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[1.8] EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements [1.8.0-2]


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12 minutes ago, bob_kelso said:


Quick question, i tried to put the shadow material to 0 but it doesn't fade the cloud shadows. Would you have any tips for the value to tweak so i can either remove the cloud shadows, or even better, have some transparency to fade it out?


Here is a sceenshot. Im on RSS 1.2.2 using ETO



Did you check EVERY single cloud cfg for a shadow material? There is probably shadow material set for more layers.

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7 minutes ago, HaydenTheKing said:

You really don’t need to spam your question across the forums. I have already told you what the issue likely is. Just google how to force dx11 in ksp. It’s very simple. 

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3 hours ago, Galileo said:

You really don’t need to spam your question across the forums. I have already told you what the issue likely is. Just google how to force dx11 in ksp. It’s very simple. 

lol, I did that because I don't know which mod is causing it.  I did force dx11, I might have posted that on your thread.

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31 minutes ago, HaydenTheKing said:

lol, I did that because I don't know which mod is causing it.  I did force dx11, I might have posted that on your thread.

Then do your homework and start with a stock game and add the visual mods until the problem occurs.

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12 hours ago, Brigadier said:

Then do your homework and start with a stock game and add the visual mods until the problem occurs.

So snarky for no reason. That what I did if you didn't read the post.  It happens after SVT is added. The problem seems to be that the lights are just not very bright.  I think they are there just quite dim.

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9 hours ago, HaydenTheKing said:

So snarky for no reason. That what I did if you didn't read the post.  It happens after SVT is added. The problem seems to be that the lights are just not very bright.  I think they are there just quite dim.

I did not intend to be snarky, my apologies for my poor choice of words.  I can read how my comment could be interpreted as too blunt and heavy handed, and for that, I'm sorry.

I have re-read the last part of this thread and still don't see where you say you started with stock and reproduced the error with the minimum mods (I don't know to what "...the post." refers).  You clearly stated you didn't know which mod it could have been (and that's cool) and this basic troubleshooting technique would have revealed which mod was potentially causing the problem.  Instead, your asking in multiple threads was your troubleshooting process (less cool).

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On 7/13/2018 at 10:00 PM, Brigadier said:

I did not intend to be snarky, my apologies for my poor choice of words.  I can read how my comment could be interpreted as too blunt and heavy handed, and for that, I'm sorry.

I have re-read the last part of this thread and still don't see where you say you started with stock and reproduced the error with the minimum mods (I don't know to what "...the post." refers).  You clearly stated you didn't know which mod it could have been (and that's cool) and this basic troubleshooting technique would have revealed which mod was potentially causing the problem.  Instead, your asking in multiple threads was your troubleshooting process (less cool).

I meant if you look at the mod list there is only the graphcs mods.  I took all the others out.  Still not really sure whats causing it.  The city lights are there just not as bright as they are in EVE config.  Might just be the way they are displaced through the clouds when SVE+scatterer work togethor.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey @Waz

Pretty sure EVE is causing a pretty severe memory leak.

I started with a clean install and just installed EVE with the configs and I checked task manager with the game paused over the KSC and my RAM ticks up 0.1 to 0.2 MB/second.

The game does not do this stock. Stock you seem to lose RAM every time you launch and revert a flight, but it doesn't just tick away over time with the game paused and not doing anything.

EVE also does it without the config files because I also tried installing it with Stock Visual Enhancements and Stock Terrain Visual Enhancements and Scatterer without the EVE configs and it still did it.

Since pretty much every visual mod depends on EVE, that means you either suck it up with the memory leak or you play an ugly stock KSP....

I'm currently using v1.4.5 of KSP but I had the leak with v1.4.3 as well.....

The only way to reclaim the RAM is to restart the game. Escaping to the menu and reloading your game won't clear it.....

PS I lost 3% of my RAM typing this message.....

PPS You lose RAM far slower by staying inside the VAB/SPH instead of pausing while looking at the KSC.....

So I Googled this and like a year ago there was a reddit about it, with installing EVE and Scatterer through CKAN....which I did. It said to use a different version of Scatterer and install it manually? I can do that I guess....which version should I use though?

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Here is the reddit I mentioned:


The fix wasn't super clear to me....

Could you tell me of exactly how to remedy it....if you are aware of how?

Oh wait....that solution is for/with SVE. I am having this issue with just EVE I believe.

I installed EVE with scatterer through CKAN and had the leak until I uninstalled them.

So I tried doing a clean install and then added Stock visual enhancements and all the requirements through CKAN...which includes EVE, but not the EVE configs and have the same leak going on when paused over the Kerbal Space Center...

