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[1.2.2] Real Solar System Visual Enhancements v1.2.2-RC4 [2017-09-03]

Phineas Freak

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Hello everyone, 

while my previous installation of RSSVE was working fine, now  I have a little problem with the RC4 version:  I can't see Saturn's rings but everything else seems fine. To update from RC3 I unistalled EVE, Scatterer and RSSVE and updated everything with the versions suggested on the first post of this thread.

Any idea about what could be causing this?



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2 hours ago, Phineas Freak said:

@Epox75 The rings are managed via Kopernicus. What is the version currently installed? You need the latest KSP 1.2.2 backported version for them to work.

Edit: i had the same problem in my dev setup until i updated Kopernicus.

Thank you. I think you are right, I don't have the backported version. I will try it right away. 

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7 hours ago, romanasul said:

I seem to be getting some really weird flashing of the Earth when above 140 km. This is with the newest RC4.

Yes caused by the ocean shaders. 

In previous versions it could be fixed by rebuilding the ocean via the scatterer menu, this time this doesn't work. 

I don't know what triggers the behavior but I would say it's again due to scaling. It doesn't happen everytime and for me it disappeared completely in the release version. Try turning off ocean refraction in the main menu of KSP via the ALT-F11 scatterer menu and see if that helps things (beside the slight fps boost). 

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9 hours ago, romanasul said:

I seem to be getting some really weird flashing of the Earth when above 140 km. This is with the newest RC4.

I'm experiencing these flashing, and from the map view too.

I think to have understood that it could come from first initialization of scenery, so what I do just after the first career loading, is to go to the tracking station, then return to the KSC.
Here the scenery is in all white painted, so I return to the tracking station and then return back to KSC.
After that, it seems that the shaders work fine : I do not have the flashs after 140km, but I still have flashs in map view during reentry, under 140km when the vessel is returned into the atmosphere.

I'll do another test this evening, with the last backported version of Kopernicus (I saw that I too do not have Saturn's ring anymore), to confirm that it works or if I'm wrong with that.

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The 140 km point for Earth is where the PQS is disabled and the SS is enabled (different for each body). This can be easily observed under stock KSP and any visual mods just make it more pronounced. It is even worse for bodies with heavy cloud coverage, like Venus and Titan.

BTW, it is already filed under the "known issues" list.

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@Heady978 EVE cannot parse some of the cloud configs. I also have no idea why this happens to you (i think you reported that one before):

EVEManager: Issue loading PQSManagerClass! Error:
UnityEngine.UnityException: Unable to apply node! ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at PQSManager.PQSManagerClass.ApplyConfigNode (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at EVEManager.EVEManagerBase.Apply () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
  at EVEManager.EVEManagerBase.Apply () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at EVEManager.EVEManagerBase.LoadConfig () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at EVEManager.GenericEVEManager`1[PQSManager.PQSWrapper].StaticSetup () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at EVEManager.GenericEVEManager`1[T].Setup () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at EVEManager.GlobalEVEManager.Setup (Boolean late) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 


EVEManager: Issue loading CloudsManager! Error:
UnityEngine.UnityException: Unable to apply node! ---> UnityEngine.UnityException: Unable to apply node! ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at PQSManager.PQSManagerClass.ApplyConfigNode (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at EVEManager.EVEManagerBase.Apply () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
  at EVEManager.EVEManagerBase.Apply () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at EVEManager.EVEManagerBase.LoadConfig () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at EVEManager.GenericEVEManager`1[PQSManager.PQSWrapper].StaticSetup () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at PQSManager.PQSManagerClass.GetPQS (System.String body) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Atmosphere.CloudsPQS.Apply (System.String body, Atmosphere.CloudsMaterial cloudsMaterial, Atmosphere.Clouds2D layer2D, Atmosphere.CloudsVolume layerVolume, Single altitude, Vector3d speed, Vector3d detailSpeed, Vector3 offset, Matrix4x4 rotationAxis, Boolean killBodyRotation) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Atmosphere.CloudsObject.Apply () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Atmosphere.CloudsManager.ApplyConfigNode (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at EVEManager.EVEManagerBase.Apply () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
  at EVEManager.EVEManagerBase.Apply () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at EVEManager.EVEManagerBase.LoadConfig () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at EVEManager.GenericEVEManager`1[T].Setup () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at EVEManager.GlobalEVEManager.Setup (Boolean late) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

Do also note that the KSP 1.3 branch is experimental so it can have bugs. I do not officially support any other version than the 1.2.2-RC4 one.

