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[KSP 1.12.1+] Galileo's Planet Pack [v1.6.6] [23 Sept 2021]


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Your jokes are good but the things you come up with are just amazing, maybe in the love-hate sense, even.

Or I don't know my meme.

  On 5/11/2017 at 5:27 PM, MaxL_1023 said:

That is about how my computer performs when its running KSP. 


Lol, I say.

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Edited by JadeOfMaar
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I wish I could afford a beefy computer on a Graduate Student Stipend - right now I have to settle for the computational equivalent of canned navy beans. On the bright side, I can eventually get things done - my GPU and CPU are fine, its just memory and swapping speed which induces FPS drops. 

KSP is the only program I have ever seen where it can be using 8% of the CPU and 97% of the volatile memory. 

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Hello, I'm running into some difficulty getting Scatterer to work with the most recent version of GPP-- wondering if anyone has seen something like this, and/or has any suggestions.

Version:  GPP 1.2.2.  Installed by following the instructions here.  Scatterer is version 0.0300, freshly installed from SpaceDock.

The symptom:  Any planet with an atmosphere is pure black in map view.  Featureless black planet, atmosphere is a semi-opaque black shell around it.  Bizarre view from KSC with black sky overlaid with clouds.  Log spews lots of NullReferenceExceptions in flight scene if atmosphere is present.

Context:  I've been running GPP 1.0.2 with no problems for the last few months (including Scatterer 0.0256 tweaked for GPP).  Decided to give 1.2.2 a try.  Created a fresh KSP installation in a separate folder, meticulously followed @JadeOfMaar's instructions from the link above.  Started up, immediately got the weird effects.

Other mods installed:  PlanetShine  Latest version of EVE, installed as per GPP instructions.  Latest version of Kopernicus, with the hotfix for planet rings as called out in the instructions, as per GPP instructions.  The high-res clouds from GPP.  GPPKnownIssues01.  GPP_CareerSaver.  (Plus a few other mods that have nothing to do with visual F/X and seem highly unlikely to have anything to do with the problem, like BetterBurnTime, SpaceY, KIS, that sort of thing.)  If I uninstall Scatterer and leave everything else in place, it works just fine.

Other things I've tried:  I tried using the older 0.0256 version of Scatterer (the one I used successfully with GPP 1.0.2).  I tried it both "pristine", and also jiggered with the configs from GPP 1.0.2.  Result:  I don't get the black planets... but I also don't get any scattering, and KSP quickly bogs down, throws gazillions of NullReferenceExceptions, and uses 13+ GB of memory.  So, no joy there.


Anyone have suggestions?  Has anyone else had trouble getting Scatterer to work with GPP?

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In a shocking report, Maxtech Aerospace has ejected their chief Quartermaster from Gael's SOI, citing a failure to convert the water storage requirements from kallons to cubic Kerbals.

At shareholder expense, a 20-ton resupply vessel was dispatched to rendezvous with NIPPER, carrying enough water to hopefully prevent the four intrepid astronauts from having to distill their urine using waste heat from the radiators. 

NIPPER continues its spiral ejection burn, slowly lagging its way out of LGO on its way to trans-Niven Injection. 

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  On 5/11/2017 at 5:34 PM, MaxL_1023 said:

I wish I could afford a beefy computer on a Graduate Student Stipend - right now I have to settle for the computational equivalent of canned navy beans. On the bright side, I can eventually get things done - my GPU and CPU are fine, its just memory and swapping speed which induces FPS drops. 

KSP is the only program I have ever seen where it can be using 8% of the CPU and 97% of the volatile memory. 


I hear that...my oldest was a poor grad student for 7 years, Now, she is a poor post doc.

  On 5/11/2017 at 9:28 PM, Snark said:

Hello, I'm running into some difficulty getting Scatterer to work with the most recent version of GPP-- wondering if anyone has seen something like this, and/or has any suggestions.

Version:  GPP 1.2.2.  Installed by following the instructions here.  Scatterer is version 0.0300, freshly installed from SpaceDock.

The symptom:  Any planet with an atmosphere is pure black in map view.  Featureless black planet, atmosphere is a semi-opaque black shell around it.  Bizarre view from KSC with black sky overlaid with clouds.  Log spews lots of NullReferenceExceptions in flight scene if atmosphere is present.

Context:  I've been running GPP 1.0.2 with no problems for the last few months (including Scatterer 0.0256 tweaked for GPP).  Decided to give 1.2.2 a try.  Created a fresh KSP installation in a separate folder, meticulously followed @JadeOfMaar's instructions from the link above.  Started up, immediately got the weird effects.

