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the grand add on acronym repository (i hope)


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so i keep seeing thinks like RO-RSS, and other acronyms like that, i keep getting konfused, and i don't want more people to, so i ask you, ESPECIALLY YOU STEVE, the players of KSP, to help me fill up this repository with the acronyms of the add ons so people can understand what the heck the acronyms mean

all i know is: 

  • RSS- real solar system
  • RO- realism overhaul
  • KAS- kerbal attachment system
  • KIS- kerbal inventory system
  • KCT- kerbal construction time

so please help me fill this up for the new KSP players, and people like me, who tried googling (wait? is googleing a word?) the things, looking at the reddit to find it, and looking at the forums to find out what it means

PS can you help me find out what RP-O means?

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14 hours ago, StupidAndy said:

PS can you help me find out what RP-O means?

acronyms are used from experienced player,for example MM and MJ or RT.It's all matter of learning curve,by that i mean,a lot of reading and monitoring the forum.

some more:
OPM-Outer Planets Mod
FAR-Ferram Aerospace Research
CRP-Community Resource Pack
TCA-Throttle Controlled Avionics
DRE-Deadly Reentry
SVE-Stock Visual Enhancements
MM-Module Manager

Edited by sebi.zzr
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Doesn't Deadly Re-entry typically use DRE?

5 hours ago, StupidAndy said:

[...] googling (wait? is googleing a word?) [...]

More or less. "To google" is an action these days meaning to look something up via Google. ("What does that mean?" "Google it.") "Googling" would just be another form of the verb that follows typical verb forms.

Anyway... Funny enough, this forum has an acronym/terminology definition function. I'm surprised you haven't notice it. Most of the mods that are commonly used are defined. Anything in all caps with dotted underscoring is defined as a tooltip of you hover your cursor over the term. Many other mods are easy enough to figure out.

As for furnishing this list: you're better off just skimming through the Add-On forum thread lists. Many mods creators list the acronyms in the thread title (if not, it's probably within the first post). Looking up mod name for KSP is as easy as that or just typing in the acronym to Google and adding KSP/Kerbal Space Program as another search term. You'll generally get the forum thread, Spacedock.info page, or the Curse.com page for a valid mod. Perhaps only obscure stuff would be harder to find.

I think a KSP mod acronym repository would only be useful if held at another site/location (like on the KSP wiki). If someone's into KSP to any decent extent, they probably come here and will eventually learn the lingo on their own as they browse. Given the content of the forums and the functionality it has (even if some other aspects of the forum software can leave one wanting...), I feel it's a little pointless to have a (dedicated) mod acronym listing here.

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A bit of organisation never hurts. (Unless it's my desk. Organise that and I'll become irrationally violent. I know where everything is.)

While the tooltips are handy. They don't work with ALL the mod acronyms as used by players.

While @sebbi.zzr 's list contains useful links along with the acronyms, the forum tooltip help has it's flaws. Such as failing to add the auto-ping for sebbi.zzr

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USI-LS = Umbra Space Industries (stuff that RoverDude produces) Life Support
UKS/MKS/OKS = All variants of the USI Kolonization System
TAC-LS = Thunder Aerospace Corporation Life Support
CTT = Community Tech Tree
ETT = Engineering Tech Tree
KPBS = Kerbal Planetary Base System
EL (aka EPL) = Extra-Planetary Lanuchpads.
IR = Infernal Robotics

That's all i can think of off the top of my head. I too did struggle when i was unfamiliar with what half of these meant.

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Note that the official name is Extraplanetary Launchpads, not Extra-Planetary Launchpads.  To paraphrase taniwha: The second means more launchpads on Kerbin, the first means launchpads off of Kerbin.  :wink:  He's been known to be touchy about the name on rare occasions.  This also means 'EL' is correct and 'EPL' isn't, even though the second is moderately common.

For the list:

  • WBI - WildBlueIndustries.  (Buffalo, MOLE, Pathfinder, and a few others.)
  • FTT - Freight Transport Technologies.
  • ART - Asteroid Recycling Technologies.
  • SEP - Surface Experiment Pack
  • US - Universal Storage
  • OPT - Orbital Portal Technologies.  (A spaceplane parts pack.)
  • NFE - Near Future Electrical
  • NFT - Near Future Technologies
  • NFC - Near Future Construction
  • KSO - Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter
  • KRnD - Kerbal Research and Development
  • KJR - Kerbal Joint Reinforcement
  • CLS - Connected Living Spaces
  • JSI - I'm not actually sure this stands for anything, but it usually means JSI Advanced Transparent Pods
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Well, if you're gonna go through with this, I suggest the acronym lists be migrated to the OP as members offer them. An acronym directory where it's hard to find an acronym isn't as useful as it could/should be.

@StupidAndy You may want to reformat the thread title and perhaps use correct case in it. Might as well make this look as professional as you can if you really want it. (I personally find it hard to read text that's not properly formatted. At least large chunk of it. Shorter snippets I can bare with, though it does turn me off from wanting to read more as I go.)

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20 minutes ago, CobaltWolf said:

<snipped> ... nobody uses BDB :P

I dont know, it may not be the most popular, but just the stats on SpaceDock alone, dont seem to shabby too me :)



So, remember people, BDB ... bee-dee-bee .... It just ROLLS off the tongue :)


edit: gawd I HATE this forum software/imgur itself :P


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