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Red vs Blue Continued


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Red Vs. Blue is an expansion pack for BD Armory originally created by @Scoundrel. This is the new thread for its continuation under its license if/until he returns. The pack features all of the original parts, though the textures and such may have changed a bit in the transfer so bear with me on that but everything is in, from what I can tell, a working state! So anyways enjoy and if something is messed up let me know!



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  On 12/31/2016 at 1:39 PM, Toonu said:

Best adding would be medium weapon bay with look of small one. Because the small one doesn't fit AIM-120 or paveway bombs, both like F-22/f-35 weapon bays. 


Please read the comment right above yours. The small one was never meant to fit larger weapons, but rather the smaller ones, while the large bay, fits the large weapons.

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  On 12/31/2016 at 1:39 PM, Toonu said:

Best adding would be medium weapon bay with look of small one. Because the small one doesn't fit AIM-120 or paveway bombs, both like F-22/f-35 weapon bays. 



  On 1/1/2017 at 7:51 PM, TMasterson5 said:

Please read the comment right above yours. The small one was never meant to fit larger weapons, but rather the smaller ones, while the large bay, fits the large weapons.


I know Scoundrel planned to add a medium bay, that would probably have both a small and large bay in one piece to fulfill the F-22-type- role. But as he is busy doing government work, he hasn't been at the mod in months. TMasterson is doing upkeep in Scoundrel's absence.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can you fix the R-60 and R-77 so they can lead targets? they are useless because they can't lead targets and just end up falling behind the targets if they attack from any other angle except head on or tail on. Also it would be neat to see stuff like an Aim-7, or more Russian missiles

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  On 1/11/2017 at 2:26 PM, Combatsmithen said:

Can you fix the R-60 and R-77 so they can lead targets? they are useless because they can't lead targets and just end up falling behind the targets if they attack from any other angle except head on or tail on. Also it would be neat to see stuff like an Aim-7, or more Russian missiles


The way BD Armory works is hard coded and not something that can be changed from missile to missile.

Like I said in another reply, I am not adding new things to the mod, I am simply maintaining it in Scoundrels absence. Also, as far as greater missile selection please check out other mods as those missiles already exist in Blue Hawk Industries and PEW.

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  On 1/11/2017 at 6:45 PM, TMasterson5 said:

The way BD Armory works is hard coded and not something that can be changed from missile to missile.

Like I said in another reply, I am not adding new things to the mod, I am simply maintaining it in Scoundrels absence. Also, as far as greater missile selection please check out other mods as those missiles already exist in Blue Hawk Industries and PEW.


I thought PEW was broken. Never heard of blue hawk industries. But it seems like these missiles don't lead targets while standard BD Armory ones like the Aim-9 and Aim-120 do

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From looking at cfgs I can tell you that there's nothing I can see that would make these missiles differ in behavior that much as compared to BDA missiles. PEW is being maintained by Spannermonkey.

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  On 1/11/2017 at 10:05 PM, Combatsmithen said:

I thought PEW was broken. Never heard of blue hawk industries. But it seems like these missiles don't lead targets while standard BD Armory ones like the Aim-9 and Aim-120 do



  On 1/11/2017 at 11:49 PM, XOC2008 said:

From looking at cfgs I can tell you that there's nothing I can see that would make these missiles differ in behavior that much as compared to BDA missiles. PEW is being maintained by Spannermonkey.


PEW was never broken in the first place, BD Armory was but that is now fixed. Blue Hawk Industries is one of my many mods and has various weapons, sensors, and other parts in it. 

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@Combatsmithen It's likely the Thrust and Turn rates have not been updated in some time , the latest 1.2 of KSP had some aero model changes that required some tweaks.  I have work with Spanner on BDA as well and have given him some updates to PEW that should help, its pending in next release.

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  On 1/12/2017 at 1:31 AM, Combatsmithen said:

Thanks for the info my dude


here for you sir, enjoy! :D

  On 1/12/2017 at 5:26 AM, blu3wolf said:

Would it be much effort to add the license to the OP? I am aware it is included in the download.


It wouldnt be, but why?