Other mods installed:  PlanetShine  Latest version of EVE, installed as per GPP instructions.  Latest version of Kopernicus, with the hotfix for planet rings as called out in the instructions, as per GPP instructions.  The high-res clouds from GPP.  GPPKnownIssues01.  GPP_CareerSaver.  (Plus a few other mods that have nothing to do with visual F/X and seem highly unlikely to have anything to do with the problem, like BetterBurnTime, SpaceY, KIS, that sort of thing.)  If I uninstall Scatterer and leave everything else in place, it works just fine.

Other things I've tried:  I tried using the older 0.0256 version of Scatterer (the one I used successfully with GPP 1.0.2).  I tried it both "pristine", and also jiggered with the configs from GPP 1.0.2.  Result:  I don't get the black planets... but I also don't get any scattering, and KSP quickly bogs down, throws gazillions of NullReferenceExceptions, and uses 13+ GB of memory.  So, no joy there.


Anyone have suggestions?  Has anyone else had trouble getting Scatterer to work with GPP?


No, have almost identical install, without Planetshine.  Just doublecheck the locations of things.  With the new MM install structure, things need to be the right place. Maybe go one install at a time?

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  On 5/12/2017 at 1:36 AM, Gilph said:

No, have almost identical install, without Planetshine.  Just doublecheck the locations of things.  With the new MM install structure, things need to be the right place. Maybe go one install at a time?



  • With Scatterer, I get the problem... with or without Planetshine.
  • Without Scatterer, everything else works fine, even with all the mods installed.
  • Scatterer is installed exactly where it belongs, directly under GameData.


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  On 5/12/2017 at 1:42 AM, Snark said:

I'm very meticulous about file locations.

  • With Scatterer, I get the problem... with or without Planetshine.
  • Without Scatterer, everything else works fine, even with all the mods installed.



Can you try running the mod in your main ksp install location? I don't know if it will make a difference, but the only real difference between your install and mine, might just be the install location. I have never tried with KSP in a separate folder with this mod. 

Edited by Galileo
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  On 5/12/2017 at 1:54 AM, Galileo said:

Can you try running the mod in your main ksp install location? I don't know if it will make a difference, but the only real difference between your install and mine, might just be the install location. I have never tried with KSP in a separate folder with this mod.


Sure, I could do that... but I ran Scatterer 0.0256 just fine in GPP 1.0.2, nary a hiccup.

I'm running Scatterer 0.0256 in my main KSP install already with no issues.  I suppose I could try upgrading main install to 0.0300, but I suspect it'll work, since the earlier version does.  I can't get either version to work with GPP 1.2.2, alas.  ;.;

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  On 5/12/2017 at 1:56 AM, Snark said:

Sure, I could do that... but I ran Scatterer 0.0256 just fine in GPP 1.0.2, nary a hiccup.

I'm running Scatterer 0.0256 in my main KSP install already with no issues.  I suppose I could try upgrading main install to 0.0300, but I suspect it'll work, since the earlier version does.  I can't get either version to work with GPP 1.2.2, alas.  ;.;


Yeah, as you likely know, a lot changed from .0256 to .0300 especially in the cfgs. I'm away from home and my pc for the next 3 weeks so I can't be of much help, but perhaps, post your logs and @Poodmund or someone else can take a look to see what the issue is. Although, I know you are super capable at doing the same, multiple eyes looking can only be a good thing.

Edited by Galileo
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  On 5/12/2017 at 1:42 AM, Snark said:


  • With Scatterer, I get the problem... with or without Planetshine.
  • Without Scatterer, everything else works fine, even with all the mods installed.
  • Scatterer is installed exactly where it belongs, directly under GameData.



Is the GPP_Scatterer directory under Gamedata\GPP set up OK? Also, is GPP_Scatterer.cfg under Gamedata\GPP\GPP_Configs correct?

Edited by Gilph
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  On 5/12/2017 at 2:05 PM, Gilph said:

Is the GPP_Scatterer directory under Gamedata\GPP set up OK?


Assuming that you mean "is that directory located exactly where the zip file put it," then yes.  I'm generally pretty meticulous about file locations and installations, and I've tried to follow the literal instructions from JadeOfMaar religiously.  Those instructions are generally pretty clear.  The only place where they seem fuzzy at all is around Planetshine, so my first instinct was to check whether I'd somehow screwed up the Planetshine installation.  Except that I quickly found that that's not it, since the problem occurs even when Planetshine isn't installed.

The only way for GPP_Scatterer not to be set up OK would be if there was a problem in the zip file itself, which I presume is not the case since I appear to be the only one with this problem.

