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[1.12.x] Kramax Autopilot Continued: Course guidance and auto-land for spaceplanes


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6 minutes ago, Schmelge said:

Does this mod work in 1.4.1?

It may.  You could just install the KSP 1.3.1 version and test it.  Or wait for @linuxgurugamer to update it to KSP 1.4.1.

He's updating the over 130 mods he supports as quickly as he can find time to work on them.  He's already updated several.  When he gets a good updated mod release, he adds a post to the mod's topic (ie. here for Kramax) and updates the topic title to lead with "[1.4.1]".  You'll also find the updated download on Spacedock.info and on LGG's Github (links in the original post).

You can also ask for extra focus on a few mods in this thread.


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7 minutes ago, Bit Fiddler said:

I have been using it in 1.4.1 with no issues so far.

yeah im using it right now :) I'm just trying to figure out how to make my own flightplan with the help of waypoint manager. would have been SO nice if they could communicate. Creat new flight plan ingame, mark your wp in wp manger, click add to flight plan in kramax.


I understand that linuxgurugamer definitely don't have the time :P he has crazy amounts of mods, but maybe we're lucky someday and someone with coding knowledge will come along and do it :D

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lol I have wanted WP manager and Kramax to share their WP database ever since I first saw them...


but here is your procedure....


1) fly to a spot that you want as a WP.  and tell WP manager to save your current location.  

2) go to the next point and repeat.

3) once you have all your points saved, open "KSP\GameData\KramaxAutoPilot\Extras" and enter WP values in with the proper formatting for Kramax.  you can look in there to see the information you need.   it will require a bit of brain power on your part to get them all in correctly but it Is not too bad.

4) restart KSP and your new flight plan should be in the list for you to choose from.   However, be warned, this list will not scroll properly yet, so if it is too long yours may be off the bottom and not visible.

5) ask @linuxgurugamer to make an automated system to pull WP manager WP list into a Kramax format some how....

     a) Pay him for his time and it may help the process...  :D

     b ) learn to code and submit changes to him to merge in.

     c) pay/bribe someone else to do this and submit for merger.


all joking aside it is not too bad to manually take a WP manager list and convert it to Kramax format. 

I would suggest looking at an easy one... ( "KSC ILS 27" or "KSC ILS 09") enter the WP data into WP manager so you can see the WPs in game and get a visual on what a flight path is actually doing.  this will help you with the manual calculations you will need to make to convert your arbitrary WPs you saved in flight to make them nice and smooth for a good descent profile.



   planet = Kerbin
   name = KSC ILS 09
   description = Auto-land on KSC RW09 From HiKey
     Vertical = true
     lat = -0.0485981
     lon = -82.25
     alt = 12000
     name = MAXKY
     Vertical = true
     lat = -0.0485981
     lon = -81.25
     alt = 10000
     name = HIKEY
     Vertical = true
     lat = -0.0485981
     lon = -79.25
     alt = 6500
     name = LOKEY
     Vertical = true
     IAF = true
     lat = -0.0485981
     lon = -77.25
     alt = 2500
     name = KSC 09 IAF
     Vertical = true
     FAF = true
     lat = -0.0485981
     lon = -76.1
     alt = 1000
     name = KSC 09 FAF
     Vertical = true
     RW = true
     lat = -0.0485981
     lon = -74.7359549847328
     alt = 97
     name = KSC RW09 FLARE
     Vertical = true
     Stop = true
     lat = -0.050185
     lon = -74.4947394
     alt = 67
     name = KSC RW09 STOP



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1 hour ago, Bit Fiddler said:

it will require a bit of brain power on your part to get them all in correctly but it Is not too bad.

haha yeah see, this here is the biggest problem for me. It feels like I have a peasized brain and that sucks xD

I've seen many people linkning their flight plans and have them in the comments but I'm not the guy that can look at code and say "Aah, thats how you do it" :P Unfortunately I need more something like a video or a step by step tutorial, explaining why you put a bracket here and why this is like this etc..

I've looked through all vids I could find and all of them showcase the mod but no one goes through why and how you config the cfg. 


