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[1.2.2] SKM - EveRevamp + JoolSystemTweaks + KerbinSystemRevamp


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Welcome to SKM! Or Smashing Kirby's Modifications! Here you will find little tweaks to the stock system of Kerbal Space Program that I thought would be better to have. Click the spoilers for each mod! Enjoy!


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Thanks to:

@CaptRobau for giving me permission to add OPM Support!
@The White Guardian for helping me on numerous occasions, and generally being my main guide for Kopernicus. :)
@eloquentJane for the idea of EveRevampLite!
EVERYONE on the Kopernicus thread who helped me too! :D

To do list:

To space Demi out further Done!
To make more modifications

Kopernicus is a dependency for all of my mods. You can get that here:

88x31.png All of my work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Edited by SmashingKirby148
Update - New Mod!
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  On 11/15/2016 at 2:09 AM, ddavis425 said:

I like the one that moves Gilly to Duna but I think it should be a bit farther away so that the SOI can be bigger. Not to make it easier to rendezvous with but to make it more time warp friendly.


Oh god, I actually only realised what you mean now. Never noticed the SOI was reduced to 24km 8O

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How are you doing with the version that only shrinks and renames Eve without altering any moons? I don't need it for a while, but it is something I'd like to play around with.


As for the standard version of the mod, perhaps a nice idea would be to add a Phobos analogue in semisynchronous orbit of Duna? I suspect it would have to be a new celestial body, unless you'd be willing to move Pol or Bop, and it would definitely help to make the Duna system more like Mars. Although, considering the fact that that wouldn't be an Eve system modification, perhaps it would necessitate a new mod to move things around for Duna.

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  On 11/23/2016 at 2:49 PM, eloquentJane said:

How are you doing with the version that only shrinks and renames Eve without altering any moons? I don't need it for a while, but it is something I'd like to play around with.


As for the standard version of the mod, perhaps a nice idea would be to add a Phobos analogue in semisynchronous orbit of Duna? I suspect it would have to be a new celestial body, unless you'd be willing to move Pol or Bop, and it would definitely help to make the Duna system more like Mars. Although, considering the fact that that wouldn't be an Eve system modification, perhaps it would necessitate a new mod to move things around for Duna.


Sorry, honestly forgot about it. ^^; it's done though and it's going up now. :)

Also, YES! This is a good idea! I was kind of running out of ideas for mods so this is a big plus! Although, it might be too similar to @Xenonclaves "Moons of Duna" if I added one, and moving Bop would knock the number of Jool moons to four (or five with JST installed) so I'll have to look into it. :)

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  On 11/23/2016 at 6:06 PM, SmashingKirby148 said:

it might be too similar to @Xenonclaves "Moons of Duna" if I added one


I don't think it would, since Xenonclave makes stock-like additions whilst your mods are intended to make the Kerbol system more similar to the real solar system. Though perhaps it might make sense to either make several separate mods that alter each planet to make them more like the real solar system, or to make one large mod that contains all modifications you make for that purpose. And if you do make a Phobos analogue, perhaps Minmus would be a good option to use for it rather than a Joolian moon (as that would also have the added effect of making the Kerbin system more like Earth).

And thanks for making that version that only modifies Eve. I'll test it out now to make sure it works with the other planet mods I'm using.

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  On 11/23/2016 at 6:12 PM, eloquentJane said:

I don't think it would, since Xenonclave makes stock-like additions whilst your mods are intended to make the Kerbol system more similar to the real solar system. Though perhaps it might make sense to either make several separate mods that alter each planet to make them more like the real solar system, or to make one large mod that contains all modifications you make for that purpose. And if you do make a Phobos analogue, perhaps Minmus would be a good option to use for it rather than a Joolian moon (as that would also have the added effect of making the Kerbin system more like Earth).

And thanks for making that version that only modifies Eve. I'll test it out now to make sure it works with the other planet mods I'm using.


No problem! I've been slightly regretting this, but I'm gonna try and move Minmus like you said, but edit it... which could be a challenge... ^^;

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  On 11/23/2016 at 6:28 PM, eloquentJane said:

I have found an...interesting effect.



I may try to install Sigma Dimensions and use that to shrink Eve instead, assuming it's updated.



This is weird. I thought I fixed it when I realised that it created a new folder called EveRevamp instead of EveRevampLite, but I changed the config to say EveRevampLite, and I have deleted the Cache for it to generate a new one. I have checked and corrected all folder names, and yet every time I go in-game to the KSC scene, it's all black... why does this stuff always happen to me. ._.

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@SmashingKirby148 I don't think so, no. But thank you for trying to get it working.

Also, speaking of which, when I tried to install EveRevampLite and Eve was still there, your version had a slightly different orbital inclination to the regular Eve (or perhaps it was a different longitude of ascending node or argument of periapsis, it's hard to tell sometimes). I am wondering if this is intentional, and if not it may be beneficial to check the usual orbital specifics for Eve if you are picky about what inclination Villia ends up with. Obviously that doesn't make major changes to gameplay, but I suppose it depends on how precise you want to be.

Edited by eloquentJane
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