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[1.12.x] - Modular Kolonization System (MKS)


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23 minutes ago, Warro said:

I've already did "feature request" on the forum, the answer was "no time for that now". Do you think feature request (that's not the issue, really)  exactly on GH  will magically give author more time? I guess no.
I'm still in this topic just to wonder, am I the only one interested in such feature? If so - no sense  to do request on GH.

I suddenly feel a complete lack of inspiration to ever do this feature request.  Since this exchange is pretty much the exact opposite of how one would go about getting something you want done.

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2 minutes ago, Urses said:

It is not only about the autor but the whole team gathered by RD to get all things cleared. He have many projects and many players with programming experience try to support him.

It is no offense but as GitHub feature request there is a much bigger chance that one one of the team see it and decide to help. A question do never hurt a complaint tend to generate bad blood.

And in actual situation with KSP1.4 dawning RD have no time to implement new options i think and stick in Unity changes for all his modes they all will be playable in the new version?

I'm not complaining by any means that no one ready to do some work for me. I just mentioned RoverDude answer to show that I've heard it and that's OK.
If RD is busy with 1.4 development - so be it, I guess that's more important, than features of mod.

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Hi guys,

As I'm trying to tweak a few configs inside USI, I'd greatly appreciate a little help. I'm trying to have MKS handle one of KSPIE/Interstellar Fuel Switch resources via Planetary Logistics.

As I'm seeing things, I'd have two options here : either to make one of IFS's fuel tanks compatible with planetary logistics, or to add said resource to regular USI Kontainers. I'm wondering which would be the easiest, and what should I basically do to have this working.

The resource I'm trying to manage is LithiumHydride. 

I've found a patch which KSPIE tries to apply to MKS Logistics to make it handle its resources, but it has 2 problems : it does not include LithiumHydride and most importantly it looks outdated


        @ManagedResources ^= :$:,Aluminium,...(goes on with  the resources list)



Is this syntax still valid ? If not, do I need to update it or is it not required anymore ?

Other basic questions are : do I need some kind of resource definition on MKS's side, and what would be the simplest option between the two I mentionned, adding a planetary logistics module to IFS tanks or making MKS able to handle the resource in its own tanks ?


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16 minutes ago, lBoBl said:

Is this syntax still valid ? If not, do I need to update it or is it not required anymore ?

That's ancient. Neither the part nor the module have existed for a loooong time and logistics works no longer works that way.

To include stuff like that in PL, you just need to have it in a logistics enabled kontainer. Try this:






        name = USI_ModuleResourceWarehouse



Alternatively, add the resources to an MKS kontainer via another patch, but I'm not sure on how the alternate resource textures work for that and it would require quite a lot of entries since it would have to modify all the kontainers able to take it. If you want I can have a go at writing it but I might not have the time.

Edited by voicey99
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3 hours ago, The-Doctor said:

I am on a phone. he parts appear but not the resources 

As always. Logs and screenshots of your installation if possible. Saying that something is not working is like from that joke:

Request: "Something is broken"

Solution: "Something was fixed"

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After some tinkering with config files I got it to work as intended. I just added the resource to MKS containers and reused the Ore texture. I didn't really want to touch the IFS config files because I can't make sense of them.

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1 minute ago, lBoBl said:

After some tinkering with config files I got it to work as intended. I just added the resource to MKS containers and reused the Ore texture. I didn't really want to touch the IFS config files because I can't make sense of them.

The patch works on all parts, even those that rely on IFS IIRC. It just marks them as able to interface with the MKS logistics network, all you need is to put the (proper) name of the part in place of "whatever".

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I really hate to complain about things, but something in MKS slows the game to a crawl. While I can get up to 60 fps with medium sized vessels made of stock parts, it’s down to 20 fps for an 80-part MKS base. It gets even worse with disconnected vessels, the worst performance I’ve seen is 7 fps with 3 disconnected vessels. Something is fishy here, but there’s usually no log spam or nullrefs. Now, I’m playing with GPP and Scatterer, but since I have a stable 60 fps with non-MKS parts, the performance hit is probably CPU-related. Did someone else here have performance issues with MKS ground bases? Especially with disconnected ones?


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I'm having a strange issue with MKS drills in the editor on my (heavily modded) 1.3.1 Win10. When I first click on an MKS drill (but not stock drill) to select it in the editor, the game freezes for a second or two. At the same time, many instances of this line appear in KSP.log:

[LOG 20:03:52.822] Found 14 overheatable modules

And many instances of this appear in the outputlog:

Found 14 overheatable modules
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)

The duration of this short freeze *seems* proportional to the number of separator slots in the MKS drill, and is not noticeable with stock drills.

