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Another Slow load (in excess of 20 minutes)

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KSP Version: (WindowsPlayer x64)

What Happens: I start loading KSP, and go watch a 30 or so minute video while waiting for it to load.

Mods / Add-Ons: none, fresh install on a new hard drive.  Steam client install, but I will be adding "For science, and Kerbal Engineer Redux" soon.  I miss those

Steps to Replicate: I guess, get a new hard drive that has never had KSP installed, and put on windows 7 ultimate.  Get steam, get KSP through steam.

Result: Game works fine after it loads, and I've had no crashes in the 10 or so hours I've played since getting a new hard drive.

Fixes/Workarounds: This is what I'm looking for.

Other Notes/Pictures/Log Files:  I've googled slow load times, and all the "fixes" are about disabling Hamachi, or disabling extra network adapters.  I only have 1 network adapter (listed in Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network Connections) so far with this new install, and no Hamachi (I don't like Hamachi and will never get it again).  I did try the 32 bit steam client, but aborted loading it when it too was taking forever, and why bother waiting so long to play on 32 bit when you can use 64 bit.

I could not find any other solutions to the slow load problem.   Should I make new network adapters so I can disable them?  Sounds stupid, but not sure what else to do.

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Try each and all of the following.

Copy the whole of the KSP Folder to another Drive or Folder and try to run it from there.

Turn off any antivirus programs while running KSP.

Don't run KSP through Steam and make sure Steam is turned off when launching KSP directly from KSP's Folder.


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There could be a problem with your ram that is lowering its load (or whatever it's called) speed. Also, have you tried loading any other games from your new hard drive? Because it could be a problem with your hard drive. For your sake I hope that it's neither of these but I would suggest finding a way to test your hardware before you rule it out as a possibility. 

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sorry went out of town for a few days.

  On 12/4/2016 at 1:29 PM, sal_vager said:

Hi @Skavies, can you tell us where Steam is installing KSP, and if this is different to the hard drive containing windows?

Your logs may help with this issue, please upload the output_log.txt and dxdiag hardware report to a site like dropbox for us, thanks you.


C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program  (default location for steam install), and I only have 1 working hard drive that is not partitioned, so Windows and ksp (and everything else is on the c drive.


http://pastebin.com/raw/aHCLnTWu    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\KSP.txt


http://pastebin.com/raw/DXvp6ewU       C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\KSP_x64_Data\output.log

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There is no antivirus on this machine.  I do use house call occasionally, but it's for cleaning not real time protection.  The computer is over 10 years old, and I can't afford the resource drain.

Just double checked, windows is still complaining about me not setting up windows firewall, or using a antivirus program.  I went through the add/remove programs and the services tab of task manager to see if I left a partially installed av program, but see nothing there.


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Okay so breaking this down...

Line 44 (start of loading) to line 68 takes over a minute, and that's just 20 wav files, they should not take this long.

69 (no sniggering at the back) to 135 took 0.944 seconds, this is dds icon files, so these are fast!

With lines 136 to 164 we're slow again with 88.102 seconds, the 28 png flags takes one and a half minutes!

165 to 174 takes 0.89 seconds, effects are fast.

Then oh dear...

Lines 175 to 262 is the R&D and other png icons, they take a whopping 4 minutes and 25 seconds...

I'll keep going but I think png images are your problem, and I know that they should not be.

263 to 1267 takes 01:16.907 and is the parts, so that's not a problem.

1268 to 1454 takes 10 minutes, it's the KSPedia asset bundles and they may contain nuts png files.

1455 to 2297 takes about 5.5 seconds and is mostly just compiling parts.


So it's the png files, the trouble is that png files should and do load faster than this, have you installed all the updates for Windows 7 yet? It's possible there's a png codec update that solves slow loading of these files on Windows.

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  On 12/8/2016 at 11:47 AM, sal_vager said:

So it's the png files, the trouble is that png files should and do load faster than this, have you installed all the updates for Windows 7 yet? It's possible there's a png codec update that solves slow loading of these files on Windows.


trying to fight with windows about updating it's self since you posted this.  takes windows a couple hours (probably much less, but it hangs on the checking for updates page for at least 20 minutes, so I minimize it and watch videos forgetting to check on it...  Normal stupid user things) did a few rounds of massive updates and it's still slow, but won't rule out my lack of updating windows till updater says no new updates.


ps, the level of current updates has reduced loading time to roughly 10 minutes.   I started loading it before making this post, and it's half loaded when I first submitted the progress.   So it's very likely my problems are failing to update windows before getting my killing Jeb fix.


