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The Hagito Galaxy, a Community Project on constructing an entire galaxy! [REVIVAL]


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Far, Far away from the blue orb we all know. From it warmth and protection from the dangers of the cosmos. Lies a titan among galaxies. With over 53.92 trillion stars, this Galaxy has dominated its local group. Hundreds of billions of worlds host protection for life, though the environments may sometimes be extreme to the case of some civilizations. As well as life comes intelligence, over 34 million species in the Galaxy possess interstellar travel. 1.3 billion sapient species have technology at intermoonary/interplanetary space travel, and 617.89 billion have technology lower than ours. This galaxy has wonders on every corner, small black holes orbiting supermassive hypergiants, binary brown drawfs, a frozen ice giant orbiting the Galaxies center. The Uniqueness of the entire galaxy gives rise to unique civilizations... And their creations...
Welcome... To the Hagito Galaxy...


The Hagito Galaxy is a community project created with the aim on expanding and forming an entire Galaxy, star by star. No matter what we get, as long as a system is stable then we take it in...


Accepted Systems

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System Designer Sheet (IMPORTANT!)

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Edited by Planetace
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  On 11/4/2016 at 6:15 PM, The Raging Sandwich said:

I did something like this once. I'd love to be a part of this!


Awesome! Then go make a system and see if its stable. then submit it and await approval!

  On 11/4/2016 at 5:45 PM, KAL 9000 said:

I'm sorry, what are you trying to do here?


Creating a galaxy from the minds of many. Its also a revival, the original project died out but I decided to revive it again!

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I dabbled in Kopernicus a while ago (as you can see in the shameless piece of self-promotion below), could I make something and submit it for an update or something? Are there even updates? (If you're wondering, the planet and moon are Lucht and Viox (Vee-oh) - anomalies in physics that allow gasses to exist in giant bubbles despite having almost no gravity (Lucht has no gravity (for all intents and purposes) and Viox has a little for landing purposes). I can do better.

The Zephyr I is capable of flying on Kerbin, so you know



Edited by Fireheart318
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Okay, here are some of my favorites:

CO 123572

~3.7 billion years old

Mass: 0.23 Suns

Radius: 48,800 miles

Density: Unknown

Temperature: 4300 K

Rotation Peroid: 34 hours

Semi major axis: 16,000 light years

Parent body: Nee 'Kra

Eccentricity: 0.21

Inclination: 3 degrees

Body type: Red Dwarf Star

Description: Slightly larger than the rest, this red dwarf star is home to two planets, one which has a great possibility of life.


CO 123572b

~56.83 million years old

Mass: 0.43 Earths

Radius: 1650 miles

Density: Unknown

Temperature: 82 F

Rotation Period: 8 hours

Semi major axis: 10 million miles

Parent body: CO 123572

Eccentricity: 0.09

Inclination: 1 degree

Body type: rocky

Description: A small planet that orbits not too far from its star. Its composition is made mostly of Cerium, an element found on Earth. It has no moons and no atmosphere.


CO 123572c

Age: ~1.4 billion years old

Mass: .299 Earth masses

Radius: 1250 miles

Density: Unknown

Temperature: 43 F

Rotation Period: 64 hours

Semi major axis: 14 million miles

Eccentricity: 0.08

Inclination: 0 degrees

Body type: rocky

Description: A small blue planet made almost completely of thallium, also a element on Earth. It has three tiny moons, the biggest of which is 450 miles in diameter. It has 20% more gravity than Earth. It's smallest moon is made completely of ice and is very reflective. Its low but eccentric orbit is place perfectly enough to come down so low to the atmosphere every 4 days at sunset, reflecting the star's light, making the day nearly an hour longer. 

Here is a picture of 123572c:



Edited by The Raging Sandwich
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  On 11/5/2016 at 1:46 AM, The Raging Sandwich said:

Okay, here are some of my favorites:

CO 123572

~8,000 years old

Mass: 0.23 Suns

Radius: 48,800 miles

Density: Unknown

Temperature: 4300 K

Rotation Peroid: 34 hours

Semi major axis: 4,000 light years

Parent body: Nee 'Kra

Eccentricity: 0.21

Inclination: 3 degrees

Body type: Red Dwarf Star

Description: Slightly larger than the rest, this red dwarf star is home to two planets, one which has a great possibility of life.


