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[1.8.x- 1.12.x] LLL Continued Dev Thread - New BETA Release


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This is a development thread for the updating of LLL to 1.4.x .  Original thread is here:  https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/22926-lll-lack-luster-labs-development-thread/


Work has been done to update this

New beta now available


  • Updated for 1.8-1.12
  • Replaced Firespitter with IFS
  • Removed ModuleManager dll
  • Removed Firespitter plugins
  • Updated ModuleRCX to ModuleRCSFX and added in effects

Please note the following:

Known Issues

Note that most of these issues are problems with the models.  Since the models are long gone, they most likely will not get fixed

---------- Ground ----------

  • \Parts\Utility\LandingLegs\UndersideLeg\part.cfg - LLLUnderLeg
    • collision mesh broken, part is flying
    • no working leg modules, just ModuleAnimateGeneric
  • \Parts\Utility\LandingLegs\Skid\part.cfg - LLLSkid
    • animation state switched, starts extended
    • no working leg modules, just ModuleAnimateGeneric
    • part disabled
  • \Parts\Structural\2x1\DropDownRampLeg\2x1DropRampLeg.cfg - 2x1droprampleg
    • animation state switched, starts extended
    • no working leg modules, just ModuleAnimateGeneric
  • \Parts\Utility\LandingLegs\UndersideLegSmall\part.cfg - LLLUnderLeg2
    • no working leg modules, just ModuleAnimateGeneric
  • \Parts\Utility\Largewheel\part.cfg - wheelMedLLL (LLL-Extra)
    • skin flicker, looks deformed on model
    • part disabled

---------- Utility ----------

  • \Parts\Utility\HatchDoor\part.cfg - LLLHatchdoor
  • \Parts\Utility\Airlock\part.cfg - Airlockdoors
  • \Parts\Structural\Building\BuildingDoor\part.cfg - LLLBuildingdoor
    • Hatch obstructed. Collision mesh?
    • parts disabled
  • \Parts\Structural\2x1\WheelHousing\2x1WhHousing.cfg - 2x1WhHousing
  • \Parts\Structural\2x1\WheelHousing_Long\Trackhousing.cfg - 2x1TrkHousing1
  • \Parts\Structural\4x2\WheelHousing\4x2WhHousing.cfg - 4x2WhHousing
    • cylindric invisible border, where the wheels should be attached. Collision mesh?
  • \Parts\Structural\TruckCab\TruckCab.cfg - LLLTruckcab
  • \Parts\Structural\TruckCab\TruckCabTwin.cfg - LLLTruckcabTwin
    • cylindric invisible border around cabin. Collision mesh?

---------- Payload ----------

  • \Parts\Structural\1x1\CargoBayLong\part.cfg - 1x1newcargo
  • \Parts\Structural\1x1\CargoBayShort\part.cfg - 1x1newcargo1
  • \Parts\Structural\2x1\CargoBayLong\2x1Cargo.cfg - 2x1newcargo
  • \Parts\Structural\2x1\CargoBayShort\2x1Cargo2.cfg - 2x1newcargo2
  • \Parts\Structural\2x1\DropDownRamp\2x1DropRamp.cfg - 2x1droprampcargo
  • \Parts\Structural\2x2\CargoBay\2x2Cargo.cfg - part disabled - 2x2newcargo (LLL-Extra)
  • \Parts\Structural\4x2\CargoBayLong\4x2Cargo.cfg - 4x2newcargo
  • \Parts\Structural\4x2\CargoBayShort\4x2Cargo2.cfg - 4x2newcargo2
  • \Parts\Structural\4x4\4x4Cargo.cfg - part disabled - 4x4newcargo (LLL-Extra)
    • impossible to attach on the inner bay surface, floating around a invisible cylindric border. Nodes can sometimes be used by smaller parts, but then not be detached. Collision mesh?

---------- Structural ----------

  • \Parts\Structural\2x1\EngineFairing\2x1EngineFairing.cfg - 2x1EngineFairing
  • \Parts\Structural\4x2\EngineFairing\4x2EngineFairing.cfg - 4x2EngineFairing
    • Jettison module not working
  • \Parts\Utility\RotatingHab\part.cfg - LLLCentriHab
    • Spins too fast in Editor
    • Cannot stop spin, both in Editor and in Flight

Until most of the problems have been fixed, discussions about updates for this will be here.