Something is a bit off for me, when I first install the mod, take a plane and go to runway, I have a looong list of flightplans. Using WP Manager I manually make custom waypoints, since thats the only kind of waypoint you can export. Which don't make much sense in my world, I don't understand why you cannot export the waypoints from the mission that are already there, but that's most likely also a question about coding and stuff which I have no clue about :P

Anyways, I open my custom WP file and then I copy/pasted another already existing WP in the flightplan.cfg and editet name and long lat altitude - according to the values in customWP file. Saved, refreashed and all except for the very standard WP disappeared. I think there were around 5 of them left. I then restartet the game, and woops my flightplan was there, however not the correct long and lat and alt? It was the exact same values as where my plane spawned xD

I doublechecked the file and it had the same values as the WPManager custom file... I am very eager to learn how to make my own WP and a dream is to learn coding, however I have a 1 year old daughter that doesn't let me use my keyboard when shes awake, and I no longer own any books about programming that have any pages left. She ate them all.

I know it's extreamly much to ask for but you know some website with a tutorial for this kind of.. what shall we call it, kids programming? xD that my peasized brain have a chance to understand or maybe can refer me to any kind of discord channel where people would gladly take on a morhon and educate him a bit, I would be eternely greatful :)


Kind regards - Schmelge

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well this WP list thing is not really programming at all...  so this is much easier to deal with.  I have never personally made a Flight plan for Kramax, I have just looked at it long enough to get an idea of how it is done....


it sounds like you have done the correct steps. so maybe this will let you see where you went wrong.


before I begin I am sorry for the size of this post but I will not use the spoiler so it is easier to see...



this is the entry in the file for "KSC ILS 09"   we will use it as a template to make a new one so we will modify it a bit.  all the changes are marked in red.  the last few waypoints "IAF, FAF, flare, STOP" I have not edited as I do not want to do the math to make a good final approach for this example.  but we will talk about it  later in this post.




so first select this section shown here and copy it to your clipboard.


   planet = Kerbin
   name = TEST 
   description = TEST
     Vertical = true
     lat = -0.0485981
     lon = -82.25
     alt = 12000
     name = TEST1
     Vertical = true
     lat = -0.0485981
     lon = -81.25
     alt = 10000
     name = TEST2
     Vertical = true
     lat = -0.0485981
     lon = -79.25
     alt = 6500
     name = TEST3
     Vertical = true
     IAF = true
     lat = -0.0485981
     lon = -77.25
     alt = 2500
     name = KSC 09 IAF
     Vertical = true
     FAF = true
     lat = -0.0485981
     lon = -76.1
     alt = 1000
     name = KSC 09 FAF
     Vertical = true
     RW = true
     lat = -0.0485981
     lon = -74.7359549847328
     alt = 97
     name = KSC RW09 FLARE
     Vertical = true
     Stop = true
     lat = -0.050185
     lon = -74.4947394
     alt = 67
     name = KSC RW09 STOP






now that you have this copied we will insert it into the file located here...


this may be slightly different on your system depending on where you have KSP installed.  but it should be fairly obvious.




at the top of the file you will see this...



                        planet = Kerbin
                        name = Area 110011 04
                        description = Area 110011 04



you can see how this entry has the keyword Flightplan and then the { followed by some text...

these brackets "{","}" mark a "block" and must be in pairs.   "{" = open the block  and  "}"= close the block.

keeping them paired is crucial as this defines the parts of the file.  so be sure when you copied the text above you got all of the brackets. as well as the word "flightplan"

now we will paste the copied tex itn this file at this point...