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8 hours ago, Phineas Freak said:

@Heady978 EVE cannot parse some of the cloud configs. I also have no idea why this happens to you (i think you reported that one before):

 ... *snipp* ...

Do also note that the KSP 1.3 branch is experimental so it can have bugs. I do not officially support any other version than the 1.2.2-RC4 one.

I know KSP 1.3 is not supported, but RC3 was working very well with KSP 1.3. Until now there were no big issues or lets say bigger issues than in 1.2.2 for me. As it is not supported I'm just asking for ideas. :wink:

To find the problem i digged a little deeper... My first wild guess was, cloud.cfg is different between RC3 an RC4. It definetly is, but thats not the problem. Old cloud.cfg an still the same error... so I took a littl closer look into the output log and found, that everything starts with loading \terrain\pqs_manager.cfg "OBJECT {Earth}". In RC3 there were just Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus an Neptune. pqs_manager.cfg in RC4 has now Earth and lots of other bodies... So my next wild guess would be a problem with localization of KSP 1.3. But I'm out of time today and will look at it later. But maybe this helps for a supported 1.3 Version. :wink:

Fly safe!


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Just wanted to post to say how much I love the detail textures in the new update. I hope they can be made available from scaledspace, but even if not, this is a huge improvement while launching and reentering.


Edited by avi
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@avi Thank you! I do also hope that someone will take an action to fix the SS detail textures (or add it as a separate mod). Even a single detail texture (like here) makes a tremendous difference in the overall visual result. At least now they are not a huge performance hog like it was before, i am learning!

And that's a really nice Zenit!

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Just wanted to thank everyone involved in keeping this eye-candy alive!

The water refraction looks pretty nice :)

And I totally love the new 'city' textures! My last install made earth look like a ecumenopolean airfield, but now it looks like a 'normal Earth'^^

Not a rant, just an observation, on my end, framerate drastically went down.

The drastical breakage of framerate always happenes, when I'm viewing the horizon, or volumetric clouds, I really guess, that I'm simply overstressing my GPU with 4k resolution.

But that's OK, was used playing Wing Commander I on an Amiga 2000 with 3-10fps^^



Here some screenies, the rocket is a fictional "Energara", looks like an Angara, but is powered by Energia's RD-0120 blastage. (I love building 'green' hydrolox only LVs)


4k: https://imgur.com/hSkJTAR


Does anyone know, from which actual footage that particular hurricane texture was taken?

I felt pretty weird during launch, watching american Fox news on youtube about Irma derwishing the craps out of the Cubaeans and Floridians, panning my ingame camera and, booom... Florida with a hurricane, although slightly in the wrong spot^^

4k: https://imgur.com/IfbPtjw


The payload is... Classified^^


Have fun!


Edited by h0yer
IMGUR messing things up again^^
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@h0yer Yes, you guessed correctly, it is the volumetrics: EVE sets the opacity of the particles according to the opacity of the main cloud layer, meaning that transparent areas are still full of them but they are invisible. The horizontal axis also "contains" a lot more particles than the vertical one when you account the view distance. Also, dat 4K resolution...

Semi-offtopic but other things that really affect the frame rate are the RealPlume particles, the amount of engines and the existence of TestFlight configs for them (more engines --> more failure checks per cycle --> larger CPU load --> lower frame rate).

I am happy by the positive reports from all of you guys/gals for the latest version: it means that the KSP 1.3 update will be much smoother! And that the time spent on QA was well worth the +4 month delay...