Install instructions:

The 'LLL' folder (containing 'Parts', 'Ships' & 'Spaces') must placed in GameData


  • Please fork the Git repo and keep your copy up-to-date.  Submit PRs, and please try to have the PR list what the changes are for.
  • Updates will be done on an ad-hoc basis, both as I get PRs and merge them, and as I get more work done.
  • I will try to post here when an update has been done
  • Anyone who wishes to contribute, please contact me.  Let me know what you are able to do and your skill level
  • The more people who help, the faster this gets done.



If you're not using tweakscale, most of the larger parts can be re-enabled by deleting 'GameData/LLL/LLL_PartDisableLargerSizes.cfg'

Other parts are found in 'GameData/LLL/LLL_PartDisabler.cfg'

You can either delete those files, or open them up and remove bit relating to the part you want. I've tried to keep it documented, so it's split into sections like '// ----- Additional Cockpits -----'

Licence info





Scroll down for download links


------ LLL ------

Inspired by shows and movies like Space: 1999 and Moon; the parts are big, boxy and in space (providing you get them out the atmosphere. You might want something like Extraplanetary launchpads).

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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1. Why were these parts disabled in GameData/LLL/LLL_PartDisabler.cfg? There are unique cockpits in, also the 2 golf ball habs are disabled.

2. Tweakscale does't make sense on pods, They are out of any balance in cost mass or reaction wheels when tweakscaled. Better a hard scaled own size version cfg, that can be balanced through config. Is it possible to give a resize factor in these aspects, so they de/increase a bit smoother?



3. FlagDecal does't work well on the pod models. Flags with transparency are not shown, stretched or partially visible.

Edited by LeLeon
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5 hours ago, Sylver said:

Seems cool! But the only problem is that im still in 1.2 cause of other mods

Does it work with 1.2 or ?

generally it works. actually not made for career mode.

- cargo bays don't work properly.

- not all new categories are converted. (electrical...)

- wild tech tree

- some items as catfish cockpit and 2x1 cockpit are not ingame with wrong argument. Fixed it, will be patched with next github push, i think.


Actually i'm working on categories, tech tree, tags and advanced mode size filters to find 1x1, 2x1, 4x2 within one tab. 80% done.

And i have a look on disabled cockpits. Cockpits are locally balanced on my computer. Thermal objects reworked too.

Edited by LeLeon
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I've been looking at the mod, and I was wondering If I was missing something. None of the fuel tanks have their switchable options and the 2x1 structural box has all meshes showing all at once, Is there another mod I need, do they not work yet, or is there something wrong with my install? Thanks again for updating this.


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by the way I think you're in the wrong sub-sub-forum LGG.

1 hour ago, Dakota2063 said:

I've been looking at the mod, and I was wondering If I was missing something. None of the fuel tanks have their switchable options and the 2x1 structural box has all meshes showing all at once, Is there another mod I need, do they not work yet, or is there something wrong with my install? Thanks again for updating this.


you probably need either firespitter or interstellar fuel switch. Probably firespitter.

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8 hours ago, Deimos Rast said:

by the way I think you're in the wrong sub-sub-forum LGG.

you probably need either firespitter or interstellar fuel switch. Probably firespitter.


@LeLeon is doing a fantastic job of going through this mod and making updates.  Please all give a shout out to him.

He committed a whole bunch last night, it's now merged on GitHub.  Details follow:


Pods functionallity & rebalance  …
LeLeon committed 20 hours ago
- changed some pods (f.e. catfish) module = Part (was CommandPod),
appear now ingame

- MKVII bridge (cockpit on top of a 2x1 hull segment):
added small tank with fsfuelswitch and standard fuels, to make this
cockpit more useful

- rebalanced tech tree appearance
- added tags, descriptions, bulkheadprofiles filter
- balanced cost/ entrycost/ mass/ reactionwheels
- balanced power consumption of reaction wheels and probes
- maxtemp to stock 2000
- crashtolerance to stock
- balanced mono/ ec on pods

manned pods:
- modulelight to moduleanimategeneric on all windowed pods

- added kerbnet on all probe cores
- added hibernation
- added ModuleProbeControlPoint on 2x1 and 4x2 probes

minor fix  …
LeLeon committed 20 hours ago
bulkheadprofile format error
infiltration pod changed to not attached on other surfaces. makes no