<---------------------------------------------------------   INSERT COPIED TEXT HERE


                        planet = Kerbin
                        name = Area 110011 04
                        description = Area 110011 04






At this time you will have a new entry in your flight plan list named "TEST" that is exactly the same as the "KSC ILS 09" flight plan.   now for the interesting bits.   if you copy the "NAME, LAT, LON, and Altitude" into WP manager for all of these WPs you will be able to select them as visible in WP manager and have a visual on what the flight plan actually looks like. 

to make a new flight plan to your design modify ONLY the waypoints named "TEST1", "TEST2", and "TEST3"  you can fly an airplane to a location and tell WP manager to save the current location as a WP so you can read the LAT, LON, and Altitude for these from the WP list in WP manager.  make some path that you wish to fly but for ease of learning keep them fairly close to KSC.  for instance fly to the Island Airstrip at an altitude of 10,000 meter and save this spot.  next fly due west until you are near the mountains and save another WP at 8,000 meter  then fly north a bit so you are lined up with the runway at KSC and save another WP at 6,000 meter.  you can then copy these LAT,LON,ALT to the WPs you pasted named "TEST1" "TEST2" "TEST3".


this will now change the Flight plan to the new one you just made.  if you then select this plan named "TEST" from the list of available plans you can set the AP to follow it.  it should indeed fly to the island, then head west to the mountains, then turn north until lined up with the runway, and finally turn back to the east and land.  


The last few WP on the list are SPECIAL and must be treated a bit differently.   if you are making a new flight plan for a runway that has one in the list already it is easiest to just copy the last few waypoints IAF, FAF, FLARE, STOP exactly as they appear on the example flight plan for the runway.  as these define the final approach and have special meaning to the AP, they have some additional requirement.  for example, you will notice the IAF WP has an entry in the file specifying "IAF=true" this must be there, you can't just name a WP as IAF and have it work...  these special WPs control your throttle settings as you get near the runway as well as tell the airplane when to flare just before making contact with the ground.  and then when to apply the brakes as we are at the "stopping" point.    

these also should be in a very specific ratio of altitude to distance from the runway.  this is known as a "glide slope".   most times a glide slope of 3 to 5 degrees is ideal.  this is where the math and a bit of brain power comes in.  you need to be sure this slope as you draw a line connecting these last WPs is a line that is 3 to 5 degrees from "ground level".  this ensures you do not come in too steep and hit the ground very hard.  just in case this is not clear if you take the change in altitude from one point to the next and divide it buy the horizontal distance between the same two points you should have a number like 0.03 (3 degree) or 0.05 (5 degree). To be extra safe you should also ensure that all WP from IAF to FLARE maintain the same glide slope.

next you need to ensure that these last few WP also are inline with the exact center of the runway.  so again a bit of math may be needed if the runway is not exactly north to south or east to west.  however if it is one of these exact cardinal directions you can just copy the latitude or longitude as required from the centerline to each of the WPs in question.  this is crucial to keep the aircraft nice and level as it gets close to the runway.  you do not want the airplane to be banking in the final few seconds to turn and head toward a new WP so keeping them exactly in line with the center of the runway is very Important.

the next issue you need to deal with is the WP named FLARE.  this needs to be high enough above the runway to allow the aircraft time to pitch up and bleed off some speed, but not so high that after this happens it has a long way to fall back to the ground.  ideally you would flare in such a way that your vertical speed is zero at the exact instant of making contact with the runway but this will never happen so you have to come up with a happy compromise.  if you are tailoring this flight plan for a specific airplane you can get quite close but in practical use it will just be an arbitrary number that works for most situations.  this will be something like 15 to 30 meters above the runway.  bigger or faster airplanes will want more altitude for the flare while smaller or slower airplanes can use a lower flare.   as you can see in our example here the flare is set at 30 meters above the runway.  this is probably a good value for any flight plans you make.  this flare point should also be above the runway.  do not put the flare before the pavement starts, place it a fair distance into the runway so any aircraft that come in a bit low do not hit the dirt.

and finally the STOP WP.  this needs to be a ways down the runway from the flare point to give the aircraft something to aim at to keep it centered on the runway during the last few moments of flight after the flare, and then during braking after it is on the ground.  the distance is probably not too important just so long as it is not too close to the flare point.  and in fact, making it be the very end of the runway opposite the flare may be your best bet.




as you can see if your runway has a flight plan already made, just copying the special WPs from that flight plan can save you a big hassle on the math etc. to get a good final approach setup.  thus all you need to do is get the inbound points to get you roughly lined up and traveling in the right direction to get you to the final 4.  then the only issue you need to deal with is to try and make your WPs you create not be exceedingly close to the IAF point (or each other) horizontally, nor exceedingly higher than the IAF point (or each other) in altitude so you do not have sudden pitch or heading changes on your flight plan.



