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[KSP 1.12.1+] Galileo's Planet Pack [v1.6.6] [23 Sept 2021]


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I doubt it would make sense to keep GPP in the install... But I don't have your PC and I don't have the tolerance for low fps that hardcore players and streamers would have. I would dump visuals if it comes to it, to recover some fps. It's really up to you alone to judge what your game's performance will be now, later when you have lots of ships and lots of part count, and how much you can put up with performance drop.

I believe you've posted screenshots of some huge WIP interstellar ships. If you can comfortably babysit those and their shuttles in flight then you have me wrongfully discouraging you from getting your game on.

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On 10/14/2017 at 5:23 PM, DuskFall said:

It didn't help

Just in case you didn't get this sorted, it sounds like you didn't install the textures.  I've made that same mistake myself.  If you check out the OP, just under the GPP Download link, there is another for GPP Textures Download.  If you did try that, I can only recommend re-downloading and making sure you follow the install instructions exactly.  Beyond that is beyond me.

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Tried to install GPP using the instructions on the 1.5.3 link on  1.3.1, only getting a black screen on load, anyone know what may cause that? Using most recent Koppernicus version 1.3.1 no other mods present other than eve per instructions.

Update: Discovered main game file corruption, over-write using original KSP folder resolved.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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15 hours ago, kraden said:

Just in case you didn't get this sorted, it sounds like you didn't install the textures.  I've made that same mistake myself.  If you check out the OP, just under the GPP Download link, there is another for GPP Textures Download.  If you did try that, I can only recommend re-downloading and making sure you follow the install instructions exactly.  Beyond that is beyond me.

Great. Thanks. That was my fault. I've forgot GPP Textures. Now it's working

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Not posting logs yet -- just asking if anyone else has seen these two bugs.  I've got over 100 mods running, and tracking down the problem may be time consuming.  Unless, of course, they're known issues.  I haven't played KSP/GPP in a few months, and just came back to it.  Time to upgrade from 1.2.2/1.2.3 to 1.3.1/1.5.3 and start a new career game!  I encountered a few issues, but got the important ones resolved (such as Realchute making ALL the parachutes vanish from the VAB.)  These two are so far unresolved, but not all that critical.  Has anyone seen these in 1.5.3?

1) With the Kerbal Renaming, I got 4 random Kerbals to start with.  Not "Jeb Gaelian".  No Bob, Val, and whomever the 4th one normally is.  And all four were pilots.  No Engineers or Scientists in the four starting Kerbals.

2) After a few probes had totally unexpected trouble communicating from anywhere more than a few thousand Km from Gael, I discovered that ALL antennas were rated at 25% of their nominal values.  I corrected this by setting the communications range slider to 400%.  I suspect there's a config in there somewhere that's setting everything to 25% of normal.  The only comms related mod I have is the JX2 antenna package.  No Kerbalism.  No RemoteTech.

If anyone has seen these before and knows what's causing them, great!  Otherwise I'll dig into the problem when I feel motivated.  Neither problem is a game stopper.

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30 minutes ago, AG5BPilot said:


GPP renames the starting 4 vets. No more Jeb Bob Bill or Val. They should be the names of the 4 main developers of GPP. You must remove all save files and start a new game for the names to be correct sometimes. It’s a small bug with the renamer. If you start a game with another persistent file in your save folder that has Jeb Bill Val and Bob, then the renamer wigs out and gives you random names. 

As for the issues with comma, it’s caused by Kerbal Konstructs. You have to disable the ground stations in the difficulty settings menu and possibly reinstall the KK. I just reported this issue to the KK dev. Unless your problem is something different, then that should fix it.

Edited by Galileo
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4 hours ago, Galileo said:

GPP renames the starting 4 vets. No more Jeb Bob Bill or Val. They should be the names of the 4 main developers of GPP. You must remove all save files and start a new game for the names to be correct sometimes. It’s a small bug with the renamer. If you start a game with another persistent file in your save folder that has Jeb Bill Val and Bob, then the renamer wigs out and gives you random names. 

As for the issues with comma, it’s caused by Kerbal Konstructs. You have to disable the ground stations in the difficulty settings menu and possibly reinstall the KK. I just reported this issue to the KK dev. Unless your problem is something different, then that should fix it.


I'm doing brand new games, with nothing carried over from previous versions.

I started a brand new sandbox, and then a brand new career game.  In the Sandbox, which was created first, I got Galileo, Jade, Bobert, and Pood, which I presume are the intended names.  They were the expected pilot, engineer, scientist, and pilot.

In the career game, I got Obner, Sigrigh, Sigxy, and Kirzer.  All Pilots.

I can see if it's repeatable:  Yes, I just created a new sandbox game, and got random Kerbals.  Three engineers and a pilot this time, so that's random too.  It looks like, as you said, you can only get the normal Kerbals in one save game.  There can be only one Galileo! :)

As for comms, I forgot one thing:  regardless of whether I tell set it to use the extra ground stations, it only uses KSC-Main.  I forgot about that because I circumvented that by putting up a string of comm sats to cover the back side of the planet.

