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[Minimum KSP: 1.12.2] Snacks! - Friendly, Simplified Life Support

Angelo Kerman

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Latest Release


Original mod by:  @tgruetzm
Continuation by: Angel-125


Snacks was originally published by tgruetzm in August of 2014. It offered a novel and lightweight solution to life support for those that didn't want the complexity of more sophisticated mods like TAC Life Support. This new version rebuilds the original code base in order to:

  • Configure all sorts of options including snacks consumed per day, snacks per meal, and recycling rates.
  • Days are calculated based on the homeworld's solar day, not the default 6/24 hours per day. Rescaled homeworld planets are supported!
  • Provides a penalty system that won't brick your game.
  • Run multithreaded simulations on your vessels to estimate how long your Snacks will last- ElectricCharge production & consumption are included!
  • Maintain the lightweight feel while offering lots of customization.

Want more challenge? Check out the addons in the LifeSupportResources folder:

  •     Air - Kerbals need Fresh Air to breathe in addition to Snacks to eat. They’ll faint and die without it! Your vessels are automatically equipped with a supply of Fresh Air, and you can make more from Oxidizer via the stock ISRU parts, or recycle Stale Air using the stock Hitchhiker.
  •     Stress - Cramped quarters can stress out kerbals and they’ll refuse to work! They aren’t tourists, they’ll just stop using their skills to help your mission. Other events cause Stress as well. Reduce Stress by hanging out in the stock Hitchhiker- but kerbals won’t have their skills available while they rest.

Or make your own life support resource to track using the above config files as examples!

If you're new to Snacks, please consult the KSPedia.

KSPedia images

  Reveal hidden contents

Source code: The MIT License (MIT)
Snack Tin artwork by SQUAD/Porkjet: CC-BY-NC 3.0
Portions of this codebase are CC-BY-NC 3.0 and derived from Taranis Elsu's Window class.
Module Manager by Sarbian

Delete any previous instances in GameData/Snacks
Copy the files in the zip folder over to GameData/Snacks

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  On 10/10/2016 at 5:49 PM, maculator said:

This means you also made a entry for the ingame wiki?


Yup! You can see the screen in the OP as well, though they're slightly out of date as I'm adding in @Elkram's suggestion for loss of science as a penalty option. Should be ready by tomorrow. :)

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  On 10/10/2016 at 5:50 PM, Angel-125 said:

Yup! You can see the screen in the OP as well, though they're slightly out of date as I'm adding in @Elkram's suggestion for loss of science as a penalty option. Should be ready by tomorrow. :)


Desperade kerbals eating their precious science reports because they ran out of snacks, a verry good idea.

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I think I may have to try LS again, this looks awesome. Actually I'm gonna try it right now :D

Edit: Tiny bug/tweak request: snack containers are with fuel tanks, better to put them with utility or maybe payload?

Edit Edit: I think I'm getting whacked with penalties due to having rescue contracts, that old thing...

Edited by Waxing_Kibbous
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Looks good Angel. Thanks for maintaining this.

FYI, in your second KSPedia image the arrow for Duration is not pointing to duration but the name of a Vessel called "Long Duration Spacecraft". Just thought you'd want to know.

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This is great! I haven't tried Snacks before and I'm excited to give it a spin

Quick suggestion: I noticed that Snacks uses Months as a measure of time which aren't really used in the rest of the game. I feel like using Months (which are what? approx 6 days?) just complicates my math and just using a straight Days count would actually be more user friendly.

Edited by tjt
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Glad to see this gem finally get some light! I have a quick question though, is there an option to have kerbal death (or have the kerbal become useless) on snack deprivation, and if not, is it a planned feature? Or is that too close to existing life support mods? :P

Edited by Yoshidude
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  On 10/11/2016 at 12:12 AM, tjt said:

This is great! I haven't tried Snacks before and I'm excited to give it a spin

Quick suggestion: I noticed that Snacks uses Months as a measure of time which aren't really used in the rest of the game. I feel like using Months (which are what? approx 6 days?) just complicates my math and just using a straight Days count would actually be more user friendly.


I'll add a straight up days option for the next release so you can toggle between years/months/days and just days.

  On 10/11/2016 at 12:42 AM, Yoshidude said:

Glad to see this gem finally get some light! I have a quick question though, is there an option to have kerbal death (or have the kerbal become useless) on snack deprivation, and if not, is it a planned feature? Or is that too close to existing life support mods? :P


Currently there's no kerbal death option. That would go against the philosophy of not bricking your mission. I'm trying to keep to SQUAD's philosophy of not bricking the mission when things go bad, just like it is with CommNet. Other more sophisticated life support mods have the death penalty.

Speaking of penalties, I've added a science loss penalty as an option. If kerbals get hungry, you'll lose data, science data stored in containers, and data stored in experiments, in that order. Not all at once; if you run out of lab data, then Snacks moves onto data stored in your science containers. If there aren't any, then Snacks moves to data in your experiments. If there isn't any, then you're off the hook.

