it themselves. They wanted to do the least amount of work possible, spend as little as possible, and get the highest profits in return. The real cost of course falls back onto us customers, and we are left stuck with a broken game with no possibility of a refund. 

A petition sound great, but I also think that this game needs to start getting some of the bad press it deserves so much. 

How would we go about this? I'm all for it at this point if only to help others avoid this game

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I would want to email reviewers who gave the console version a good rating. Looking at any site with gloomy user reviews vs a glowing one from the author tells novels

7 minutes ago, RW1984 said:

How would we go about this? I'm all for it at this point if only to help others avoid this game

I guess I would assume the reviewer:


Rubber stamped the console version with the same rating as the PC version (which I don't think anyone here thinks is anything less than gold)


Played for very little time 



(Tin foil cap answer and my personal fave)

Squad sent a secret working copy  to the reviewers that is being held back from the general public to protect the interests of the PC master race!

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34 minutes ago, DoctorDavinci said:

A person who can complain about anything and make it out as if the fault lies with whomever a person wants lay fault upon, for whatever reason said person has convinced themselves of, is not a person whom I would hold high regard as it seems that said person just wants to repeat the same argument and cause drama ... If a person repeats something long enough, a person will start to believe it and then a person just becomes someone who 'think's they know'

In reality it is really deplorable and amazing at the same time that a person is not aware that a PC game that is ported over to consoles always lags behind in updates due to the nature of the closed systems that the game is being run on let alone the fact that, as a console user, it should be well known that this is the case

Saying the same thing over and over doesn't preclude the facts and technological limitations

"Don't raise your voice ... Improve your argument" - Unkown .... Methinks there is a lesson to learn here, n'est pas?

I just saw your condescending posts. Your air of superiority just comes across as arrogance. You sound like you think you are really smart. I can think of numerous companies and ports to console that release updates across multiple platforms pretty close together, usually within a week. In fact, that is the standard, to not treat one platform more favorably than others. Delayed updates on console are to be expected, but nothing like this should ever be expected. Do you realize the game is still broken 3 months after release on console or are you just here to mock us and to argue?

I know you are just here to argue, so you won't be getting any more response out of me. If you don't have KSP on console or you aren't concerned about the 1.2 release on console, I am not sure why you thought you would be helping out by being inconsiderate and rude to console customers that you don't know and that share a different opinion than you. That's right, you didn't come here to help, you came here to try to put us down. You are probably just one of "those" guys. 

43 minutes ago, Papa_Joe said:

I would tend to agree.  In my simple view, a person has a choice:  either to be "part of the problem", or "part of the solution"  

I choose the latter.

Instead of just saying cliches, why not explain how to be "part of the solution" instead of being "part of the problem"? Because I have no idea what you mean. I assume you are implying that I am being "part of the problem" by speaking my mind, so why don't you enlighten us all about this "solution" of yours? Because if being "part of the solution" has to do with me just lowering my expectations or being patient or some nonsense, I am not interested in your solutions. 

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54 minutes ago, chimpbone said:


Instead of just saying cliches, why not explain how to be "part of the solution" instead of being "part of the problem"? Because I have no idea what you mean. I assume you are implying that I am being "part of the problem" by speaking my mind, so why don't you enlighten us all about this "solution" of yours? Because if being "part of the solution" has to do with me just lowering my expectations or being patient or some nonsense, I am not interested in your solutions. 

Normally I don't like to "dive" into controversies about these things, but given that I've expressed an opinion, and, given that you have explained that you do not understand what I mean, and that I'm simply" resorting to cliches" as it were, I feel that it would be reasonable to explain.  This may be TLDR to you, but I don't like to be misunderstood, and it is incumbent on the speaker (me) to make sure the receiver (you) understands.

First, no one here is in the position of "defending" squad's poorly implemented console releases.  I'm not here to dissuade you from your "righteous indignation" or your general feelings about squad or the ports to console.

I'm merely explaining that it is very obvious from the posts that squad has made that they "blew it", they know it and they are working to make it right.  I do not claim to have any inside knowledge of where they are in that process, nor do I claim to be a console user.

Second.  I'm a software engineer by trade, and have a quite few years of development experience under my belt.  I don't claim to be a "leader in my field", but I know how to get the job done, and done well.  I have watched squad since when they were a "garage" operation to the company they have become.  I've seen many ups and downs.  I've seen good and bad.  I could have chosen to "complain" about the bad things, but I held my tongue.  The reason?  It adds no value to the conversation, and does not solve the problems that Squad faced.  Instead, I did what little I could to "teach" the community about software development and to understand the process a little better.

