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[KSP 1.12.1+] Galileo's Planet Pack [v1.6.6] [23 Sept 2021]


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@OhioBob Bone stock KSP other than GPP and EVE.  Same quality at 1x as 10x as far as I can see. Here's some screenshots. https://imgur.com/gallery/fOXWDWv 100% quality on all options.

Looking at some other peoples screenshots it looks a lot sharper and nicer than mine. 

Looks the same 1x as it does 10x.

(I hope this isn't how it normally looks like then I would feel pretty dumb.) 

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I just updated my game to 1.12, and I have a ship in polar Tellumo orbit that works perfectly at all time warp values except the maximum one, which instantly kills it. It's probably an incompatibility with one of the many many mods I have installed, because no-one else has reported the issue. Do you have any idea what sort of mods would do this? 

EDIT: Further tests make it seem like there's some sort of atmospheric drag going on, but the Pe is 79 km and the Ap is 124 km, and the info panel for Tellumo says it has an atmosphere height of 50 km. Was Tellumo's atmosphere adjusted so that it would have orbital decay above the atmosphere limit?

Edited by CookieBorg
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@CookieBorg, your description sounds strange, I don't know what's going on.  Doesn't really sound like GPP problem.  If you're in a 79x124 km orbit around Tellumo you shouldn't be able to time warp past 50x.  And there's no such thing as orbital decay in KSP (though there may be a mod for it).  Once above the atmosphere limit there should be no drag whatsoever.

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On Ceti, I drop below 23,000m and the moon disappears.  All readouts show it's still there, but I can see only the background star field.  As I approach the surface the moon appears, firstly as mist, and then slowly some features come into view as the craft touches the surface.


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  On 10/6/2021 at 10:21 PM, jinnantonix said:

On Ceti, I drop below 23,000m and the moon disappears.  All readouts show it's still there, but I can see only the background star field.  As I approach the surface the moon appears, firstly as mist, and then slowly some features come into view as the craft touches the surface.


I have not been able to reproduce this problem.



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@OhioBob there are a few issues with GSC in the latest version

After updating to 1.6.6  I noticed that the space center island had had its topography modified, because roughly half of the KSC++ stuff was buried under ground. I opened the KK GUI to try and figure out by how much I needed to raise things up, and I noticed two things : 

One, all the KK stuff is not really compatible with 1.6.6, because the terrain has changed by a Lot. I would have to raise the scaled up runway tens of meters up to have all of it above ground, which would then look silly.

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Two, even without Kerbal Konstructs, most of the default GSC is just floating up in the air. It's not immediately obvious when you launch a rocket because the launchpad itself and the runway are fine, but basically all the other building are just floating above terrain and you can walk under them. 

This is with KK uninstalled, at the junction between GSC

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You pretty much have to get down there to notice but this could have negative consequences for people who like to do a lot of ground operations, although admittedly I might be the sole member of that group.

This is all on default scale by the way, I'm pretty sure the issue is just baked into the mod but if I did something wrong with my installation or if you think that it could be caused by something else like KK I'm happy to provide more information about my modlist or logs if needed.

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  On 10/14/2021 at 4:07 AM, lBoBl said:

Two, even without Kerbal Konstructs, most of the default GSC is just floating up in the air. It's not immediately obvious when you launch a rocket because the launchpad itself and the runway are fine, but basically all the other building are just floating above terrain and you can walk under them. 


Thanks for bringing this to my attention.  There was a problem in which the west end of the runway was buried, so I corrected this in the last patch by raising GSC several meters.  Unfortunately I failed to notice that this raised much of GSC above the terrain.  I've updated the patch to fix this.  GSC has been returned to its original elevation and instead the problem of the buried runway has been fixed by moving GSC slightly east.

As far as the KK stuff goes, I know nothing about that.  All the KK stuff is by @JadeOfMaar.

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Guest The Doodling Astronaut
  On 8/4/2021 at 6:24 PM, The Doodling Astronaut said:

Here's the video:

And here's some screenshots:









NGL @Galileo to say this was my favorite planet pack would be a very big understatement. The creativity and effort shown in this pack is amazing and shows what the greatest artists can do. I love this pack, you did an amazing job!