CO 123572b

~7,500 years old

Mass: 0.43 Earths

Radius: 1650 miles

Density: Unknown

Temperature: 82 F

Rotation Period: 8 hours

Semi major axis: 10 million miles

Parent body: CO 123572

Eccentricity: 0.09

Inclination: 1 degree

Body type: rocky

Description: A small planet that orbits not too far from its star. Its composition is made mostly of Cerium, an element found on Earth. It has no moons and no atmosphere.


CO 123572c

Age: ~7,600 years old

Mass: .299 Earth masses

Radius: 1250 miles

Density: Unknown

Temperature: 43 F

Rotation Period: 64 hours

Semi major axis: 14 million miles

Eccentricity: 0.08

Inclination: 0 degrees

Body type: rocky

Description: A small blue planet made almost completely of thallium, also a element on Earth. It has three tiny moons, the biggest of which is 450 miles in diameter. It has 20% more gravity than Earth. It's smallest moon is made completely of ice and is very reflective. Its low but eccentric orbit is place perfectly enough to come down so low to the atmosphere every 4 days at sunset, reflecting the star's light, making the day nearly an hour longer. 

Here is a picture of 123572c:




Solar systems can't be 8,000 years old! That's way, way, way too young for any planets, even the host star, to form!

Also, 4,000 light-years is way too close to the central black hole for planets to form.

Edited by electricpants
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  On 11/5/2016 at 5:24 PM, electricpants said:

Solar systems can't be 8,000 years old! That's way, way, way too young for any planets, even the host star, to form!

Also, 4,000 light-years is way too close to the central black hole for planets to form.


I was thinking perhaps the planets could of been captured, if thats what the submitter though when creating them.

4000 light years is a bit close, but in special conditions., If the neighborhood is clear of massive stars, then there is a chance this system can survive.

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  On 11/5/2016 at 7:11 PM, Galacticvoyager said:

I was thinking perhaps the planets could of been captured, if thats what the submitter though when creating them.

4000 light years is a bit close, but in special conditions., If the neighborhood is clear of massive stars, then there is a chance this system can survive.


Still, 8,000 years is too young to form a star. That "star" of his would likely still have the mass of the Moon or Ceres, possibly Mars or Earth.

Edited by electricpants
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  On 11/5/2016 at 7:19 PM, electricpants said:

Still, 8,000 years is too young to form a star, that "star" of his would likely still have the mass of the Moon or Ceres, possibly Mars or Earth.


Ahhh I see. This system is too implausible @The Raging Sandwich, make the star bigger. And the system much more older (suggesting around 4 billion years.)

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  On 11/5/2016 at 7:20 PM, Galacticvoyager said:

Ahhh I see. This system is too implausible @The Raging Sandwich, make the star bigger. And the system much more older (suggesting around 4 billion years.)


He doesn't have to make the star larger or more massive, I'm just saying that the star is way too young to even be a star.

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Image result for brown dwarf HJ-K099 as seen from orbit.

Name: HJ-K099

Age: 4.11 billion years (will die in about 1.135 trillion years)

Mass: 61.3 Jupiter masses

Radius: 70143.5 km

Density: 80.5 g/cm3)

Temperature: 2413o C

Rotation Period: 19.6 hours

Semi-major Axis: 23,899 light-years from Nee'Kra

Parent Body: Nee'Kra

Eccentricity: 0.005

Inclination: 0.122

Body Type: L7-type Brown Dwarf

Description: HJ-K099 is a relatively high-mass brown dwarf with 5 planets, and is about the age of our sun. What's even more interesting is that this brown dwarf hosts a planet which is habitable, so life could potentially form or has formed already!

Image result for desert planetHJ-K099 e as seen from orbit. Credit to Home-boy sparten for original image.

Name: HJ-K099 e

Age: 4.00 billion years

Mass: 0.13 Earth masses

Radius: 7233 km

Density: 3.92 g/cm3)

Temperature: 87.9o C

Rotation Period: 1.3 days

Orbital Period: 1.3 days

Semi-major Axis: 1.35 M km from HJ-K099

Parent Body: HJ-099

Eccentricity: 0.0012

Inclination: 0.0923

Body Type: Desert planet

Description: HJ-K099 e isn't called "HJ-K099 b" because it was the final planet discovered, due to it having a low mass and all.