Since I've narrowed the problem down to be specifically with Scatterer, the other avenue of approach I could take would be to go over to the Scatterer thread and ask there, e.g. "what kind of situation would cause Scatterer to do something like this".  Will likely do that once I have a chance to do a little more experimentation.  One thing that kinda sticks in my craw is that normally I don't like to spam a big mailing list or major mod thread with my personal difficulties until I've done a reasonable amount of rummaging on my own, first, and that'll be tricky there.  The straightforward thing to do would be to search the scatterer thread for "black" before I post (it's what I did here in GPP), but given the unfortunate coincidence of the scatterer author's forum name, that would be kind of problematic. :/

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  On 5/12/2017 at 2:15 PM, Snark said:

Assuming that you mean "is that directory located exactly where the zip file put it," then yes.  I'm generally pretty meticulous about file locations and installations, and I've tried to follow the literal instructions from JadeOfMaar religiously.  Those instructions are generally pretty clear.  The only place where they seem fuzzy at all is around Planetshine, so my first instinct was to check whether I'd somehow screwed up the Planetshine installation.  Except that I quickly found that that's not it, since the problem occurs even when Planetshine isn't installed.

The only way for GPP_Scatterer not to be set up OK would be if there was a problem in the zip file itself, which I presume is not the case since I appear to be the only one with this problem.

Since I've narrowed the problem down to be specifically with Scatterer, the other avenue of approach I could take would be to go over to the Scatterer thread and ask there, e.g. "what kind of situation would cause Scatterer to do something like this".  Will likely do that once I have a chance to do a little more experimentation.  One thing that kinda sticks in my craw is that normally I don't like to spam a big mailing list or major mod thread with my personal difficulties until I've done a reasonable amount of rummaging on my own, first, and that'll be tricky there.  The straightforward thing to do would be to search the scatterer thread for "black" before I post (it's what I did here in GPP), but given the unfortunate coincidence of the scatterer author's forum name, that would be kind of problematic. :/


If you PM blackrack, he will be more than happy to help. He is quite possibly the most approachable modder I have met here. He does like logs so don't forget to have those ready to go. I am curious as to why it is happening as well.

Edited by Galileo
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  On 5/12/2017 at 2:24 PM, Galileo said:

If you PM blackrack, he will be more than happy to help. He is quite possibly the most approachable modder I have met here. 


Thanks, I may do that-- good to know.  I just hate to bug an author of such an enormously popular mod, since I expect he must get spammed with "oh noes it doesn't work halp" messages all the time.

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  On 5/12/2017 at 2:15 PM, Snark said:

Assuming that you mean "is that directory located exactly where the zip file put it," then yes.  I'm generally pretty meticulous about file locations and installations, and I've tried to follow the literal instructions from JadeOfMaar religiously.  Those instructions are generally pretty clear.  The only place where they seem fuzzy at all is around Planetshine, so my first instinct was to check whether I'd somehow screwed up the Planetshine installation.  Except that I quickly found that that's not it, since the problem occurs even when Planetshine isn't installed.

The only way for GPP_Scatterer not to be set up OK would be if there was a problem in the zip file itself, which I presume is not the case since I appear to be the only one with this problem.

Since I've narrowed the problem down to be specifically with Scatterer, the other avenue of approach I could take would be to go over to the Scatterer thread and ask there, e.g. "what kind of situation would cause Scatterer to do something like this".  Will likely do that once I have a chance to do a little more experimentation.  One thing that kinda sticks in my craw is that normally I don't like to spam a big mailing list or major mod thread with my personal difficulties until I've done a reasonable amount of rummaging on my own, first, and that'll be tricky there.  The straightforward thing to do would be to search the scatterer thread for "black" before I post (it's what I did here in GPP), but given the unfortunate coincidence of the scatterer author's forum name, that would be kind of problematic. :/


Having it in the right place is good, but it's not the only consideration.  If you use custom textures and cfg files, they were moved from the Gamedata\scatterer directory to the Gamedata\GPP\GPP_Scatterer and Gamedata\GPP\GPP_Configs directories. I needed a few times to get everything where it belonged, including needing to edit GPP_Scatterer.cfg to use a custom sunflare when the old install had a separate .cfg in the scatterer directory that is no longer needed.

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  On 5/12/2017 at 2:26 PM, Snark said:

Thanks, I may do that-- good to know.  I just hate to bug an author of such an enormously popular mod, since I expect he must get spammed with "oh noes it doesn't work halp" messages all the time.


Naw, he's a good guy. He will help. 