Third.  I build Mods.  I've been doing it since 2013 (0.22), and will likely continue to do so for the "foreseeable" future.  during that time I've seen some really stupid things done in code, and I've seen some brilliant things.  It is what it is.  I have to work around those "stupid things" to get my mods to work, and usually I can find a way.  This is how I am part of the solution with KSP.

Fourth, with regards to consoles. they are broke bad.  This is fact, and no one is arguing this.  Even Squad.  Squad knows, and is working on a fix for these issues.  I do know this from what little interaction I had with other modders, who were also once devs.  Unfortunately, as has been explained before, there is a very rigid process that must be followed for EACH Console vendor (Certification), and it is VERY expensive (more than what you paid for the console version of the game, IF you did).  Because it is so expensive, a game vendor does NOT go to get a patch out for every little fix created piecemeal.  You do it when you are reasonably sure that the code is ready.   NOT before.  SInce KSP 1.2 PC version is now released, I'm certain that process is now ongoing in earnest.  No one wants consoles to succeed more than Squad.  You can be sure of that.

Finally, we come to how you can add value to the conversation and be part of the solution.  I don't know if you have taken these steps, so please forgive me if I've stated things here that you have already done.

1.  You can submit bug reports, following the procedures laid out by Squad on the issues you have found within the console release of the game.  Be detailed, and provide saves, logs (are they available on the consoles?), steps to reproduce, and as much information on the circumstances of the issue as you possibly can.

2.  You can share your experiences with other players, eliciting information on the circumstances of the bugs in order to aid the developers in locating and resolving the bugs.

3.  You can monitor the bug tracking system, to ensure that all known bugs have been identified and are being worked.  if they are not, you can inquire on their status in the bug tracker.

4.  You start a thread that explores ways to "work around" existing bugs, in an effort to make the games more playable in their current state.  I do not know how much value this could add, as I don't play the consoles, but it may.

5.  If the above are not your cup of tea, you can ask for your money back.  I don't know that process, but that is by far the loudest statement of your displeasure you can make.  Put your money where your mouth is.

If you stayed with me so far, I hope this helps to understand.


I have learned by experience that, in general, being angry and complaining about a problem does not solve it, and usually causes others to stop listening.  As a result, it contributes to making the problems actually take longer to solve, as time and effort is wasted on the noise.  By all means, make your opinion known.  This is important.  but I feel there is no added value in repeating that opinion numerous times.

In closing, I've read that there are those that would like to start "movements" to make the world know how bad the consoles are.  That is of course your right.  But, consider this:  If you do, you contribute to the destruction of Squad.  Is that how you wish to add value?

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1 hour ago, Papa_Joe said:

TLDR.  Is that how you wish to add value?

You are failing to see this from our point of view. Seems pretty common here. From your point of view, things look very different, I get it. I just don't think you grasp the situation we are in. It sounds like you are too invested in the actual game to give it or Squad any real criticism. I don't even understand the animosity from PC users here and don't really know where it's based. Some people just can't handle people talking bad about the game that they "love" so much, or maybe they even had a different experience than you and can't comprehend that. Being quiet or "just being patient" as we have been told by a countless number of people at this point is going to help nobody, certainly not us. 

I do not want Squad to fail, or for KSP to fail. You are way out of line with those accusations. I simply want a game I bought to work as intended. I want Squad to communicate better with their console customers who bought that broken game at full price. I want an actual refund, but they aren't giving those. I hold Squad to the same standards as any other video game company. I am being completely reasonable about my expectations with KSP and I am certainly not out of line for asking if 1.2 was coming out on consoles, considering they never once mentioned a delayed console release for 1.2. People shouldn't lower their standards just because you want them to, or because that would be more convenient for Squad. 

It doesn't even sound like you are aware of the state of the game on console. Further, all your post has done is to try to diminish the validity of this thread and us console members affected by issues that you aren't. So how are you adding value here? By trying to start an argument? By talking down to us? You trying to teach us a lesson here about what? About your wholly different experience with the game on PC? Another one of "those" guys I guess. 


Edited by chimpbone
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8 hours ago, chimpbone said:

I mean these guys can ignore problems and customer complaints like no other company can.