Image result for habitable planet

HJ-K099 d as seen from orbit.

Name: HJ-K099 d

Age: 4.06 billion years

Mass: 0.5 Earth masses

Radius: 10113 km

Density: 5.51 g/cm3)

Temperature: 17.4o C

Rotation Period: 2.6 days

Orbital Period: 2.6 days

Semi-major Axis: 2.15 M km from HJ-K099

Parent Body: HJ-099

Eccentricity: 0.001

Inclination: 0.0107

Body Type: Earth-like planet

Description: HJ-K099 d is that so-called "habitable planet" mentioned in HJ-K099's description, and it really is habitable! But more importantly, you can see green near the tropics of Capricorn and Cancer on this planet, meaning it has life inhabiting it!

Image result for ice planetHJ-K099 c as seen from orbit.

Name: HJ-K099 c

Age: 4.07 billion years

Mass: 1.01 Earth masses

Radius: 14948 km

Density: 3.45 g/cm3)

Temperature: -23o C

Rotation Period: 5.2 days

Orbital Period: 5.2 days

Semi-major Axis: 3.41 M km from HJ-K099

Parent Body: HJ-099

Eccentricity: 0.01

Inclination: 0.44

Body Type: Frozen-rocky planet

Description: HJ-K099 c was the second planet discovered around HJ-K099, and boy is it cold! Just kidding, it's not even as cold as Mars! But still, it's pretty cold, I mean, it's definitely colder than being cold enough to have a snow-day. But if you want the definition of cold, how about you take a look at HJ-K099 b!

Image result for ice planetHJ-K099 b as seen from orbit. If you look closely, you'll see faint rings around this barren ice planet.

Name: HJ-K099 b

Age: 4.077 billion years

Mass: 1.15 Earth masses

Radius: 16896 km

Density: 2.72 g/cm3)

Temperature: -71o C

Rotation Period: 10.4 days

Orbital Period: 10.4 days

Semi-major Axis: 5.41 M km from HJ-K099

Parent Body: HJ-099

Eccentricity: 0.023

Inclination: 4.78

Body Type: Ice planet w/ rings

Description: HJ-K099 b was the first planet to be discovered wandering about HJ-K099, and it's extremely cold here! Unlike HJ-K099 c, I'm not joking around. This place is actually very cold and very inhospitable to humans and other species alike. But this planet does have something going for it, because it has some very faint, thin rings. But the thing is, this body is the only other thing besides HJ-K099 that has any form of rings around it. Cool!


This is my newest solar system, but I don't yet have a google account (yet) so I used artwork that looked as close to the planets and brown dwarf in-game as possible. - electricpants

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I came up with a very bizarre system for the Hagito Galaxy....

66 Alggiona

  • Name = 66 Alggiona (Duh)
  • Age = 1.6 billion years
  • Radius = 1.63x Jupiter (72,567.6 miles/116,308.9 km)
  • Mass = 66.0x Jupiter (0.06304 Solar Masses/1.25358192e+29 kg)
  • Density = 19.02 g/cm3
  • Gravity = 24.841g
  • Temperature = 270 Kelvin
  • Rotation Period = 2.43 days
  • Orbital Period = Pretty dang long
  • Semi-major Axis = 15,677 light-years from the Galactic Core
  • Parent Body = Galactic Core
  • Eccentricity = 0.067
  • Inclination = 0.4*
  • Body Type = "Frozen Star"
  • Description = 66 Alggiona is a hyper-rare kind of star called a Frozen Star. These are tiny stars, usually in the brown dwarf mass range, that formed from metal-rich nebulae. Because of its 75% metal composition, 66 Alggiona glows with only 0.0000023 times the luminosity of our Sun with a temperature colder than that of your average person. The surface is a crushing, super-pressurized landscape of molten rock and oozing metals. Surrounding the star is a thick corona of gases heated to 670 Kelvin and two ring systems (made of material ejected from 66 Alggiona during its complicated formation process).


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  On 11/5/2016 at 9:58 PM, ProtoJeb21 said:

The surface is a crushing, super-pressurized landscape of molten rock and oozing metals. Surrounding the star is a thick corona of gases heated to 670 Kelvin and two ring systems (made of material ejected from 66 Alggiona during its complicated formation process).


Sounds like a great vacation spot.

Anyways, I love the idea of it. Could you get any sort of pictures for/of the star?

