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[KSP 1.12.1+] Galileo's Planet Pack [v1.6.6] [23 Sept 2021]


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Hey @JadeOfMaar - I mentioned a couple of pages back that your latest skybox shows what I thought were seams at the edges - I've realised those are actually in the middle of the source images and possibly telescope artefacts, but Photoshop's healing brush makes a fairly decent job of making them a little less conspicuous. Unfortunately... I have no idea how to save these things again, everything I try ends up at a huge file size :blush:  Any tips?


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47 minutes ago, eddiew said:

Hey @JadeOfMaar - I mentioned a couple of pages back that your latest skybox shows what I thought were seams at the edges - I've realised those are actually in the middle of the source images and possibly telescope artefacts, but Photoshop's healing brush makes a fairly decent job of making them a little less conspicuous. Unfortunately... I have no idea how to save these things again, everything I try ends up at a huge file size :blush:  Any tips?


dxt1 no mipmaps

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1 hour ago, Eliown said:


GPP work with SETI Contract and SETI Rebalance ?

SETI Rebalance doesn't concern itself with planets so it should be just fine with GPP.

SETI Contracts is another matter. I'll look into it but it's up to you to try it out and provide any feedback.

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10 minutes ago, eddiew said:

Seam seems gone... but now I can't find the sun. Without any tracking solar panels, this is a surprisingly hard challenge! :blush:


You should wander over to my sun flare pack and get yourself a replacement :wink:

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55 minutes ago, JadeOfMaar said:

SETI Rebalance doesn't concern itself with planets so it should be just fine with GPP.

SETI Contracts is another matter. I'll look into it but it's up to you to try it out and provide any feedback.

I'm running both myself, I think, and haven't run into any problems yet. 

Tho its worth mentioning I did get a part test contract that wanted me suborbital between 100 and 110 kilometers... which is impossible with the atmo at 112 in 6.4 scale. 

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@eddiew Sure. I'll accept and re-share whatever update you produce. You have shown your Photoshop powers and I love it. :3 Personally, however, I wouldn't add flare effects to the skybox's stars. It would be (more) silly when the stars themselves are occluded by an object and "half of the flare" still shows...

With some help and thanks to @Galileo I'm not too far myself from possibly replacing the Eden sunflare, just so I have another super-awesome sunflare. :P 

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43 minutes ago, Galileo said:

what do you mean you do the mod yourself?

nvm, its working !!!!!!1!!!!!!!!1111!!!!!! (intentional 1's) now to chuck the mods on.

btw, those lights r bae.

Edited by Duski
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24 minutes ago, Galileo said:

We really dont want to include city lights but I still experimented and boy they are pretty



Wow, that is beautiful. I am, I admit, a fan of city lights. Yeah, they look awful when you get in close, so I can see why you might not want to include them, but somehow a completely dark but inhabited planet at night just seems creepy to me. Makes me think of the stories, like The 100's backstory, where the world ends while people are stuck up in space.

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1 hour ago, JadeOfMaar said:

The total dV for getting to a body will be shown under the body's name in the dV map in the coming update. Should these numbers include inclinations?

I agree with showing a range, but I think you should do that only for Iota, Ceti, and the planets.  The Δv for going from an elliptical orbit around a planet to an intercept with a moon is really a bunch of BS.  It's impossible to compute the Δv required to reach a moon without knowing the initial orbit around the planet, and that initial orbit can be darn near anything.  For the Δv map I had to assume something or else it would have been impossible to compute a number to put on the map.  I assumed the initial planetary orbit had an inclination of zero (i.e. equatorial orbit), but in practice that is almost certainly not going to be the case.  The number on the Δv map is just there to fill in a spot, but it is only valid for a very specific set of circumstances.  The actual Δv will vary wildly with almost infinite possibilities.

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