  On 1/12/2017 at 3:09 PM, gomker said:

@Combatsmithen It's likely the Thrust and Turn rates have not been updated in some time , the latest 1.2 of KSP had some aero model changes that required some tweaks.  I have work with Spanner on BDA as well and have given him some updates to PEW that should help, its pending in next release.


Likely answer right there. I can certainly look into it, but no promises until BDA has an update that changes the way missiles and tracking and such work :/

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  On 1/12/2017 at 9:17 PM, TMasterson5 said:

BDA has an update that changes the way missiles and tracking and such work


Why would we need to update the tracking? If you don't have the proper values for thrust and turn rate it won't really make a difference if the missile cannot fly correctly.

The aero model changed significantly, if these values are not updated most missiles will be laggy and inaccurate, same as having to update COM/COL for planes after KSP updated.

Edited by gomker
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Why am I aware? I took the time to download the mod. Why should you make the license clearly visible? Aside from it being accepted practice on the forums (mods having been taken down before due to only having the license in the download), user convenience. You can see the license without downloading additional pages or files.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 1/12/2017 at 11:47 PM, gomker said:

Why would we need to update the tracking? If you don't have the proper values for thrust and turn rate it won't really make a difference if the missile cannot fly correctly.

The aero model changed significantly, if these values are not updated most missiles will be laggy and inaccurate, same as having to update COM/COL for planes after KSP updated.


Wasn't saying it needed to be changed. I was saying that I glanced over the values and they looked correct to me so unless BD Armory's tracking system is changed at some point any changes I make will likely yield the same results.  Sorry if it came off otherwise man

  On 1/13/2017 at 12:15 AM, gomker said:

Also we are discussing the finer details about missile accuracy here https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/issues/82 figuring out what needs to be tweaked


Ooh rah!

  On 1/13/2017 at 4:10 AM, blu3wolf said:

Why am I aware? I took the time to download the mod. Why should you make the license clearly visible? Aside from it being accepted practice on the forums (mods having been taken down before due to only having the license in the download), user convenience. You can see the license without downloading additional pages or files.


I was saying why have the license posted here also. I just placed the license in the download folder for the sake of convenience of not having to add more lines to the title post or having eh possibility of incorrectly linking a license. 

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  On 2/1/2017 at 1:42 AM, V8jester said:

Hey @SpannerMonkey(smce) Looks like you aren't the only Lord of war any more :wink:

Thanks @TMasterson5 for reviving this one. There are quite a few of us that appreciate it!


I think that that running and maintaining 5 weapons mods and two ship mods plus all the other involvements is more than enough cheers. I really wanted to finish this one but there were going to be issues with spreading the jam to thin. You know all to well how much time I spend on those other projects.

I think as TM's other stuff is pretty much done he can probably spend a lot more time focusing on the issues that are present in this version, without being distracted by demands from a dozen other places and wish him all the luck in his endeavor

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  On 2/1/2017 at 1:42 AM, V8jester said:

Hey @SpannerMonkey(smce) Looks like you aren't the only Lord of war any more :wink:

Thanks @TMasterson5 for reviving this one. There are quite a few of us that appreciate it!


I missed it quite a lot also, it was mostly selfish for reviving it, but Im glad others get to enjoy it also! 

  On 2/1/2017 at 6:57 AM, JerrySimon said:

Hi! First, thank you for reviving this awesome mod. But i found that the awesome stealth bays are not opening by the AI when set to guard mode, and then the missiles in it can't be fired by AI. Wonder if you can fix that ;d 


Here for you sir! And yeah Im not totally sure how to utilize the cfg coding for cargo bays, once I figure that out though I will be updating to function as such so bear with me on that one.

  On 2/1/2017 at 11:57 AM, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

I think that that running and maintaining 5 weapons mods and two ship mods plus all the other involvements is more than enough cheers. I really wanted to finish this one but there were going to be issues with spreading the jam to thin. You know all to well how much time I spend on those other projects.

I think as TM's other stuff is pretty much done he can probably spend a lot more time focusing on the issues that are present in this version, without being distracted by demands from a dozen other places and wish him all the luck in his endeavor


Im not on Spanners level, not even close. But as he said MTA, MTW, SAR, BHI, and Addy Industries are all for the most part done, and Stuff and Things I mostly just add to whenever I feel like something from the game is missing so I have more time to deal with RvB than he does.

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