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8 hours ago, JoE Smash said:


I installed EVE with scatterer through CKAN and had the leak until I uninstalled them.

So I tried doing a clean install and then added Stock visual enhancements and all the requirements through CKAN...which includes EVE, but not the EVE configs and have the same leak going on when paused over the Kerbal Space Center...

Are you seeing this with just EVE installed, or with EVE and Scatterer installed, because you seem to have said both?

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34 minutes ago, Waz said:

Are you seeing this with just EVE installed, or with EVE and Scatterer installed, because you seem to have said both?

I want to say the first time I tried it and had the leak I was only using EVE with the configs recommended by CKAN. After I experienced the leak I uninstalled EVE and its configs and it went away.

I then uninstalled all my mods and deleted my game (for the third time since I started playing a month ago), and deleted any folders left behind. I then reinstalled the game and tried Stock Visual Enhancements, stock visual terrain, via CKAN which then required Kopernicus and all it's dependancies, EVE without configs, and scatterer with configs. And I still have the leak.

I'm pretty sure it's just EVE doing it. I've never had a memory leak without EVE and it goes away when I uninstall EVE....

If you think there is some combination of EVE and scatterer that is causing it though, or CKAN is to blame, just tell me what your recommendations are for a fix and I'll do that next time I play....

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Ok @Waz,

I wanted to try to be a little more helpful in pinpointing the issue.

I did another new clean install of the game and did a difinitive install of JUST EVE and the configs. With the configs included the memory leak was much more rapid and severe. It was over a megabyte a second. So I started pulling pieces of your mod to see if I could at least pinpoint a file in particular that may be causing it...

With no configs and just EVE there is still a leak, but it is the slower one that I described earlier of 0.1-0.2mb/sec. So I figured it was a base dll that when applied to the configs it exacerbates it....

So I started pulling out dlls from the plugins folder (I also messed with the stuff outside the plugins folder). 

If you pull out evershaders.bundle file which is outside the plugins folder the leak seems to stop. I wasn't sure if that helped though because I thought that might apply to all the dlls or something, so I put that back and pulled out dlls. 

After pulling out all the dlls I believe the one causing the issue is ShaderLoader.dll....but again that is probably the main dll responsible for allowing the other dlls to do therir jobs....so the leak going away without it being present is probably a consequence of it being necessary for the other dlls to do anything....I may also be wrong about it as well because the leak may still be intermittent with it gone....

All in all though this is probably beyond my ability to figure out as I don't really know anything in particular about modding or coding. ...

All I really know is there seems to be a leak at least on my computer when I install just EVE. The leak is much more severe when the EVE configs are also present. Without the configs there is a slower leak....Obviously this is still an issue if you wish to have clouds with any other visual mod because it appears all the other visual mods available rely on the EVE core in some way to function. Basically everyone else in the business of improving the games graphics seem to use your code in some way to do it.....

I had attached that reddit from a while ago to at least prove to you that I am not the only person historically who has encountered this issue.

Like I said though I typically use CKAN to install my mods, so if you are aware of some manual way of doing things better that prevents this please let me know. I figure that's doubtful though because I have now been pulling out and putting back pieces if the mod manually and I am having a hard time making it go away....well except for pulling out the eveshaders.bundle file....

Thanks for all your hard work though! I love the graphical improvements to the game. I wish they were stock and didn't leak RAM though....The game is so ugly stock....

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2 hours ago, JoE Smash said:

Hey @Waz,

The leak may have been caused by using -force-d3d11 on the short cut to force on directx 11. With -force-openGL, the leak may be gone....

Are you certain you need to use either?

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1 hour ago, Waz said:

Are you certain you need to use either?

Ummmm yeah, it cuts RAM useage in half and a lot of texture mods require it....

It's like the first post in technical support to get your game to run better....

It's pinned at the top of modded technical support and was posted in 2015....

You should assume anyone who has gone looking for help with the game is doing that, it's recommended by almost everyone on the forums....


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32 minutes ago, JoE Smash said:

Ummmm yeah, it cuts RAM useage in half and a lot of texture mods require it....

It's like the first post in technical support to get your game to run better....

It's pinned at the top of modded technical support and was posted in 2015....

You should assume anyone who has gone looking for help with the game is doing that, it's recommended by almost everyone on the forums....


That advice pre-dates KSP's switch to Unity 5.

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57 minutes ago, Drew Kerman said:

@JoE Smash have you tried -force-glcore? The only mod I can think of that requires any special graphics flags is Textures Unlimited. I've seen other posts in other threads where the glcore flag helped clear up some issues when ppl switched over from using DX11 or the other OGL flag

I've tried glcore before. I'm not having a memory leak unless I force DX11 I thought I said above....Why do you think I should switch?