I hope this helps you with your dreams of making a flight plan, and again I am sorry for the length of this post but it was quite a bit of information to cover.

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23 minutes ago, Bit Fiddler said:

*Wall of the longest and most informative answer I have ever gotten on a forum EVER*

I just came home from a longer walk with my daughter and was met with this!? I mean wow! I don't know how to thank you man!

I read everything and I'm gonna read it probably 5 or 6 times more later tonight and I'm gonna try to make my very first successful Flightplan!!

Is it a stupid move to save a copy of the original flightplan cfg and start a new one from scratch, just include those top lines of "code"? Ofcourse salvage for example the landingWP (IAF, FAF etc.) to make the list smaller and for me?

Also, if keeping the original file, you said that when I want to make a new flightplan, I should just switch out the long, lat and alt from the three "test" wp? Will I break the script if I keep them and make another flightplan?


I'm speechless man, thank you very much for this!!!


Kind regards - Schmelge

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An empty file....




<------------------------------------------------------  INSERT COPIED TREXT HERE






and no you can keep those 3 and add new WP in front or behind.  just keep in mind the things I said about the WP  do not get them too close horizontally nor to far vertically from each other. 


and if you want to have multiple flight plans you can do that as well



<------------------------------------------------------  INSERT COPIED TEXT HERE


<------------------------------------------------------  INSERT COPIED TEXT(2) HERE







EDIT:  Also I just realized I lied a bit.  when talking about the glide slope...  just dividing the change in altitude by the change in horizontal distance is not actually "degrees" for your glide slope.  this is the "tangent" of the glide slope and a bit more math is required to get the degrees.   I was trying to over simplify it and forgot this step.   the formula is actually like this...




A   |

      |___________________________________________ WP2



you then divide A(altitude) by D(distance) ensuring both numbers are measured in the same units (meters).   this is equal to the Tangent of the angle we want.  so now you have


A/D=TANX where X is your glide slope.


so you need to do this math on your calculator.


but as a quick and dirty  TAN(3) = 0.052

and TAN(5) = 0.087


so keep your slope (A/D) between these 2 numbers.

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18 minutes ago, Bit Fiddler said:

and no you can keep those 3 and add new WP in front or behind.  just keep in mind the things I said about the WP  do not get them too close horizontally nor to far vertically from each other. 

and if you want to have multiple flight plans you can do that as well

Do I have to have a point of origin for the flighplan to work? Or can I like, what I think for example I start at the runway and go to three locations. After this I load a new flight plan to three other locations and lastly I load a flightplan which inlude only the last wp for landing and this will work?

I usually do multiple missions at once so I would love if it's possible to have 3 "standard" flightplans in which I only exchange the WP coordinates for the mission coordinates.

Flightplan 1 - Take off

Flightplan 2 - Mission coordinates

(Flightplan 3) - If needed / wanted

Flightplan 4 - Landing sequence 


Cheers - Schmelge

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9 minutes ago, Bit Fiddler said:

yes you can save 3 flight plans...   first big question is "are all of them at KSC main base?  or are you using some other runway?"

yes I havn't come so far into the game yet so the only runway I'm using is at KSC. :)


Cheers - Schmelge

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well this simplifies the problem very much.  the flight plans you want are already made for you.


I am sorry if this next bit is not quite correct as I am not in a position to get the exact names right now.



1) there is one named "KSC DEP 09" use this to launch your airplane if you do not want to manually take off.

keep in mind this can cause weird things to happen so experiment with it a bit as your plane may do strange fishtails down the runway or climb out to steeply and drag the tail on rotation etc.   just do a few test flights to see how well the auto take off works with your airplane.