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If we are making requests.... one thing I really liked about USI-LS was that Kerbals would go into tourist mode instead of dying- is this something that can be added? I recall there being a pretty high level of complexity for @RoverDude to deal with in that area.

Also, did the penalties for kerbals involved in rescue contracts get fixed, or is it on the radar?

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  On 10/11/2016 at 9:28 PM, Waxing_Kibbous said:

If we are making requests.... one thing I really liked about USI-LS was that Kerbals would go into tourist mode instead of dying- is this something that can be added? I recall there being a pretty high level of complexity for @RoverDude to deal with in that area.

Also, did the penalties for kerbals involved in rescue contracts get fixed, or is it on the radar?


That's a nice feature to be sure, but it would brick your save if you uninstall Snacks and you have kerbals turned into tourists. That's something I'm trying to avoid. Snacks takes the same philosophy as CommNet: don't brick your mission/save.

For the penalties involving rescue contracts can you elaborate on what's happening? Do you have screenshots?

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I had several rescue contracts around different bodies, sometimes when I timewarped I would get messages that came up saying I was being penalized- however the only ship that I had available to fly was amply stocked.

It could be that I installed this mod after I had the rescue contracts accepted, which makes sense if it's only broken for me.

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  On 10/11/2016 at 10:07 PM, Waxing_Kibbous said:

I had several rescue contracts around different bodies, sometimes when I timewarped I would get messages that came up saying I was being penalized- however the only ship that I had available to fly was amply stocked.

It could be that I installed this mod after I had the rescue contracts accepted, which makes sense if it's only broken for me.


Ok, I'll see what I can do. I think the issue is adding the Snacks mod to an existing save.

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  On 10/11/2016 at 10:28 PM, Angel-125 said:

 I think the issue is adding the Snacks mod to an existing save.


Me too- so, here is the snacks readout:

Sanina's Wreckage 0/0

Crew: 1


Done before installing Snacks. Has been in orbit a while though.

Mitpoint's Wreckage: 0/100

Crew: 1


Just accepted while Snacks is installed. Does this help at all? I may not play much today, but I will keep an eye on things, I will leave Ol' Mittens up there for a while :wink:


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  On 10/11/2016 at 10:07 PM, Waxing_Kibbous said:

I had several rescue contracts around different bodies, sometimes when I timewarped I would get messages that came up saying I was being penalized- however the only ship that I had available to fly was amply stocked.

It could be that I installed this mod after I had the rescue contracts accepted, which makes sense if it's only broken for me.


Great, that helps. :) I can definitely fix the first case where you have 0/0 Snacks. The second case where the part is spawned with no Snacks may take a bit longer to figure out.

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  On 10/11/2016 at 10:54 PM, Angel-125 said:

Great, that helps. :) I can definitely fix the first case where you have 0/0 Snacks. The second case where the part is spawned with no Snacks may take a bit longer to figure out.


I think most LS systems don't start the consumption timer on rescue missions until the player gets within X distance of the wreckage to handle this. I have one that I can take 11 years to complete, so that's probably the best way to handle it.

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  On 10/11/2016 at 11:02 PM, Waxing_Kibbous said:

I think most LS systems don't start the consumption timer on rescue missions until the player gets within X distance of the wreckage to handle this. I have one that I can take 11 years to complete, so that's probably the best way to handle it.


I'll have to figure out how rescue contracts work so that I can intercept when they're created and ignore them until you get within range. Snacks currently isn't set up to do that.

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Incoming Snacks 1.4.0!

- Adjusted Snack production in the MPL; it was way too high. Ore -> Snacks is now 1:10 with mass conservation. A 1.25m Small Holding Tank (holds 300 Ore) now produce 3,000 Snacks.
- Added display field to Snack Processor that tells you how the max amount of snacks per day that it can produce. It's available in the VAB, SPH, and during Flight.
- Moved Snack Tins to the Payload tab.
- Added option to show time remaining in days.
- When kerbals go hungry, added the option to randomly choose one penalty from the enabled penalties, or to apply all enabled penalties.
- Added lab data/experiment data loss as an optional penalty. If you have lab data, that will be the first to go, followed by experiment data stored in containers, followed by experiment data stored in experiments.
- You can now register/unregister your own custom penalties. This is particularly useful for addons to Snacks.
- Cleaned up some KSPedia issues.
- Fixed an issue with adding Snacks to existing saves.
- Fixed an issue with vessels spawned from rescue contracts incurring penalties due to being out of Snacks.


At this point, Snacks is just about where I envisioned it to be. :) I want to add hooks to allow modders to add more information to the supply window, and convert the supply window over to Unity 5's canvas system (I haven't done that before). But it's definitely playable in its current form. :)

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