Fuel tanks batch  …
LeLeon committed 19 hours ago
- balanced tech tree
- added bulkheadprofile, tags

- Category from fueltank to utility
- fsfuelswitch to dedicated mono+ec with same amount

Engine batch  …
LeLeon committed 17 hours ago
- balanced tech tree
- added bulkheadprofiles
- added tags

Command & Control batch  …
LeLeon committed 17 hours ago
- balanced tech tree
- added tags
- added bulkheadprofiles
- LLLRCS4 thruster power from 1 to 1.5

Coupling batch  …
LeLeon committed 16 hours ago
- fixed Categories
- balanced tech tree
- added bulkheadprofiles
- added tags

Payload batch  …
LeLeon committed 16 hours ago
- fixed Category
- balanced tech tree
- added bulkheadprofiles
- added tags

Aero batch  …
LeLeon committed 15 hours ago
- balanced tech tree
- added bulkheadprofiles
- added tags

Ground batch  …
LeLeon committed 15 hours ago
- fixed category
- balanced tech tree
- added bulkheadprofiles
- added tags

Thermal rework  …
LeLeon committed 13 hours ago
DebrisShield + (End):
- rebalanced attributes as mass, cost, entrycost
- techtree rebalanced
- added tags, bulkheadprofiles
- functionality of stock Heatshield3 (3,75m)

- fixed category
- new title for functionality
- added description
- added tags, bulkheadprofiles
- complete overhaul, acts as radiator panel now on 4 parts (like thermal
control system (medium) but with 300 W cooling power

Thermal fix  …
LeLeon committed 13 hours ago
- added missing description

Electrical batch  …
LeLeon committed 13 hours ago
- fixed category
- balanced tech tree
- added bulkheadprofiles
- added tags

Communication batch #2 …

- fixed category of disabled antennas - balanced attributes to disabled antennas - added antenna functionality of disabled antennas - added bulkheadprofiles, tags - edited some descriptions and titles - balanced different antennas ec-consumption to fit in stock environment

8e4df4eUtility folder batch …

maxTemp to stock temperature 2000 (2400) angularDrag to stock 1 (0)


Edited by linuxgurugamer
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1 hour ago, linuxgurugamer said:


@LeLeon is doing a fantastic job of going through this mod and making updates.  Please all give a shout out to him.

He committed a whole bunch last night, it's now merged on GitHub.  Details follow:

  Reveal hidden contents

Pods functionallity & rebalance  …
LeLeon committed 20 hours ago
- changed some pods (f.e. catfish) module = Part (was CommandPod),
appear now ingame

- MKVII bridge (cockpit on top of a 2x1 hull segment):
added small tank with fsfuelswitch and standard fuels, to make this
cockpit more useful

- rebalanced tech tree appearance
- added tags, descriptions, bulkheadprofiles filter
- balanced cost/ entrycost/ mass/ reactionwheels
- balanced power consumption of reaction wheels and probes
- maxtemp to stock 2000
- crashtolerance to stock
- balanced mono/ ec on pods

manned pods:
- modulelight to moduleanimategeneric on all windowed pods

- added kerbnet on all probe cores
- added hibernation
- added ModuleProbeControlPoint on 2x1 and 4x2 probes

minor fix  …
LeLeon committed 20 hours ago
bulkheadprofile format error
infiltration pod changed to not attached on other surfaces. makes no

Fuel tanks batch  …
LeLeon committed 19 hours ago
- balanced tech tree
- added bulkheadprofile, tags

- Category from fueltank to utility
- fsfuelswitch to dedicated mono+ec with same amount

Engine batch  …
LeLeon committed 17 hours ago
- balanced tech tree
- added bulkheadprofiles
- added tags

Command & Control batch  …
LeLeon committed 17 hours ago
- balanced tech tree
- added tags
- added bulkheadprofiles
- LLLRCS4 thruster power from 1 to 1.5

Coupling batch  …
LeLeon committed 16 hours ago
- fixed Categories
- balanced tech tree
- added bulkheadprofiles
- added tags

