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How to: KSP

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Hello Everyone!

I feel like that I'm such a useless person! I never built an SSTO! Never built a base (or even anything creative)! Never gone to Eve or Moho or Dres Or Jool for that matter! Everyone knows how to build cooler things that I can do! Everyone has better cpu than I do (All I have is this crappy macbook retina 2015 that only reaches 15 FPS if i'm lucky)! Everyone knows how to build SSTO way bigger than I will imagine or even build! I just sit there watching them have fun and me I feel like I'm dieing on the inside feeling sad (Also I hate my siblings, My mother is the only one that appreciates what I do)

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You are judging yourself too harshly, mate.

It took a fat old idiot like me a while to learn to get around the Kerbol system so you can to, you just need to start doing it, and if you fail learn why and improve.  The biggest barriers for me in my KSP journey have all been psychological.

You have a pretty good list there of things you haven't done so why don't you pick one and work on it.  When you understand it move on to the next item.  This is a good way to build yourself up into a great KSP player.

Also just about everyone hates their siblings when they're young.

Edited by James Kerman
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1 minute ago, James Kerman said:

You are judging yourself too harshly, mate.

It took a fat old idiot like me a while to learn to get around the Kerbol system so you can to, you just need to start doing it, and if you fail learn why and improve.  The biggest barriers for me in my KSP journey have all been psychological.

You have a pretty good list there of things you haven't done so why don't you pick one and work on it.  When you understand it move on to the next item.  This is a good way to build yourself up into a great KSP player.

Also just about everyone hates their siblings when they're young.

Thanks man! I appreciate your speech!

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I have:

A Athlon dual core x64 3.0ghz CPU rather below the minimum requirements of i3, 4gb of ram and a Radeon 6900

My steering wheel is a non force feedback MC2 Madcatz Xbox360 steering wheel..my joystick is the only decent thing being a Logitech something or-other and even that's sad because back in the day I took PRIDE in what joysticks I had , my wingman extreme 3d and Microsoft sidewinder precision pro 2 was the pride of my computer.. ive let things go a bit..


my PC is recycled basicly..


And!. the one before it was an old WX4600 HP workstation that took ECC registered ram so never saw above its 2gb of ram and GTX260 running on a powersupply that ,... shouldnt



and you know what?!:)

I make do, infact a few dear friends ive met here make do also with recycled PCs having given up on the arms race..

and they make do and love it


its NOT what your computer can do for you, its what YOU can do with your computer :)


Enjoy what you have.. tone down details.. build smaller ships. abandon spaceflight entirely.. if you cant do a thing, its not the end of the world..

its the start of a whole new world that you craft into something else awesome :)

following what others do then being disappointed when it fails is no fun..

walking to the beat of your own drum.. that's the real stuff of happiness

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Remember that everything in KSP (and just about everything else) takes time.  It took me ages to get the hang of this game, and I'm only just getting SSTOs built reliably now - rockets are easier, to be fair. 

And if part count limits your designs, and you have the memory for some mods, get some mods - KW rocketry fuel tanks have, I think, got a slightly better mass ratio = more dV = fewer parts.  Or you can use Procedural Parts to get bigger fuel tanks in one part.  Kerbal Joint Reinforcement removes the need for struts = fewer parts.

That's how I make my ksp run nicely - got a 2012 era Vaio running Windows 10(Arrggghhh!) - up to about 100 parts is good, 200 ok beyond that it gets bad - but that is enough for most things.  And honestly, KSP takes the longest to load - but look what it does compared to other games.

And my other computer can't even run KSP - it's a Raspberry Pi 2.

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From what Im reading you seem to be watching the pros on YouTube. What's wrong with not getting somewhere? Isn't it all about the journey rather than the destination? :wink:

Seriously, I felt better completing a burn than actually landing on Minmmus. Keep on trying! Once you finally do it you get a HUGE morale boost! What you do with that is what YOU choose.

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Creativity cant be forced... if you really want to play KSP, then start copying existing missions - and start with easy ones, later attempt to get things like a Constellation mission to work. You get plenty of info all around the internet. Once you really know your stuff and why the space agencies are doing it this way and for what reason the do ity, ideas for own missions come by themselves. Looking at all the "cool n´big" stuff is the wrong way to start in my opinion.

An SSTO for example is not hard to build, its hard to fly, when it is not overpowered... try getting a small one into orbit... 2 tanks, unmanned, no payload. If you get it up, start adding things and go bigger. Download craftfiles in the spacecraft exchange and try to fly them to orbit... they should work, so you can pinpoint, if it is your pilot or building skill that needs improvement.