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  On 11/5/2016 at 10:01 PM, electricpants said:

Sounds like a great vacation spot.

Anyways, I love the idea of it. Could you get any sort of pictures for/of the star?


I'm using Space Engine for the planets...but I have no idea how to do the star. Let's see if SE physics can handle such an abomination...

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Image result for f-type star

P-JI7 as seen from orbit.

Name: P-JI7

Age: 307.7 million years

Mass: 1.7 Solar masses

Radius: 1.97 M km

Density: 0.84 g/cm3

Temperature: 6985o C

Rotation Period: 67.2 days

Orbital Period: 10.4 days

Semi-major Axis: 23,566 light-years

Parent Body: Nee'Kra

Eccentricity: 0.078

Inclination: 22.45

Body Type: F0-type star

Description: P-JI7 is an F0-type star with one blue, sometimes cold, sometimes hot, super jupiter. The thing is, this jupiter has an extreme eccentricity of 0.97! Unbelievable!

Image result for gas giantCleopatra as seen from orbit.

Name: Cleopatra

Age: 295.1 million years

Mass: 5.27 Jupiter masses

Radius: 1.1 Jupiter radii

Density: 6.94 g/cm3

Temperature: -168oC - 650oC

Rotation Period: 10.7 hours

Orbital Period: 15.3 years

Semi-major Axis: 6.92 au - 0.2 au

Parent Body: P-JI7

Eccentricity: 0.97

Inclination: 0.0032

Body Type: Eccentric Super Jupiter

Description: Cleopatra is the super jupiter of extremes! Each Cleopatran year, this planet goes on a long, dangerous path through hot and through cold, with only itself to keep it company!

The same reason for using pics from my last solar system. The difference between this and the last solar system I made is that this one is a whole lot less complex then the other one. - electricpants

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Finally, here's the FULL 66 Alggiona System! Compete with pictures from Space Engine!

66 Alggiona System


  • Name = 66 Alggiona (Duh)
  • Age = 1.6 billion years
  • Radius = 0.95x Jupiter (42,294 miles/67,787.44 km)
  • Mass = 66.0x Jupiter (0.06304 Solar Masses/1.25358192e+29 kg)
  • Density = 96.0756 g/cm3
  • Gravity = 185.391g
  • Temperature = 310 Kelvin
  • Rotation Period = 2.43 days
  • Orbital Period = Pretty dang long
  • Semi-major Axis = 15,677 light-years from the Galactic Core
  • Parent Body = Galactic Core
  • Eccentricity = 0.067
  • Inclination = 0.4*
  • Body Type = "Frozen Star"
  • Description = 66 Alggiona is a hyper-rare kind of star called a Frozen Star. These are tiny stars, usually in the brown dwarf mass range, that formed from metal-rich nebulae. Because of its 75% metal composition, 66 Alggiona glows with only 0.0000023 times the luminosity of our Sun with a temperature colder than that of your average person. The surface is a crushing, super-pressurized landscape of molten rock and oozing metals. Surrounding the star is a thick corona of gases heated to 670 Kelvin and two ring systems (made of material ejected from 66 Alggiona during its complicated formation process).


Narmentum (66-Alggiona b)


  • Age = 1.595 billion years
  • Radius = 1.086x Earth (4,316.85 miles/7,570.5 km)
  • Mass = 0.54x Earth (3.22488e+24 kg)
  • Density = 2.325 g/cm3
  • Gravity = 0.46g
  • Temperature = 463 kelvin
  • Rotation Period = 1.45 hours
  • Orbital Period = 1.45 hours
  • Semi-Major Axis = 0.0012 AU
  • Parent Body = 66-Alggiona
  • Eccentricity = 0.135
  • Inclination = 0.6*
  • Hills Sphere = 3,676.06 km
  • Body Type = Gas Dwarf
  • Description = Narmentum is a tiny gas dwarf that's only 8.6% larger than Earth. It used to be a small rocky planet, which later accumulated a thick H/He atmosphere from material coming from 66-Alggiona. Narmentum is so close to its star that one day is an hour and a half long. That, and Narmentum is the only planet in the system hotter than the parent star. This is mostly due to tidal forces and greenhouse effects.