Not to agree or disagree with your statement... But No Mans Sky has been ignoring their entire release for the past month and Mr. Murray has vanished from the planet after many advertised features are missing from the official release. That's a lot worse then encountering major issues in a game console port, and while trying earnestly to fix them are not succeeding.

I am a PC user, though I can understand your frustration. We've had our own major bugs before the console port, and I've lost kerbals due to their ships just vanishing, and game save corrupting issues.

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Just to add my 2 cents worth and hopefully clear up a little frustration inducing miscommunication, I feel (and I'm not speaking for anyone else here.  Feel free to plus 1 if you agree with me) its not so much the state of the console version that is frustrating us console users as much as it is the lack of communication about it.  I think we all LOVE the game and that is why we are so frustrated about it not working.  I/we just feel like our concerns are being ignored.  I will gladly patiently wait for a working patch, I just don't want to sit and wait if it is never coming.  I don't think this is an unreasonable position.

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52 minutes ago, mibo22 said:

Just to add my 2 cents worth and hopefully clear up a little frustration inducing miscommunication, I feel (and I'm not speaking for anyone else here.  Feel free to plus 1 if you agree with me) its not so much the state of the console version that is frustrating us console users as much as it is the lack of communication about it.  I think we all LOVE the game and that is why we are so frustrated about it not working.  I/we just feel like our concerns are being ignored.  I will gladly patiently wait for a working patch, I just don't want to sit and wait if it is never coming.  I don't think this is an unreasonable position.

very true.  All these angry posts by console users are crimes of passion. We (want) to love ksp


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1 hour ago, mibo22 said:

Just to add my 2 cents worth and hopefully clear up a little frustration inducing miscommunication, I feel (and I'm not speaking for anyone else here.  Feel free to plus 1 if you agree with me) its not so much the state of the console version that is frustrating us console users as much as it is the lack of communication about it.  I think we all LOVE the game and that is why we are so frustrated about it not working.  I/we just feel like our concerns are being ignored.  I will gladly patiently wait for a working patch, I just don't want to sit and wait if it is never coming.  I don't think this is an unreasonable position.

I don't think even squad or flying Tiger know when a patch is coming out.  To add to this the info trickling in that the XBOX patch isn't solving the only bug it was designed for doesn't instill confidence for the future.  I'm glad you're happy to wait because you'll be ecstatic by the time they have this game anywhere near where it should be. 

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Fact: Version 1.1.0 was released on PC on April 19th. Squad released two patches, 1.1.1, and 1.1.2 on April 28th and 30th, respectively. Two months later they got 1.1.3. Version 1.2 was released yesterday on PC. 

Fact: Version 1.1.0 was released on July 12 on PS4, 2 days later on Xbox One. We are still waiting for a fix after 3 months, still stuck with 1.1.0 with little to no communication about any progress being made. 

So at this point, PC users are 4 updates ahead of us. There is no news about any updates coming to console. Squad is ignoring us more than ever before with the 1.2 release on PC. The patch that was just released on Xbox didn't even fix the problem it was supposed to fix, and Squad hasn't even acknowledged that. 

Are there even any plans to get the console version up to date with the PC version? When might that be? It's been 3 months. 

And what does it take for Flying Tiger to get fired here? Geez. Have some standards please, for your customers sake. 



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12 minutes ago, chimpbone said:

Fact: Version 1.1.0 was released on PC on April 19th. Squad released two patches, 1.1.1, and 1.1.2 on April 28th and 30th, respectively. Two months later they got 1.1.3. Version 1.2 was released yesterday on PC. 

Fact: Version 1.1.0 was released on July 12 on PS4, 2 days later on Xbox One. We are still waiting for a fix after 3 months, still stuck with 1.1.0 with little to no communication about any progress being made. 

So at this point, PC users are 4 updates ahead of us. There is no news about any updates coming to console. Squad is ignoring us more than ever before with the 1.2 release on PC. The patch that was just released on Xbox didn't even fix the problem it was supposed to fix, and Squad hasn't even acknowledged that. 

Are there even any plans to get the console version up to date with the PC version? When might that be? It's been 3 months. 

And what does it take for Flying Tiger to get fired here? Geez. Have some standards please, for your customers sake. 



A failed patch that addressed one issue and took three months to design AND it fails? Thats way too embarrassing to acknowledge. If that doesn't get flying Tiger fired I don't know what will.