Part 2 is out. I thought the planets in the video where overrated, they are not. 

I am very much enjoying this pack

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  • Adjusted scatterer to reduce gas giant brightness.
  • Adjusted time warp limits for new atmosphere heights.
  • Fixed problems with launch & tracking sites:
    • Added map decal for Nye Island.
    • Repositioned GSC map decal to unbury west end of runway.
    • Woomerang no longer underground.
    • GSC no longer underground at 10x scale.
    • Flattened area around Island Runway at 10x scale.
    • Updated MechJeb runway elevations.
  • Revisons to KerbalKonstructs:
    • Updated all KK configs and fixed problems.
    • Resized & repositioned GSC map decal for KSC++.
    • Disabled KK launch sites for GPP_Rescale.
  • Revisons to terrain detail presets:
    • Fixed typos and added missing presets.
    • Fixed conflict with JNSQ (JNSQ now includes GPP when both installed). 
    • Added preset names to localization.

This update is mostly bug fixes from the previous release.  When upgrading to v1.6.7.0, you should:

  1.   If using v1.6.6.0 with GPPpatch1660-2, delete the patch from the GameData folder.
  2.   If using KerbalKonstructs, delete the contents of the folder, GameData/KerbalKonstructs/NewInstances/.

You should be able to safely upgrade from v1.6.6.0 to v1.6.7.0 without breaking existing saves.

Note that the expanded and alternate launch sites (created using KerbalKonstructs) are disabled when using GPP_Rescale.  The reason for this is that the sites aren't properly rescaling, and it's simply not worth our time and effort to fix them at this time.  We're currently working on GPP v2.0 in which the alternate sites are being redesigned.  We're therefore putting our energy into making sure v2.0 works rather than fixing something that is going to be replaced anyway.  KerbalKonstructs can still be used with GPP_Rescale for the placement of anomalies.

Be advised that this version of GPP is compatible with scatterer only through v0.0772.  Newer versions of scatterer may not work.



Edited by OhioBob
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  On 10/21/2021 at 6:32 PM, OhioBob said:

Adjusted time warp limits for new atmosphere heights.


I have never said the words "thank goodness I can't warp any faster!" but I have expressed the opposite sentiment many, many times. Can you comment on the purpose of these limits from the planet pack designer's point of view? 

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  On 10/21/2021 at 8:39 PM, OrbitalManeuvers said:

I have never said the words "thank goodness I can't warp any faster!" but I have expressed the opposite sentiment many, many times. Can you comment on the purpose of these limits from the planet pack designer's point of view? 


I really have no grand plan on what's the best way of setting time warp limits.  I just looked at what Squad did for the stock planets and tried to do something similar.  While Squad's numbers seem to be a bit random and inconsistent, I follow a formula for setting the limits with results that are reasonably close to stockalike.  (Basically I just look at how long it takes to complete an orbit with increasing altitude, and whenever the period goes over a certain amount of time, I increase to the next time warp.)  One rule I do have is that whatever outside a planet's atmosphere, we should be able to warp to at least 50x.  When changing atmospheres in the last release, this rule was violated in some instances.  Hence the reason for the changes in this release.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm getting some weird freezing. In my current save (first with GPP), every time I exit time warp near Iota the game freezes completely. I've tried with only the bare-bones setup for GPP (GPP, Kopernicus, ModularFlightIntegrator, ModuleManager, all latest versions) as well as with the bare-bones + these mods (DistantObject, kOS, ReStock, scatterer, all latest versions) and the game crashes at the same place no matter which setup.

It's pretty much exactly the same issue as is mentioned here:




I have logs, but I don't know where to upload them...

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Another thing I discovered trying to figure out what's causing this: if you're playing with kOS, Gael and Ciro are still called Kerbin and Sun "behind the scenes". For instance, if you're in orbit of Gael and print body:name you get "Kerbin" which is wrong, but if you print body:description you get Gael's description, which is right, and if you're orbiting Ceti you get both the correct name and the correct description. I suppose this is due to Gael and Ciro being reskins(?) but it's something I hadn't noticed before.

