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[INDEV]-[1.4.3] - To Boldly Go | An external application designed to procedurally generate an entire galaxy for KSP.

daniel l.

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16 minutes ago, Starslinger999 said:

I started up ksp again to take a pic of the glitch, But the main menu loaded this time and i started up 


@daniel l. would have a better grasp on this, but it feels like you either have _lots_ of stars and planets that are loading, or something is malformed with the cfg that is made.

Edit: have you tried making a new galaxy with just 5 stars?

Edited by seanth
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1 hour ago, Starslinger999 said:

I started up ksp again to take a pic of the glitch, But the main menu loaded this time and i started up 


It's a strange issue i've been trying to fix. It seems to work fine on my end but people keep reporting errors like this... Can you send me the output log txt of the generator?

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54 minutes ago, seanth said:

Aw. My code edits didn't make it in :(

It's alright. I will port them over soon. was merely a patch. I can assure you 0.2.6 will include them :) They were simply too big for a small patch.

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3 hours ago, Talavar said:

Can anyone give an estimate on the memory footprint of this mod? Say maybe with the stock galaxy?

Surprisingly it runs quite fast once the game loads. But generally i wouldn't recommend more than 100 stars.

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Version for Kerbal Space Program 1.2.2

Released on 2017-01-22

Added flightGlobalsIndex support - Now every individual body will have an ID when generated. Added a version marker to the output logs.


Great, that should make it compatible with KSP Interstellar Extended, which uses flightGlobalsIndex to generate atmosphere composition for Atmospheric harvesting

KSPI-E will generate an atmospheric composition (consisting of several resources) based on the characteristic of the Celestial body next release.

This should make it feasible "To Boldy go" where no Kerbal has gone before to any freshly generated system, visit a planet atmosphere, refuel and repeat ad infinitum

Edited by FreeThinker
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21 minutes ago, FreeThinker said:

Great, that should make it compatible with KSP Interstellar Extended, which uses flightGlobalsIndex to generate atmosphere composition for Atmospheric harvesting

KSPI-E will generate a atmospheric composition (consisting of several resource) based on the characteristic of the Celestial body next release.

This should make it feasible "To Boldy go"where no Kerbal has gone before to any new generated system, visit a planet atmosphere, refuel and repeat ad infinitum

This ^ :D

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I was looking at the code a bit. @daniel l.: shouldn't the planet and moon flightGlobalsIndex be somehow related to the planet/moon type they are based on? Right now it reads like it's just being set to a random number between 1000 and 11000.

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There is plenty more coming in the future too. I can tell you. That i just got a prototype for rare planets working.

Just now, seanth said:

I was looking at the code a bit. @daniel l.: shouldn't the planet and moon flightGlobalsIndex be somehow related to the planet/moon type they are based on? Right now it reads like it's just being set to a random number between 1000 and 11000.

I figured that it was the simplest way to get that task done, And by upscaling the number i could ensure that there would be little or no intersection of numbers.

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@daniel l. Hey, I wonder if the planets you generate, specifically the generated atmospheric temperature and pressure curve use some sort of template. It relevant for me to know what the random variance is for generating atmospheric resource composition for KSPIE.

Edited by FreeThinker
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48 minutes ago, Starslinger999 said:

Quick Question: how does one install this mod exactly? i wanted to see if i installded it correctly


Just extract the zip into the gamedata folder. And then run the executable.

6 hours ago, FreeThinker said:

@daniel l. Hey, I wonder if the planets you generate, specifically the generated atmospheric temperature and pressure curve use some sort of template. It relevant for me to know what the random variance is for generating atmospheric resource composition for KSPIE.

Well. Currently TBG simply uses duplicates of stock planets and moons, Everything from Moho to Eeloo. Eventually i plan to add procedural terrain though.

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2 minutes ago, daniel l. said:

Just extract the zip into the gamedata folder. And then run the executable.

Well. Currently TBG simply uses duplicates of stock planets and moons, Everything from Moho to Eeloo. Eventually i plan to add procedural terrain though.

This includes atmosphere pressure and temperature curves?

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1 hour ago, Budz42 said:

I'm so excited for this mod, it can't come soon enough! Though that doesn't mean I want you to rush. Anywho, been watching this thread closely ever since Kottabos made that video and am waiting patiently for more complexity! :D

You wont have to wait too long. Soon you will be able to decide how old your galaxy is :wink:

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0.2.6 is out!

Added Galactic Age system (Now the types and numbers of stars will vary depending on the selected age of the galaxy.),
Redesigned Algorithm UI,
Re-implemented Cluster Galaxies,
Made Gas giants more common around middle class stars,
Added ASCII logo to output logs,

I hope you all enjoy.

Edited by daniel l.
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