Payload batch  …
LeLeon committed 16 hours ago
- fixed Category
- balanced tech tree
- added bulkheadprofiles
- added tags

Aero batch  …
LeLeon committed 15 hours ago
- balanced tech tree
- added bulkheadprofiles
- added tags

Ground batch  …
LeLeon committed 15 hours ago
- fixed category
- balanced tech tree
- added bulkheadprofiles
- added tags

Thermal rework  …
LeLeon committed 13 hours ago
DebrisShield + (End):
- rebalanced attributes as mass, cost, entrycost
- techtree rebalanced
- added tags, bulkheadprofiles
- functionality of stock Heatshield3 (3,75m)

- fixed category
- new title for functionality
- added description
- added tags, bulkheadprofiles
- complete overhaul, acts as radiator panel now on 4 parts (like thermal
control system (medium) but with 300 W cooling power

Thermal fix  …
LeLeon committed 13 hours ago
- added missing description

Electrical batch  …
LeLeon committed 13 hours ago
- fixed category
- balanced tech tree
- added bulkheadprofiles
- added tags

Communication batch #2 …

- fixed category of disabled antennas - balanced attributes to disabled antennas - added antenna functionality of disabled antennas - added bulkheadprofiles, tags - edited some descriptions and titles - balanced different antennas ec-consumption to fit in stock environment

8e4df4eUtility folder batch …

maxTemp to stock temperature 2000 (2400) angularDrag to stock 1 (0)


yeah, he's contributed a number of valuable patches to the stuff I've been working on too. He's good people.:)

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Little problem. :wink: 

Does anyone have an idea why the LLL cargo bays act as solid body, so i can attach things in the air and when i place f.e. a small xenon tank on one of the inner nodes i only can detach it, when i fly in the inner cargo bay next to this tank. Where should i search for the problem?

Tried many things in cfg now, but nothing worked.


// Kerbal Space Program - Part Config

// --- general parameters ---
name = 2x1newcargo
module = Part
author = Lack

// --- asset parameters ---
    model = LLL/Models/Structural/2x1Cargo/model

rescaleFactor = 1
scale = 1
rimFalloff = 5
// --- node definitions ---
node_stack_top2 = 0.0, 1.27125, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
node_stack_bottom2 = 0.0, -1.27125, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.27125, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3
node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.27125, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3
node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.625, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
// --- editor parameters ---
TechRequired = heavyAerodynamics
entryCost = 0
cost = 800
category = Payload // Structural
subcategory = 0
title = 2x1 Cargo Hold
manufacturer = Lack Luster Labs
description =

// attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision
attachRules = 1,1,1,1,1

// --- standard part parameters ---
mass = 0.8
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.2
minimum_drag = 0.2
angularDrag = 0
crashTolerance = 40
breakingForce = 600
breakingTorque = 600
maxTemp = 2400
bulkheadProfiles = 2x1
tags = lll lack 2x1 contain convey equipment freight hold hollow payload stor transport utility cargo

    name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
    animationName = cargodoor
    isOneShot = false
    startEventGUIName = Close Doors
    endEventGUIName = Open Doors

        name = ModuleCargoBay
        DeployModuleIndex = 0
        closedPosition = 1
        lookupRadius = 1.5
        NodeOuterFore = top
        NodeOuterAft = bottom
        NodeInnerFore = top2
        NodeInnerAft = bottom2








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after i'm a bit deeper in this mod, from hour to hour i dislike the naming. It's functional, sure. But you know, series names would probably looks better and can also be searched with this label. In extended filters -> cross-section profile i tagged the sizes too, so on 1x1, 2x1, 4x2 can the collection parts be found, too.

What do i mean? F.e. 1x1 parts  

1x1 Standard Tank -> "mysteriouslabel F-1000 Tank"
1x1 Standard Tank [Third length] -> "mysteriouslabel F-300 Tank"
[1x1] Decoupler -> "mysteriouslabel Decoupler"
1x1 to 1.25 adaptor -> "mysteriouslabel 1,25m Adapter"

Some  suggestions: (many names from my favorite space game X3-Albion Prelude)
1x1 size: Sparrow, Katana, Barracuda, Mercury, Hyperion
2x1 size: Boar, Fenrir, Nova, Mamba, Hydra, Deimos, Kyria
4x2 size: Colossos, Jupiter, Orca, Zentaur, Ares, Draco, Monsun, Goliath

No, it's not much more work for to name the parts, because i havn't started balancing.