Then, a much longer freeze occurs when trying to place MKS drills using symmetry. After picking a drill from the parts list, dragging my mouse on to a part of my craft will cause the editor to freeze at the moment the game switches between "part is picked up by the mouse" mode (or however you'd say that) and "part made real/created in editor and placed on another part" mode. This pause is not noticeable (I don't think) when placing a drill without symmetry, but very noticeable with 2x symmetry and seems exponentially longer with higher symmetry numbers. Dragging a strip miner on to a craft in 4x symmetry freezes the game for 10-15 seconds or so.


KSP.log - https://www.dropbox.com/s/jfp962ydk9b8plm/KSP_MKSDrills.log?dl=0

output_log - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ugk3zhs5oz8d35p/output_log_MKSDrills.txt?dl=0

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4 hours ago, AccidentalDisassembly said:

I'm having a strange issue with MKS drills in the editor on my (heavily modded) 1.3.1 Win10. When I first click on an MKS drill (but not stock drill) to select it in the editor, the game freezes for a second or two. At the same time, many instances of this line appear in KSP.log:

Did you happen to notice all of the NREs caused by EPL in the output_log?

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9 hours ago, sh1pman said:

I really hate to complain about things, but something in MKS slows the game to a crawl. While I can get up to 60 fps with medium sized vessels made of stock parts, it’s down to 20 fps for an 80-part MKS base. It gets even worse with disconnected vessels, the worst performance I’ve seen is 7 fps with 3 disconnected vessels. Something is fishy here, but there’s usually no log spam or nullrefs. Now, I’m playing with GPP and Scatterer, but since I have a stable 60 fps with non-MKS parts, the performance hit is probably CPU-related. Did someone else here have performance issues with MKS ground bases? Especially with disconnected ones?


I'm not a team member, but as I understand it, there is apparently something about the mod Kopernicus that causes MKS bases to take a performance hit. I think Kopernicus is required by GPP, so that's probably it. Not aware of anything to reduce the issue though.

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9 hours ago, sh1pman said:

I really hate to complain about things, but something in MKS slows the game to a crawl. While I can get up to 60 fps with medium sized vessels made of stock parts, it’s down to 20 fps for an 80-part MKS base. It gets even worse with disconnected vessels, the worst performance I’ve seen is 7 fps with 3 disconnected vessels. Something is fishy here, but there’s usually no log spam or nullrefs. Now, I’m playing with GPP and Scatterer, but since I have a stable 60 fps with non-MKS parts, the performance hit is probably CPU-related. Did someone else here have performance issues with MKS ground bases? Especially with disconnected ones?


All good - any chance we can test that on a stock save?  i.e. maybe hyperedit the base to orbit and swap back to stock then re-land it?


(FYI the massive lag I had with GPP was because I had an upgraded settings file... which is bizzare but deleting my settings and redoing them fixed the lag)

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2 hours ago, RoverDude said:

All good - any chance we can test that on a stock save?  i.e. maybe hyperedit the base to orbit and swap back to stock then re-land it?


(FYI the massive lag I had with GPP was because I had an upgraded settings file... which is bizzare but deleting my settings and redoing them fixed the lag)

Sure, I’ll test it on a stock save. 

This is a new 1.3.1 save, btw.

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14 minutes ago, ErevanGaming said:

Just noticed on the MKS wiki in the summary section of the Functions (logistics) page that all of the kontainers don't have the "Planetary Logistics/warehouse" enabled in them anymore. Is this accurate?

Don't know what you're on about, since they are listed as having that.

8 minutes ago, techgamer16 said:

Seems to be just a mod drill issue, the stock ones seem alright.

Could somebody else test this (I'm on old version)?

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Could 'habitation' be made to act in the same way as local logistics?

Ie. guys within walking range of 'habitation' would have access to it.

This would enable one to build bases which do not have to be physically joined to share habitation.

Bases could then be simpler yet larger without worrying as much about kraken attacks.


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2 minutes ago, Daveroski said:


Could 'habitation' be made to act in the same way as local logistics?

Ie. guys within walking range of 'habitation' would have access to it.

This would enable one to build bases which do not have to be physically joined to share habitation.

Bases could then be simpler yet larger without worrying as much about kraken attacks.

It is already like that. Bases within 150m will share habitation.

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