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[1.2.2] Real Solar System Visual Enhancements v1.2.2-RC4 [2017-09-03]

Phineas Freak

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@Phineas Freak sorry I don't have the log anymore because I remove my install with RSS+ EVE + RSSVE so i can't help with my log :/ 

i'm not so good to all the coding part (don't know if it's the right term^^) but if i can help in any way ... :) 

"happy" to see that other people have the same issue so that we can find the answer faster :) thank you again for your patience ! 

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  On 3/5/2017 at 6:47 PM, Theysen said:

is a mystery to me since we have unlimited RAM and correct me if I am wrong


Visual pack are not only about RAM is about GPU & Graphic engine what is use aka in KSP case is Unity, or to be more precise i will give you a example difference between DX9, DX10, DX11, DX12 Max Texture Dimension allow to be use or how complex Shader it can be ... if you want to discover more see link below is just a fraction from how sensitive is this subject. If you want to reduce all equation only to RAM it allow to use more & more & more mods what it bring many parts in KSP library with high rez texture (but last part it will feed from VRAM &) )

Edited by Blacks
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  On 3/5/2017 at 7:16 PM, davidy12 said:

Acording your logs you have 2 Visual pack in same time
1. RSSVE > [LOG 13:01:26.026] Load(Texture): RSSVE/Assets/DetailTextures/DetailAltostratus
2. StockVisualEnhancements > [LOG 13:01:42.723] Load(Texture): StockVisualEnhancements/EVE/Atmosphere/Textures/Aurora
Bad bad bad :) remove SVE or RSSVE & stick to only one, SVE to be use it need to be change to RSS needs aka i hope you know that

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  On 3/5/2017 at 8:22 PM, Blacks said:

Acording your logs you have 2 Visual pack in same time
1. RSSVE > [LOG 13:01:26.026] Load(Texture): RSSVE/Assets/DetailTextures/DetailAltostratus
2. StockVisualEnhancements > [LOG 13:01:42.723] Load(Texture): StockVisualEnhancements/EVE/Atmosphere/Textures/Aurora
Bad bad bad :) remove SVE or RSSVE & stick to only one, SVE to be use it need to be change to RSS needs aka i hope you know that


Actually, just found that out. LOL!!!

Though still have a problem with the blue ball. I tried @Gaest's fix, but it made the sky black.

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@davidy12 At least for your installation i can be sure that you have broken it by having extra EVE configs:

[LOG 13:13:21.907] [EVE PQSManagerClass]: Unable to parse config node:
	deactivateDistance = 175000
	body = Jool

[LOG 13:13:21.910] EVEManager: Issue loading PQSManagerClass! Error:
UnityEngine.UnityException: Unable to apply node! ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at PQSManager.PQSManagerClass.ApplyConfigNode (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at EVEManager.EVEManagerBase.Apply () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
  at EVEManager.EVEManagerBase.Apply () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at EVEManager.EVEManagerBase.LoadConfig () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at EVEManager.GenericEVEManager`1[PQSManager.PQSWrapper].StaticSetup () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at EVEManager.GenericEVEManager`1[T].Setup () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at EVEManager.GlobalEVEManager.Setup (Boolean late) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 


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Unfortunately, i foresee that it will be impossible to fix it. I spent hours after hours yesterday trying to reproduce 100% of the issues (except the DX11 renderer switch) with zero results.

(I am already spending far more time that i should on this mod. Do not expect a quick fix)

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  On 3/6/2017 at 4:33 PM, Phineas Freak said:

Unfortunately, i foresee that it will be impossible to fix it. I spent hours after hours yesterday trying to reproduce 100% of the issues (except the DX11 renderer switch) with zero results.

(I am already spending far more time that i should on this mod. Do not expect a quick fix)


So last working solution was scatterer 0.256 and RC2, no issues occured with this version. Since cloud integration isn't implemented in the newest RC either, this is a good rollback at the moment. 

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I managed to figure out less invasive method of dealing with blue globe, narrowing the problematic config parameters to


        Rt = 6511000


in ./GameData/RSSVE/Scatterer_Configs/Earth/Earth_Atmosphere.cfg file.

I have no idea what this string does, I only know that when I change it to

        Rt = 6461153.5

(value taken from Scatterer configs), I receive non-opaque Earth.

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  On 3/7/2017 at 1:17 AM, Gaest said:

        Rt = 6461153.5


value check & set = yup it fix problem bye bye blue planet & welcome back our dear earth with continent, land \o/ (under dx11 switch run)
i check this time 1499999, 999999, 899999, 799999, 699999, 599999, 499999, 399999, 299999, 199999 distance & all is fine clound, land, water
single thing what i seen wierd is daiylight city are bad scale or something is not fine see print screen
View from 1499k

@Gaest nice

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  On 2/3/2017 at 2:45 AM, Galileo said:

Those rings are not from RSS. They were from a pack that @sDaZe purchased a while back, but they do look alike. Probably because you can only skin a cat so many ways.


