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What funny/interesting thing happened in your life today?

Ultimate Steve

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I just got an email from a 31 year old woman who says she wants to meet me after seeing my pic on a dating site

I told her no (duh) and said I'd report her for pedophilia if she persisted.

Not really funny per se, but it's the first time I get spam email :P

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8 minutes ago, Earthlinger said:

I just got an email from a 31 year old woman who says she wants to meet me after seeing my pic on a dating site

I told her no (duh) and said I'd report her for pedophilia if she persisted.

Not really funny per se, but it's the first time I get spam email :P

Oh jeez

My Dads getting married today.

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40 minutes ago, Earthlinger said:

I'm assuming you're okay with that? If so, then congratulations to him :)

Im extremely ok with it!

Hey dad a random guy from the internet congratulates you with your marriage!

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This was pretty cool... I was honored to inherit a monster Christmas cactus today. The woman who owned it is getting too old to care for it, and I guess I'm the one she wants to have it... because she knows I'll take care of it. :)


I can't begin to count how many flowers it has already, hundreds easily, and it's not in too bad shape, just a little droopy... Some sun and water, and maybe a fertilizer stick, and it should perk up nice!

Edited by Just Jim
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My 11 YO son was finishing his Saturn V lego. He says, "I'm building a rocket, and it's gonna be yuuuge!" (in a Trump voice). Without missing a beat he says, "And I'm going to make aliens pay for it."

Maybe he'll be a stand up comic...

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I need to get some bad news out of the way first: 9 days ago, I had to put down my cat Pilchard due to massive weight loss, no appetite, and labored breathing caused by what appeared to be lung cancer. He was 10 years also, going on 11. My other cat, Pumpkin, had no idea what happened and has been showing apparent signs of sadness. However, I’ve now started fostering another cat. He’s an incredibly orange 2-year-old tabby recovering from a broken leg. So far, things seem to be going good - the new cat is adjusting to the house, and both him and Pumpkin are getting used to each other’s scents...although you could tell that they were both confused as hell :P.

Other stuff going on that’s not related to playing KSP: Umm...Christmas. Nothing much else :/

On 12/27/2017 at 9:03 PM, Just Jim said:

This was pretty cool... I was honored to inherit a monster Christmas cactus today. The woman who owned it is getting too old to care for it, and I guess I'm the one she wants to have it... because she knows I'll take care of it. :)


I can't begin to count how many flowers it has already, hundreds easily, and it's not in too bad shape, just a little droopy... Some sun and water, and maybe a fertilizer stick, and it should perk up nice!

I’m shocked that even in the SE United States, it’s even warm enough to grow any plant. With stuff like Winter Storm Benji and this massive Artic cold plunge, I doubted that anywhere would be safe from the cold. 

On 12/25/2017 at 7:24 AM, kerbiloid said:

Today I have read that

Dentist... Candy... This explains a lot.

Well, a dentist once made cluster bombs filled with mine-implanted Mexican Free-Tailed Bats in World War II, so at the very least the cotton candy dude wasn’t completely insane. 

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6 hours ago, ProtoJeb21 said:

I need to get some bad news out of the way first: 9 days ago, I had to put down my cat Pilchard due to massive weight loss, no appetite, and labored breathing caused by what appeared to be lung cancer.

RIP Pilchard :(

Hopefully Pumpkin and the other cat will get along :)

I've fostered about a dozen dogs (from shelters) with my family, and a lot of them are often recovering from extreme malnutrition, or broken bones, etc. Is the tabby you're fostering a permanent thing or is it something temporal?

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10 hours ago, ProtoJeb21 said:

I’m shocked that even in the SE United States, it’s even warm enough to grow any plant. With stuff like Winter Storm Benji and this massive Artic cold plunge, I doubted that anywhere would be safe from the cold. 

It's not bad here right now... Between 60 and 70 during the day, and mid-40's to 50 at night. It may dip below freezing around now and then at night, and I'll bring in the plants then, but nothing in the immediate future.

FYI... this is considered the cold season... lol... Most Floridians I know start really complaining if it gets below 70 degrees... including me... :rolleyes:

But my orchids love it, and are all starting to sprout new flower stalks! I'll post pics in a couple weeks when they're in bloom... 

11 hours ago, ProtoJeb21 said:

I need to get some bad news out of the way first: 9 days ago, I had to put down my cat Pilchard due to massive weight loss, no appetite, and labored breathing caused by what appeared to be lung cancer. He was 10 years also, going on 11.

I'm so sorry for your loss. We lost one a couple months ago, right before Hurricane Irma, and his brother took a while to get over it. And, like you, we've adopted a new rescue cat, Love-Bug:


She's a little over 2 years old, but totally thinks she's a kitten... and is way, way too smart for her own good... lmao.... :confused: 

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7 hours ago, Earthlinger said:

RIP Pilchard :(

Hopefully Pumpkin and the other cat will get along :)

I've fostered about a dozen dogs (from shelters) with my family, and a lot of them are often recovering from extreme malnutrition, or broken bones, etc. Is the tabby you're fostering a permanent thing or is it something temporal?

We’re fostering him until he’s cleared for adoption, them we’ll likely adopt him. 

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Today im going to England to visit my family. This time we are going with the bus, 13 hour long drive in total i think. Last time i went with the plane and i honestly regret any other means transport right now. But the bus is alot cheaper (very easy to notice too).

Also, we are crossing the English Channel with the ferry, usually when we use the bus we are going with that weird train going under the tunnel, wich is 4x faster than the ferry yet alot more boring (expect for the entrance part, its like an entire field of trains)

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1 hour ago, cubinator said:

Setting up my new laptop!


Everyone seems to be getting new laptops, and I'm just sitting here with my i3 processor like, 'Haha, have fun guys..!" :D

Also, four dots! :)

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1 hour ago, Earthlinger said:


Everyone seems to be getting new laptops, and I'm just sitting here with my i3 processor like, 'Haha, have fun guys..!" :D

Also, four dots! :)

It's saying it's going to take 6 hours to download Portal 2...Good thing I've got all weekend to work on setting up.

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12 hours ago, cubinator said:

It's saying it's going to take 6 hours to download Portal 2...Good thing I've got all weekend to work on setting up.

It took me 18 hours to download War Thunder. Not including the extra textures and models.

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On 12/29/2017 at 9:15 PM, Earthlinger said:


Everyone seems to be getting new laptops, and I'm just sitting here with my i3 processor like, 'Haha, have fun guys..!" :D

Also, four dots! :)

Mate, my laptop has a dual core Celeron. I have to measure my framerate in frames per minute.

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On December 28, 2017 at 8:28 PM, ProtoJeb21 said:

I need to get some bad news out of the way first: 9 days ago, I had to put down my cat Pilchard due to massive weight loss, no appetite, and labored breathing caused by what appeared to be lung cancer. He was 10 years also, going on 11. 

So sorry for your loss dude. Any loss, person or animal, really hurts. 

I fear something like this might happen to me soon as well..

I've had a great friend by the name of Oscar for 14 years. He's a terrier/schnauzer mix, and he's adorable. After my parents divorced, he went to stay with dad, meaning I didn't see him much.

Then, my dad decided to downsize, and Oscar moved in with my aunt in Houston. When we went there, he couldn't hardly see, wasn't barking like himself, and had real troubles walking around. My dads talking about maybe putting him down, but I don't want to say goodbye.. I just want to be there when he... Yeah

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