Just dont give up and feel free to ask! :)


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Anything is possible. You can go to Eve and Moho and you can build an SSTO. And just because you couldn't afford a good computer, doesn't mean that you're bad at the game. In fact if you manage to play KSP like this, then you're great at it, mate! And if you want to go to Eve lets say or Moho, research what it takes to get to one of them. DV, transfer windows, and so on. And if you want to build an SSTO, look at tutorials and try to find how others have done it! Mark Thrimm does a great job of teaching how to build and fly SSTOs. A simple LKO SSTO is quite easy to build and a little harder to fly but it is nothing too hard!

But if you have had enough of KSP for now, then stop. When I first started, I couldn't land on the Mun without either not enough fuel to get back or I crashed and destroyed my engine. I couldn't progress so I quit for a while. Then I learned a bit more and came back to it and landed on Minimus and the Mun and returned! Sometimes all you need is a little break. Do something else for a bit.

But again if not and if you don't want to quit just yet, keep going! We're right behind you. :) 


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Oh and by the way... the 2015 retina Macbook is not crappy - its a decent notebook with quite some graphics capabilities... go tweak your KSP settings and you can enjoy the game. I am playing on a 5 year old iMac and i can fly ships with more than 1000 parts... while i have a 4GB GTX 680 MX in my iMac, your Macbook might have some problem with the texture resolution. Set the resolution of the textures to half and turn the atmospheric effects down a little. Also make sure to deactivate the hangar crew, that gives a huge boost in the construction areas and keeps your system cooler. That should do the trick.

I play with only a handful of mods, like Environmental Visual Enhancements, Kerbal Engineer Redux, Editor Extensions, Asteroid Day, New Stock Parts (that were posted in the Daily Kerbal, two or three weeks ago) and HyperEdit.

As i said before... feel free to ask!

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The beauty of this game is that the only person you are competing with is yourself. And the important thing is to enjoy it. Achieving things is a bonus. glorious failure is still glorious. Don't look at what someone else has done and think that's what you SHOULD be doing. Sure the forum is great for advice, inspiration and due to the nature of Kerbal consolation, but don't think of it as an e-peen measurement device. I really suck at planes despite being a qualified pilot and my EVA skills are NBG, this means that trying to carry off some of the things others do requires either really out of the box thinking or planning a mission in such a way as to not have to do some things. Oh and don't worry about going to Dres, it's just a rumour...

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58 minutes ago, Firemetal said:

Anything is possible. You can go to Eve and Moho and you can build an SSTO. And just because you couldn't afford a good computer, doesn't mean that you're bad at the game. In fact if you manage to play KSP like this, then you're great at it, mate! And if you want to go to Eve lets say or Moho, research what it takes to get to one of them. DV, transfer windows, and so on. And if you want to build an SSTO, look at tutorials and try to find how others have done it! Mark Thrimm does a great job of teaching how to build and fly SSTOs. A simple LKO SSTO is quite easy to build and a little harder to fly but it is nothing too hard!

But if you have had enough of KSP for now, then stop. When I first started, I couldn't land on the Mun without either not enough fuel to get back or I crashed and destroyed my engine. I couldn't progress so I quit for a while. Then I learned a bit more and came back to it and landed on Minimus and the Mun and returned! Sometimes all you need is a little break. Do something else for a bit.

But again if not and if you don't want to quit just yet, keep going! We're right behind you. :) 


( Cries happily) Thanks for your inspirational speech. Oh Thank you and thank and thank you! if you can than Please subscribe my youtube channel:


Even though its not much I plan to do much bigger than some plane landings! I want to do how to get to planets with life supports, tours, and some random videos!


3 hours ago, 1101 said:

Remember that everything in KSP (and just about everything else) takes time.  It took me ages to get the hang of this game, and I'm only just getting SSTOs built reliably now - rockets are easier, to be fair. 

And if part count limits your designs, and you have the memory for some mods, get some mods - KW rocketry fuel tanks have, I think, got a slightly better mass ratio = more dV = fewer parts.  Or you can use Procedural Parts to get bigger fuel tanks in one part.  Kerbal Joint Reinforcement removes the need for struts = fewer parts.

That's how I make my ksp run nicely - got a 2012 era Vaio running Windows 10(Arrggghhh!) - up to about 100 parts is good, 200 ok beyond that it gets bad - but that is enough for most things.  And honestly, KSP takes the longest to load - but look what it does compared to other games.

And my other computer can't even run KSP - it's a Raspberry Pi 2.

Wow and I thought my computer is Bad. Welp you inspired me greatly!


1 hour ago, Spacetraindriver said:

From what Im reading you seem to be watching the pros on YouTube. What's wrong with not getting somewhere? Isn't it all about the journey rather than the destination? :wink:

Seriously, I felt better completing a burn than actually landing on Minmmus. Keep on trying! Once you finally do it you get a HUGE morale boost! What you do with that is what YOU choose.