5 hours ago, Waz said:

That advice pre-dates KSP's switch to Unity 5.

I don't see anything in the thread explaining the significance of what you just said....should someone add the meaning of that statement to the thread? Or should a forum moderator unpin that thread if the information is somehow obsolete?

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1 hour ago, JoE Smash said:

I've tried glcore before. I'm not having a memory leak unless I force DX11 I thought I said above....Why do you think I should switch?

I don't see anything in the thread explaining the significance of what you just said....should someone add the meaning of that statement to the thread? Or should a forum moderator unpin that thread if the information is somehow obsolete?

I honestly have no clue why that's pinned still :D that advice was meant for the 32bit version of KSP since there was no 64bit version at the time. 32bit programs crash if they get close to 4gb of ram usage and in KSP it was fairly easy to hit that cap if you started installing big visual and part mods. Now that KSP is 64bit that issue is completely obsolete since the program no longer has a cap. Speaking of which, why are you concerned about your RAM usage? So long as you have 8gb+ it has hardly any impact on your game in comparison to your CPU (for physics calculations) and GPU (for visuals/visual mods).

Can someone else back me up on this though?

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1 hour ago, Avera9eJoe said:

I honestly have no clue why that's pinned still :D that advice was meant for the 32bit version of KSP since there was no 64bit version at the time. 32bit programs crash if they get close to 4gb of ram usage and in KSP it was fairly easy to hit that cap if you started installing big visual and part mods. Now that KSP is 64bit that issue is completely obsolete since the program no longer has a cap. Speaking of which, why are you concerned about your RAM usage? So long as you have 8gb+ it has hardly any impact on your game in comparison to your CPU (for physics calculations) and GPU (for visuals/visual mods).

Can someone else back me up on this though?

It's really not a concern if there isn't a memory leak I guess.....unless I want to run like 200 part mods. I try to stick around 100 mods normally....lol.

I almost have my graphics working now finally with Astronomers Visual Pack. I had to tweak the lightening file because it was spastic and I deleted the auroras from the other planets because I didn't like them....

In our solar system I believe Earth is it only planet with the right atmospheric conditions and magnetism to make auroras appear as a visual phenomena....I don't know why the aurora cfg file for Astronomers would add them to Duna, Jool, EVE and whatever else I deleted them from.....

I mean I have seen some space photos of Venus, Mars, and Jupiter and I don't remember seeing weird moving green lights at the poles in the space photographs....it's fine for Earth though I guess....

The lightening was so fast and spastic the way he has it I assumed it was a graphical glitch.....

One question though to those who have used/seen the Astronomers pack, is EVE supposed to look so light pink and washed out?



I took those shots before I deleted the auroras....

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I've updated the firstpost to recommend against -force-d3d11, in case someone discovers this again. I've not used that option (or GL) since KSP switched to Unity 5 and 64-bit therefore became the recommended build for modded games.

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I'm not able to suss this one out. Apparently including this config will cause my clouds around Kerbin to disappear:

		name = Juul-Auroras
		body = Jool
		speed = 0,100,0
		detailSpeed = 0,10,10
		altitude = 70000
		offset = 182,0,0
			_DetailScale = 3
			_UVNoiseScale = 0.4
			_UVNoiseStrength = 0.0025
			_UVNoiseAnimation = 0.07,0.07
			_Color = 0,100,255,125
			_DistFadeVert = 1E-02
			_DetailDist = 1E-09
				value = StockVisualEnhancements/Textures/GGAurora
				value = StockVisualEnhancements/Textures/GGAuroraDetail
				value = StockVisualEnhancements/Textures/uvnoise1
				_MinLight = 1

This is an exact copy from @Galileo's SVE config for Jool except I changed the layer name to "Juul" because I have a MM patch that deletes all "Jool"-named cloud layers so I can use my own.

http://www.kerbalspace.agency/misc/KSP_EVE.zip - I see no indication from EVE outputs that there is any problem in the error log

Here is something interesting tho - look at my MM cache. For some reason, if you search for "juul", you'll find the config node I posted above but it will also have a whole bunch of OPM cloud configs that are not in the cfg file which has the Juul config. That file contains the Juul config and nothing else.

So, maybe not so much an EVE problem as something SVE is doing with MM? Gah. Tired. Sorry, I didn't think to check my MM cache until I had already written this thinking it was an EVE problem

Also, sorry Galileo it might be an MM thing I'm doing, not SVE. Ergh I need sleep

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