Gerbi (66-Alggiona c)


  • Age = 1.595 billion years
  • Radius = 0.665x Earth (2,643.375 miles/4,635.7 km)
  • Mass = 0.48x Earth (2.86656e+24 kg)
  • Density = 9.00 g/cm3
  • Gravity = 1.08542g
  • Temperature = 291.6 Kelvin
  • Rotation Period = 17.9001 hours (0.746 Earth days)
  • Orbital Period = 5.9667 hours
  • Semi-Major Axis = 0.003081 AU
  • Parent Body = 66-Alggiona
  • Eccentricity = 0.35
  • Inclination = 2.6*
  • Hills Sphere = 9,074.91 km
  • Body Type = Temperate Sub-Terran
  • Description = Gerbi is the smallest planet of the system and orbits outside the tight habitable zone. However, while this would make Gerbi cold and barren, it is warmed by geothermal energy caused by a large core of rare metals and tidal friction. Gerbi has several large seas in a rocky landscape colored dark blue. Strange minerals - the likes of which don't exist on Earth - along with black bacteria give the surface its odd coloring. Life on Gerbi is limited to single-celled bacteria that are black to absorb as much heat as possible. They mostly feed on chemicals found near Gerbi's hot springs, volcanoes, and steam vents. Life is limited by the age of the system, the constantly swinging temperatures, and the thick, stormy atmosphere.


Volatt (66-Alggiona d)


  • Age = 1.595 billion years
  • Radius = 1.36x Earth (5,406 miles/9,480.56 km)
  • Mass = 1.5x Earth (8.958e+24 kg)
  • Density = 3.2881 g/cm3
  • Gravity = 0.811g
  • Temperature = 111.0 Kelvin
  • Rotation Period = 1.85 days (44.4 hours)
  • Orbital Period = 1.22916 days (29.5 hours)
  • Semi-Major Axis = 0.0089416 AU
  • Parent Body = 66-Alggiona
  • Eccentricity = 0.2456
  • Inclination = -13.666*
  • Body Type = Ice World
  • Hills Sphere = 38,504.8755 km
  • Description = Ringed Volatt is the largest planet in the 66-Alggiona system. It is a cold and icy planet, almost unchanged from its formation. The planet's core is mostly frozen, and not much geothermal heat reaches the surface. Impacts have blown large amounts of material into space to create Volatt's large ring system. 2 small moons have formed in those rings, but they will be destroyed and eventually reform within the next 100,000 years. This cycle of moon destruction and creation may continue for millions of years, while the surface of Volatt remains a colorful, icy wasteland. However, future tidal interactions could cause the rings to collapse down to the planet.


EDIT: The album I posted these images in has become my first Imgur.com post to exceed 50 points!

EDIT 2: I had to shrink 66 Alggiona to 0.95 Jupiter radii, or else poor little Narmentum will be inside the stellar surface!

Edited by ProtoJeb21
Revisions to 66 Alggiona's radius, density, and gravity
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  On 11/6/2016 at 1:27 AM, ProtoJeb21 said:

Finally, here's the FULL 66 Alggiona System! Compete with pictures from Space Engine!

66 Alggiona System


  • Name = 66 Alggiona (Duh)
  • Age = 1.6 billion years
  • Radius = 1.25x Jupiter (55,650 miles/89,194 km)
  • Mass = 66.0x Jupiter (0.06304 Solar Masses/1.25358192e+29 kg)
  • Density = 42.175 g/cm3
  • Gravity = 107.082g
  • Temperature = 310 Kelvin
  • Rotation Period = 2.43 days
  • Orbital Period = Pretty dang long
  • Semi-major Axis = 15,677 light-years from the Galactic Core
  • Parent Body = Galactic Core
  • Eccentricity = 0.067
  • Inclination = 0.4*
  • Body Type = "Frozen Star"
  • Description = 66 Alggiona is a hyper-rare kind of star called a Frozen Star. These are tiny stars, usually in the brown dwarf mass range, that formed from metal-rich nebulae. Because of its 75% metal composition, 66 Alggiona glows with only 0.0000023 times the luminosity of our Sun with a temperature colder than that of your average person. The surface is a crushing, super-pressurized landscape of molten rock and oozing metals. Surrounding the star is a thick corona of gases heated to 670 Kelvin and two ring systems (made of material ejected from 66 Alggiona during its complicated formation process).