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  On 11/10/2021 at 6:42 PM, Black-Two- said:

I'm getting some weird freezing. In my current save (first with GPP), every time I exit time warp near Iota the game freezes completely. I've tried with only the bare-bones setup for GPP (GPP, Kopernicus, ModularFlightIntegrator, ModuleManager, all latest versions) as well as with the bare-bones + these mods (DistantObject, kOS, ReStock, scatterer, all latest versions) and the game crashes at the same place no matter which setup.

It's pretty much exactly the same issue as is mentioned here:




I have logs, but I don't know where to upload them...


I'm having exactly the same issue here.  No idea what the fix is, and I also don't know which logs would be helpful to upload.  Installed via CKAN if that makes a difference. 

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  On 11/13/2021 at 8:17 PM, herman said:

I'm having exactly the same issue here.  No idea what the fix is, and I also don't know which logs would be helpful to upload.  Installed via CKAN if that makes a difference. 


Are you by any chance playing in career mode? Because I did and that's when this bug showed up, but in my quest to figure this problem out I switched to science mode and, hopefully I don't jinx myself, I haven't crashed or frozen once in ~10 trips to Iota and Ceti. Maybe try switching to science or sandbox and see if that solves it for you.

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  On 11/10/2021 at 6:42 PM, Black-Two- said:

I'm getting some weird freezing. In my current save (first with GPP), every time I exit time warp near Iota the game freezes completely. I've tried with only the bare-bones setup for GPP (GPP, Kopernicus, ModularFlightIntegrator, ModuleManager, all latest versions) as well as with the bare-bones + these mods (DistantObject, kOS, ReStock, scatterer, all latest versions) and the game crashes at the same place no matter which setup.

It's pretty much exactly the same issue as is mentioned here:




I have logs, but I don't know where to upload them...


My efforts so far have been unable to reproduce this problem.

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  On 11/14/2021 at 2:28 PM, Black-Two- said:

Are you by any chance playing in career mode? Because I did and that's when this bug showed up, but in my quest to figure this problem out I switched to science mode and, hopefully I don't jinx myself, I haven't crashed or frozen once in ~10 trips to Iota and Ceti. Maybe try switching to science or sandbox and see if that solves it for you.


Can confirm it's career mode. Note I have some other mods (also installed via CKAN).   But I could do a clean install and use hyperedit to go back to iota and see what happens there. 


  On 11/14/2021 at 4:24 PM, OhioBob said:

My efforts so far have been unable to reproduce this problem.


If there's any specific logs or details I could send you that would help, let me know and I can try to pull those together.  I tried looking at the "player" text document from the time of the crash and checked for references to "iota".  Mostly just looked like normal loading stuff, but found a couple exceptions that seemed like they could be relevant. 


Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Iota' 
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)


[OD] ERROR: getting pixelFloatD with unloaded map GPP/GPP_Textures/PluginData/Iota_heightmap.dds of path GPP/GPP_Textures/PluginData/Iota_heightmap.dds, autoload = True 
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

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  On 11/14/2021 at 4:53 PM, herman said:

Can confirm it's career mode. Note I have some other mods (also installed via CKAN).   But I could do a clean install and use hyperedit to go back to iota and see what happens there.


Aha! A pattern emerges... If the problem only appears in career mode, it could be something that isn't as obvious, like contracts or milestones or something else career-specific. If it was due to bodies (or textures etc.) not loading the bug should show up in both science and sandbox modes too, I think.

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  On 11/14/2021 at 4:53 PM, herman said:

Can confirm it's career mode. Note I have some other mods (also installed via CKAN).   But I could do a clean install and use hyperedit to go back to iota and see what happens there. 


I've tried this in career mode and I still can't get a crash.  I've flown to Iota and Ceti twice each and haven't experienced any problems.

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Just installed this mod a week or so ago, and wanted to say that I am very impressed! Sadly, I have been having this weird problem where the game freezes when I am coming down out of time warp.  Again, the game freezes but produces no error message. Typically, this is when I go from level 5 warp to a lower speed. It occurs whether in flight mode, map mode, or tracking station. It happens nearly every time, and is rendering the game all but unplayable. I am running a number of other mods but when I uninstalled GPP this problem does not occur. Does anyone, have any ideas? I would love to be able to play with the mod.  

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