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  On 5/12/2017 at 2:26 PM, Gilph said:

Having it in the right place is good, but it's not the only consideration.  If you use custom textures and cfg files, they were moved from the Gamedata\scatterer directory to the Gamedata\GPP\GPP_Scatterer and Gamedata\GPP\GPP_Configs directories. I needed a few times to get everything where it belonged, including needing to edit GPP_Scatterer.cfg to use a custom sunflare when the old install had a separate .cfg in the scatterer directory that is no longer needed.


I'm not using any custom textures.  Not sure what you mean by custom cfg files, but I'm not doing any custom tinkering with anything GPP-related at all.  My process for setting up GPP 1.2.2 goes like this:

  1. Start with a "virgin" KSP install, with no mods or customization at all present.
  2. Religiously follow JadeOfMaar's detailed instructions for how to set up GPP and the related mods that I want (scatterer, Planetshine, EVE).  This means taking the original zip files for all of those mods (not copying them from my old GPP install or anywhere else), and installing them fresh, exactly how the zip files are laid out.  Installation includes GPP_CareerSaver, since I mean to continue my career from GPP 1.0.2.
  3. Add the other mods I like to play with, which should have nothing to do with any visual f/x (e.g. BetterBurnTime, KIS, TAC Life Support, that sort of thing).
  4. Copy my career savegame from 1.0.2.
  5. Try to play the game.

The above algorithm (minus step #4, since I was starting a fresh career then) worked just fine for GPP 1.0.2.  It also works just fine with GPP 1.2.2. if scatterer isn't installed... but breaks with the weird black planets if it is installed (regardless of whether I try 0.0256 or 0.0300).


I don't think I've done anything obviously stupid; I'm a pretty meticulous person about following instructions.  Clearly I've gone off the rails somewhere, since this seems to be working for everyone else; but assuming that I've made a mistake somewhere, it's a subtle one that's easy to make, because I'm not a novice at setting up software.  :wink:  So, if-and-when I get to the bottom of this, my hope is that if it's not something incredibly esoteric and specific to my particular situation, I might be able to provide useful feedback to JadeOfMaar for adding a "be careful not to ___" or something to the instructions.

Anyway, we shall see what develops after I ask in the scatterer thread and/or reach out to blackrack.  Thanks!

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  On 5/11/2017 at 9:28 PM, Snark said:

Hello, I'm running into some difficulty getting Scatterer to work with the most recent version of GPP-- wondering if anyone has seen something like this, and/or has any suggestions.

Version:  GPP 1.2.2.  Installed by following the instructions here.  Scatterer is version 0.0300, freshly installed from SpaceDock.

The symptom:  Any planet with an atmosphere is pure black in map view.  Featureless black planet, atmosphere is a semi-opaque black shell around it.  Bizarre view from KSC with black sky overlaid with clouds.  Log spews lots of NullReferenceExceptions in flight scene if atmosphere is present.

Context:  I've been running GPP 1.0.2 with no problems for the last few months (including Scatterer 0.0256 tweaked for GPP).  Decided to give 1.2.2 a try.  Created a fresh KSP installation in a separate folder, meticulously followed @JadeOfMaar's instructions from the link above.  Started up, immediately got the weird effects.

Other mods installed:  PlanetShine  Latest version of EVE, installed as per GPP instructions.  Latest version of Kopernicus, with the hotfix for planet rings as called out in the instructions, as per GPP instructions.  The high-res clouds from GPP.  GPPKnownIssues01.  GPP_CareerSaver.  (Plus a few other mods that have nothing to do with visual F/X and seem highly unlikely to have anything to do with the problem, like BetterBurnTime, SpaceY, KIS, that sort of thing.)  If I uninstall Scatterer and leave everything else in place, it works just fine.

Other things I've tried:  I tried using the older 0.0256 version of Scatterer (the one I used successfully with GPP 1.0.2).  I tried it both "pristine", and also jiggered with the configs from GPP 1.0.2.  Result:  I don't get the black planets... but I also don't get any scattering, and KSP quickly bogs down, throws gazillions of NullReferenceExceptions, and uses 13+ GB of memory.  So, no joy there.


Anyone have suggestions?  Has anyone else had trouble getting Scatterer to work with GPP?


Hope this helps - I had the same problem the other day.  My case might be instructive though.  I installed GPP 1.2.2 from here - followed the directions to the letter, everything great.  No black skies.

Then I saw this post with the .zip of hotfixes for various small issues (none of which I have run into in my early, slow career).  I replaced the original files with the ones in the zip, and got the black skies.  Replaced those files with the originals from 1.2.2, black skies went away.  So perhaps the problem lies in one of those 3-4 files.

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