For curiosity what more exactly it was purchase & from were? coz from my experience all visual pack are base on one think aka NASA picture what are free or let say most are free for not commercial purpose usage ... i am not speaking about work done after or final result get after was take 1 picture from Nasa & modified for a specific goal
I am asking this coz i was looking on most visual pack what was out & most i can say "most" have same thing with diferite variation rotate 90 clock wise, mirored, moved 3 cm to left ... removed something ... but all have same origin

p.s. this not means i want to blame or point finger to anyone is stealing or cheating or brake intellectual copyright ...nop is just a simple question :)  & i not want any to get offended ... each brush, each color, each change is a source of inspiration for someone or something :) who want to play with imagination


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RSSVE RC3 ,scatterer v0.300

I get this around 90 to 160~200. Gets worse with zooming out (alt + Scrolling. "fish eyeing"?)

  Reveal hidden contents

 and at ~100KM clouds flicker mildly


Thanks for developing and maintaining this great mod !



Edited by Alpha_Mike_741
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  On 3/12/2017 at 3:08 PM, KSPlenny:D said:

I'm sorry If this is a really dumb question but.. I've installed it all correctly but I don't see clouds.. It may be because I used a saved world for the first time but.. I'm not sure. any help is appreciated. Thanks.


I've just installed and I get the same issue

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  On 3/13/2017 at 11:56 AM, Neil_Kerman said:

will this work in a laptop or low end computers? i want to run this in my laptop having 2 GHz Intel Core i3 processor, 2GB intel integrated graphics with 4 GB ram. 


Can't really tell but based on my personal experience with a DDR3 8GB - 4th gen i7 -960m  (not a low end but still) KSP is generally slower on laptops especially when loading (takes around 15 min to load RSS RO 1.1.2 on mine ) And i'm speaking of  960m. I tried running on intel graphics and barely had 10fps on menu.

again its all guesstimate but i doubt you can get 30 fps form a heavily modded install and ... RSS RO is quite a mod so don't expect 30 or even 24.

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  On 3/12/2017 at 3:08 PM, KSPlenny:D said:

I'm sorry If this is a really dumb question but.. I've installed it all correctly but I don't see clouds.. It may be because I used a saved world for the first time but.. I'm not sure. any help is appreciated. Thanks.


Same problem.

EDIT: I fixed it by editing scatterer/config/planetsLIst.cfg by

  1. matching the scattererCelestialBodies items to the ones in RSSVE/RSSVE_Scatterer_Planetlist_Config.cfg
  2. emptying celestialLightSourcesData

Then remove all directories under scatterer/config/Planets/ and copy paste the ones from RSSVE/Scatterer_Configs/.
Boot it up, EVE clouds won't be visible in start menu but as you go in-game both scatterer and EVE clouds should work.

Edited by Enroy
Found solution
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  On 3/13/2017 at 4:19 PM, Enroy said:

Same problem.

EDIT: I fixed it by editing scatterer/config/planetsLIst.cfg by

  1. matching the scattererCelestialBodies items to the ones in RSSVE/RSSVE_Scatterer_Planetlist_Config.cfg
  2. emptying celestialLightSourcesData

Then remove all directories under scatterer/config/Planets/ and copy paste the ones from RSSVE/Scatterer_Configs/.
Boot it up, EVE clouds won't be visible in start menu but as you go in-game both scatterer and EVE clouds should work.


I replaced the whole RSSVE_Scatterer_Planetlist_Config.cfg into scattererCelestialBodies.. and did everythinfc93adb1d6ff2b9893b4ad45a0822183.png76a162a496af53562250defa04293e2d.pngg else.. came out with this... what did i do ._. 

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So, @Blacks and @Gaest, can you confirm that the change of the Rt value fixes the "blue Earth" bug? Does this also happen for the rest of the bodies?

@Neil_Kerman You can get it to work with laptops but i do not recommend it, as you will not get any reasonable frame rate.

@PrivateJoker Take a look at the RSSVE OP, i have posted a note about the correct mod versions for KSP 1.1.3 (using RC2). Do note that i do not support older versions of KSP though.

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@Phineas Freak sorry I don't have time to spend now with more detail, because I am busy with a death in the family, but according print screen what i already posted, "Rt = 6461153.5" value sugest by @Gaest resolve Earth blue bug
the only bad part is citylight ...
anyway i am out to deal with fun part from real life ...


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  On 3/23/2017 at 10:20 AM, Phineas Freak said:

So, @Blacks and @Gaest, can you confirm that the change of the Rt value fixes the "blue Earth" bug? Does this also happen for the rest of the bodies?

@Neil_Kerman You can get it to work with laptops but i do not recommend it, as you will not get any reasonable frame rate.

@PrivateJoker Take a look at the RSSVE OP, i have posted a note about the correct mod versions for KSP 1.1.3 (using RC2). Do note that i do not support older versions of KSP though.


I must say this is a beautiful mod, one of the rare ones that got everything i needed right on first install...except clouds on Earth and Mars - :'( I know i know, tough luck, but if you could help Private Joker and me on this issue i think we'd be very grateful! Insane work!
Some screenshots i've made.


Some of these screenshots have overlapping issues that make no sense.

PS. I hate you, because of your name i have Phineas and Ferb theme song playing in my head in loop! >:O

Edited by milosv123344
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