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4 hours ago, Jonfliesgoats said:

I have been as frustrated with console KSP as anyone, but I do remember the teething problems with the PC versions.  As long as updates keep coming, I am happy.  With regard to Flying Tiger, I wonder if they can find a different company to port 1.2?  

These save anomalies that Flying Tiger put into the console version are not appreciated. Worst easter egg in a game so far. 

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On 12 October 2016 at 6:47 PM, chimpbone said:

Fact: Version 1.1.0 was released on PC on April 19th. Squad released two patches, 1.1.1, and 1.1.2 on April 28th and 30th, respectively. Two months later they got 1.1.3. Version 1.2 was released yesterday on PC. 

Fact: Version 1.1.0 was released on July 12 on PS4, 2 days later on Xbox One. We are still waiting for a fix after 3 months, still stuck with 1.1.0 with little to no communication about any progress being made. 

So at this point, PC users are 4 updates ahead of us. There is no news about any updates coming to console. Squad is ignoring us more than ever before with the 1.2 release on PC. The patch that was just released on Xbox didn't even fix the problem it was supposed to fix, and Squad hasn't even acknowledged that. 

Are there even any plans to get the console version up to date with the PC version? When might that be? It's been 3 months. 

And what does it take for Flying Tiger to get fired here? Geez. Have some standards please, for your customers sake. 



You make it sound like we have a satisfactory version of ksp on pc. Lol its far from finished mate, believe me! I bought ksp at release 1.0.5 and yes they have released a few patched up gaffer taped versions since, but theyve all been poo tbh, even now with 1.2 i can only have certain number of parts in any one category or UI goes to pot. So im still waiting to start a game 'properly' up until now i mess about in sandbox til the bugs annoy me or it crashes. So ive been waiting over a year for what id regard as finished product.....but alas :)

I used to be fuming/ livid, close to telling squad what i think etc, etc exactly same as u lot, but i suppose ive had time to mellow.....ive spent most of this time 'working' on a game i should just be playing. Now we have a relatively stable base game, we now have to begin the buggy mod upgrade process.....it never ends!

im not saying, dont be annoyed or dont complain, im just saying you havent got the monopoly on a game that doesnt work as intended, from what ive read im sure PC version runs better than console i.e less buggy, however  it certainly isnt finished.

i have the 1st version of xbox (still works btw) my first thought when ksp console came out, would i buy that? Pfft no way, due to my experience with pc version.

it seems to be the way of the gaming world, which is a shame, but all my bad experiences with games has led me to never buying early access, pre-release, buy in-advanced ever again and forget paid for DLC. Lol

stellaris is a good example, i bought that pre and still havent played as its not finished, just glad i didnt go for no mans sky.

instead of winding myself up having a go at these developers and getting more annoyed at little or no response, i  vote with my wallet and purchased a game thats been out few years - albion prelude and ive been havina great time :) 

im rambling now eh, to conclude - 

has this game got great potential - yes

will it ever work properly - who knows

are they trying to sort it - yes

would i buy ksp 2.0 - nope, not until its been out for 2 yrs and id get it on sale.! Thats the plain truth of how my experience watching squads evolution of decision making has led me to feeling.

that last sentence made more sense in my head. Lol

anyhoo, just my 2p ppl, i do feel for ya, i really do, just wanted to bridge this console v pc clique, which is better left for the playground eh.

just think, if ksp worked properly i wouldnt've had time to write this. Lol

wow, that was longer essay than i thought it was gonna be :wink:


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6 hours ago, Tr1gg3r said:

You make it sound like we have a satisfactory version of ksp on pc. Lol its far from finished mate, believe me! I bought ksp at release 1.0.5 and yes they have released a few patched up gaffer taped versions since, but theyve all been poo tbh, even now with 1.2 i can only have certain number of parts in any one category or UI goes to pot. So im still waiting to start a game 'properly' up until now i mess about in sandbox til the bugs annoy me or it crashes. So ive been waiting over a year for what id regard as finished product.....but alas :)

I used to be fuming/ livid, close to telling squad what i think etc, etc exactly same as u lot, but i suppose ive had time to mellow.....ive spent most of this time 'working' on a game i should just be playing. Now we have a relatively stable base game, we now have to begin the buggy mod upgrade process.....it never ends!

im not saying, dont be annoyed or dont complain, im just saying you havent got the monopoly on a game that doesnt work as intended, from what ive read im sure PC version runs better than console i.e less buggy, however  it certainly isnt finished.