Really? Well you are actually right! I felt like the greatest man while doing a burn to Duna (Felt so great that like i felt I could be the king (or shiekh) of my country) but when I landed it I still felt great but not as great doing the burn (My rocket was kinda small but still felt great)


41 minutes ago, dangerhamster said:

The beauty of this game is that the only person you are competing with is yourself. And the important thing is to enjoy it. Achieving things is a bonus. glorious failure is still glorious. Don't look at what someone else has done and think that's what you SHOULD be doing. Sure the forum is great for advice, inspiration and due to the nature of Kerbal consolation, but don't think of it as an e-peen measurement device. I really suck at planes despite being a qualified pilot and my EVA skills are NBG, this means that trying to carry off some of the things others do requires either really out of the box thinking or planning a mission in such a way as to not have to do some things. Oh and don't worry about going to Dres, it's just a rumour...

Thanks @dangerhamster! I thought I was an extreme noob but then u came along and also helped me change my mental state from a noob to a growing person that is growing his knowledge about space!

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I, in my 1078 hours of KSP, have never built a working SSTO. Ever. Don't be mean to yourself, in this game, nothing is impossible. What I would do is save up money to build your own PC (you can build a great one for the same as an Xbox One or PS4). Also, see what YOU can do, and branch off ideas from that. For example, you can build a rocket to go to Duna, but does it just have to be a rocket?

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Just now, HoloYolo said:

I, in my 1078 hours of KSP, have never built a working SSTO. Ever. Don't be mean to yourself, in this game, nothing is impossible. What I would do is save up money to build your own PC (you can build a great one for the same as an Xbox One or PS4). Also, see what YOU can do, and branch off ideas from that. For example, you can build a rocket to go to Duna, but does it just have to be a rocket?

(Cries happily) You have opened my brain rather than do a good old landing; How about i deploy drones on mars flying!

I thank everyone for helping to inspire me! Thank you everyone for opening my brain and I thank @HoloYolo for giving me an amazing idea!

You guys are the best people I've ever met and whenever I feel like I'm a useless sponge! I will look at your speeches and think to myself "They're right LETS DO IT!"

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I used to play KSP on a 2009 XPS laptop that was literally falling apart. It had been dropped and the hinge that let the screen rotate up was pretty much destroyed, I could only use it plugged in to an external monitor with a USB keyboard/mouse and the battery wouldn't hold a charge anymore so it had to plugged in at all times, the cord was finicky and if someone so much as even glanced at it the wrong way it would come unconnected and the computer would shut off immediately. I mean it was just terrible.

I couldn't even dock with the space station I launched because the frame rate would drop into the single digits whenever I got within physics range of it, except for the times when it spontaneously exploded instead forcing me to reload, lol. As far as doing things that are creative or impressive don't sweat it. I've been playing KSP for years now and I've never gotten farther than sending a probe to Duna, but I love this game and I love playing it, even if I waste 4 hours designing something that doesn't work and gets nothing accomplished.

Anyways don't let old hardware hold you back, it's better than having no computer at all and not being able to play KSP. Someday you'll get a better rig (I recently got a pretty cheap desktop that runs KSP max settings at 60fps and it was only $500 so it's not like you need some 5,000 dollar monstrosity.) and you'll look back on your days of gaming on that old potato fondly. I know it can be discouraging sometimes, especially when you see some Youtuber playing it at 3000fps on max settings in 4k on 3 different monitors. Your achievements mean more than his though, because you had to struggle harder for them, be proud of playing KSP at 15 fps, it shows you are a true fan of the game. Just remember that greatness doesn't come from having nice things, it's comes from adversity. The strongest swords are forged in the hottest fires.

Edited by Rocket In My Pocket
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There's no rush to build big things, and the more time you spend learning the game with small ones, the better your large ones will be when you work your way up to them. Also, I tried for 4 years before I could make my first worthwhile SSTO plane. 

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17 hours ago, How to: KSP said:

Hello Everyone!

I feel like that I'm such a useless person! I never built an SSTO! Never built a base (or even anything creative)! Never gone to Eve or Moho or Dres Or Jool for that matter! Everyone knows how to build cooler things that I can do! Everyone has better cpu than I do (All I have is this crappy macbook retina 2015 that only reaches 15 FPS if i'm lucky)! Everyone knows how to build SSTO way bigger than I will imagine or even build! I just sit there watching them have fun and me I feel like I'm dieing on the inside feeling sad (Also I hate my siblings, My mother is the only one that appreciates what I do)

And why should "everyone care"? These are your problems, no need to share your personal dilemmas with the world. People never care about strangers: you care only when you know them and they respect you too. So complaining about feeling sad is just useless and irrelevant.

Edited by paul23
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