Narmentum (66-Alggiona b)


  • Age = 1.595 billion years
  • Radius = 1.086x Earth (4,316.85 miles/7,570.5 km)
  • Mass = 0.54x Earth (3.22488e+24 kg)
  • Density = 2.325 g/cm3
  • Gravity = 0.46g
  • Temperature = 463 kelvin
  • Rotation Period = 1.45 hours
  • Orbital Period = 1.45 hours
  • Semi-Major Axis = 0.0012 AU
  • Parent Body = 66-Alggiona
  • Eccentricity = 0.135
  • Inclination = 0.6*
  • Hills Sphere = 3,676.06 km
  • Body Type = Gas Dwarf
  • Description = Narmentum is a tiny gas dwarf that's only 8.6% larger than Earth. It used to be a small rocky planet, which later accumulated a thick H/He atmosphere from material coming from 66-Alggiona. Narmentum is so close to its star that one day is an hour and a half long. That, and Narmentum is the only planet in the system hotter than the parent star. This is mostly due to tidal forces and greenhouse effects.


Gerbi (66-Alggiona c)


  • Age = 1.595 billion years
  • Radius = 0.665x Earth (2,643.375 miles/4,635.7 km)
  • Mass = 0.48x Earth (2.86656e+24 kg)
  • Density = 9.00 g/cm3
  • Gravity = 1.08542g
  • Temperature = 291.6 Kelvin
  • Rotation Period = 17.9001 hours (0.746 Earth days)
  • Orbital Period = 5.9667 hours
  • Semi-Major Axis = 0.003081 AU
  • Parent Body = 66-Alggiona
  • Eccentricity = 0.35
  • Inclination = 2.6*
  • Hills Sphere = 9,074.91 km
  • Body Type = Temperate Sub-Terran
  • Description = Gerbi is the smallest planet of the system and orbits outside the tight habitable zone. However, while this would make Gerbi cold and barren, it is warmed by geothermal energy caused by a large core of rare metals and tidal friction. Gerbi has several large seas in a rocky landscape colored dark blue. Strange minerals - the likes of which don't exist on Earth - along with black bacteria give the surface its odd coloring. Life on Gerbi is limited to single-celled bacteria that are black to absorb as much heat as possible. They mostly feed on chemicals found near Gerbi's hot springs, volcanoes, and steam vents. Life is limited by the age of the system, the constantly swinging temperatures, and the thick, stormy atmosphere.


Volatt (66-Alggiona d)


  • Age = 1.595 billion years
  • Radius = 1.36x Earth (5,406 miles/9,480.56 km)
  • Mass = 1.5x Earth (8.958e+24 kg)
  • Density = 3.2881 g/cm3
  • Gravity = 0.811g
  • Temperature = 111.0 Kelvin
  • Rotation Period = 1.85 days (44.4 hours)
  • Orbital Period = 1.22916 days (29.5 hours)
  • Semi-Major Axis = 0.0089416 AU
  • Parent Body = 66-Alggiona
  • Eccentricity = 0.2456
  • Inclination = -13.666*
  • Body Type = Ice World
  • Hills Sphere = 38,504.8755 km
  • Description = Ringed Volatt is the largest planet in the 66-Alggiona system. It is a cold and icy planet, almost unchanged from its formation. The planet's core is mostly frozen, and not much geothermal heat reaches the surface. Impacts have blown large amounts of material into space to create Volatt's large ring system. 2 small moons have formed in those rings, but they will be destroyed and eventually reform within the next 100,000 years. This cycle of moon destruction and creation may continue for millions of years, while the surface of Volatt remains a colorful, icy wasteland. However, future tidal interactions could cause the rings to collapse down to the planet.


EDIT: The album I posted these images in has become my first Imgur.com post to exceed 50 points!


The star and it's planets look beautiful! I hope that @Galacticvoyager will take a look and accept the system! :wink:

Also, where'd you get the idea for this star?

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  On 11/6/2016 at 11:43 AM, electricpants said:

The star and it's planets look beautiful! I hope that @Galacticvoyager will take a look and accept the system! :wink:

Also, where'd you get the idea for this star?


I was browsing the web, looking for a weird type of star that I could use for a system in the Hagito Galaxy. Then I found this article:


But beware - 66 Alggiona isn't the strangest stellar entity I can come up with. Also, my album of that system on Imgur has 584 points, 12,436 views, and 34 comments! I can't believe so many people like that stuff!

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