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[KSP 1.12.1+] Galileo's Planet Pack [v1.6.6] [23 Sept 2021]


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17 hours ago, Steven Mading said:

I got a contract to put a satellite in orbit around Lilli that's literally impossible because it's above the altitude where the game assumes you leave orbit.  Let me show a screen shot:

( http://imgur.com/a/l3aYb )

(Okay I can't get the KSP forum software to show that as an image embedded- but look at the imgur link to see it.)

This is an impossible contract.  The SOI makes it impossible to get that high and be in orbit.

The odd thing is that according to the information in the game API itself, Lilli has an SOI radius of 17,000m, which should be enough.  But in practice the game is showing a leaving SOI encounter at far lower altitude than 17,000m (as you can see in the screenshot).


SOI is measured from the center of mass of the body, while orbit altitudes are measured from the surface.  To be inside of Lili's SOI, you have to be within about 10,000 m of its surface.

Lili is so small and close to Tellumo that you really shouldn't be able to orbit it at all.  Lili's computed SOI is actually smaller than its own radius.  It's been forced out to 17,000 m just to make orbits possible.

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6 minutes ago, realHuman said:

Geosynchronous Orbits

How would one go about discovering the geosynchronous orbits for the planets in this pack? I've so far discovered that Gael's is about 2,860,000m. 

Is there any reference?

There's a PDF in the GPP zip that has all that info in it.  Specifically, Gael's GSO is 2863 km, so you were close.  Not bad, really

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On 1/12/2017 at 0:25 AM, Galileo said:

thanks for that info. we will look into it and make the necessary adjustments

@Steven Mading you don't happen to have a save with that contract do you? If so,  can you me a link for it? 

Sadly, it was in a no-revert hardmode career, which means I don't have access to being able to make saves.  I already cheated the contract and force-completed it (which I don't view as cheating since the game gave me a contract that cannot be satisfied and I got as close as the game makes possible (an orbit inside the SOI that wasn't a close enough match to finish the contract but was as close as the game makes possible).).


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@eddiew and anyone else that is interested here is my 3.2x rescale config that I use with GPP, it keeps mountains at a reasonable height and extends the atmosphere to around 84km I believe, the last 10km or so are very thin which makes reentries a bit more natural.


    Resize = 3.2
    Rescale = 3.2
    Atmosphere = 1.1

    geeASLmultiplier = 1
    landscape = .45
    atmoVisualEffect = 1
    resizeScatter = 1
    resizeBuildings = 1
    CustomSoISize = 0
    CustomRingSize = 0
    atmoASL = 1
    tempASL = 1
    atmoTopLayer = 1.08

Also if you are using the SVE configs or anything else that adds clouds this will make sure your clouds are at a reasonable altitude and not up at 30km


    @altitude *= 0.28


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1 hour ago, Tyko said:

Will the upcoming release break existing 1.0.2 games? 

Previous page, Galileo makes a comment about it.  I then asked a couple clarifying questions, and the final answer is:

Unless you have something important landed, or bases built, current saves should work just fine.  I only have stuff in orbit, so I'm okay with that.

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3 hours ago, Tyko said:

Will the upcoming release break existing 1.0.2 games? 

Yes, there are some changes in the upgrade that could cause some problems.

First, the has been a change in the physics that alters the orbital periods of celestial bodies.  That could throw off any intercepts you might have for spacecraft that are in transit between celestial bodies.  You may want to let all your spacecraft reach their final destinations before upgrading.  Either that, or be ready for the possibly that you might have to make some course corrections.

Several celestial bodies have had their textures changed, so that could put in jeopardy any spacecraft or bases landed on their surfaces.  Some will be okay but others will not, there are no guarantees.

The atmosphere of Niven has changing slightly, increasing in max altitude from 60 to 65 km.  So if you have something orbiting in that 60-65 km range, you'll need to move it or lose it.

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7 hours ago, Motokid600 said:

Great thanks Galileo now i gotta learn how to make submarines. :P Awesome work.

I experimented with ocean bases earlier today and have been thinking about how miserable Ore is as a ballast. I can't get around to it now but it'd really be nice to have a fuel switch config to add the LeadBallast resource to stock or procedural tanks. I will try to make one.

While you're making submarines, make ocean bases too and dock with them. Refuel while you swim. :wink: The only worthwhile stock planet to try this on is Eve, but any Galilean planet will allow viable ocean bases. (Of course, this requires Karbonite to be installed as well.)


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11 hours ago, Akira_R said:

@eddiew and anyone else that is interested here is my 3.2x rescale config that I use with GPP, it keeps mountains at a reasonable height and extends the atmosphere to around 84km I believe, the last 10km or so are very thin which makes reentries a bit more natural.

Cheers for that, have applied - although I'm tempted to keep the orbit sizes the same because it results in cool sci-fi vistas with moons that are far too tight to their parent body :D 

And now for some spaceplaning in my pre-career sandbox! Turns out that B9's S2 components are all you need to get to LGO at 3.2x. This makes me suspect that a MK3 bird is also up for the job, given enough engines to get it moving. MK1 and MK2 may well be too small - although I guess there's no real reason you can't strap a buttload of fuel tanks to a 1-person pod...

This particular model doesn't carry any cargo (or more than 2 crew) but it's a nice proof of concept. Larger variants, or a couple of KR&D investments, should make it possible to lift small cargo, or add a science package and a nerva allowing for an orbital refuel and then a long range trip.



Turns out 20% heating in 3.2 scale is significantly easier to handle than stock. Nothing got over 800 degrees. Will use 40% in career mode and adjust as needed.

Also, that damn runway seam threw the landing off at the last second, but nothing broke so I'm still considering this a successful run :) 

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14 minutes ago, eddiew said:

Folks, I know I'm nitpicking here... but is there a config tweak to raise the light output from the sun? Gael feels dark to the point where I had to install an ambient light mod to feel comfortable...

This syntax works for me:

@Kopernicus:FINAL {
  @Body[Sun]  { @ScaledVersion{ @Light{
    @sunlightIntensity = 1.5
    @scaledSunlightIntensity = 0.70

The first seems to affect vessels and the second is for planets in map view.

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33 minutes ago, eddiew said:

Folks, I know I'm nitpicking here... but is there a config tweak to raise the light output from the sun? Gael feels dark to the point where I had to install an ambient light mod to feel comfortable...

There's a fair bit of discussion about it here on the second page: 


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Realised that ascents from Gael are kind of a bit... same-y... Any thoughts on an alternate version that puts the space centre on a land mass with some terrain features to the east?


(In other news, I got a stock spaceplane to carry cargo into 3.2x LGO! This pleases me.)

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Hi all

I've now completed my goal of landing on and returning from all the GPP landable bodles, finishing with Icarus which was more of a challenge than I expected.

Thanks again to all who put this pack together, it really is great. Wish I had a better PC so I could crank up all the visual setitngs..

Need another challenge now!



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