i have the 1st version of xbox (still works btw) my first thought when ksp console came out, would i buy that? Pfft no way, due to my experience with pc version.

it seems to be the way of the gaming world, which is a shame, but all my bad experiences with games has led me to never buying early access, pre-release, buy in-advanced ever again and forget paid for DLC. Lol

stellaris is a good example, i bought that pre and still havent played as its not finished, just glad i didnt go for no mans sky.

instead of winding myself up having a go at these developers and getting more annoyed at little or no response, i  vote with my wallet and purchased a game thats been out few years - albion prelude and ive been havina great time :) 

im rambling now eh, to conclude - 

has this game got great potential - yes

will it ever work properly - who knows

are they trying to sort it - yes

would i buy ksp 2.0 - nope, not until its been out for 2 yrs and id get it on sale.! Thats the plain truth of how my experience watching squads evolution of decision making has led me to feeling.

that last sentence made more sense in my head. Lol

anyhoo, just my 2p ppl, i do feel for ya, i really do, just wanted to bridge this console v pc clique, which is better left for the playground eh.

just think, if ksp worked properly i wouldnt've had time to write this. Lol

wow, that was longer essay than i thought it was gonna be :wink:


Thanks for your response. I don't think that the PC version is perfect, especially not for some Linux users and people with low end PC's. But at least you guys have access to mods and that in itself makes the game much better. At least you guys have Squad working to solve the issues you face instead of Flying Tiger. I really don't think there is any question that the PC version is better than the console version, for obvious reasons. 

I do see what you are saying about a 'finished' game though. You bought the game when it was 'finished', 1.0.5, and you are still waiting for it to be 'finished' today. That being said, I would be happy if I could play KSP on PC with mods. That seems like it would be 1000 times better than the console experience, even if the vanilla game still wasn't 'finished.' 

The game does have such great potential, but the lack of finesse and polish is apparent from the very beginning. I am not hoping for KSP 2.0 from Squad, but rather for a bigger company to take this idea and make a more polished game.

I would personally love to see this game take place in our solar system, and with NASA and SpaceX parts and rockets available, maybe even gathering real science data from the around the solar system. Launch sites all around Earth, clouds, etc. Mechjeb seems more realistic than trying to manually steer a rocket into orbit, but of course that isn't in the actual game either. 

It seems a lot of what I want in the game is even available in the form of mods on PC. From what I understand, it is actually the modders for this game that have contributed the most to it's development. That's kind of sad. It's almost as if Squad relies on the modders(unpaid) to make the game more playable for PC users, as the vanilla game isn't that great and certainly doesn't look that great. I have never seen a game that relied so much on mods. 

It is nice to have some solidarity in this community though, and I really appreciate your response. There have been some nice PC players like yourself who have tried to help instead of being condescending, so thank you for that. 

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8 minutes ago, chimpbone said:

Thanks for your response. I don't think that the PC version is perfect, especially not for some Linux users and people with low end PC's. But at least you guys have access to mods and that in itself makes the game much better. At least you guys have Squad working to solve the issues you face instead of Flying Tiger. I really don't think there is any question that the PC version is better than the console version, for obvious reasons. 

I do see what you are saying about a 'finished' game though. You bought the game when it was 'finished', 1.0.5, and you are still waiting for it to be 'finished' today. That being said, I would be happy if I could play KSP on PC with mods. That seems like it would be 1000 times better than the console experience, even if the vanilla game still wasn't 'finished.' 

The game does have such great potential, but the lack of finesse and polish is apparent from the very beginning. I am not hoping for KSP 2.0 from Squad, but rather for a bigger company to take this idea and make a more polished game.

I would personally love to see this game take place in our solar system, and with NASA and SpaceX parts and rockets available, maybe even gathering real science data from the around the solar system. Launch sites all around Earth, clouds, etc. Mechjeb seems more realistic than trying to manually steer a rocket into orbit, but of course that isn't in the actual game either. 

It seems a lot of what I want in the game is even available in the form of mods on PC. From what I understand, it is actually the modders for this game that have contributed the most to it's development. That's kind of sad. It's almost as if Squad relies on the modders(unpaid) to make the game more playable for PC users, as the vanilla game isn't that great and certainly doesn't look that great. I have never seen a game that relied so much on mods. 

It is nice to have some solidarity in this community though, and I really appreciate your response. There have been some nice PC players like yourself who have tried to help instead of being condescending, so thank you for that. 