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@Phineas Freak

Ah, good to know about how the cloudlet particles work :)

Sounds somewhat inefficient to fill the empty sky with invisible clouds, but I guess again, it's probably easier to code than to apply some funky function, that places cloudlets according to the main texture and apply some sort of error diffusion function to space them out or even scale single cloudlets. I have no idea :D

Organic shapeless wibbly wobbly stuff is always difficult to model and compute.

And I had no idea, that TestFlight, which I use as well, (mainly for the rated burn time restrictions) does so many calculations, although the Used RD-0120 on the Energara doesn't have TestFligh configs.

Now I understand why a completely procedural N1 rocket with actual 30 NK engines runs with 1-2fps on my machine, haha :D


As always, have fun, and thanks for everything :)

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9 hours ago, Phineas Freak said:

I am happy by the positive reports from all of you guys/gals for the latest version: it means that the KSP 1.3 update will be much smoother! And that the time spent on QA was well worth the +4 month delay...

Yeay! :cool: From "the unsupported corner": Deleting the Object Earth node in RSSVE\Terrain\pqs_manager.cfg brings back the clouds to KSP 1.3. I still dont know why, but flying in sunset @ mach 4 is great. :)


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I notice a sharp division between day and night. Is there a way to make the division fade more realistically? Thanks.


Edit: Above using RSSVE- and scatterer-0.0320b. KSP 1.3.

Edit2: It's not just the planet. Everything is very dark that isn't directly exposed to the Sun.


Edited by Observe
Additional informaation
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6 hours ago, Observe said:

I notice a sharp division between day and night. Is there a way to make the division fade more realistically? Thanks.

Currently no. Incidentally, i had the same conversation with @Heady978 about it and in the end it seems that disabling the EVE integration would be the better solution (users can easily enable it again via the Scatterer main menu).

6 hours ago, Observe said:

Everything is very dark that isn't directly exposed to the Sun.

What is the latitude of the launch site, the season and the time of the day? I am asking because RSSVE does modify the sun light intensities but i actually increased them (IIRC stock uses 0.85 and i am using 1.0 for them).


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11 hours ago, Observe said:

I notice a sharp division between day and night. Is there a way to make the division fade more realistically? Thanks.


Edit: Above using RSSVE- and scatterer-0.0320b. KSP 1.3.

Edit2: It's not just the planet. Everything is very dark that isn't directly exposed to the Sun.


Now that you mention it, I got the exact same sharp day/night terminator on my 1.2.2 install.

My rockets are generally well lit by the sun, all looks normal, but all my procedural fairings have really weird lighting/shading, I think one can see a bit of that on the Energara rocket I posted a few post up, the used Soyuz-fairings are almost completely black, although in the VAB it looks perfectly OK.

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51 minutes ago, h0yer said:

My rockets are generally well lit by the sun, all looks normal, but all my procedural fairings have really weird lighting/shading, I think one can see a bit of that on the Energara rocket I posted a few post up, the used Soyuz-fairings are almost completely black, although in the VAB it looks perfectly OK.

Sorry but this has nothing to do with RSSVE. This is a known bug with the normal maps that are currently used in by PFFE for these fairings and it has already been fixed.

What @Observe probably meant was that the shadows of the parts are too strong. But this can happen anyway if the sun is low on the horizon.

For any interested party i would suggest to disable the EVE integration feature for now.

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41 minutes ago, Phineas Freak said:

For any interested party i would suggest to disable the EVE integration feature for now.

That helped a lot. Now there is much more realistic graduation of Earth day/night instead of abrupt/sharp change.




What is the latitude of the launch site, the season and the time of the day? I am asking because RSSVE does modify the sun light intensities but i actually increased them (IIRC stock uses 0.85 and i am using 1.0 for them).

I"m launching from White Sands New Mexico. Date is April 2017. I'm not so concerned about lighting on the ground as I am appearance from space. Turning off EVE Integration solved the problem adequately for me.



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37 minutes ago, Observe said:

That helped a lot. Now there is much more realistic graduation of Earth day/night instead of abrupt/sharp change.





Of course this might be exaggerated too but sharp terminator is kind of realistic in comparison to what yours looks now. Of course, each to their own :):)

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