  On 12/8/2016 at 1:10 PM, Enceos said:

@Skavies If you don't need the stock KSPedia entries, you can save some loading time by removing all files from the \Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Squad\KSPedia folder.


How do I know if I need those?  I only play the campaign mode, with stock parts, but do want to add in "for Science" (for lazyness) and Kerbil Engineer Redux.  I'm new enough to only care about the thrust to weight ratio it gives on stages, but I've at least learned enough to know it's important.  Still over building for trips to the mun and minmus, haven't done a return form another planet's moon after landing yet, so I'm a noob, but I refuse to use mechjeb-so I hope there's hope for me.  I want to manually fly my missions.  Getting science done automatically is fine with me, but I want to fly it, dammit.

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@Skavies There's a "blue rocket on a book" button on the stock toolbar, it opens a KSPEdia window, if you know everything what's written there then loading these files is a waste of RAM and loading time. You seem to be new, but very capable individual :) how long have you been playing KPS?

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maybe a year.  I keep wanting to restart after doing something stupid, so I have at best gotten a couple tier 5 unlocks.  I do like the limited funds in campaign mode.  and with a very old computer, can't do the 500 pat super rockets anyway.

I really haven't opened that book.  I got started with trial and error, then watched a few people play it to see why I was failing.  started copying them, did better, watched more videos, rinse and repeat. 


My current level of noobness is I've just recently started trying to make a ssto jet, haven't gotten one in orbit yet, but that's my goal for this attempt of a play through.  I can easily do the satellite in orbit around kerbin and it's moons.  I can rescue kerbals anywhere in the same area.  I can do docking, but with lots of failure on the weird key mapping of the rcs controlls.  I'm better at just using the main engine and reaction control wheels to dock.

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@Skavies When upgraded my laptop with an SSD hard drive, it literally gave the laptop a second life. My laptop has a 64Gb SSD, 120Gb SSD today costs as much as I paid for the 64Gb version back then, the SSD price dropped by 50% per GB since. My coworkers couldn't believe the loading speeds when I started installing them in my office. An old computer running Windows XP loaded in 6 seconds. If I were you I would totally buy a cheap SSD to pump up the PC, that's the best possible investment unless your computer doesn't support SATA.

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  On 12/10/2016 at 8:58 AM, Enceos said:

@Skavies When upgraded my laptop with an SSD hard drive, it literally gave the laptop a second life. My laptop has a 64Gb SSD, 120Gb SSD today costs as much as I paid for the 64Gb version back then, the SSD price dropped by 50% per GB since. My coworkers couldn't believe the loading speeds when I started installing them in my office. An old computer running Windows XP loaded in 6 seconds. If I were you I would totally buy a cheap SSD to pump up the PC, that's the best possible investment unless your computer doesn't support SATA.


It has sata, I'm just broke.  I'd like a SSD, but my replacement Hard drive was 10 bucks.   Hard to argue with that.  My computer can handle Far Cry 4 at maybe 20 fps which sorta sucks, but then I built it to be able to run 30 copies of Diablo 2 in the background botting it while playing something else, and it does that just fine.  I put it together like a freight train, not a gaming sports car, so in most games I get a crappy fps that doesn't drop when stuff starts happening.  What I really need to upgrade is my memory.  I've got enough of it at 8 gigs, but it's slow ddr2 speed 667 which isn't good enough for the huge rockets in KSP.  Needs faster memory for those.  I can do the huge rockets, and it doesn't crash my game, but it does tax my system pretty hard and makes piloting them annoying.

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  On 12/8/2016 at 11:47 AM, sal_vager said:


So it's the png files, the trouble is that png files should and do load faster than this, have you installed all the updates for Windows 7 yet? It's possible there's a png codec update that solves slow loading of these files on Windows.


Ok, windows is fully updated, except for the language packs.  (thinking having the computer know simplified arabian won't help since I know I didn't have those installed last time)

http://pastebin.com/raw/R8j3XRqP    The one with time stamps   (still showing 20 minute load times)

http://pastebin.com/raw/ssyZGpvn   The output text one.

I reinstalled KSP into a not programfilesx86 folder  C:\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program  with no change.  Does KSP need a specific net framework or certain java, or something similar?  I know I fight with minecraft occasionally on which version of java I have installed.

My last hard drive was a 1tb one, so I loaded it with all sorts of garbage, my replacement is less than a third of it, so I'm a lot more careful on what's installed.

I still have no AV program.  I am going to reinstall For Science and Kerbal Engineering Redux, so I may have to move this to the modded install problem. 