Thanks for the advice.  I'll try the KK reinstall and see if that changes anything.  Otherwise, I'll just play with it as-is.  Moving the slider to 4 isn't that hard. 

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40 minutes ago, AG5BPilot said:


I'm doing brand new games, with nothing carried over from previous versions.

I started a brand new sandbox, and then a brand new career game.  In the Sandbox, which was created first, I got Galileo, Jade, Bobert, and Pood, which I presume are the intended names.  They were the expected pilot, engineer, scientist, and pilot.

In the career game, I got Obner, Sigrigh, Sigxy, and Kirzer.  All Pilots.

I can see if it's repeatable:  Yes, I just created a new sandbox game, and got random Kerbals.  Three engineers and a pilot this time, so that's random too.  It looks like, as you said, you can only get the normal Kerbals in one save game.  There can be only one Galileo! :)

As for comms, I forgot one thing:  regardless of whether I tell set it to use the extra ground stations, it only uses KSC-Main.  I forgot about that because I circumvented that by putting up a string of comm sats to cover the back side of the planet.

Thanks for the advice.  I'll try the KK reinstall and see if that changes anything.  Otherwise, I'll just play with it as-is.  Moving the slider to 4 isn't that hard. 

Well, once you have that save created, you can place your other saves back and all is good. We may have a better solution in the near future as the renamer plugin is being worked on. This is what I just got back from the KK dev:


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I just accepted having no scientists or engineers as a challenge. :)

In other news, no joy on the 25% comm range.  I made sure both the sandbox and career games had the extra ground stations turned off, removed KK, reinstalled KK, and the problem is still there.   I'm not going to worry about it.  I'll dig into it at some point and figure out what's going on.


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22 minutes ago, AG5BPilot said:

I just accepted having no scientists or engineers as a challenge. :)

In other news, no joy on the 25% comm range.  I made sure both the sandbox and career games had the extra ground stations turned off, removed KK, reinstalled KK, and the problem is still there.   I'm not going to worry about it.  I'll dig into it at some point and figure out what's going on.


It’s definitely KK. You have to disable the comm stations in the KK settings, not the extra comm stations. Then reinstall KK.

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2 hours ago, Galileo said:

It’s definitely KK. You have to disable the comm stations in the KK settings, not the extra comm stations. Then reinstall KK.

Okay, tried that, no joy.

EDIT:  It did fix the missing ground stations.  Did not fix the antenna range.  I'll consider that a win since the antenna range is easily corrected.

Edited by AG5BPilot
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I tried to get GPP as a secondary System to work with SSRSS https://github.com/Galileo88/SSRSSContinued as a Primary System. SSRSS works fine and looks beautiful :)
In the GPP_Secondary there is the readme with the .cfg to fill out.

I filled it mostly random, my question is where do i put it?

"The only required bit on your part is to insert the following in your mod and fill its fields."

I thought i add it to /RealSolarSystem/RSSKopernicus_Settings.cfg but that doesnt work. Also tried a single .cfg file in different places, I think i need help.....


            @referenceBody = Sun                                      // RealSolarSystem/Kopernicus/Sun.cfg -> Sun is called Sun (Displayname is The Sun)
            @inclination = 143                                             // Random
            @eccentricity = 0                                               // Random or zero for the same traveltime everytime
            @semiMajorAxis = 3.5e18                               // Distance from Sun in m
            @longitudeOfAscendingNode = 270              //rotation of orbit around ascending node
            @argumentOfPeriapsis = 23                            //    angle        
            @meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0                            //starting position in orbit
            @epoch = -31542641.784                                 //epoch, i took this out of the RealSolarSystem/KopernicusSettings


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@JohnMcLane That bit of code is mainly for makers of other planet packs who need to move Ciro so its SOI doesn't clip or creep on other stars or planets' SOI. They have the option to fill that in and involve it in their mod. You can use it yourself if you decide Ciro is too far or too near and you want to change it. If you're just fine with where Ciro is then ignore that.

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@JadeOfMaar Just tried to follow the instructions for GPP_Secondary. I tried it without patch and i only get the SSRSS-System, so i figured i need a patch (" If the other planet pack is large and also replaces the stock solar system it must include a patch to reposition Ciro.). On the other hand i should see Galileos Planets overlapping with the SSRSS-System, with the patch like you said i can bring more distance between them....
And GPP_Secondary is there exactly for my kind of intentions.

So the Planet Packs are not compatible or i installed them wrong....

EDIT: If i install Galactic Neighborhood and remove GPP_Secondary, i get SSRSS and GPP as secondary systems like it should be, with Kerbin as Primary.

Edited by JohnMcLane
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