2) there is another flight plan named "KSC ILS 09" as we looked at before.  use this one to land your airplane after each mission

unlike takeoff your landings usually go quite smooth.  it is just the departure autopilot that seems to have problems with some aircraft builds.  but for landing basically... if your airplane can fly Kramax can safely land it.



so between these 2 premade flight plans your takeoff and landing are done.  no need to make new flight plans.   keep in mind that for instance on the "KSC ILS 09" for landing you do not need to start at WP1 "MAXKEY".  if you are already near KSC just click on the WP named "LOKEY" or even the "IAF" WP and this will tell your airplane to skip all the WP prior to this and go directly to the selected WP and continue from there.  never skip beyond "IAF" as this gets you too close to the runway and makes lining up for landing very difficult.


so this just leave the mission WP you need to fly.   I would personally not try to make a Kramax flight plan to fly the actual mission WPs however.  I would just look in WP manager for the "heading" to the desired WP and the "altitude" of the desired WP and set the heading and altitude hold in the KRAMAX screen to match.  this will fly you to the WP in question without actually making a flight plan.  then when you are ready to come home just select "KSC ILS 09" and then decide if you want to skip the first few WPs, and go directly to "LOWKEY"/"IAF"  or alternately if you are coming home from the east out over the ocean you can load the flight plan named "KSC ILS 27" and select the "IAF" wp and let it land you from that side.


just as a bit of information if you are not aware when talking about runway numbers...   the runway number 09 and 27 refer to the compass heading of the runway.  but you drop the last digit.   so the runway that is heading to the east (90 degrees) become runway 09.  while the runway heading to the west (270 degrees) becomes runway 27.   thus the flight plans named "KSC ILS 27" and "KSC ILS 09" just mean "make an ILS approach landing on either runway 09 (heading east) or runway 27 (heading west) at the KSC complex".





as an example I recorded the end of the mission I was flying as I was responding to these posts...


I did not record any voice but I tried to point out the important events with mouse gestures as they happen.


basic time line is like this...  I setup for an ILS landing on runway 09.  but I come in too high and too fast to even begin to contemplate that landing.  so mid mission I am forced to pick a new flight plan.  I then switch to the ILS 27 profile.   I point out the island runway location which is indeed one of the earlier WPs in the list but again i am too high and the air is so think I cant get any control from my wings.  so I fire up the rockets and stabilize my airplane, but it is now too late to hit that WP so it switches to the IAF WP.  but as you can see I am obviously to high and too close for this to get a good landing profile.  so I switch my current WP back to the Island runway and make another circle to bleed off altitude.  as I come around the second time I try to point out various things like the WPs controlling the throttle, and how the glide slope and ILS indicators work as I reach the various WPs on my way inbound.  and then finally I demonstrate how flaps can assist your landings by slowing you down and increasing lift at the slower landing speeds.  this will make your touchdowns more gentle as it will reduce your vertical speed drastically as the flaps provide lift at the lower speeds.  and then I try to indicate where on the runway the "flare" WP is located as my aircraft does not do much of a flare as it is basically floating down in a level attitude due to the lift provided by the flaps.   

if you want more detailed description of this video I can add a voice over to talk about what is going on as it happens.  or make you another video to demonstrate something in more detail.



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4 hours ago, Bit Fiddler said:

well this simplifies the problem very much.  the flight plans you want are already made for you.


Aaaah even without voice, this video explained quite alot I think. I've been trying for the last 2 hours to land on 09. What I did first obviously was to lift off :P as you said it's not very good at the take off bit. My craft usually lifts just above 60 m/s but AP let the plane continue on the wheels to around 110 m/s, this is when there is a bit of lift so the wheels can't hold the craft in a straight line anymore, miraculously AP saved the plane everytime, as long as I set the speed to around 200. I tried all different settings possible. I tested to set it to around 70 m/s, just to try but the plane didn't take off at all. Quite wierd. Anyhow, long story short. It can take off, but feels very sketchy. ( I made a compromise and use mechjebs autopilot aswell for the takeoffs :D when I do that it is perfect, brilliant combination these two!)

I proceeded a few hundred meters straight forward and changed the flight plan to land on 09. Unsuccessful every time. It just wasn't making the correct adjustments. It looked good to start with but never made it. One time I landed in the water next to the runway. Another time the plane continued over the mountains, made a right turn and then kept going until it finally crashed in the grasslands.