What do you think? Name suggestions?

Edited by LeLeon
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I hate starting names with numbers.

I prefer "Stack Decoupler (1.25m)" for example.

I think naming them names will be a headache...and complaints like "My sparrow holds more than my boar". Generally name engines cool names, or pods, things that have personality. But fuel tanks? Maybe greek letters or something, I don't know. It's just a hollow drum.:D

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47 minutes ago, LeLeon said:


after i'm a bit deeper in this mod, from hour to hour i dislike the naming. It's functional, sure. But you know, series names would probably looks better and can also be searched with this label. In extended filters -> cross-section profile i tagged the sizes too, so on 1x1, 2x1, 4x2 can the collection parts be found, too.

What do you think? Name suggestions?

The names are fine for me. Descriptive is really good in many ways. It also helps immensely for searching through parts, since IIRC this mods adds 100+ parts. I would vote to keep the names.


Sincerely, LLL User since the prerelease.

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16 hours ago, LeLeon said:

Little problem. :wink: 

Does anyone have an idea why the LLL cargo bays act as solid body, so i can attach things in the air and when i place f.e. a small xenon tank on one of the inner nodes i only can detach it, when i fly in the inner cargo bay next to this tank. Where should i search for the problem?

Tried many things in cfg now, but nothing worked.

  Reveal hidden contents

// Kerbal Space Program - Part Config

// --- general parameters ---
name = 2x1newcargo
module = Part
author = Lack

// --- asset parameters ---
    model = LLL/Models/Structural/2x1Cargo/model

rescaleFactor = 1
scale = 1
rimFalloff = 5
// --- node definitions ---
node_stack_top2 = 0.0, 1.27125, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
node_stack_bottom2 = 0.0, -1.27125, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.27125, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3
node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.27125, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3
node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.625, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
// --- editor parameters ---
TechRequired = heavyAerodynamics
entryCost = 0
cost = 800
category = Payload // Structural
subcategory = 0
title = 2x1 Cargo Hold
manufacturer = Lack Luster Labs
description =

// attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision
attachRules = 1,1,1,1,1

// --- standard part parameters ---
mass = 0.8
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.2
minimum_drag = 0.2
angularDrag = 0
crashTolerance = 40
breakingForce = 600
breakingTorque = 600
maxTemp = 2400
bulkheadProfiles = 2x1
tags = lll lack 2x1 contain convey equipment freight hold hollow payload stor transport utility cargo

    name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
    animationName = cargodoor
    isOneShot = false
    startEventGUIName = Close Doors
    endEventGUIName = Open Doors

        name = ModuleCargoBay
        DeployModuleIndex = 0
        closedPosition = 1
        lookupRadius = 1.5
        NodeOuterFore = top
        NodeOuterAft = bottom
        NodeInnerFore = top2
        NodeInnerAft = bottom2


  Hide contents






Guessing you got a case of bad collider-itis.

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26 minutes ago, Deimos Rast said:


I hate starting names with numbers.

I prefer "Stack Decoupler (1.25m)" for example.

I think naming them names will be a headache...and complaints like "My sparrow holds more than my boar". Generally name engines cool names, or pods, things that have personality. But fuel tanks? Maybe greek letters or something, I don't know. It's just a hollow drum.:D

Example. MKS Tundra. i directly know what part size and style do all these parts have. same for ranger. i don't think a hub has more personality than a fuel tank. :D


greek characters are cool, but are not eyefriendly. MKV, MKVb, MKVc, MKVI, MKVII, MKVIIb, MKVIIc and MKVIII. 

26 minutes ago, SkyHook said:

The names are fine for me. Descriptive is really good in many ways. It also helps immensely for searching through parts, since IIRC this mods adds 100+ parts. I would vote to keep the names.

i added tags beginning with "lll lack 1x1 (or 2x1 or  4x2)" to the specific size parts.


Guessing you got a case of bad collider-itis.


what have to be fixed were?