We all need to blow of steam at some point....weve all done it :)

shame u cant play it on pc/ lappy, as from sounds of it youd deffo love some of these class mods mate. (Be nice if squad maybe offered consolers a copy of ksp pc, good will gesture as recompense) :wink: ill just leave that in brackets. Lol

and i wouldnt be surprised if 'the big boys' game makers produce something along the lines of ksp. You wont see me in early access tho. Haha

yer the modders and community are the cement holding the crumbling bricks together. Lol i thought squads best decision by far was hiring those from community, things certainly got moving and sorted, shame they didnt hang around, but im not getting into that, everyman and his dog has had an opinion on that one.

Idk mate, cant disagree with ya, gona be interesting to see what squad does about things and what the future holds. Fingers crossd for y'all anyhoo.

back to work now...fire up ksp and try find root of annoying UI bug. Lol


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The 1.2 version is pretty good. Still, weeks of gameplay will ferret out some “easy to fix” bugs and as always there will be some tweaking. So at one point in time there will be a 1.2.1 version.

Given the amount of red tape that seems involved in rolling out software on the consoles, it makes sense to assume that at that point, when the 1.2.1 version is rolled out, FT starts with the conversion. I have no clue how the conversion works. Is it (*shudders*) updating a copy of the existing code base, or is it more like writing a script that adds custom software and merges it with the desktop decision (and the conversion process entails creating and updating the custom console code, obviously)

I wouldn't expect a 1.2 console release in sync with the desktop one. Hopefully they'll weed out the console-specific problems over time and the updates will just get better and better.

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Sadly these issues on consoles are just an echo of the fact that squad released KSP as a 1.0 working product way too soon. It is contemptible that they charged full price for a known broken product and I feel the pain of every fan that just wants to enjoy the product they paid for. If I where a console player I would push as hard as I could for a refund and think very carefully about buying from Squad again. The fact that they released the patch for consoles shouting that the save issue is fixed is a literal comedy of errors.. Sort the damn thing out and offer compensation to every single console player! Give them a free printed kerbal figure! That or a refund for anyone that asks. 

Edited by Majorjim!
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43 minutes ago, NuclearMikenetic said:

Has @UomoCaprasaid ANYTHING since it became apparent the patch was a bust? I'd probably be embarrassed too I guess... maybe I'd just rather not work for squad in the first place...

Nobody from Squad has responded regarding the Xbox One patch not fixing the save issue. It would be nice for them to acknowledge it at the very least. Is this what proving themselves to us looks like? All they are proving is that they aren't capable to solve these issues. 

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43 minutes ago, Kerbart said:

The 1.2 version is pretty good. Still, weeks of gameplay will ferret out some “easy to fix” bugs and as always there will be some tweaking. So at one point in time there will be a 1.2.1 version.

Given the amount of red tape that seems involved in rolling out software on the consoles, it makes sense to assume that at that point, when the 1.2.1 version is rolled out, FT starts with the conversion. I have no clue how the conversion works. Is it (*shudders*) updating a copy of the existing code base, or is it more like writing a script that adds custom software and merges it with the desktop decision (and the conversion process entails creating and updating the custom console code, obviously)

I wouldn't expect a 1.2 console release in sync with the desktop one. Hopefully they'll weed out the console-specific problems over time and the updates will just get better and better.

I don't think it's "red tape" that's keeping updates delayed on console. Other games don't have these same problems. I think it's fair to say that the port of KSP on console was done poorly by Flying Tiger. It's not the first bad port, and it certainly won't be the last. There are bad ports that go from console to PC as well, so I know this goes both ways. I think that Flying Tiger is the major reason for delays on console. Flying Tiger got in way over their heads with KSP on console, and they have turned it into a disaster. 

They probably should have and could have been fired for a breach of contract before the game was even released on console, but for some reason, my guess is profits, this game was still released into the marketplace in it's current state. I'm pretty sure we are stuck with Flying Tiger at this point, and that gives us no confidence that the game will ever be fixed. I would not and could not ever recommend this game to somebody on console. Squad and Flying Tiger really dropped the ball with this one. 



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Console ksp...


Not even once.

Just bought the isle on steam. Super pumped to be supporting the devs and this game 


Was also really cool how they explicitly stated I was buying a pre-release game.  Super steller of them to be transparent. Maybe @nestor and the rest of Squad's upper management could learn a few things about releasing a game

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