I kinda gave up on the idea of making it land on 09 so instead I went on to try 27. This time it worked first time to come in to the right course. Obviosuly it was lower altitudes and a couple of Doughnuts and Camels but in the end, my craft finally came in straight on the runway. My puls went up and I was excited to maximum, FINALLY I will see the AP make a perfect landing. It touched down, full brake on, and the plane started to slide and rolled over. Jebediah died like 411 times. It brakes to hard. Waaay to hard. In the very end I tweaked the landing gears so brakes are now set to 20 percent, only brake on the back wheels, spring and dampening to 1.5. It takes along time for the plane to come to a stop, I have alot on runway left so no worries there. I just feel like there should be some kind of ABS brake in the autopilot so I can do full brakes without them locking up.

It was really nice of you to make a video, even with no voice, I now realize why I wasn't able to land on 09. The plane comes in in a too steep angle, so the autopilot don't have time to make the correction. 

It would also have been nice if the standard flightplan would have had a stage where it circulates the landing area in a downwards spiral, wide enough so it doesn't matter what angle you come in from. But I guess it's a lot harder to accomplish the calculations for a stage like that than I can imagine :P


I hope to see more videos on your youtube channel :P I look forward to see a career series :P That would be nice :P


Huge thanks @Bit Fiddler!



// Schmelge

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  • 2 weeks later...

@linuxgurugamer Pressing the refresh button in the flightplan manager does only load the entries from DefaultFlightPlans.cfg and deletes all previously shown entries of the Extras\FlightPlans.cfg in the flightplan manager UI.

... but the ingame message says that the mod reloaded the FlightPlans.cfg - what is not correct.

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@linuxgurugamer Well in this case my intuition told me that this is some hardcoded stuff, because it's so concrete ...

https://www.dropbox.com/s/l6qngr2ojjh1agq/2018-04-04_1 KSP.log.7z?dl=1

btw it seems that the mod looks in the mod root directory instead of the Extras folder:

File 'D:/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data/../GameData/KramaxAutoPilot/FlightPlans.cfg' does not exist


... and then falls back to the DefaultFlightPlans.cfg

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29 minutes ago, Gordon Dry said:

@linuxgurugamer Well in this case my intuition told me that this is some hardcoded stuff, because it's so concrete ...

https://www.dropbox.com/s/l6qngr2ojjh1agq/2018-04-04_1 KSP.log.7z?dl=1

btw it seems that the mod looks in the mod root directory instead of the Extras folder:

File 'D:/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data/../GameData/KramaxAutoPilot/FlightPlans.cfg' does not exist


... and then falls back to the DefaultFlightPlans.cfg

The Extras folder is just that, Extras, and needs to be copied into the mod directory.

This is why I needed the log, to see what was happening.

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  • 1 month later...

I just had a major OS failure and had to reinstall all my software, including KSP. I've just started a new campaign, and while I've installed Kramax Autopilot, it's not appearing on my toolbar. Is there a certain tech I have to unlock in order to enable it?

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I'm running KSP 1.4.3 and installed Kramax manually to the GameData folder using the links from the front page of this thread. I also installed the two "dependency" mods -- it wasn't entirely clear that I needed to, but it sure seemed like it.

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1 hour ago, Catbus said:

I'm running KSP 1.4.3 and installed Kramax manually to the GameData folder using the links from the front page of this thread. I also installed the two "dependency" mods -- it wasn't entirely clear that I needed to, but it sure seemed like it.

make sure you have the latest versions of the dependencies (yes, they are needed).

If that still doesn't help, send me a log file

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1 hour ago, linuxgurugamer said:

make sure you have the latest versions of the dependencies (yes, they are needed).

If that still doesn't help, send me a log file

I went straight through the links you gave. That means Kramax v0.3.5, ClickThroughBlocker v15 and ToolbarControl v15.

There is no output_log.txt file in my KSP_x64_Data folder, I assume because the program hasn't crashed.

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