Edited by LeLeon
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3 minutes ago, LeLeon said:

Example. MKS Tundra. i directly know what part size and style do all these parts have. same for ranger. i don't think a hub has more personality than a fuel tank. :D


greek characters are cool, but are not eyefriendly. MKV, MKVb, MKVc, MKVI, MKVII, MKVIIb, MKVIIc and MKVIII. 

i added tags beginning with "lll lack 1x1 (or 2x1 or  4x2)" to the specific size parts.

I meant the latin versions of greek characters, spell them out. Alpha, Lambda, Epsilon, etc. You are thinking roman numerals it looks like too.:wink:


@LeLeon I would say I'm indifferent to the matter, so if someone like the person above comes along strongly in favor, by all means, go head.

Edited by Deimos Rast
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13 minutes ago, Deimos Rast said:

I meant the latin versions of greek characters, spell them out. Alpha, Lambda, Epsilon, etc. You are thinking roman numerals it looks like too.:wink:


@LeLeon I would say I'm indifferent to the matter, so if someone like the person above comes along strongly in favor, by all means, go head.

sure epsilon lambda give more neutrality, nice idea. and okay greek-roman... my fault, but they are neighbors!

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the firespitter bundled with this is just a few versions outta date.  741 is the latest i think. 

wanna have fun. take the cargo drop bottom bay and park a rover in it.  close it but dont dock or anything and get out of the rover. 

pretty sure there used to be lll specific tweakscale patches might all be lost. the big thing with all this making sure each of the models have the scale = 0.75,0.75,0.75 or whatever the scale rescale is for that part under them. 

i believe the correct setting for tweakscale to do these is type= free. that way it will go from 2x1 to 4x2 etc. 

i wouldnt try making any of this work when all you have to do is get with the hangar mod guy use his vehicle storage code on these models. or make some better ones for his mod. 


Edited by COL.R.Neville
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Just now, Deimos Rast said:

this is ksp, when is it ever that easy? You could try this, but I wouldn't stress too much.


Yeah i used that to open the file. i had no idea how to itegrate a dds-file and so on. I didn't use render software since a early maxon cinema 4D version, so 10-13 years ago. And that was a german version.

So i stopped blender project for now, until i'm in the right mood and after i managed to find a good tutorial what to do with ksp things there. But thanks for the link.

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32 minutes ago, SkyHook said:

@LeLeon Great! As long as they are searchable I don't have a preference.

That's actually possible (example is the "ION engine" as you know it). Here i named it with a patch file, so old name stay in game and can be disabled by delete or rename of "LLL_SeriesRename.cfg".

The working tags:


7f0yGRD.jpg   3EimLAM.jpg HRMXSbq.jpg KfB7j4k.jpg pDi2o8d.jpg  

i hope it's possible to patch the filter "?" symbol to a custom icon. And as i see, the tags are case sensitive so i have to add "LLL" to all the tags.

Actually i'm on names:

1x1 - Anthea

2x1 - Doron

4x2 - Telemach

Old greek names, the greek characters were a good idea. that thought many others in KSP too, so sigma, gamma, kappa, epsilon, omega are in use. The ones above are free in board search.

Side effect of A, D, T: hopefully some other part split this huge LLL selection, so the sizes are better to keep apart.


Doron FS-10 Tank ( 2x1 Tank ) FS stands for fuelswitch, 10 = 100% (think about 1x1 size FS-10, 2x1 = FS-100, 4x2 = FS-1000)

Doron FS-3 Tank ( 2x1 Standard Tank [Third length]) 3 = 30%

Doron FS-R Sperical Tank ( 2x1 Expanded Tank)

Doron IN-200 Ion Engine  ( 2x1 ION )

Doron INR-200 Radial Ion Engine ( Radial ION (the 2x1 sized, there are to engines named the same))

Edited by LeLeon
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you dont need blender to look at models just use debug stuff from sarbian. 

the problem you are having with the filtering is because they arent in the correct category propulsion isnt a category anymore its engines now. 

those size categories are controlled by the bulkheadProfiles attribute which I dont think any of the LLL stuff has. 

i would look thru some of the earlier versions of filter extensions in the sub category bulkhead cfg file they probably still exist there. that way you wouldnt have to start from scratch. 


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