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  On 12/10/2016 at 1:46 PM, Skavies said:

I reinstalled KSP into a not programfilesx86 folder  C:\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program  with no change.  Does KSP need a specific net framework or certain java, or something similar?  I know I fight with minecraft occasionally on which version of java I have installed.


KSP uses the version of the Mono framework built into the Unity3D engine, so doesn't need .NET or Java or anything like that.

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  On 12/10/2016 at 8:09 PM, sal_vager said:

KSP uses the version of the Mono framework built into the Unity3D engine, so doesn't need .NET or Java or anything like that.


Ok, then what am I doing wrong?  This loaded in a very reasonable amount of time (enough time to liquid and fill my cup of water) on a hard drive with hard drive that gave warnings about "second master hard drive bad, back up and replace" and a terrible read write speed because of it, but on a working hard drive, I get a 20 minute load time, and that's after improving it considerably.  Used the same windows 7 install, didn't change any hardware but the hard drive.  and I don't have slow loading on any other game except for minecraft which takes everyone who plays the mod pack I'm doing roughly 10 minutes to load. (unmodded minecraft loads in under 10 seconds).

Should I find another game that uses the same version of unity with a demo I can install to see if it's a unity problem?

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  On 12/10/2016 at 9:21 PM, Skavies said:

Ok, then what am I doing wrong?


Unfortunately I don't know, KSP should not be taking this long to load and the only thing I can find online about Windows 7 being slow with png files is this, as you can see it's not very useful.

There's a few posts on the Unity site, here's the one on hamachi / logmein.

LoadImage is reported to be slow.

Slow loading of a TGA file.

They show images loading in 1 second as the worst case scenario, and the last one showed the png being fast, so not much help.

Asking in the KSPOfficial irc channel has turned up something, Neongen suggests you're missing your chipset driver.


NeonGen> under: Name: PCI standard host CPU bridge
<NeonGen> Driver: n/a


That would mean you're relying on whatever driver is in Windows, instead of the drivers specific to your motherboard.

Did the PC come with any disks? There should be a chipset driver cd.

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  On 12/10/2016 at 10:03 PM, sal_vager said:


That would mean you're relying on whatever driver is in Windows, instead of the drivers specific to your motherboard.

Did the PC come with any disks? There should be a chipset driver cd.


it probibly did, I can go to the asus website and get the mother board drivers, but I found something out a few minutes ago.


 I disabled my internet (disabled the network adapter killing my inernet connection) , and KSP magically loaded like it should.


Log started: Sat, Dec 10, 2016 15:58:03

lots of lines deleted

[LOG 15:59:26.697] [MessageSystem] OnAppInitialized
[LOG 15:59:26.700] [MessageSystem] Reposition 0.07878319 52012
[LOG 15:59:35.242] [UIApp] OnDestroy: MessageSystem

so a minute and a half later, it loads.


It's got something to do with my network adapter.

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  On 12/10/2016 at 10:06 PM, Skavies said:

It's got something to do with my network adapter.


Well, the known cause for this is unused networks, but yours is in use.

Guessing here but I think you're using the network card built into your motherboard, and the driver for this in windows is pants, so you need the correct driver for your board which will be a part of the mother board driver bundle from Asus.

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  On 12/10/2016 at 10:10 PM, sal_vager said:

Well, the known cause for this is unused networks, but yours is in use.

Guessing here but I think you're using the network card built into your motherboard, and the driver for this in windows is pants, so you need the correct driver for your board which will be a part of the mother board driver bundle from Asus.


I updated all my drivers with no luck, but I have a work around now, so I can deal with it.  I can disable my internet, load KSP and re-enable it until my network connector crashes, then it will let me make a new one, I can disable my old one and KSP will work without the disabling step.  I know I should probably make a new connection, but I tried a few times and my windows isn't cooperating.  I had like 9 or so network connections on my last hard drive, most all but 1 disabled.  Looks like I was right in my first post on asking if I should make a new network connection so I could disable it.

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  • 8 months later...

Because this thread is linked from the help forum sticky I want to add that I sporadically have a very slow load problem with KSP in Win7 Steam.

It is fixed by restarting Windows and not doing anything else except starting Steam and KSP. It is also fixed by taking Steam offline and disabling the Killer e2200 Gigabit Ethernet Controller on a Gigabyte mobo. Then I can reenable the ethernet and quit KSP and reload KSP and it loads just fine with ethernet active whether Steam is in offline or online mode.

Mostly I can do all kinds of browsing and playing other games and not have a problem with KSP. But sometimes it will just load very slowly, its very random. 

I dont have this problem with any other game or app which is why I think it is KSP/unity which has the flaw and I cant rule out the involvement of Steam online mode.


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