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What funny/interesting thing happened in your life today?

Ultimate Steve

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On 1/31/2025 at 9:12 PM, Kimera Industries said:

I don't have high hopes for it, but I'm excited that I've been able to write so much. I've had a lot of story ideas, done a lot of world-building, but not a whole lot of writing.

Best of luck! I can relate to that - I'll go around daydreaming all the worldbuilding and story, spend hours writing a python script to verify the expected performance of a fictional starship, and then sit down to write and nothing comes out. It has gotten to the point where I have another promising KSP story in progress, but I dare not start posting it until I have several chapters done to ensure there is a decent chance I will actually finish it. I hope you continue! It is a very interesting concept.

12 hours ago, Nuke said:

is that what it takes to have an actual job in 2025? no wonder there are so many homeless people.

To be fair to the global economy, I did graduate into an oversaturated market with a mediocre GPA, no internships, pretty much no preparation, and with the only notable thing I did being a failed CubeSat. But yeah, it is quite rough in general now.

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On 2/16/2025 at 2:20 AM, Ultimate Steve said:

I hope you continue! It is a very interesting concept.

Thank you! I have indeed continued, to the point where I am getting a bit of peer review from some friends. Great suggestions all around, and I've not run out of words to say yet! ;) 

Edited by Kimera Industries
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Ive been taking a break from Elite Dangerous because the grind for a certain engineer to get to unlock status was sucking the fun out. But last night I tripped over a video that grabbed my attention. There is an “expedited” path of sorts. Only 1 problem. I must travel across 22,000 light years to get to where this “expedited” path is. My ship as i currently have it is capable of nearly 72 light years in a single jump. Boosted by a white dwarf i can hit nearly 110 +-, and boosted by a neutron star i can hit around 300. Im looking at north of 300 jumps to reach Colonia (Shirarta Dezhra >>> Colonia) or a bit less by way of the Neutron Highway but that damages my ship every single boosted jump. Im thinking of heading out to Colonia to do the engineer thing. Wont be until tonight as sleep calls to me atm lol. Wish me luck not going mad along the way lol. 112902232025

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trying to level up gunhead in the forever winter is really hard. being a robot, he is the only character who cant use medkits. he has the highest base health but no way to re-generate during a run. only thing that works is combat avoidant runs to the evac point, and then camping anything that comes by. meanwhile old man hit level 21 just recovering gunhead's stuff. the 20mm anti tank gun is awesome.

also i think i gave lordoss lung cancer, though im not sure if lordoss has lungs.

On 2/24/2025 at 7:41 AM, AstroWolfie said:

My friend's dog turned on his stove. they're all fine, thankfully.

this is why we are cat people. mom always likes to leave loaves of bread and pot holders on the burners. i finally got her to remove her dolls and dollhouses from the counter space but she replaced them with a really nifty convection oven. i still want for counter space. now if i can convince her that pills go in the medicine cabinet and not next to the coffee. she always uses the walker/wheelchair excuse, but she is just being lazy.

Edited by Nuke
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