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What funny/interesting thing happened in your life today?

Ultimate Steve

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2 hours ago, Ultimate Steve said:

If anyone here invents an excuse to come to Iowa... to see the corn or anything.... wait... nevermind Middle of Nowhere.

Ultimate Steve,

 There's actually a lot of interesting stuff in Iowegia. The true middle of nowhere seems to be Kansas :D


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1 hour ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

Nonsense. That was launched from the San Francisco Navy Yards. In orbit. ಠ_ಠ

True... But Riverside itself *is* in Iowa. They have a pretty good yearly Star Trek festival. Also a Star Trek and spaceflight museum and a very nice marker commemorating "the future birthplace of James T. Kirk".

 If anybody's planning on going, I'll be there June 30th.


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9 minutes ago, GoSlash27 said:

True... But Riverside itself *is* in Iowa. They have a pretty good yearly Star Trek festival. Also a Star Trek and spaceflight museum and a very nice marker commemorating "the future birthplace of James T. Kirk".

 If anybody's planning on going, I'll be there June 30th.


I went there once, when I was a kid.  I wanna say this was about '93 or '94, judging by my and my brother's height. (We're the two in the middle)

My mom tells me that that's Grace Lee Whitney standing behind me.



I'm actually going to be driving through Iowa on my way to Wisconsin on July 2nd... :(

Riverside is only ~12 miles out of the way too.

Plans may need to be adjusted.

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Not today, but yesterday... we ran a PT-6A-6 in the test cell at school. Not quite as noisy as I thought it would be, tbh. I think the Allison 250 makes more of a ruckus, and it's maybe a third of the power.


Sadly, I was relegated to ground support equipment management, as I had already done an engine run this quarter (GSO-480 on a Beech Twin Bonanza, in case you were curious.)

EDIT: 2400 posts! woohoo.gif

Edited by MaverickSawyer
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10 hours ago, GoSlash27 said:

Ultimate Steve,

 There's actually a lot of interesting stuff in Iowegia. The true middle of nowhere seems to be Kansas :D


I can vouch for that. Kansas is very middle of nowhere. I drove through  on the way to Wyoming. It's pretty empty.

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When everone realized it was going to rain, the entire school freaked out. On this rare occasion, school ended for everyone at the same time, increasing the chaos. We were out on 1:00PM (not AM luckily)

Turns out, there was no rain at all untill 2:30PM. Nobody in our school, expect for very few exceptions lives further than 10km away from school and 1+ hour cycling distance most of us only have to cycle for 10-20 minutes, so the weather does not differ that drastically from person to person. I think they only looked at the weather in Amsterdam, and assumed It was the same in our region.

And even then, the 'heavy' rain lasted for no more than 5 minutes, everything after that was just droplets. I don't get why people need to freak out when its going to rain. Heck, i even open my window in my room when its raining in summer, because that my only source of cool air. OH WAIT, NO DON'T DO THAT, YOU ARE GOING TO GET SICK! MY PARENTS USED TO TELL ME THAT COLD RAIN MAKES YOU SICK, AND I HAVE NO WAY TO PROVE IT BECAUSE I HAVE DONE NO RESEARCH!

This is a complaint, a weather thing, and an interesting/funny thing that happend in my life today. I have no idea were to post this.

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The result of OBA (Brazilian Astronomy and Astronautics Olympiad, yes I am Brazilian) was revealed today, and I ended up in 1st place in the state, waiting for the results of the country, that made me very happy, ah and Kraken attacked my spaceship today.

Damn Kraken

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1 minute ago, cubinator said:

Tomorrow is my last day of high school. At that point, I will be done with step 1 of 4 in becoming a space pioneer, and I am probably at least halfway there in terms of time spent working on it.


Good luck, and Godspeed! I've still got two years to go.

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Today I finally controlled / read the gpio pins on a raspberry Pi.



I can push a button in my browser and make a light blink.  There's no stopping me now.

On 5/31/2018 at 2:04 AM, Bill Phil said:

I can vouch for that. Kansas is very middle of nowhere. I drove through  on the way to Wyoming. It's pretty empty.

Yeah, but Wyoming has less people than any other state in the country, including the oversized backyard known as Rhode Island.

Nebraska has nearly 4 times as many people.


I kinda want to move to Wyoming.

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5 hours ago, Geonovast said:

Yeah, but Wyoming has less people than any other state in the country, including the oversized backyard known as Rhode Island.

Nebraska has nearly 4 times as many people.

Aye, but at least there are interesting *things* to see in Wyoming. There are more people in Kansas, but no reason I can see to visit there. That whole state is like one big go*&amn Mobius strip; it just goes on and on and on...



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I've been meaning to write this down for a while now, but I was either busy with homework or procrastinating, but now that it's the weekend I think I have the time to write it all down.

I went on a 5 1/2 day trip to LA for the International Space Development Conference, which I was invited to as one of the first prize winners of the NASA/NSS Space Settlement Contest. 

The day after flying to LA, I went to the California Science Center.


Endeavour! I remember once spelling it this way on a test and having it corrected to the American spelling...

The next few days were quite eventful... Things that happened at the ISDC include:

The opening event, where the ultimate vision of the National Space Society was laid out and Tom Mueller recalled his experience at SpaceX. I even saw Buzz Aldrin, but he was up and gone before I could ever get a chance to meet him. 

One of the afternoon events, where I gave a presentation on my project, which went very well except for the fact that Eurostile (which I picked because it is the Sci-Fi font, after all) was not supported, and it had been switched for another font, which was oversized and modified the bullet points in an unpleasing way. That event was quite interesting, with discussions on space farming, proposal for a dumbbell shaped habitat for investigating the effects of zero-gravity, space dental care, and more! 

The next day, I presented a poster, which was quite expensive to print but the result was worth it. Importantly, I got to see Jeff Bezos and some of the cast from The Expanse!


Left to Right: Naren Shankar, Cas Anvar (Alex Kamal), Steven Strait (Jim Holden), Cara Gee (Drummer), Wes Chatham (Amos Burton)

The next day, I went to discussions like those on the Lunar COTS concept and a Cislunar economy. There were many exhibitions at the conference, one of the most interesting of which was a concept for a space settlement that could gradually grow in size, even while humans would inhabit the settlement.


Freeman Dyson, who later laid out his concept of "Noah's Ark Eggs", for very low cost space settlement. Frank Drake was also there, but I didn't get a chance to speak to him.

On the last day of the conference I got to see Robert Zubrin, with "The Case for Mars" in hand, literally. After that, I attended further sessions on the Moon, mainly focused on mining. I would have liked to see the afternoon events, but that was also when the award ceremonies were for the contest participants who came to the conference. 

It has been a few days since the conference, and I'd definitely like to go again next year. Unfortunately, that conference is scheduled right before exams week, speaking of which...

Exams are in just over a week, and thus I better start studying...

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Granted, this was yesterday, but every Friday I go to a different school than I normally do during the 5th&6th lessons, plus a 7th and an 8th one (from 11:30pm to 3pm). Inside I always go under a big sign. One of the words included on it is "BFS".

I think I should take a break from space exploration...

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